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09-14 投稿



intervenes 发音

英:[ˌɪntəˈviːnz]  美:[ˌɪntərˈviːnz]

英:  美:

intervenes 中文意思翻译



intervenes 常用词组

intervene in ─── 干预;插手;调停

intervenes 词性/词形变化,intervenes变形

动词现在分词: intervening |名词: intervenor |动词过去式: intervened |动词第三人称单数: intervenes |动词过去分词: intervened |形容词: interventional |

intervenes 相似词语短语

1、interveined ─── v.交错,使布满脉络

2、intervene ─── vi.干涉;调停;插入

3、interferes ─── n.干涉(interfere的复数形式);v.妨碍;冲突;干涉(interfere的第三人称单数)

4、interveners ─── 介入诉讼人

5、intervener ─── n.干涉者;介入者;调停者(等于intervenor)

6、intercedes ─── vi.调解,调停;求情,说项

7、interdines ─── 共餐

8、intervened ─── 干涉;介入(intervene的过去式和过去分词)

9、intervenors ─── n.介入者;干涉者

intervenes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the period which intervenes between March 5 and June 5 ─── 介于3月5日和6月5日之间的时期

2、Using taxpayer money to save faltering firms is the most direct, but not the only way the executive branch intervenes in economic crises. ─── 利用纳税人的金钱去挽救摇摇欲坠的公司是财政部门抵挡经济危机的最直接、但并非唯一的手段。

3、Baidu irrigates cold water of one gourd ladle again in the right now oily boiler that intervenes if be in,had boiled undoubtedly. ─── 百度在此时的介入无疑如在已经沸腾的油锅里再浇入一瓢凉水。

4、Then, after their kind principal intervenes and work on the class project resumes, Hannah's baby sister unintentionally destroys many of the gift boxes. ─── 后来,她们和蔼可亲的校长出面才解决了这件事情,活动得以继续进行下去,可是,中途又出了状况,汉纳的小妹妹无意中损坏了很多礼品盒。

5、A week intervenes between Christmas and New Year's Day. ─── 圣诞节与元旦之间相隔一星期。

6、A key issue in economic law is how the government intervenes in economy and how to deal with the relationship between government and market. ─── 经济法领域中要解决的一个核心问题是政府如何干预经济、如何处理政府与市场的关系问题。

7、Methods: 20 cases were applied by nursing interven tion of subclavian vein intubation after tracheotomy. ─── 方法:对20例气管切开患者于锁骨下静脉置管并精心护理。

8、The direct intervenes and manipulations of Emperors have raised the qualities of imperial marriages and consolidated the dominion of feudal dynasticism.6. ─── 5、皇帝对婚姻缔结的直接干预与操纵,提高了皇室的质量,巩固了封建王朝的统治。

9、someone who intervenes with authorities for a person in trouble (usually using underhand or illegal methods for a fee). ─── 权威地介入帮助出于困境中的人的人。

10、Is it evolution that takes us by hand? Does science point our way? Or is it god who intervenes, keeping us safe. ─── 是进化将我们玩弄于鼓掌之中吗?还是科学帮我们指点迷津?还是说是上帝让我们平平安安.

11、and no obstacle whatsoever intervenes at this moment except ignorance to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal. ─── 现在没有什么能阻止这样的构想成为现实,除了无知。

12、Rather than let the market work out any excesses itself, Beijing typically intervenes, often by stopping activity altogether while it assesses which broader policy changes to implement. ─── 对于市场的过度行为,中国政府通常不是让市场自行解决,而是进行主动干预,往往在考虑如何调整政策的同时,叫停一切相关活动。

13、Methods 40 obesity patients was selected in cow street community,through the health education carries on intervenes,after 1 year carries on the effect appraisal. ─── 方法选取北京牛街社区肥胖患者40人,通过健康教育进行干预,1年后进行效果评价。

14、The Chinese central bank, seeing the pressure on the exchange rate, intervenes in the foreign-exchange market. ─── 中国的中央银行,看到了这个汇率压力,就在外汇市场上进行干预。

15、In the midst of the fighting, however, the sun-goddess, Spsi (Shapash), intervenes, advising Mot that no further combat is needed because El is now on the side of Baal. ─── 然而,在战斗的途中,太阳女神沙西(沙帕什)干预了,劝告莫特不要让战斗进一步升级,因为伊尔现在站在巴力那一边。

16、Is the notion of an "exit strategy" before one intervenes, sound strategy or fatuous nonsense invented to gull skeptics? ─── 在干预之前,“撤退政策”的观念是合理的策略,还是欺骗怀疑论者的愚笨废话?

17、It cannot be good for a country to subscribe to a fairy-tale version of its own history in which the king never does wrong, stays above politics and only ever intervenes on the side of democracy. ─── 如果泰国将他们的历史美化为童话,其中国王永远也不会犯错,凌驾于政治之上,永远站在民主一边,那这对泰国是不利的。

18、Motion Intervenes Avidance Algorithm for Parallel Manipulators With Dynamic Programming Method ─── 一种基于动态规划的并联机器人避障方法

19、Skip-- to pass from point to point, omitting or disregarding what intervenes ─── 略过省略或忽视干涉的东西,从一点到另一点通过

20、The Necessity on Our Government Moderately Intervenes to the Agricultural Insurance Market ─── 我国政府对农业保险市场适度干预的必要性

21、The two singers would be the first case which police intervenes in China. ─── 最近,在四川有这样一个案例,两个歌手被指控假唱。

22、One day, however, he meets a wealthy girl and gets torn between love and power, until fate intervenes with a tragic twist. ─── 可是有一天,他遇到另一位富家女,从此就纠缠于爱情和权力中,直至悲剧命运的介入。

23、Each time the current changes directions, a period of no current, known as slack water, intervenes. ─── 每当潮流改变方向时,中间都有一段叫做平潮的无潮流阶段.

24、The resolution, he said, “makes groundless accusations against China’s religious policies” and “rudely intervenes in China’s internal affairs. ─── 他说,该决议“无端指责中国宗教政策”,“粗暴干涉中国内政”。

25、The government labor department intervenes and ensures that the mistake is corrected promptly whenever women are found to be discriminated against in their work units,and it stipulates that women get their normal pay during maternity leave. ─── 一旦发现用人单位有歧视妇女的现象,政府劳动部门即予以纠正。劳动部门还作出了妇女在产假期报酬不变的规定。

26、EU commissioner intervenes in the Microsoft case ─── 欧盟专员介入微软垄断案

27、someone who intervenes with authorities for a person in trouble (usually using underhand or illegal methods for a fee) ─── 权威地介入,帮助出于困境中的人的人

28、Standards intervenes in the research field of fuel cell at the early stage and promotes the industrialization process of new technologies ─── 标准早期介入燃料电池研究领域推动新技术产业化进程

29、When God intervenes He doesn't need any help. ─── 当神插手的时候,祂不需要任何的帮助。

30、Secondly, the government intervenes in stock market directly by setting down regulations, controlling capital or stock provision and making it characterized by "policy market" distinctively. ─── 二是政府频频运用出台股市政策、控制资金或股票供给等手段直接干预股市的运行,使之表现出明显的“政策市”特征。

31、The loop is treated as repeating that many times or until another player intervenes, whichever comes first. ─── 此循环就当作重复那么多次或直到有其它玩家介入,看哪个先发生。

32、Human consciousness often intervenes in creations that have gone into vast distortion in the Tao. ─── 人类意识经常会介入到道里已进入巨大扭曲的造物中。

33、A week intervenes between Christmas and New Year's Day . ─── 圣诞节与元旦之间相距一周。

34、And it is to talk from opposing inactivity that the government intervenes, which belongs to passive liberty according to Berlin's differentiation. ─── 政界自由是从反对政府千步的消极意义上讲的,按照伯林的区分,属于消极自由。

35、Here slang intervenes and takes it up: Candle, camoufle. ─── 在这里参加意见说:“Chandelle,camoufle①。”

36、If we get aware of how the bad habits arouse the inner conflict of our mind, we will make clear that how the past intervenes the present, and we would be not inundated by the past. ─── 当我们领悟了习气是怎样在我们的内心引起种种冲突,我们就会明白过去是如何入于当下的,因而我们也就不会再被过去所淹没。

37、In this respect let's remember that administrative power still intervenes in market transactions in many ways, so owners of private businesses often take the mistaken path of crony capitalism. ─── 在这方面我们需要注意管理的权力仍然用很多方式干涉市场交易,因此私营工商业被带入群资本主义的错误的道路。

38、The complement system intervenes in several phases of the inflammatory process. ─── 补体系统干预了炎症过程的数条途径。

39、When the prince threatens to harm Bobby's family, Samantha intervenes and strikes a deal with the Saudi government that ends the crisis. ─── 当皇太子威胁要伤害卫波比的家人之时,贝祖琳向沙地政府提出协议,试图解除危机。

40、The general is waylaid in a forest by a shadowy, sad-eyed assassin, Snow Wolf (Liu Ye), who lets him go when the sl***e intervenes. ─── 在一个树林里,将军被人伏击了,伏击者是一个有阴暗、忧伤眼神的刺客,叫做鬼狼(刘烨),但是当昆仑奴出现的时候,刺客就停止了纠缠。

41、But no matter how much a parent intervenes, siblings have a unique power over each other. ─── 不过无论家长们多么努力介入,兄弟姐妹之间总存在着一种相互影响的独特力量。

42、Social work always regards the troubled families as one of its service places, family social work intervenes in the troubled families with professional methods persuing for the solution of problems. ─── 社会工作一直把陷入困境的家庭作为服务领域之一,家庭社会工作者采用专业方法介入家庭问题的解决。

43、He prods when the discussion does not go deep enough, intervenes when it veers off track, and mediates when it turns combative. ─── 当讨论太过肤浅时,他会适时加以刺激;当讨论偏离轨道时,他会介入纠正;而当讨论趋于火爆时,也会居中协调。

44、When fate intervenes, he pulls over to help a stranger in a car wreck. ─── 在害羞和不舒服的新环境下,法兰克鼓起勇气参加了舞蹈班。

45、COM engages are earlier, the opportunity that giant intervenes under photograph comparing should be gotten late much. ─── COM接触的时间比较早,相比之下巨人介入的时机要晚得多。

46、In monitor product increasingly coessential change today, china amount intervenes it may be said of this one domain is time very short. ─── 而第二落点由于少人跟防,一般可以轻易破门得分。在显示器产品日益同质化的今天,神州数码介入这一领域可谓是时间很短。

47、You can't see the lake from there because the house intervenes. ─── 在那儿你无法看到湖,因为有房子介于其间。

48、It also intervenes unfairly on its companies' behalf, they claim, by offering big aid packages to countries that welcome Chinese investment. ─── 它也会通过对那些欢迎中国投资的国家提供庞大外援以维护本国公司的利益。这种政治权力的介入,对它们而言是不公平的。

49、The meeting will be held on Monday if nothing intervenes. ─── 如果没有什么特殊事情,会议将于星期一举行。

50、As for us, when Providence intervenes and strikes, we let it work. ─── 至于我们,在上天不佑、降以大祸时,我们只能听其自然。

51、Professionally design product shape: from sample transition 3D data parts, according ID concept picture build 3D solider part, design shape idea, analyses assembly, simulation analyses intervenes. ─── 由样板转化3D图,按ID概念图构造3D图,外观设计,组装设计分析,模拟运动干涉分析。

52、If no one intervenes, the hunts can be lethal. ─── 倘若无人干涉,搜捕巫师通常可以置人死地。

53、Whether that creates social upheaval will depend on how many companies go bust( probably many); whether new jobs are available; and whether the government intervenes with emergency subsidies( it has in the past). ─── 不管是否会出现新的工作机会,也不管政府是否用紧急救助来干预(去是这样做的)是否造成对社会的冲击将取决于有多少家公司破产。

54、Between pairing marriage and monogamy intervenes a period in the upper stage of barbarism when men have female slaves at their command and polygamy is practiced. ─── 在野蛮时代高级阶段,在对偶婚制和一夫一妻制之间,插入了男子对女奴隶的统治和多妻制。

55、In second language (L2) writing, researchers are presented with the additional opportunity to examine how metalinguistic awareness intervenes in the development of L2 learners' grammatical knowledge. ─── 在第二语言书写中,学者们同时有额外的机会检验后设语言觉知如何介入第二语言学习者文法知识的发展。

56、The community nurses intervenes to diabetes patient plasma glucose influence ─── 社区护理干预对糖尿病患者血糖的影响

57、Lotensin Intervenes Kidney Damage to the Old Man Hypertension ─── 洛丁新对老年高血压性肾损害的干预作用

58、I will come if nothing intervenes. ─── 假若没有别的事,我一定来。

59、Generally speaking, during the long wave upward period, if no randomd blast intervenes, the fluctuation of short cycle and major cycle may relatively abate. ─── 在长波上升期中 ,如果没有外生的重大随机冲击 ,短周期和主周期一般来说会出现波动相对弱化现象。

60、The green landscape and the underground shopping center intervenes and forms space composed by the buildings which will become a new center in the city development. ─── 地面绿化景观与地下购物中心空间交融,形成了整体有机的建筑空间环境,构成城市发展中新的中心区域。

61、Coxcombical wind be current, do group of concerns maladjusted, administration intervenes strength does not follow to go up; ─── 浮夸风盛行,干群关系失调,行政干预力度跟不上;

62、It intervenes in Africa so much only because African countries have been unable or unwilling to handle complex and costly trials themselves. ─── 它最终需要介入,仅仅是因为一些非洲国家自己无法或不愿意处理那些复杂与花费昂贵的案件。

63、I shall come if nothing intervenes. ─── 如果没什么别的事我会来的。

64、The rear wheels do not drop one in the first turn and when the stability system intervenes, it is quiet and undramatic. ─── 后轮在第一个转弯中从不拖后腿,当平衡系统介入时,它是安静而平淡无奇的。

65、I shall leave on Sunday if nothing intervenes. ─── 若无什么事情发生的话,我将於星期天动身。

66、He intervenes in case of trouble during warranty period and after warranty. ─── 要及时解决在合同执行过程中和之后的问题。

67、But an angry stomach intervenes. Bile regurgitates back up to the throat -- Andy finds he is literally "swallowing bitterness" . ─── 但胃又开始翻江倒海,胆汁返到了嗓子眼——马普安觉得自己真是“有苦水往肚子里咽”。

68、A week intervenes between Christmas and New Year's (Day). ─── 圣诞节与新年之间隔一个星期。

69、Is it evolution that takes us by the hand, does Science point our way, or is it God who intervenes keeping us safe. ─── 是进化将我们玩弄于鼓掌之中吗?还是科学帮我们指点迷津?还是说是上帝让我们平平安安。

70、It emphasizes the meaning autonomous of people, and removes the intervenes from the other people and the nation. ─── 它强调当事人的意思自治,排除他人的不正当干预,也排除国家公权力的不法干预。

71、government intervenes ─── 政府干预

72、Using taxpayer money to save faltering firms is the most direct, but not the only way the executive branch intervenes in economic crises. ─── 利用纳税人的金钱去挽救摇摇欲坠的公司是财政部门抵挡经济危机的最直接、但并非唯一的手段。

73、IPT intervenes at the levels of symptom formation and social functioning, and does not attempt to alter aspects of the client's personality. ─── 在介入程度间隙形成和社会功能症状、而不是试图改变方面客户的个性.

74、If no one intervenes, the hunts can be lethal. ─── 倘若无人干涉,搜捕巫师通常可以置人死地。

75、Raskolnikov intervenes in behalf of a young girl who has evidently been raped, engages a policeman to help her, then suddenly tells the policeman to mind his own business. ─── 拉斯可尼可夫介入一个被强暴的女孩与帮助她的警察之间,但又突然告诉警察管好自己的事。

76、Otherwise it would have gone into some future edition, for WEEKLY SAGAMORES do not waste "live" matter, and in their galleys "live" matter is immortal, unless a pi accident intervenes. ─── 本来,这条讣告将来还可以用,因为《萨加摩尔周报》从来不糟蹋“备用”稿,只要字版不乱,“备用”稿就常备不懈。

77、Nursing intervenes to the alcoholic liver cirrhosis patient ethyl alcohol abstention breaks sickness the effect observation ─── 护理干预对酒精性肝硬化患者酒精戒断治疗效果观察

78、Discussions about Judicature Intervenes in Medical Disputes ─── 有关司法介入医疗纠纷案件的探讨

79、Diapause intervenes in all the major stages of the life cycle, and the egg stage is one of the most suitable stages for diapause. ─── 滞育可以发生在昆虫生命过程中的任何时期,其中卵期是最适昆虫滞育的时期之一。

80、I shall start on Sunday if nothing intervenes. ─── 如果没有什么特殊事情发生,我星期日就动身。

81、The Biblical meaning of this sad word is that man is lost to God forever unless a Saviour intervenes. ─── 按照圣经的解释,自人类始祖犯罪以后,人在神眼中已经是失丧的。

82、Other website intervenes very quickly, the most typical is one is called play get together the website of SR. ─── 其他网站很快就介入,最典型的是一个叫做玩聚SR的网站。

83、If the Party intervenes in everything, it will not help the people understand the importance of the rule of law. ─── 党干预太多,不利于在全体人民中树立法制观念。

84、I shall come if nothing intervenes ─── 如果没有别的事, 我就来。

85、Superfically, this seems to be a kind of contradiction.But it is not in fact, because the American law just intervenes with intersectoral combination, not with non-intersectoral combination. ─── 从表现看,这似乎存在着矛盾,但实际上并不存在矛盾,因为美国法律只对横向合并干预,而对非横向合并没有涉及。

86、At this point of intersection and transformation, Socrates intervenes and declares his love for Alcibiades. ─── 在这个交会蜕变的时刻,苏格拉底介入宣说他对于阿希比底思的敬爱。

87、I shall leave on Sunday if nothing intervenes . ─── 如果没有别的事,我星期天动身。

88、When knowledge intervenes, desire extends too far.Desire becomes lion and tiger that go on the rampage. ─── 可是通过知识的加深及推波助澜,欲望获得了空前的伸张,这时的欲望就成为了狮子、老虎,向各处横冲直撞。

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