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09-16 投稿



harries 发音

英:[ˈhæriz]  美:[ˈhæriz]

英:  美:

harries 中文意思翻译



harries 词性/词形变化,harries变形

动词第三人称单数: harries |动词现在分词: harrying |动词过去式: harried |动词过去分词: harried |

harries 短语词组

1、Harries reaction ─── [化] 哈里斯反应

harries 常用词组

harry potter ─── 哈利·波特(著名系列小说《哈利·波特》中的主人公)

harries 相似词语短语

1、gharries ─── n.车,马车

2、harriers ─── n.(Harriers)人名;(瑞典)哈里斯

3、harrier ─── n.猎兔犬;越野竞走者;抢劫者,侵略者

4、carries ─── v.携带;传递;运载;怀孕(carry的第三人称单数形式)

5、barries ─── adj.(纹章)以(四、六或八组)横线作均衡分隔的;n.错误,令人失望的表演

6、harried ─── adj.疲惫不堪的,受折磨的,受骚扰的;v.烦扰;反复进攻;强使前进(harry的过去式和过去分词)

7、harpies ─── n.残忍贪婪的女人;传说中鹰身女妖(harpy的复数形式)

8、hardies ─── adj.坚强的;勇敢的;能吃苦耐劳的;鲁莽的;n.强壮的人;耐寒植物;方柄凿

9、herries ─── n.(Herries)人名;(英)赫里斯

harries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Harri Koskela ─── 科斯凯拉

2、the Right Reverend Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford ─── 牛津主教理查德·哈里斯大人.

3、"The film builds to that incredible and depressing crossroads, " said Harries. "That is the human tragedy of it all. " ─── “电影强化了那种不可思议和令人压抑的艰难抉择,”哈瑞斯说。“这就是电影所要体现的人性悲剧。”

4、GUTO HARRI: Anti-euro campaigners suspect this experiment has less to do with pleasing the tourists, than prompting an unpopular political project. Ditching the pound. ─── 从事反对欧元运动的人士怀疑这次试验的目的并不是真地要取悦游客,而是要推行一项不受欢迎的政治计划,那就是废弃英镑。

5、"From Harries, the ice melts. And spring comes followed by summer soon to die. For after her comes autumn and then back to winter when nothing moves. ─── 因为饱受煎熬,所以冰雪才会融化.春的到来也会因为夏的接踵而寿终正寝.如约而至的秋走后就会是冬的回归,一切(冰雪)没有任何变化.

6、China has rejected an American accusation that five of its ships harries harassed a US navy surveillance vessel in the international waters in the South China seaSea. ─── 中国否认了美国关于“五艘中国船阻挠美国海军勘测船在中国南海的测量活动”的指责。

7、Finland's Harri Olli soars through the air during the large hill ski jumping FIS World Cup event in Liberec, Czech Republic on February 9, 2008. ─── 芬兰的哈里霍奥利剧增通过空气在大山跳台滑雪电世界杯赛事利贝雷茨,捷克共和国2008年2月9号。

8、Bishop Harries ─── 哈里斯主教

9、.. 2 New Harries. ─── 也说CMB提额问题 .

10、At his heel, a small dog harries him (or tries to warn him of a possible mis-step). ─── 在他的脚旁,一只小狗不断提醒他。

11、Harries will back me up wholeheartedly as he used to. ─── 哈里斯会像过去一样全心全意地支持我。

12、GUTO HARRI: And if the eurozone helps bring in the tourists, most local traders will be happy with it. ─── 如果成为欧元区能够为小镇带来大批游客,本地大多数商人都会感到高兴。

13、R.T.K. Baker, P.S. Harries, “Chemistry and Physics of Carbon”, Marcel ─── 成会明,张劲燕,“奈米碳管”,五南图书出版股份有限公司

14、So why are you still so polite to him? Harries asked. ─── "那麽你为什麽还是对他那麽客气?"哈理斯问他。

15、With chiding grumbles, the Greater Daemon harries those who are tardy in advancing or who seem less energetic in the pursuit of Nurgle's goals. ─── 用怨骂的斥责,大恶魔不断烦扰那些迟缓前进,对追逐纳垢的目标缺乏动力的家伙。

16、Li Ping: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Harries? ─── 李平:对不起,请问您是哈里斯先生吗?

17、GUTO HARRI: European tourists have come here with their new common currency, and are delighted that most banks, shops, and restaurants are taking it. ─── 欧洲游客带着他们新的通用货币来到这里,发现大多数银行、商铺和饭店都接受欧元,感到很高兴。

18、At his heel, a small dog harries him (or tries to warn him of a possible mis-step). ─── 在他的脚旁,一只小狗不断提醒他。

19、Mr. Harries: Yes. Are you from the travel service? ─── 哈里斯:是的.您是旅行社的吗?

20、"they walked ahead continued.said Harries. ─── 他们继续前行时,哈理斯问道。

21、Li Ping: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Harries? ─── 李平:对不起,请问您是哈里斯先生吗?

22、H. E. Brindley, and J. E. Harries Space and Atmospheric Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imp ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

23、He knows how to read the game much better than any of our defensive players, harries quite well, has a decent engine on him and is very strong in the tackle. ─── 他知道他阅读比赛的能力完全胜过我们的任何一位防守球员,干扰对手做的很不错,他的小马达开动起来也很有动力,而且铲球拦截非常强壮。

24、In defence, he harries attacking midfielders and helps protect the defensive line. ─── 防守中,逼抢对方进攻性中场,帮助保护防线。

25、Harri Siljander ─── 西尔扬德尔

26、Harries said the genesis of the project goes back to the early 1990s when he and his wife visited Burma. ─── 哈瑞斯表示,这部电影的起源要追溯到上世纪九十年代早期,当时他和妻子访问了缅甸。

27、"We were slipping in to the recession and this was going to be a tough, expensive movie, " said Harries. ─── “经济不景气,我们本打算拍一部精彩且昂贵的电影,”哈瑞斯说。

28、Alabama State Senator Harri Anne Smith said she was informed during a briefing with the Alabama Department of Public Safety that the casualties totaled 10, including the shooter. ─── 十一日,当地警方仍在就上述案件展开调查,目前尚不清楚凶手的作案动机。“他清洗了他全家,我们不知道什么是让他这么做的原因。”

29、One that harries. ─── 掠夺者

30、Harries will back me up wholeheartedly as he used to. ─── 哈里斯会像过去一样全心全意地支持我。

31、Yet Howard Harries, who teaches corporate ethics in Adelaide, Singapore and Hong Kong, says research shows that, when taught, people can become better at ethical decisions. ─── 在阿德莱德、新加坡和香港讲授公司伦理课程的霍华德?哈里斯(HowardHarries)表示,研究显示,接受过相关教育后,人们会更善于做出伦理决策。

32、Harries reaction ─── 哈里斯反应

33、PRECOCIOUS whizz kid James Harries had his own antiques business by the age of 10 and, at 14, wrote a book called Rags To Riches. ─── 早熟的神童詹姆斯·哈里斯(JamesHarries)在10岁前,就在做古董生意。14岁时,又写了第一本书《白手起家》。

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