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09-16 投稿



implicative 发音

英:[[ɪm'plɪkətɪv]]  美:[[ɪm'plɪkətɪv]]

英:  美:

implicative 中文意思翻译



implicative 短语词组

1、implicative verbs ─── 含蓄动词

2、implicative verb ─── 隐含动词

3、be implicative of each other ─── [法] 相互牵连

implicative 词性/词形变化,implicative变形

副词: implicatively |形容词: implica-tive |

implicative 相似词语短语

1、implicate ─── vt.使卷入;涉及;暗指;影响

2、explicative ─── adj.阐明的;解释的

3、ampliative ─── adj.扩大的;扩展的,扩充的

4、complicative ─── 复杂的;并发症;复杂化;复合物

5、implicating ─── vt.使卷入;涉及;暗指;影响

6、imbricative ─── 叠瓦的

7、applicative ─── adj.可适用的

8、duplicative ─── 加倍的

9、implicatively ─── 含蓄地

implicative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、positive implicative BCK - algebra ─── 正蕴涵BCK一代数

2、Many composers of the lyric inherit the expressing ways as well as the format of classical poetry to emphasize the implicative atmosphere in modern songs. ─── 许多词作者在创作中继承了传统诗词的表现手法,借鉴了古诗词的体式用语,运用了许多古诗词中的传统意象,表现出中国传统文化含蓄、写意的特点。

3、Common Hegation and Implicative Negation ─── 普通否定与含意否定

4、Ages and ages ago, Fu Xi assigned to the existing patterns emblematic implic ation from two Yi's and four Xiang's of Yin Yang. ─── 远古的伏羲 ,只是将这样的现成图像赋予了阴阳两仪与四象的含义。

5、On the Implicative Negation in Modern English ─── 关于现代英语中的隐性否定

6、He hopes the design style of the bedroom can consider the idea of elder and real function, already composed, implicative, concise, natural. ─── 他希望居室的设计风格能考虑到长辈的观念与现实功能,既沉稳、含蓄,又简洁、自然。

7、be implicative of each other ─── adj. 互相牵连

8、FSN's design philosophy is the classic of fashion aesthetic in Italy.Grace, implicative, elegant, exquisite can be used to describe FSN well, and it stands for Italy fashion style. ─── 梵沙尼的设计理念就是意大利时尚美学的经典,其优雅、含蓄、大方、简洁及做工考究、极其贴切,代表了意大利时装风格。

9、implicative semilattices ─── 蕴涵半格

10、After toilet used vitreous brick wall, solved moistureproof wet problem already, had hazy implicative beauty again. ─── 卫生间采用了玻璃砖墙后,既解决了防潮湿问题,又有了朦胧的含蓄美。

11、The Practical Significance of the True-value Rules for Implicative Proposition ─── 蕴涵式命题真值规定的现实意义

12、If there should be the reason why, then maybe it was because that movement is so implicative. ─── 若欲思其故,则盖因是章含蓄也。

13、Judging the Effect of College English Teaching by the Implicative Theory of Conversation ─── 从会话含义理论看大学英语教学的效果

14、Leaf of bamboo, lotus and cacti, the green that belongs to nature piece; The colour like algal, seaweed, moss brings green to ash brown, very implicative; And silvan green feels to person stability. ─── 竹子、莲花叶和仙人掌,属于自然的绿色块;海藻、海草、苔藓般的色彩则将绿色引向灰棕色,十分含蓄;而森林的绿色则给人稳定感。

15、Implicative posemigroup ─── 蕴涵半群

16、There is an implicative meaning of autobiography in Xu's travel notes which basically comes in the form of a diary. ─── 摘要徐霞客的游记是日记体,基本具备了自传的要素,因而具有自传意义。

17、The reasonable charge that pecuniary loss of implicative compensation accuser reachs pay 8000 yuan 1800 yuan. ─── 连带赔偿原告经济损失8000元及支出的合理费用1800元。

18、The image in Tang poems is more implicative and agile while that in Song ci-poems all related to sexual inter, the reasons of which link to public morals and different status of the poetry. ─── 唐诗中“巫山云雨”含义丰富,用法灵活,不似宋词里全关风月,这是由于世风及诗词的不同地位所决定。

19、With the characters of multi-mechanism,multi-pathways,multi-targets between AD and DNA microarray,this technique will speed up the discovery genes and gene pathways implic... ─── 简要综述DNA微阵列技术应用于阿尔茨海默病发病机制、早期诊断及防治药物等方面的研究进展。

20、C.The enterprise that accredits the resident representative office have the implicative liability to the office. ─── 2-3)派出企业要对所设的常驻代表机构负连带责任;

21、The author of this article attempts to sort out the basic issues in ecological restoration and further reveals the absurdity and implic... ─── 笔者通过勾勒生态恢复的生态学视野和社会科学视野的轮廓及其限度,尝试对上述生态恢复的基本问题进行梳理,进而揭示生态恢复的悖谬性及其启示意义。

22、The sightseeing with implicative to skyline sightseeing group photograph leaves a message, group of fabaceous valve sightseeing used more intuitionistic means. ─── 相对于天涯观光团含蓄的观光留言,豆瓣观光团则使用了更直观的方式。

23、implicative verb ─── 蕴涵性动词

24、The swerve of humanities and social science research and its implicative value ─── 人文社会科学研究的转向及其价值意蕴

25、The way that Gates likes to be communicated with the short message to the Chinese does not understand, tang Jun explained implicative culture of China to him, and the difference of Sino-US culture. ─── 盖茨对中国人喜欢用短信沟通的方式不理解,唐骏向他解释了中国的含蓄文化,以及中美文化的差异。

26、Some of Liu Zongyuan’s poems are plain, implicative like Tao Yuanming’s, some are pure and refined ,and some are direct when expressing emotions. ─── 柳宗元的诗歌中既有甘于退隐与寂寞、风格如陶诗平淡自然的蕴藉之诗,又有孤清峭厉、锤炼精刻的精工之章,还有哀怨凄怆、胸臆直抒的酸楚之作。

27、The Relationship Between Implicative Filter and principal Filter ─── 关联滤子与主滤子的关系

28、The three classes of homomorphisms of implicative posemigroups are in vestigated. The three homomorphism theorems are established. ─── 在蕴涵偏序半群中引入了三类同态,讨论了它们的关系和性质,并且给出了三个同态定理.

29、Her Na Jinzong's lubricious grace double lip, be like the Shui Runliang like bud lustre, send out implicative classic beauty, expression gives high and rich heart. ─── 她那金棕色的优雅双唇,有如蓓蕾般水润亮泽,散发含蓄的古典之美,表达出高贵而丰富的内心。

30、It is quite prevalent and implicative for hydrocarbon showings of upper paleozoic on drilling in the region of hangjinqi. ─── 摘要钻探表明,杭锦旗地区上古生界油气显示十分普遍且具有连片性。

31、Chinese are inside collect, implicative. ─── 中国人是内敛的,含蓄的。

32、Positive Implicative BCI-algebras ─── 正定关联BCI-代数

33、artifacts suggestive of an ancient society; an implicative statement ─── 暗示着古代社会的史前文物;有隐含意义的陈述

34、9 see joke: The first, implicative and missish, abasement and civilized, must not clap laughs, the behavior that walk fast; ─── 9看笑话: 第一、含蓄矜持,谦卑有礼,不得有拍手大笑,健步如飞之行为;

35、fuzzy implicative algebras ─── Fuzzy蕴涵代数

36、Based on the theory and method of residual lattice, the equivalent definitions of MV-algebras, R0-algebras, implicative algebras, FI-algebras, BL-algebras were given. ─── 摘要基于剩余格的理论与方法给出了MV-代数、R0-代数、格蕴涵代数、FI-代数、BL-代数与剩余格代数的定义的等价形式;

37、Women pay much more attention to the accuracy of their speech.And their speech is more graceful, more implicative and euphemistic. ─── 女性无论从语音、词汇还是语法方面都更注重语言的准确性,更注意语言的文雅、含蓄和委婉。

38、The Pointwise Characterizations of Fuzzy Implicative Ideal in BCK-algebras ─── BCK-代数的模糊关联理想的点态刻画

39、On the Implicative Hypothetical Premises of the Transformation from Specific Labor to Abstract Labor ─── 具体劳动转化为抽象劳动的隐含假设探微

40、The leading role of this seasonal and popular bleachers still is on any account different cusp high-heeled shoes, the implicative sole that is ignored all along also sadly revolution rises. ─── 这个季节流行看台的主角依然是高低不同的尖头高跟鞋,连带着一向被人忽视的鞋底也悄然革命起来。

41、implicative negation ─── 含意否定

42、conversational implicative ─── 会话含意

43、The imperial porcelains of Song Dynasty, represented for the typical royal porcelains, have plain and implicative glaze, embodying the innermost meaning. ─── 以宋官窑瓷代表典型的御用瓷,其釉色平淡含蓄,素雅之中表现着内心的意蕴。

44、implicative filters ─── 蕴涵滤子

45、fuzzy implicative ideal ─── 模糊关联理想

46、Implicative bit stroke beautiful hair gently, corners of the mouth is like happy event return be angry; ─── 含蓄点儿的轻抚秀发,嘴角似喜还嗔;

47、Thick orange filled whole space, it is light, showily, melting still, implicative. ─── 浓浓的橙色布满了整个空间,是光明、华贵,还是甜美、含蓄。

48、This paper gives a theorem extending usual implic it function theorem.This theorem has larger range of application than usual impl icit function theorem. ─── 对数学分析中的隐函数定理进行了适当的改进,使它的适应范围有所扩大.

49、The Classification and Characteristic of The Implicative Semantic Role ─── 义位中隐含语义角色的分类及特征

50、The first group of poems are implicative, previewing the characters in the novel by means of decomposing the Chinese characters or resonance. ─── 一类是配合书中角色的性格命运,模拟角色的声情口吻抒发角色自我的感慨;

51、bounded implicative ─── 有界蕴涵

52、9 see joke: The first, implicative and missish, abasement and civilized, must not clap laughs, the behavior that walk fast! ─── 9看笑话: 第一, 含蓄矜持,谦卑有礼,不得有拍手大笑,健步如飞之行为!

53、artifacts suggestive of an ancient society; an implicative statement. ─── 暗示着古代社会的史前文物;有隐含意义的陈述。

54、theory of social implicative relationship ─── 社会连带理论

55、Generally speaking, men expressions comparative candor, literally, female expressions comparison implicative, grave. ─── 一般说来,男性用语比较直率、随便,女性用语比较含蓄、庄重。

56、The prospects of development in tree genomics are discussed, which may be implicative for accelerating forest tree genomics studies in China. ─── 另外,探讨了林木基因组学研究的发展趋势,以期为我国林木基因组学研究提供有益的参考。

57、a positive implicative filter ─── 正蕴涵滤子

58、If you used Oriental implicative, might as well to experience a clown' s unbridled, can let you forget. ─── 如果你习惯于东方人的含蓄,不妨前来体验一把小丑的放肆,准能让您忘记身份。

59、In this paper we consider the semisimplicity of implicative BCK-alge-bras and obtain several equivalent conditions which an implicative BCK-algebra is semisimple. ─── 本文考虑关联BCK-代数的半单性,得到这类代数为半单的若干等价条件。

60、The article basically discusses an among them facet, the problem that develops continuously namely, implicative move is brief discuss rapid development issue. ─── 本文主要探讨其中的一个方面,即持续发展的问题,连带着简要论述快速发展问题。

61、Thick orange filled whole space, it is light, showily, melting still, implicative. ─── 浓浓的橙色布满了整个空间,是光明、华贵,还是甜美、含蓄。

62、implicative BCI algebras are described completely via BCI implicative ideals. ─── bci关联理想完全刻画了关联BCI代数。

63、Adjoint semigroup of bounded implicative BCK-algebra ─── 有界蕴涵BCK-代数的伴随半群

64、When the person is in pressure to fall, deputy adrenalin is met heighten, implicative skin also is affected. ─── 当人处于压力下时,副肾上腺素会增高,连带皮肤也受到影响。

65、Implicative BCI-algebras ─── 关联BCI-代数

66、artifacts suggestive of an ancient society; an implicative statement. ─── 暗示着古代社会的史前文物;有隐含意义的陈述。

67、While expounding the ellipsis of the objects in Kazak discourse, the author puts forward the implicative concept and analyses the two phenomena and their formation. ─── 在阐述哈萨克语语篇中宾语省略问题的同时,提出了哈萨克语宾语隐含的概念,并对两种隐含现象及形成原因做了初步的分析,提出了自己的看法。

68、(This paper explores the implicative language style in the advertising creation and translation, and studies its functions in the respects of terms, syntax, rhetoric and culture psychology of nations. ─── 摘 要:文章拟通过词语、句式、修辞及民族文化心理,探索广告语言创意及翻译中具有含蓄性的语言风格,并就其功能进行研究。

69、The decorative pattern of curtain fabric should have change, colour should implicative and ad cool-headed, can have the artistic effect of rich and interior space so. ─── 窗帘织物的花纹要有变化,色彩应含蓄沉着,这样可以起到丰富室内空间的艺术效果。

70、Are not just exquisite, but also implicative as well. ─── 不光精美而且还有寓意呢。

71、These allusions made his prose authoritative, persuasive, vivid, distinct, implicative, elegant. ─── 这些典故使他的散文更具权威性,更有说服力;

72、The first, appearing on the market is not a goal that says we do this enterprise to be him set, I think that is go coming true in us we are other a among the process of the target implicative result. ─── 第一,上市从来不是说我们做这个企业为自己设定的一个目标,我认为那是在我们去实现我们别的目标的过程当中的一个连带结果。

73、This issue is not lone, a few more implicative potential problem. ─── 这个问题并不孤立,还连带一些潜在问题。

74、implicative algebras ─── 格蕴涵代数

75、Abstract: This paper gives a theorem extending usual implic it function theorem.This theorem has larger range of application than usual impl icit function theorem. ─── 摘 要: 对数学分析中的隐函数定理进行了适当的改进,使它的适应范围有所扩大.

76、Through catching the customer's implicative needs, provide customer oriental service. ─── 通过了解客户的需求,提供客户与销售相关的客户导向的服务。

77、the positive implicative MP filter ─── 正蕴涵MP滤子

78、Moreover, the relations between implicative closure operators and implicative closure systems are investigated. ─── 进一步研究了蕴涵闭包算子和蕴涵闭包系统的关系。

79、Adjoint semigroup of bounded implicative BCK algebra ─── 有界蕴涵BCK代数的伴随半群

80、Implicative and Fuzzy Implicative Ideals of Lattice Implication Algebras ─── 格蕴涵代数的关联理想与模糊关联理想

81、In this paper, we define the concepts of fuzzifying subalgebras, fuzzifying ideals,and fuzzifying implicative ideals in BCK-algebras and discuss their properties and relations among them. ─── 在BCK-代数中定义了不分明化子代数和不分明化理想的概念,讨论了它们的性质及彼此间的关系。

82、Starting from the structural semiotic, it points out the systematic constructing principle of poetic text and the inner mechanism of Poetic implicative generation. ─── 该原则从结构主义符号学的立场出发,指出了诗文本在语言层面的建构原理和诗歌含义生成的内在机理。

83、The positive implicative of dual ideals in bounded BCK-algebra ─── 有界BCK-代数中的正关联对偶理想

84、implicative liability ─── 连带责任

85、If this kinds of furniture matchs palace lantern of on a few Chinese style again, the east that its convey is implicative wisdom criterion houseful diffuses. ─── 该类家具假如再配上几盏中式宫灯,其表达的东方含蓄聪明则满屋弥漫。

86、The fundament implic of thi exampl is that the need and desir to commun across differ in cultur and ideolog is not onli felt by the two countri but by mani other nation as well. ─── 这一事件充分标明:不同文化、不同意识形态之间的交流不只仅是两个国家的需要和愿望,也是更多其它国家的心声。


88、Fuzzy implication algebra is a kind of algebraic abstraction of implicative connection of logic system which value is in [-0,1]. ─── Fuzzy蕴涵代数是[0, 1]值逻辑蕴涵联结词的一种代数抽象。

89、The colour like algal, seaweed, moss brings green to ash brown, very implicative; ─── 海藻、海草、苔藓般的色彩则将绿色引向灰棕色,十分含蓄;

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