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heterodox 发音

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heterodox 中文意思翻译



heterodox 网络释义

adj. 异端的;非正统的

heterodox 短语词组

1、heterodox economics ─── 非主流经济学

2、heterodox academy ─── 异端学院

3、heterodox speculation ─── 非正统推测

heterodox 词性/词形变化,heterodox变形

比较级--more heterodox;最高级--most heterodox。

heterodox 相似词语短语

1、heterosex ─── n.异性性欲,异性恋;异性性行为

2、heteropod ─── 异足类

3、heteroatom ─── n.杂原子,杂环原子

4、heterocont ─── 异CONT

5、heterodyne ─── v.使(交变无线电信号)混合以产生外差效果;adj.(无线电传播中)外差的,外差法的

6、heterodoxy ─── n.异端,异端邪说

7、heterodoxies ─── n.异端,异端邪说

8、heterodoxly ─── adj.异端的;非正统的(heterodox的变形)

9、heterodont ─── 异形牙的;异齿系动物

heterodox 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Emerged in 1870s as a result from the heterodox revolution, the mathematic school represented by Valras and Javons stands for the earliest important mathematic formalist attempt in economics. ─── 摘要19世纪70年代的边际革命导致了以瓦尔拉斯和杰文斯为代表的所谓数理学派的诞生,这是经济学中数学形式主义最早的重要尝试。

2、The Neopolitical Economy: The Paradigm Revolution and the Synthesis of Heterodox Economics ─── 新政治经济学:范式革命与异端的综合

3、heterodox; perverse ─── 邪僻

4、For this reason, the Jewish civilization has, over the long years, often been considered something “alien” or even “heterodox”, usually squeezed and assaulted by the host civilization. ─── 正因为此,在漫长的岁月里,犹太文明常常被视为“外来”的甚至“异端”的东西,以至受到客居地主体文明的强烈冲击乃至挤压。

5、As a fierce critic of neo-classical economics, the evolutionary economics is called heterodox economics by mainstream economics. ─── 演化经济学作为新古典主义经济学的猛烈批评者,被主流经济学称之为异端经济学。

6、a heterodox opinion, person ─── 非正统见解﹑ 持非正统观点的人.

7、The strong field of Orthodox School and Heterodox Schools and Heretical Sects can be simply compared to the relationship between big magnets and small magnets. ─── 这种正道与非正道的强场,可以用大小磁石之间的关系作简单的比喻。

8、Whatever seemingly "good things" we learn as a heterodox, relativist, humanist or unbeliever/atheist must be left aside if one aims to be an Orthodox Christian. ─── 教会中那些不识字,或者没有自己语言的圣经的成员,并不比那些识字,拥有自己语言的圣经的成员“低一等”。

9、A heterodox opinion or doctrine. ─── 邪说非正统的观点或教义

10、Those include monetary easing as well as fiscal stimulus and “heterodox” debt workouts. ─── 该备忘包括了放松银根及财政刺激和“问题”债务的解决。

11、More generally, Mr Obama has run a competent, disciplined yet heterodox administration, with few of the snafus that characterised Bill Clinton's first year. ─── 从更广意义上看,奥巴马的政府班子虽有些另类,但力堪其任、纪律严明,少见克林顿上台第一年的混乱局面。

12、Paul did not indulge some of my more heterodox economic thinking. ─── 保罗没有过分迁就我某些更显异端的经济学思路。

13、Body-based Pedagogy is revived with the three heterodox Copernican revolutions, which urges education to concentrate on the growth of whole body other than the head exclusively. ─── 三场另类的“哥白尼革命”导致身体教育学再次复兴,教育由此而关注整个身体的生长而不只是关注脑袋的发展。

14、"Slanting reason heterodox, absolute of slanting reason heterodox, I not letter, don't seek a nurse to be a wife, you before the rice then empress don't wash hands!" ─── “歪理邪说,绝对的歪理邪说,我就不信,不找护士做老婆,你饭前便后就不洗手!”

15、“Meeting of foul smells” : This type refers to a few people among the beginners in Orthodox School, and collections of people widely existing in Heterodox Schools and Heretical Sects. ─── 臭味相投型。这一类型,是指在正道门中初修者中的少数人群;在旁门左道中,则是普遍存在的人群聚合现象。

16、His opinions have always been distinctly heterodox . ─── 他的观点时常带有明显的异端色彩。

17、as it flew over the circus that really hinted at something more than heterodox. ─── 只有它才真正暗示出某种极其异端的做法。

18、as it flew over the circus that really hinted at something more than heterodox. ─── 而劫持一架从马戏团上空飞过的真飞机却是一个高科技计划,

19、Rethinking Economics wants curricula to cover heterodox schools of thought. ─── 反思经济学”希望经济学课程能够涵盖非正统的思想流派。

20、Founder of the heterodox Shiite Muslim Shaykhi sect of Iran. ─── 阿拉伯人,伊朗伊斯兰教什叶派的非正统支派谢赫教派(Shaykhi)创立者。

21、Now that does not give me any authority, only a lot of widely spaced and heterodox experience. ─── 在我整个经历中,还没有遇到其它东西能有象他这样的声音。。。。

22、Xunzi held that human nature is evil, thus being often considered to be heterodox in the history of Confucianism. ─── 在儒家思想史上,荀子主张性恶,常被视为儒家异端。

23、The qin signifies restraint.2 Restrain the heterodox to bring order to people's thoughts. ─── 白虎通曰:琴者禁也。禁止于邪以正人心也。

24、The condition or quality of being heterodox. ─── 异端成为异端的状况或品质

25、'Paul did not indulge some of my more heterodox economic thinking. ─── 保罗没有过分迁就我某些更显异端的经济学思路。

26、"It might be, that an Antinomian, a Quaker, or other heterodox religionist, was to be scourged out of the town," ─── 也许,是一位唯信仰论者、一位教友派的教友或信仰其它异端的教徒被鞭挞出城

27、Jason's ideas have always been very heterodox. ─── 杰森的想法总是非常特异.

28、heterodox economics ─── 异端经济学

29、Xunzi held that human nature is evil, thus being often considered to be heterodox in the history of Confucianism. ─── 摘要在儒家思想史上,荀子主张性恶,常被视为儒家异端。

30、unorthodox; heterodox ─── 非正统

31、It may come from Orthodox School, and it may come from Heterodox Schools and Heretical Sects as well and even come from Non-Human Spirits10. ─── 强场者的生物场性,其能量来源是多途径性的,可以来自于正道,也可能来自于旁门左道,甚至物灵界。

32、While any people has made a temporary approach to such a character ,it has been because the dread of heterodox was for a time suspended . ─── 如果某段时间里出现思想活跃的民众,那是因为对于异端思想的恐惧在那段时间里暂时终止了。

33、Inflation credibility has many benefits and the ability to pursue mildly heterodox policy when necessary may prove an important one. ─── 适度通胀有许多益处,且有能力证明在必要时采取适度而又非正统的货币政策可能是非常重要的。

34、Two teachers of Gnostic, heterodox repute, traveled abroad at different times during the middle of the second century AD. ─── 非正统的诺斯替派的两位导师,在公元二世纪中叶期间,分别两次游历海外。

35、"Fierce and Ambitious Voice": The heterodox Thought and Narrative Pattern of Lu Xun's Essays ─── "枭鸣":鲁迅随笔的异端思维与言说方式

36、Different from drama 's heterodox position in the background of Chinese history, Zhejiang culture has a glorious dramatic tradition in itself. ─── 与中国历史大背景下戏剧“旁门”地位不同,浙江文化本身孕育着浓厚的戏剧传统。

37、Alice Amsden is researcher in the field of heterodox political economy.She is currently the Barton L. ─── 艾丽丝.阿姆斯丹是一位非正统政治经济学研究专家。

38、I declined answering Mrs Dean's question, which struck me as something heterodox. ─── 我拒绝回答丁太太的问题,这问题使我觉得有点邪道。

39、A lot of his viewpoints, which were considered heterodox, were greatly influenced by Pre-Qin Confucianism, that is, they are either the succession, or development or continuation of Confucianism. ─── 其被认为是“异端”的诸多观点,都受先秦儒家的巨大影响,或是继承,或是发展和延续。

40、None of these heterodox options are available to Ireland, say the wise heads. ─── 头脑聪明的人说,对爱尔兰俩来说,这些非正统的选项连一个都不存在。

41、The innovativeness of the dissertation was manifested in the following facets: first, the two heterodox paradigms were concluded after a thorough and systematical retrospect; ─── 在上述理论体系下对风险与金融风险进行了经济理论和经济史理论层面上的阐释;

42、“Subhuti, the Tathagatas" words are true and correspond to reality. They are ultimate words, neither deceitful nor heterodox. ─── 须菩提!如来是真语者、实语者、如语者、不诳语者、不异语者。

43、As the energy level of the magnetic force from the Heterodox Schools field evidently exceeds that of the small magnets, it's very easy to restrain the positive thoughts of the small magnets. ─── 这种非正道的强场,由于其负极磁力的量级,远远超越小磁石正极的量级;

44、The strong Heterodox School field consists primarily of Yin field of relatively high levels. ─── 旁门左道的强场,则是以层级较高阴阳特性中的阴性场为主导力的。

45、heterodox writings ─── 道外之文

46、Jason's ideas have always been very heterodox. ─── 杰森的想法总是非常特异。

47、Current theories may be broadly classified into two main points of view and several heterodox points of view. ─── 现行理论大致可分为两种主流观点和一些非正统观点。

48、heretical sect; heterodox school ─── 左道旁门

49、When any people has made a temporary approach to such a character, it has been because the dread of heterodox speculation was for a time suspended. ─── 若见哪一国人民一时曾经接近于那种性格,那是因为对于异端思想的恐惧会经暂告停止。

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