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09-16 投稿



heteronomy 发音

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heteronomy 中文意思翻译



heteronomy 相似词语短语

1、heterogony ─── n.花柱异长,雌雄蕊异长

2、heteronomous ─── adj.他律的;受外界支配的;不自主的

3、heterodoxy ─── n.异端,异端邪说

4、heteronym ─── n.同形异音异义词;异形同义词

5、heterotopy ─── 异位;语音错乱

6、Deuteronomy ─── n.申命记(圣经旧约中的一卷)

7、heteronyms ─── n.同形异音异义词;异形同义词

8、heterogamy ─── n.[胚]异配生殖;[遗]配子异型

9、heterology ─── n.异体构造

heteronomy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The combination of moral cultivation and system design, autonomy and heteronomy is the concrete measure for their integration. ─── 社会道德教化与制度安排相结合、他律与自律相结合是两者整合的具体措施。

2、The control of problems depends on the co-work mechanism of heteronomy(technology control, law punishment, moral standard restrain ) and autonomy (individual moral autonomy). ─── 网络问题的控制需要他律(技术控制、法律制裁、道德规范约束)和自律(个体道德自律)共同发挥作用。

3、Kohlberg called heteronomy and autonomy two moral types in moral development. His moral typology was the important development of his late theory. ─── 科尔伯格把道德发展中的他律与自律称为道德判断的两种类型,道德类型说是其后期理论的重要发展。

4、On Heteronomy and Self-discipline of Guangdong Media Profession Morality in Market Economy ─── 论广东新闻传媒职业道德的他律与自律

5、Ultimate Question of Morality;Egoism;Benefit;Value;Happiness;ationality;utonomy;Heteronomy;Eudaimonia ─── 关键词:道德终极问题;利己;利益;价值;幸福;理性;自律;他律;宗教;至善

6、The cultivation of individual honesty is the subjective activities which the individual cultivates his honest personality and realizes the convert of the norm of honesty from heteronomy to autonomy. ─── 个体诚信修养是个体实现从诚信规范的他律向自律的转化,确立高尚的诚信人格的主体性活动。

7、For a short while, about this little boy " ever kidnapped by the extraterrestrial " , " extraterrestrial side heteronomy is very ill " hearsay is passed bubbling with noisely in local dweller. ─── 一时间,对于这名小小孩儿"曾遭外星人绑票"、"外星人帮助他治好病"的谣言在该地住户中传得沸沸扬扬。

8、Morality Dilemma and Construction of Morality Heteronomy ─── 试论当前道德困境与道德他律建设

9、"Literature Is Ideology" from Self-Discipline and Heteronomy LIU Huai-nan (Chinese Department, Xinzhou Teachers College, Xinzhou Shanxi 034000, China ─── 论文标题:从“自律”、“他律”看“文学是意识形态”及其他

10、Autonomy and Heteronomy in Welfare-based Third Sector Development ─── 福利性第三部门发展中的自律与他律

11、solve the problem of heteronomy, is to solve the technical problems. ─── 解决受制于人的问题,就是解决技术问题。

12、Self-discipline and Heteronomy of Occurrence and Development of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture ─── 当代审美文化发生发展的自律和他律

13、autonomy and heteronomy ─── 自律与他律

14、Must promote the tie of moral self-discipline and system heteronomy, come true " 3 delegates " . ─── 必须促进道德自律和制度他律的结合,实现“三个代表”。

15、Precautionary cadre a crime, need self - discipline and heteronomy couple, underline legal tie. ─── 预防干部犯罪,需要自律与他律结合,强调法律约束。

16、The implications of these two approaches inspired Mou Zongsan to formulate the dichotomies of autonomy and heteronomy, morality and knowledge, and activity and being in moral practices. ─── 这两种不同的主张形态,引发牟宗三关于自律和他律、道德与知识、活动与存有等道德实践的有效性判断;

17、training with the goal of the true union between heteronomy and self-discipline. ─── 最终实现他律和自律的真实统一的培养目标。

18、These phenomena are caused by the needs of audiences, market rules, the rise of mass culture, the deficit of self-discipline and heteronomy of journalism, the tide of neo-liberalism on the globe. ─── 并且对其深层原因作出了解读:其中包括受众需要的驱动、市场逻辑的作用、大众文化的兴起、新闻自律与他率的缺失、国际大环境中的新自由主义浪潮的影响和冲击等;

19、The moral autonomy and the moral heteronomy indicate two human being" s states of mind, in which the moral autonomy is the supreme. ─── 道德自律和他律是人们遵守道德规范的两种境界,其中,道德自律是至高境界。

20、Everybody must follow the regulations at every turn and for everything.Make self-discipline from heteronomy. ─── 才能做到人人、事事、天天按规矩办,由他律走向自律;

21、The general manager sit inside in the office in heteronomy teacher. ─── 总经理坐在他律师的办公室里。

22、Disgrace can be divided into the disgrace of self-discipline and the disgrace of heteronomy from the level of self-discipline. ─── 摘要从耻的自觉水平分,可将耻分为他律之耻和自律之耻;

23、The moral education should fit the life practice, improve the morality heteronomy environment, inherit and innovation. ─── 新时期德育教育要融入现实生活,完善德育的他律环境,要勇于继承,敢于创新。

24、Precautionary cadre commits a crime, need self-discipline and heteronomy couple, underline legal tie. ─── 预防干部犯罪,需要自律与他律结合,强调法律约束。

25、Construction of Civil Morality in the Transformation Period: Two-Way Establishment of Self-Discipline and Heteronomy ─── 转型期公民道德建设:自律与他律的双向建构

26、Self-discipline and the Heteronomy is the Practical Path in Moral Building ─── 自律与他律:公民道德建设的实践路径

27、Analyzing self-discipline and heteronomy of network behavior during the growth of the middle school students. ─── 本文阐述了网络的优缺点,对中学生成长过程中网络行为的自律与他律进行了分析。

28、The school is virtuous to teach and should follow the heteronomy and then autonomic principle; ─── 学校德育应遵循他律而后自律的原则;

29、Disgrace can be divided into the disgrace of self-discipline and the disgrace of heteronomy from the level of self-discipline. ─── 从耻的自觉水平分,可将耻分为他律之耻和自律之耻;

30、But the credit is one system, is one kind of people the economic relationships objective reflection which forms in the market economy activity, is the heteronomy. ─── 而信用是一种制度,是一种人们在市场经济活动中形成的经济关系的客观反映,是他律。

31、Constructing the Rural Good Faith with Autonomy and Heteronomy and Law ─── 以自律、他律、法律共铸农村诚信

32、Look from the angle of social policy, can saying is the enterprise arrives by heteronomy in morally development process of self-discipline. ─── 从社会政策的角度看,可以说是企业在道德上由他律到自律的发展过程。

33、The general manager sit inside in the office in heteronomy teacher. ─── 总经理坐在他律师的办公室里。

34、"autonomy" and "heteronomy" ─── “自律”与“他律”

35、second, unify political thought and ethic morality, observing law and observing morality, heteronomy and autonomy, and modem morality and traditional morality. ─── 二是要做到三个统一:政治思想与伦理道德的统一,遵守法律与遵守道德的统一、他律与自律的统一,现代思想道德与传统思想道德的统一。

36、Everybody must follow the regulations at every turn and for everything. Make self-discipline from heteronomy . ─── 才能做到人人、事事、天天按规矩办,由他律走向自律;

37、A heteronomy strong nonlinear dynamics system was analyzed by using the good properries Che-byshev polynomials. ─── 本文利用切比雪夫多项式的若干良好性质,对非自治强非线性动力系统进行分析。

38、of autonomy is heteronomy. It means regulation from outside the self, by external forces. ─── 自主”的对立面为“他主”,意为“由他人管理,受控于他人”,即这种管理与控制来自于个体的外部力量。

39、Compared with chinese trust view, the western trust view is closely related with the law system and trade from the origination, and it is characteried by heteronomy and economical efficienly. ─── 与中国相比,西方诚信观产生起便与法律制度、交易关系紧密联系,更多的表现出一种他律性和经济性。

40、Thirdly, encouraging kind-hearted religious activities to enhance moral heteronomy and self-actualization. ─── 鼓励善良宗教活动,增强道德他律性与鼓励自我实现的追求;

41、The third and fourth elements are exterior elements in which the heteronomy works. ─── 第(3)、(4)项属于影响文学作品的外部因素,蕴涵“他律”问题;

42、Autonomy and Heteronomy of Ethics of Scientific and Technological Personnel ─── 科技人员的道德自律与他律

43、This article try to put forward a integrative supervisory mechanism which integrate self-discipline and heteronomy, in hope of reconstruction the Accountability of NPO in China. ─── 本文将针对这些原因提出自律机制与他律机制相结合的综合监督机制,以期重塑中国NPO的公信力。

44、Push autonomic heteronomy from means of main support morality only to means of main support law, just may realize political civilization to build by the tradition to change contemporarily. ─── 只有将自律他律从主要依靠道德方式推向主要依靠法治方式,才可能实现政治文明建设由传统向现代的转化。

45、to be accepted from the party supervise, insist to do well heteronomy; ─── 自党接受监督,坚持搞好他律;

46、Tillich insists that the equilibrium between cultural substance and form is achieved in a theonomy which embrace the truth of autonomy and heteronomy while avoiding their errors. ─── 宗教内涵的这一重新诠释,使宗教在不脱离其以上帝为基本教义的情况下,出入于一切文化领域,揭示了神学中的文化因素和文化诸领域中的宗教因素。

47、Below the case that presses in market be no longer in force and heteronomy, the method of our only, it is to send a hope to control oneself at negotiant. ─── 在市场失效以及他律难为的情况下,我们惟一的办法,是寄希望于交易者自律。

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