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09-16 投稿



immesh 发音


英:  美:

immesh 中文意思翻译



immesh 相似词语短语

1、in mesh ─── vt.使…陷入;使…绊住(等于enmesh)

2、immeshed ─── vt.使陷入网中;用网捕捉(等于enmesh)

3、immense ─── adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的

4、immerse ─── vt.沉浸;使陷入

5、dimmest ─── 暗淡的(dim的最高级)

6、inmesh ─── vt.使…陷入;使…绊住(等于enmesh)

7、mimmest ─── 模仿的

8、enmesh ─── vt.使绊住;使陷入

9、immeshes ─── vt.使陷入网中;用网捕捉(等于enmesh)

immesh 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、S. to enmesh itself within the East Asia Summit group, which includes the 10 Asean members plus China, India, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Australia. ─── 目前东亚峰会包括东盟10国,以及中国、印度、日本、韩国、新西兰和澳大利亚。

2、Chou sent back an acerbic note accusing us of seeking to enmesh the People's Republic in the Vietnam problem ─── 周恩来回复了一封尖刻的信,指责我们想把中华人民共和国纠缠到越南问题中去。

3、Suddenly, a big stone lying in the road enmesh me, and I fell down. ─── 突然,一块躺在路上的大石头绊住了我,我摔倒了。

4、Of new economic policy carry out, enmesh is very grave of the crisis revive Russian economy got restore quickly and developing. ─── 新经济政策的实施,使陷入深重危机的苏俄经济得到了迅速恢复和发展。

6、To enmesh in or as if in a fishing net. ─── 不要让钓鱼线缠在一起。

7、Out your hand to aid others, rather than out of your feet to enmesh others, a person bent on doing good, and perhaps encounter a stumbling block, but the joy eventually belong to him. ─── 伸出你的手去援助他人,而不是伸出你的脚去绊住他人,一个一心做好事的人,也许会遇到绊脚石,但快乐最终是属于他的。

8、Their vision has never been trivial matters enmesh, for a small family quarrel, they are often "first angel back. ─── 凡是“我怎样怎样”的男人,典型的小皇帝脾气,还没长大。

9、to enmesh in or as if in a fishing net ─── 用或好象用渔网网住

10、 双语使用场景

11、The plan would further enmesh the federal government in a private U.S. company and raise questions about how much a management role the government would take and how long it would own the GM shares. ─── 这一计划将使得美国政府进一步身陷一家私营美国公司,也带来了政府会承担多少管理职责以及会持股通用汽车多久的问题。

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