hun 发音
英:[hʌn] 美:[hʌn]
英: 美:
hun 中文意思翻译
hun 网络释义
n. 匈奴人;野蛮人;德国兵
hun 短语词组
1、hun t n.(Hunt)( ─── 美)安(人名)v.打猎;搜索;追捕;(英国)猎狐运动;用(马和猎犬)狩猎(尤指猎狐或鹿);用猎犬(或骑马)打猎;(动物)追捕猎物);(机器、仪表针或系统)摆动;(飞机或火箭)不规则摆动n.搜寻;打猎;(英国)猎狐活动;(英国经常举行猎狐运动的)猎狐队伍;狩猎团;狩猎场;追捕
2、Lee Byung hun ─── [人名]李秉宪
3、Hun Kal (crater) ─── 洪卡尔(火山口)
4、Park Yeong hun ─── 朴永勋
5、se hun ─── 色洪
6、T hun n. ─── 图恩湖(瑞士)
7、an ling si hun ─── 安岭四魂
8、o se hun o se hun ─── 公司
9、se hun eysa ─── 看 ─── 看她
10、Attila the Hun ─── [网络] 阿提拉湖
11、shi hun ─── 施浑
hun 相似词语短语
1、hung ─── adj.无多数党的;(陪审团)未取得一致意见的;烦心的,心绪纷乱的;全神贯注,被迷住的;v.悬挂;垂落;(使)低垂,下垂;绞死,施以绞刑;(使)挂在墙上;(在墙上)贴壁纸;装(门);悬浮(在空中);(使)死机(hang的过去式和过去分词);n.(Hung)(美)亨(人名)
2、hunk ─── n.大块,大片;厚块;(俚语)强壮;adj.好的;行的
3、hunh ─── 哼
4、Thun ─── n.图恩湖(瑞士)
5、hunt ─── v.打猎;搜索;追捕;(英国)猎狐运动;用(马和猎犬)狩猎(尤指猎狐或鹿);用猎犬(或骑马)打猎;(动物)追捕猎物);(机器、仪表针或系统)摆动;(飞机或火箭)不规则摆动;n.搜寻;打猎;(英国)猎狐活动;(英国经常举行猎狐运动的)猎狐队伍;狩猎团;狩猎场;追捕;n.(Hunt)(美)安(人名)
6、shun ─── vt.避开,避免;回避;n.(Shun)人名;(日)春(姓)
7、hewn ─── vt.砍(hew的过去分词);adj.粗削的
8、haun ─── 豪恩(人名)
9、hoon ─── n.拉皮条者
hun 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、HUN will no longer research Ship Assembly Line ─── 匈牙利不会研究舰船装配线
2、He also said that Thailand signed an extradition agreement with Hun Sen's government in May, and therefore Thailand could also extradite by law those wanted by Phnom Penn for punishment. ─── 他也说,泰国今年5月同洪森政府签订了犯人引渡协定,因此泰国也可依法将柬方通缉的人员交给金边当局治罪。
3、The Dramas of Guan Hun -qing ─── 关汉卿杂剧
4、The hun, or spiritual soul, was thought to leave the body and communicate with the land of the dead. ─── 破坏者,或灵魂据认为离开了肉体而与死亡陆地沟通。
5、He's gross -- he looks like Attila the Hun. ─── 像匈奴王阿提拉的那个。”
6、King Sihanouk had ever said: "In front of me, Hun Sen is only a 'sucking junior', but he is absolutely a practical person. ─── 在本国现在的领导人中,只有洪森才是真正的政坛强人。”
7、To protect against harassment by the Hun aristocrats. ─── 为了防御北方的胡人,
8、The Different Policies and Comparison for Gu Hun and Nan Zhao by Tu Fan ─── 吐蕃对吐谷浑和南诏的不同统治政策及其对比研究
9、The Contrast of the Animal Designs on the Gold and Silver Utensils of Hun and Xianbei Peoples ─── 匈奴和鲜卑族金银器的动物纹比较
10、A city of northeast China on the Liaodong Peninsula and the Bo Hai. Dalian and L黡hun form the conurbation of L黡a. Population, 1, 380, 000. ─── 大连中国东北部一城市,位于辽东半岛、濒临渤海。大连和旅顺合称旅大。人口1,380,000
11、In the research of the origination of Hun,some scholars often used the term "early culture of Hun" or "pre-Hun culture" in the past to express the culture before the period of Hun. ─── 在匈奴起源问题的研究中,过去的学者们惯用“早期匈奴文化”或“前匈奴文化”等概念,用以表示匈奴文化的前身。
12、North Korea's deputy ambassador at the UN Pak Tok Hun did not say what steps would be taken except that they would be stronger. ─── 朝鲜驻联合国副大使除了表示反抗将更加强硬之外并没有具体说明将采取什么措施,。
13、The "Alien and Focus" view is an ideology that holds the main position for hundreds years in the feudal society of our country. It originated from the remote ages and was finally formed in the west Hun. ─── “夷夏”观是一种在我国封建社会占据主流地位达数千年之久的意识形态,它萌芽于上古,历春秋战国,形成于西汉。
14、Since Hun got in touch with the Han Dynasty, it had been influenced by the civilizations of the Han nationality. ─── 匈奴自与中原联系后,就受到汉文化的强烈影响。
15、You know hun, I do greatly respect the people of China, but I do not know if I could live there. ─── 你知道,我非常尊敬中国人民,但我不知道自己是否可以生活在那里。我也许会遇到麻烦!你知道的,会说错话什么的。
16、Inner energy is the whole energy, it is a combining of inner and exterior energy by practicing the Hun yuan Nei gong. ─── 内劲指通过混元内功修炼后练出来的内外合一、混元一体的整体劲;
17、Attila the Hun. ─── 匈奴王阿提拉。
18、Actor Jackie Chan speaks to reporters after meeting Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in Phnom Penh Wednesday April 28, 2004. ─── 2004年4月28日,星期三,在会见过柬埔寨首相洪森后,演员成龙回记者问。
19、Ook is het volgens Feng-shui slecht voor de bewoners als een straat direct op hun flatgebouw uitkomt. ─── 台湾人很小心,尽量避免生活上不好的事情发生。
20、Sae Hun is a really complicated character who is difficult to be personated well. ─── 世熏真是一个难以演绎的复杂角色。
21、The Hun kingdom was centered in modern-day Hungary. ─── 匈奴国以现今的匈牙利为中心。
22、Two days ago I thought "they" will use Ju Ji Hun as a scapegoat in this scandal. And now it comes true. ─── 两天前,我就猜测"他们"将会利用朱智勋成为这件丑闻里的'代罪羔羊'.现在果然都成真.
23、Many Hun were killed by it! ─── 不少匈奴人就惨死在此物下!
24、I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. ─── (丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。
25、He says, "We have little hope for the meeting tomorrow, because the Thai government sent a letter to Prime Minister Hun Sen saying that the places occupied [by Thai soldiers] are Thai territory. ─── 他说,我们对明天的会谈不抱什么希望,因为泰国政府给洪森的一封信说,泰国军队占领的地方是泰国领土。
26、But that seems unlikely after Hun Sen's extraordinary show of support. ─── 不过在洪森表现出非比寻常的支持后,这看来不大可能了。
27、In addition to that, the publicity of her to- be-pictured film Hua Hun. ─── 与此同时,就是对筹拍《画魂》的宣传。
28、China's ancient Shang Dynasty have, King Zhou business is a cruel Hun Jun. ─── 古时候我国有个商朝,商纣王是个凶残的昏君。
29、Hun you should come to central Minnesota so we can play! ─── 会员可以在此回答上投票!
30、Lady Zhaojun's Lament. This famous tone poem describes the grief of Wang Zhaojun, a palace lady who was sent far from home and kindred to marry a Hun chieftain. ─── 《昭君怨》,是潮州弦诗乐,描写汉代宫女王昭君远嫁匈奴后,遥望故乡,怀念亲人的哀怨。
31、Several Opinions on The Race of the Hun ─── 关于匈奴人种问题的几点认识
32、Hun licentie als advocaat is ingevaar. ─── 他们的律师资格有(被取消)的危险。”
33、It is opinions vary but no authentic explain about the word "Lujiang" in the article zhao hun of Songyu. ─── 关于宋玉《招魂》中“庐江”一词的诠释,历来众说纷纭,未有确解。
34、call rian ,I`m river lake small hunhun ! ─── 唤雨,我是江湖小混混!
35、He thinks he's the reincarnation of Attila the Hun. ─── 他认为他是匈奴王阿提拉的化身。
36、Dont want to be the ones to break it to you hun but he will see ya been here.... Or is that the whole point so that he spanks you for being naughty? ─── 契结声明: 本站含有成人内容, 所有 会员和在本站可见的个人已契约性的表示他们均年满十八岁或以上。
37、The horizontal petal lotus veins eaves tile was in many locations, containing Dong taizi site and ji'an West hillock, Hun chun Wen hetebu city site. ─── 东台子遗址、定陵寺遗址出土兽面纹瓦当。
38、A century's enmity and countless deaths stand between us and the Hun. ─── 一个世纪的仇恨,无数的死亡横在我们及破坏者之间。
39、HUN should no longer research ship assembly ─── 匈牙利不再研究舰船装配线
40、Two decades ago, children paddled boats on the lake, families enjoyed picnics, and Mr Hun Sen used to entertain foreign visitors at a modest but picturesque bamboo restaurant. ─── 回想二十年前:孩子们在湖中划船嬉戏,家庭野餐其乐融融,洪森也曾经在一家虽欠奢华却风景如画的翠竹餐厅招待外宾。
41、Attila the Hun set up his court in the Hungarian Plain beside the River Danube. ─── 多瑙河畔的匈牙利大平原,曾是匈奴王阿提拉的王庭所在。
42、When her country is forced into war by the invading Hun army, Mulan searches deep within herself, takes her ailing father's conscription notice, and joins the Chinese army in order to save his life. ─── 一天,年老多病的花将军收到朝廷通知,被徵召参兵,花家上下无不愁容满脸。最后,木兰决定女扮男装,代父出征。
43、Tradition has it that island-city was founded in A.D. 451 when a coast-dwelling people called the Venetti fled across the lagoon before advancing Hun barbarians. (C. ─── 人们公认这个岛上城市建立于公元451年,一群居住在沿海地区,被称为威尼斯人先于先进的匈牙利人穿过礁湖,逃到了这个岛上。
44、History indicates that the central part is badly in need of the Hunnish farming and hunting products and Hun is badly in need of the central part's agricultural and industrial products. ─── 史实反复雄辩地证明,中原对匈奴地区的畜牧、狩猎产品、匈奴对于中原地区的农业和手工业产品,需求都非常强烈。
45、Tai Shang Wu Ji Hun Yuan Zhen Jing ─── 太上无极混元真经
46、the battle in which Attila the Hun was defeated by the Romans and Visigoths in 451 ─── 451年匈奴人被罗马人和西格特人打败的战争
47、In Chinese history, the Hun went south and attacked the central plains of China. ─── 中国历史上, 匈奴曾多次举兵南下, 进犯中原。
48、Titan, main speaks, jack was a boy and a girl named Lucy's love story, Jack is a small hunhun, but Lucy is a great lady. ─── 泰坦尼号主要讲得是一个叫杰克的男孩和一个叫露西的女孩的爱情故事,杰克是一个小混混,而露西是一个大小姐。
49、Late at night, all immersed in the HunHun probable sleep in these days of turbulence also allowed me to quickly fall into a sleep. ─── 夜深了,一切都沉浸在昏昏然的睡意中,这几天的颠簸也让我很快地掉入了梦乡。
50、An Typological Analysis of the Five-linked jar and Hun Ping, Soul jar ─── 五联罐和魂瓶的形态学分析
51、Hun Sen completed his initiatory education in a temple and he only accepted a normal education only for less than 10 years. ─── 不但是工作上勤奋,而且在学习上勤奋。
52、The envoys tried to enrage Hun and made Chanyu to fight with Han. ─── 匈奴贵人使者作为单于先行而入汉,死于中原。
53、The Proposition and Definition of "the Original Hun" ─── 关于“原匈奴”概念的提出与界定
54、On the left there is your Attila the Hun. ─── 在你左边的是匈奴大帝阿提拉。
55、Ban Chao was also about all the same: "We are now very dangerous situation, Hun emissary to come a few days, ZHENG Shan King on to us so cold, if some time later. ─── 于是班超又约同所有的人:“我们现在处境很危险,匈奴使者才来几天,郑善国王就对我们这么冷淡,如果再过一些时候。
56、A city of northeast China on the Liaodong Peninsula and the Bo Hai.Dalian and L? hun form the conurbation of L?a.Population, 1, 380, 000. ─── 大连中国东北部一城市,位于辽东半岛、濒临渤海。大连和旅顺合称旅大。人口1,380,
57、The fifth century was the Hun's century. ─── 5世纪是匈奴的世纪。
58、Recognizing True Liguang from the War between Han and Hun ─── 从汉匈战争中认识真实的李广
59、Play as one of 4 different cultures and build defensive turrets to repel wave after wave of vicious Hun enemies. ─── 作为一个玩4种不同的文化和建造防御炮塔击退匈奴后,恶性一波又一波的敌人。
60、Who in the books includes everybody from science fiction superman two hun dred centuries in the future all the way back to the first figures in history. ─── 书中的人物可谓丰富多彩,不仅有科幻小说中描写的两万年后的超人,还可以追溯到人类历史的开端。
61、They call him attial the hun atkinson. ─── 他手下的人都叫他“暴君”。
62、QUOTE:Play as one of 4 different cultures and build defensive turrets to repel wave after wave of vicious Hun enemies. ─── 塔防:扮演一个4种不同的文化民族且建造防御炮塔击退一波又一波的匈奴敌人。
63、Hi,there! My name's Terry Graham. You're new around here,hun? ─── 嗨,你好。我叫泰利.格雷厄姆。你是这儿新来的吧?
64、Thanks hun, yea i didnt want to get it on my stomach. Saving that for something else. ─── 你需要先登入再发布评论。请登入,或者注册。
65、Its delicious taste,hun su jian you , Safe soup, and there "Xiaoshi, Lee heat" of pharmacological effects. ─── 其滋味鲜美,荤素兼优,菜汤皆宜,且又有“消食,利湿热”之药理作用。
66、The Population Living in the Hun Region from the Central Land and the Relationship between Han and Hun ─── 匈奴地区的中原人口及汉匈关系
67、Hun Han Chanyu that trap. ─── 匈奴单于发觉汉军的圈套。
68、HUN Tech Research and build weights redone ─── 匈牙利研究和建造重心重新制定
69、Embedded_systems Informatie, projecten en links van de opleiding voor het ontwikkelen van apparaten die op hun omgeving reageren en zich daaraan aanpassen. ─── 北京万维博大自控科技有限公司从事各种工业设备的自动控制系统集成,为用户提供整体或局部的解决方案。
70、Hungarian Olympic Committee ( HUN ) ─── 匈牙利奥林匹克委员会
71、Most observers expect the ruling Cambodian People's Party led by Prime Minister Hun Sen to sweep to an easy victory. ─── 大部分观察人士预计,由洪森总理领导的执政党柬埔寨人民党会轻而易举地胜出。
72、But these great Hun raids practically consummated the end of the Latin Roman Empire. ─── 不过这些大规模的匈奴袭击实际上促成了拉丁语系罗马帝国的灭亡。
73、The term "the Original Hun" is to take the authentic Hun out from the whole Hun in Han dynasty and the core of Hun from those hypotaxis that were conquered when the Hun was expanded. ─── “原匈奴”概念的提出旨在把匈奴本体的族源问题从整个汉代匈奴的族源问题中区分出来,把匈奴核心民族从匈奴联盟建立和扩张过程中加入和被征服的众多从属的别部中区分开来。
74、Tradition has it that island-city was founded in A.D. 451 when a coast-dwelling people called the Venetti fled across the lagoon before advancing Hun barbarians. ─── 传说,那个小岛城市建立于公元451年。在匈奴蛮人之前,被称为维尼缇的沿海居民穿过礁湖逃到这里。
75、Late at night, all immersed in the HunHun probable sleep in these days of turbulence also allowed me to quickly fall into a sleep. ─── 夜深了,一切都沉浸在昏昏然的睡意中,这几天的颠簸也让我很快地掉入了梦乡。
76、Acceptance Periods of Xu Hun Before Yuan Dynasty ─── 元前许浑接受史研究
77、This morning, Norodom Ranaridh, first Prime Minister and Hun Sen, second Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, met in the Ministry Office with Beny Weidiaunuo, recently posted UN Secretary General representative to Cambodia. ─── 今天上午,柬埔寨王国政府第一首相诺罗敦·拉那烈和第二首相洪森在首相府会见了刚刚到任的联合国秘书长派驻柬埔寨的代表本尼·威迪奥诺。
78、Last week, Hun Sen and Ranariddh reached an agreement to form a coalition government, but the new government is yet to be established. ─── 在上星期,洪森已经与拉纳利达致了组成联合政府的协议,但新政府还没有真正成立。
79、the battle in which Attila the Hun was defeated by the Romans and Visigoths in 451. ─── 451年匈奴人被罗马人和西格特人打败的战争。
80、Dnt be lazy hun, make ur life happily, study hard, be good. ─── 努力生活,开心创造,好好学习,天天向上。
81、About one hun dr ed chil dr en are planting tr ees. ─── 大约有一百名孩子在植树。
82、Hun Raids on the Roman Empire ─── 匈奴入侵罗马帝国(约公元375-454)
83、Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Allies control several outlets. ─── 首相洪森和他的盟友控制者几家媒体宣传。
84、The term "the Original Hun" is to take the authentic Hun out from the whole Hun in Han dynasty and the cor... ─── “原匈奴”专指真正的匈奴主体民族的前身,“原匈奴文化”指匈奴主体民族创造和使用的核心文化。
85、Since of the Northern Warlords is latter-day the industrial Hun, person that destroy, it is the participator of latter-day industry, Maecenas. ─── 北洋军阀既是近代工业的破坏者、摧残者,又是近代工业的参与者、保护者。
86、Attila the Hun (played in the BBC's latest biopic by Rory McCann, pictured above) is best known for his furious savagery. ─── 其中一幅画展示了几个近乎裸体的“流氓”正在毁坏一个罗马达官贵人的高贵雕像。
87、The case among makes I remembered in ancient time fall south Hun inbreak Central Plains. ─── 中间的情形使我想起了古时候的匈奴南下入侵中原。
88、Later, Hun Yuan is a form of folk songs and dances that were finishing excavation, re-design of the drum, joined the folk music accompaniment. ─── 后来,浑源是对这一民间歌舞形式进行了挖掘整理,重新设计了鼓点,加入了民乐伴奏。
89、Moeten ze op het werken in het uitgaansleven al buiten staan om nog aan hun trekken tekomen, een pakje sigaretten of shag is ook nog flink duurder geworden. ─── 他们看来要拼命工作来保证生活了,现在一包香烟或者烟丝的价钱比以前贵多了。
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