temerity 发音
英:[təˈmerəti] 美:[təˈmerəti]
英: 美:
temerity 中文意思翻译
temerity 网络释义
n. 鲁莽,冒失;蛮勇
temerity 词性/词形变化,temerity变形
temerity 短语词组
1、unmitigated temerity ─── 毫不掩饰的冒失
temerity 同义词
impertinence | hardihood | haste | indiscretion | rashness |boldness | audaciousness | brashness | audacity | impudence | effrontery | gall | chutzpah | cheek | nerve
temerity 反义词
temerity 相似词语短语
1、tensegrity ─── n.张拉整体;无一定尺寸限制的结构
2、emeriti ─── 荣誉退休者(emeritus的复数形式)
3、severity ─── n.严重;严格;猛烈
4、demerit ─── n.缺点,短处;过失
5、celerity ─── n.快速;敏捷
6、tenebrity ─── 黑暗
7、demerits ─── 过失;缺点
8、legerity ─── n.轻巧;敏捷
9、emerita ─── adj.(尤指女性从大学)退休后保留头衔的,荣誉退休的;n.荣誉退休的女性;n.(Emerita)(匈)埃梅里塔(人名)
temerity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、No one would ever have the temerity to think of Gerald O'Hara as a ridiculous little figure. ─── 谁也没有胆量把杰拉尔德当作可笑的矮个儿看待。
2、I have no doubt that your father will settle his hash for him if he has the temerity to follow you home! ─── 你父亲不会让他再找麻烦的,这点我不怀疑,即使他鲁莽地跟着你回家!
3、17 2 For you show your might when the perfection of your power is disbelieved; and in those who know you, you rebuke temerity. ─── 为此,如果有人不相信你具有绝对的权威,你就将你的权力显示出来;如果他们知道而仍胆大妄为,你就予以惩罚。
4、It was amazing that she should exhibit such temerity, but he would teach her! ─── 她竟然表现得如此放肆,真是惊人,但他要教训她!
5、And so, a quiet, humble, respectable Negro, who has had the unmitigated temerity to feel sorry for a white woman, has had to put his word against two white people. ─── 况且,一个谦逊,行为正派的黑人,内心却承受着巨大的煎熬,对一个白人女子心怀内疚,因为他的陈词有损两个白人的声誉。
6、temerity n. ─── 鲁莽;冒失;
7、Buddha hurries to the scene and says to the Monkey, "What temerity for an idiot of a monkey to try to seize the throne from the Jade Emperor!" ─── 如来降临南天门,问悟空: “你有什么本领,要来夺取玉皇大帝的宝座?”
8、I have no doubt that your father will settle his hash for him if he has the temerity to follow you home!" ─── 你父亲不会让他再找麻烦的,这点我不怀疑,即使他鲁莽地跟着你回家!"
9、Translating something about the social and cultural life of one's own people into another language is perhaps a deserved punishment for those who have had the temerity to willingly undertake work of this kind. ─── 将关于自己民族社会与文化生活的描述译成另一种语言或许可以被看作是对自愿干这种鲁莽事的人的一种罪有应得的惩罚。
10、temerity "n. ─── 卤莽,蛮勇"
11、It's a fearsome thing that our most enthusiastic member would not have had the temerity to call ornamental. ─── 这是个可怕的东西,我们当中最热心的成员也没有胆量把它叫做装饰。
12、4.In fact, one tabloid has even had the temerity to suggest that Roman Abramovich believes the constant sniping has helped to forge an even greater unity amongst the team! ─── 事实上,一份小报更大胆地提出罗曼.阿布拉莫维奇认为这些不断的中伤帮助了球队之间打造出一份更强烈的团结一致精神!
13、Many of my co-workers were ex-political prisoners, people who had been displaced from their homes, or fled into exile, because they had the temerity to speak against their governments. ─── 我的许多同事以前是政治犯人,他们因为勇于不附和政府而独立思考,以致被赶出自己的家,或者被放逐。
14、It happened at a press conference in Lisbon last week when I had the temerity to ask Fergie whether he would be under pressure if United lost to Benfica the following night. ─── 此事发生在上周于里斯本举行的一次新闻发布会,当时我莽撞到问爵爷,如果次日晚曼联输给本菲卡,他是否会感到压力。
15、Tins took some temerity, but it was fruitless ─── 这件事做得有点莽撞,但结果还是无用。
16、Buddha hurries to the scene and says to the Monkey, What temerity for an idiot of a monkey to try to seize the throne from the Jade Emperor! ─── 如来降临南天门,问悟空:“你有什么本领,要来夺取玉皇大帝的宝座?”
17、He had the temerity to call me a liar! ─── 他竟敢说我撒谎!
18、Many of my co-workers were ex-political prisoners, people who had been displaced from their homes, or fled into exile, because they had the temerity to think independently of their government. ─── 我的许多同事曾是政治犯,他们曾经被自己的国家驱逐出来,或者流亡国外,因为他们勇敢地表达了异于极权政府的自由思想。
19、Instead the French president's language betrays temerity. ─── 相反,这位法国总统的言语表露出他的鲁莽。
20、This is routinely used to block any demonstration that citizens have the temerity to propose. ─── 这个程序是惯有的组织公民鲁莽提议的范例。
21、They just won a title with a locker room bathed in the soothing light of unselfishness, teamwork and a quiet temerity. ─── 他们才刚刚在一个没有了自私和鲁莽,只有紧密的团队合作的气氛下赢得了冠军。
22、The fact that his cabinet largely consists of academics who have not shown the temerity to handle crises, doesn't help, according to observers and local media. ─── 实际上,他的内阁大部分是由没有危机处理经历的大学教授组成的,根据政治观察家和当地媒体的一件,这样的内阁对他没有太大的帮助。
23、Earlier this year, when Lithuania had the temerity to sell an oil refinery to a Polish firm instead of a Russian one, the pipeline that supplies the refinery with Russian oil suddenly succumbed to a mysterious technical fault. ─── 今年年初,立陶宛竟然冒失地将一家炼油厂出售给一家波兰公司,而不是俄国公司,结果为这家炼油厂供油的俄输油管道,就突然因莫名其妙的“技术故障”而瘫痪了。
24、A king of Thessaly whom Zeus punished for his temerity in seeking Hera's love by having him bound to a perpetually revolving wheel in Hades. ─── 伊克西翁拉庇泰王,他因莽撞地追求天后赫拉的爱,而被宙斯缚在地狱永不停转的车轮上受罚。
25、He had the temerity to call me a liar. ─── 他竟胆敢说我撒谎。
26、And who in China would have the temerity to arrange such an encounter? ─── 中国又有谁能够如此胆大妄为地安排这种会见呢?
27、They marvelled at his temerity. ─── 她们对他的轻率鲁莽感到惊异。
28、None of us have the temerity to visit the President and tell him what to do, not even me in the role of captain. ─── 没有人直接去找主席告诉他该做什么,即使我是队长我也不会这么做。
29、Many of my co-workers were ex-political prisoners people who had been displaced from their homes or fled into exile because they had the temerity to think independently of their government. ─── 我的许多同事以前是政治犯人,他们因为勇于不附和政府而独立思索,以致被赶出自己的家,或者被放逐。
30、Once, "if a student or faculty member had the temerity to bring a grievance to court, is was likely to be bounced out in short order. " ─── 忆往昔,“如果学生或教工鲁莽行事,起诉到法庭,案件可能很快就会驳回。”
31、Conducting the premiere of a symphony without a rehearsal requires temerity. ─── 不排练而直接指挥一部交响乐的首次公演是鲁莽的。
32、The temerity she had just witnessed seemed to be beyond the reach of words. ─── 全句的整体感觉就对头了。
33、But in a theological context Luther said that "in my temerity I do not distinguish body, soul, and spirit but present the totus homo, the whole man, unto God. ─── 但是在神学的范畴中,路德说“在我的勇气中,我并没有分别体、魂、和灵,而是把整个人展现给神。”
34、This temerity of back to my hometown, and secondly, also it is unbearable in the greedy of my mouth, in order to eat home’s fruits at this very time. ─── 这次冒然的回乡,二来也实在是难忍于嘴馋,为了家乡此时的吃食。
35、It was amazing that she should exhibit such temerity, but he would teach her! ─── 她竟然表现得如此放肆,真是惊人,但他要教训她!
36、Those who have the temerity to face you in battle learn that they aren't fighting just the present-day incarnation of you, but also every incarnation of you that has ever been. ─── 那些冒失鬼在与你交战的时候将学会:与他们交战的不仅仅是一个今世的你,还有千千万万曾经的你。
37、A few of the ladies had the temerity to call, but were not received, and the only sign of life about the place was the Negro man--a young man then--going in and out with a market basket. ─── 有少数几位妇女竟冒冒失失地去访问过她,但都吃了闭门羹。她居处周围唯一的生命迹象就是那个黑人男子拎着一个篮子出出进进,当年他还是个青年。
38、See: temerity nerves Nervous agitation caused by fear, anxiety, or stress ─── 神经衰弱由于恐惧、焦虑或压力而导致的神经紧张
39、No one would ever have the temerity to think of Gerald O'Hara as a ridiculous little figure. ─── 谁也没有胆量把杰拉尔德当作可笑的矮个儿看待。
40、Anna Pavlovna, with the adroitness and quick tact of a courtier and a woman, felt an inclination to chastise the prince for his temerity in referring in such terms to a person recommended to the empress, and at the same time to console him. ─── 安娜·帕夫洛夫娜本身具备有廷臣和女人的那种灵活和麻利的本能,待人接物有分寸,她心想抨击公爵,因为他胆敢肆意评论那个推荐给太后的人,而同时又安慰公爵。
41、We have the astounding temerity not to bow down and let Barcelona pass and move us off the park. ─── 我们居然鲁莽至此,没有弯腰屈膝让巴塞罗那顺利的把我们清场。
42、Difficult" patients have the temerity to challenge their doctors' decisions. ─── 难缠”的病号会冒然挑战他们的医生的决定。
43、Age looks with anger on the temerity of youth, and youth with contempt on the scrupulosity of age ─── 老年人对年青人的鲁莽十分气恼,年轻人瞧不起老年人的顾虑重重。
44、audacious, bluff, foolhardy, rash, frivolous, imprudent, impudence, levity, precipitate, slapdash, temerity, headlong. ─── 表“ 鲁莽、轻率” 之意:
45、He had the temerity to suggest I resign. ─── 他胆敢提议我辞职。
46、He had the temerity to call me a liar! ─── 他竟敢说我撒谎!
47、She carried herself into the churchyard, awed by her own temerity, feeling like an explorer in a land of cannibals. ─── 姑姑走进教堂的院子,被自己的草率给吓了一跳,好像是一个探险的人来到了食人族的领地。
48、had the nerve to deny it.See Synonyms at temerity ─── 胆敢否认它参见
49、28.The corpse had remained intact in the coffin until a man with temerity dragged the cumbersome body away with his bare hands. ─── 尸体一直都保持着原先的状态,直到一个蛮勇的男人硬是用双手把那个笨重的尸体拖走。
50、"I admire Enjolras," said Bossuet."His impassive temerity astounds me. ─── 博须埃说:“我佩服安灼拉,他那沉着的胆量使我惊叹。
51、In June Iranians who had the temerity to attend a reception at the British embassy to mark the queen's birthday were harassed on their way in and out by police and rent-a-mob demonstrators. ─── 今年6月,一些胆大的伊朗人参加了在英国大使馆举行了英女王生辰招待会,可他们在进出大使馆的途中却遭到了警察与群众示威者的骚扰。
52、And then, by the way the temerity to appear. ─── 然后又以冒然的方式出现。
53、This gives people the temerity to ask me, nearly every day: Who takes care of your kids? ─── 这就让有些人几乎每天都会蛮横的问我:那谁照顾你的孩子呢?
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