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09-15 投稿



incompliance 发音


英:  美:

incompliance 中文意思翻译



incompliance 相似词语短语

1、compliance ─── n.顺从,服从;符合;屈从;可塑性

2、incompliantly ─── 不符合

3、incompliant ─── adj.不肯让步的(名词incompliance,副词incompliantly);不顺从的

4、incompetence ─── n.无资格,不胜任;无能力;不适当;不熟练

5、compliances ─── n.顺从,服从;符合;屈从;可塑性

6、compliancy ─── n.顺从;依从(等于compliance)

7、noncompliance ─── n.不顺从,不服从

8、uncompliant ─── 不顺从的

9、incompliancy ─── 不符合

incompliance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To investigate relevant factors and causes which lead to incompliance with taking predison among rheumatic patients. ─── 目的了解风湿病患者口服强的松期间不遵医嘱服药的相关因素与原因,为护士实施护理干预提供依据。

2、For people to follow the policy it is usually enough to know that an incompliance with the policy may have undesirable consequences. ─── 因为对于要遵循政策人们来说,他们足以认识到不遵守政策将产生的不良后果。

3、If customers find incompliance between related information record and the fact, he can claim to the securities firm or the securities regulatory agency under the State Council. ─── 客户认为有关信息记录与实际情况不符的,可以向证券公司或者国务院证券监督管理机构投诉。

4、2.To ensure that any accident, danger or incompliance circumstance can be reported, investigated, analyzed and corrected; ─── (二)确保当发生事故、险情和不符合规定情况时得到报告、调查、分析和纠正;

5、In terms of school-related problems,the deviant students showed more problems incompliance and teacher-student relationship than that of their counterparts.4. ─── 4.偏差行为学生对在校的课业、常规、师生关系、同侪关系等问题情境,较多采用消极逃避的因应方式;

6、The Survey and countermeasures on the treatment incompliance of unhosptalized diabetes patients ─── 糖尿病患者院外不遵医行为调查分析与干预对策

7、Objective To explore the influential factors of cancer patients incompliance with treatment and to provide gist for increasing patients compliance with treatment. ─── 目的探讨癌症患者不遵医行为的影响因素,为提高其遵医行为提供参考依据。

8、In case of any incompliance with the Clause 1 herein on quality, quantity and specification, the Seller agrees that the buyer may claim against him. ─── 如发生货物在质量、数量或规格方面与本合同第一条规定不符,卖方同意买方因此提出的索赔。

9、This paper describes briefly technological process for producing silver, analyses reasons for incompliance of lead in cathode silver and discloses the measures and results of process improvement. ─── 简述了银生产工艺流程,分析了电银质量存在的问题和原因,介绍了工艺改进措施及效果。

10、Objective: To explore the reason for the relative s incompliance in the treatment of epileptic children so as to rectify their wrong idea and behavior. ─── 目的:了解癫痫患儿亲属不依从治疗的原因,纠正患者亲属错误的观念和行为。

11、Results The causes leading to incompliance with taking predison showed diversity and reiterat... ─── 结论对口服强的松的风湿病患者应加强健康教育,增强其遵医嘱服药的意识。

12、Study on the Reasons of Inhaling Oxygen Incompliance of Patients with Chronic Cor Pulmonale and the Countermeasure ─── 慢性肺心病病人吸氧不遵医原因及护理对策

13、Cause analysis of incompliance of acid mist in tail gas and retrofiting ─── 尾气酸雾含量超标原因分析及改造措施

14、In the article, the author holds that the single cognizance by administration is difficult to assure justness of cognizance, and doesn't incompliance with the international mode of cognizance. ─── 在文中,笔者认为,在我国采用单一行政认定方式难以保证认定公正,同时与国际上的认定模式不相符。

15、Please note that the message has been removed due to incompliance with the Rules for the Higher Education Forum. ─── 鉴于有关的留言违反高等教育论坛的规则,该留言已被删除。敬请留意。

16、The Survey and countermeasures on the treatment incompliance of unhosptalized diabetes patients ─── 糖尿病患者院外不遵医行为调查分析与干预对策

17、In case of any incompliance with Clauses herein on quality, quantity and specification, the Seller agrees that the buyer may claim against him. ─── 如发生货物在质量、数量或规格方面与本合同条款规定不符,卖方同意买方因此提出的索赔。

18、( 7 ) Some emissions are to be reduced in Britain, incompliance with recent European Community agreements, but this may not be sufficient for the protection of ecosystems and organisms. ─── 依据最近欧洲共同体协议,英国需减少某些污染物排出量,但是这也许并不足以保护生态系统和生物体。

19、The analysis and tactic for the relative's incompliance in the treatment of epileptic children. ─── 人工血管旁路术治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的围手术期护理于英,张炜秋,王颂,崔樱,韩妮

20、Objective:To know something about the present condition of the out-patient incompliance in the medicine administration and to put forward the countermeasures how to improve the present condition. ─── 目的:了解我院门诊患者用药不依从性现状,提出改进对策。方法:采用问卷形式对246例门诊患者用药依从性进行调查。

21、We engage with you that drafts drawn under and incompliance with terms of this credit shall be duly honored on due presentation to us. ─── 我们搞你的说法,草案拟定,并根据不符的条款与本信贷,将受到应有的荣幸,就因介绍给我们。








检察官老婆:女王攻,但在Axelrod面前却像只温顺的绵羊,在Axe cap的职位和老公的职务颇为尴尬,却不能在老公的暗示下轻易离职













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