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09-15 投稿



headwork 发音

英:[ˈhedˌwɜːrk]  美:[ˈhedwɜːk]

英:  美:

headwork 中文意思翻译



headwork 词性/词形变化,headwork变形

名词: head-worker |

headwork 相似词语短语

1、headworker ─── n.脑力劳动者;劳心者

2、headword ─── n.中心词,标题字;词目

3、headwords ─── n.中心词,标题字;词目

4、deadwork ─── n.(挖到矿物之前所做的)无益之工

5、handwork ─── n.手工艺,手工

6、leadwork ─── n.铅制品

7、beadwork ─── n.珠饰细工;小珠装饰的物品

8、leadworks ─── n.铅制品

9、headlock ─── n.摔跤中的夹头

headwork 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Kashi River canal headwork was built on the basis of the Lingong canal. ─── 喀什河渠首枢纽工程是在林公渠的基础上建造起来的。

2、in service for 123 years, the Lingong canal was replaced in 1967 by this canal headwork in front of us. ─── 林公渠在服务了一百二十三年之后,1967年就被我们眼前的渠首枢纽工程所取代了。

3、He accomplished this by separating the project in to two main parts: the headwork and the irrigation system. ─── 是迄今世界上唯一留存,年代最久远,且不断发挥作用的生态型无坝引水工程,景观非常奇特。

4、High Pressure Jet Grouting Construction of the First Stage Longitudinal Cofferdam for Headwork of Manshuiwan Water Diversion Project ─── 漫水湾引水枢纽渠首工程一期纵向围堰高喷施工

5、headwork hub of Hengpaitou ─── 横排头渠首枢纽

6、Hydraulics test research on diversion sluice for extension project of Taocha Canal Headwork ─── 陶岔渠首枢纽扩建工程引水闸水力学试验研究

7、Application of Automatic Techniques in the Headwork of Water Diversion Channel from the Yellow River to Tianjin ─── 自动化技术在引黄济津渠首工程中的应用

8、This was accomplished by separating the project into two main parts; the headwork and the irrigation system. ─── 这个工程主要有主体挡水和灌溉两部分。

9、headwork complex ─── 首部枢纽

10、The Design on Flood Drain Gate of Headwork in Attic Region ─── 高寒地区闸坝结合渠首工程泄洪闸设计

11、Solid brass molded, ceramic headwork, PP knob, epoxy resin powder coating on the surface, strong acid and alkalis resistant and anti-rusty. ─── 采用实验室专用化验龙头,阀体采用全铜铸模工艺制造,高强度陶瓷阀心,手柄为耐酸碱高强度聚炳烯材质,表面经环氧树脂粉末高温烧涂工艺处理,整体具备防酸碱及防锈特性。

12、Manshuiwan Water Conservancy Project Headwork and Left Main Channel Investment Control during Construction ─── 漫水湾水利枢纽渠首及左总干渠工程施工中的投资控制

13、Study on the slide cause and the treatment measures at the right bank of headwork, Baojixia ─── 宝鸡峡渠首工程右岸滑坡原因分析及处理设计

14、The blocking treatment of diversion tunnel for the project of adding gates at headwork of Baojixia irrigation system ─── 宝鸡峡渠首加坝加闸工程灌溉引水洞封堵处理

15、canal headwork ─── 渠首工程

16、In addition, the company also operates: Headwork souvenirs, gold and silver jewelry, antiques , Handmade carpets, handicrafts, horticulture products, minerals, landscape plants, flowers, and so on. ─── 此外,公司还经营:渠首纪念品、金银首饰、古董、手工地毯、工艺品、园艺品、矿产品、风景树苗、花卉等。

17、Determination of Rational Empty - Support Distance of Headwork in Tunnel with Large Sections ─── 大断面巷道掘进时合理空顶距的确定方法

18、there is a unique aspect with the canal headwork. ─── 这渠首枢纽工程还有一个独特之处呢。

19、High Pressure Jet Grouting Construction of the First Stage Longitudinal Cofferdam for Headwork of Manshuiwan Water Diversion Project ─── 漫水湾引水枢纽渠首工程一期纵向围堰高喷施工

20、The Kashi River canal headwork was built on the basis of the Lingong Canal. ─── 喀什河渠首枢纽工程是在林公渠的基础上建造起来的。

21、Huang Jinchi, Wang Yangui, A Study on the Warping near Irrigation Headwork of the Lower Reach of Yellow River. International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 14, No. 2,1999. ─── 王延贵、匡尚富、李希霞,渠道冲淤特性及灌溉方式对渠道冲淤的影响,国家自然科学基金资助项目交流讨论会,1999年12月。

22、No dam water headwork ─── 无坝取水渠首

23、Application of the "Bank with Cluster Fences" in the Project of Adding Gates for the Headwork of Baoji Irrigation Canals ─── “堤岸防护裙台”在宝鸡峡渠首加坝加闸水利水电工程中的应用

24、Quantitative Analysis of Bottom Sand Flow Failed to Measure in the Test of Water and Sand at Headwork of Yellow River Diversion ─── 引黄渠首工程水沙测验中漏测底沙的定量分析

25、Keywords theory of minimum entropy production;theory of minimum rate of energy dissipation;the theory of dissipative structure;alluvial river;stable channel;diversion headwork; ─── 最小熵产生原理;最小能耗率原理;耗散结构理论;冲积河流;稳定渠道;渠首工程;

26、Management Information System for Canal Headwork in Liuxihe River Irrigation District ─── 流溪河灌区渠首枢纽管理信息系统

27、Reconstruction of Headwork Retaining Dam ─── 丰荣灌区渠首拦河坝改造

28、the headwork and the irrigation system.The project effectively controls flooding and provides a method of irrigation. ─── 都江堰有效地控制了洪水,也为灌溉提供了便利。

29、(Ceramis headwork:500,000 life cycles,water static pressure Max,35 bar). ─── 陶瓷阀芯:使用寿命开关50万次,静态最大耐压35巴。

30、Quantitative Analysis of Bottom Sand Flow Failed to Measure in the Test of Water and Sand at Headwork of Yellow River Diversion ─── 引黄渠首工程水沙测验中漏测底沙的定量分析

31、Having been in service for 123 years, the Lingong Canal was replaced in 1967 by this canal headwork in front of us. ─── 林公渠在服务了一百二十三年之后,一九六七年就被我们眼前的渠首枢纽工程所取代了。

32、Live through the winter measure of standing dam of headwork rubber dam in Juyue irrigation area ─── 拒跃灌区渠首橡胶坝立坝越冬措施

33、This paper introduces the determination of the calculating formula of the empty-support distance of headwork in the tunnel with large sections by using the plate theory. ─── 文章介绍了利用薄板理论确定大断面巷道掘进期间的空顶距计算公式。

34、Leading products are: fragrant flower pepper, Dan river fish, Headwork pepper, water-source wild, wild scorpion Xichuan, natural red mushrooms / wild Gehua, Gefen, bracken, potato meat. ─── 主导产品有:香花辣椒、丹江鱼、渠首花椒、南水北调源头山野菜、淅川野生蝎子、天然红香菇/野生葛花、葛粉、蕨菜、山芋肉等。

35、Application of Non-Excavation Leveling Headwork in Pipe Line Laying ─── 非开挖水平导向钻进法在管道铺设中的应用

36、Application of the "Bank with Cluster Fences" in the Project of Adding Gates for the Headwork of Baoji Irrigation Canals ─── "堤岸防护裙台"在宝鸡峡渠首加坝加闸水利水电工程中的应用

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