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09-15 投稿


petrified 发音


英:  美:

petrified 中文意思翻译



petrified 词性/词形变化,petrified变形

过去分词:petrified 原型:petrified 过去式:petrified

petrified 短语词组

1、petrified cheese collection ─── 石化奶酪系列

2、Petrified Forest National Park ─── [网络] 化石林国家公园;石化森林;石化森林国家公园

3、petrified forest movie 1936 ─── 石化森林电影1936

4、petrified man ─── 石化的人

5、petrified definition ─── 僵化的定义

6、petrified fossil ─── 石化化 ─── 石

7、petrified wood ─── 木化石; ─── 木变石 ─── 木化石,硅化 ─── 木

8、petrified wood minecraft ─── 石化木雷艇

9、petrified bone identification ─── 石化骨鉴定

10、petrified forest ─── 石化森林

petrified 相似词语短语

1、metrifies ─── v.改用公制;写成诗

2、petrifies ─── vi.石化;惊呆;vt.使…石化;使…惊呆

3、metrified ─── v.改用公制;写成诗

4、metrifier ─── n.韵律学家;精于韵律者

5、gentrified ─── vt.使优化;修复或改善;使显得高雅;使中产阶级化;vi.进行改善工作

6、prettified ─── v.(尤指对丑事)美化,粉饰(prettify的过去式和过去分词)

7、nitrified ─── v.(使)硝化;使与氮化合;用氮饱和

8、petrifier ─── 石化炉

9、aerified ─── v.充气于(液体);(使)气化,蒸发

petrified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a petrified expression ─── 惶恐的表情

2、I'm petrified of snakes. ─── 我特别怕蛇。

3、Look out for Fort Minor promos for The Leak whenever you see the "Petrified" video on MTV and MTV2. ─── 为漏洞为堡垒较小的宣传小心,每当你 ""化成石头在 MTV 和 MTV2 上的录象机。

4、and Ron told her that they were going to the infirmary to visit Hermione , who had been Petrified, she gave them permission with a tear in her eye (CS16). ─── 当哈利和罗恩告诉她他们要去医务室探望被石化的赫敏,她眼中闪动着泪花批准了他们去(密室,第16章)。

5、I was petrified to see two cars collide. ─── 两车相撞的情景把我吓呆了。

6、Some of these remains became saturated with mineral-bearing water and were thus petrified or turned to stone. ─── 其中的一些残骸在含矿液体中饱和并发生石质化。

7、According to the local people, they are petrified cereals from Qi's time and so given the name five-cereal pebbles ─── 人们说,这些都是当年弃遗留下来的谷物种子变的,因而叫“五谷石”。

8、Jane: I was thinking about the accident I saw in the morning. I was petrified when two cars collide. ─── 我在想我今天早上看到的那起车祸,两车相撞的情景把我吓呆了。

9、I stood there petrified while being found out sneaking into the classroom by the teacher. ─── 当老师看到我溜进教室时,我站在那里,僵住了。

10、"Amongst any other population, or at a later period in the history of New England, the grim rigidity that petrified the bearded physiognomies of these good people would have augured some awful business in hand." ─── 如若换成其他百姓,或是推迟到新英格兰后来的历史阶段,这些蓄着胡须的好心肠的居民们板着的冷冰冰的面孔,可能是面临凶险的征兆

11、Yanqing National Geological Park of Petrified Wood ─── 延庆县硅化木国家地质公园沿线民俗村建设

12、The idea of making a speech in public petrified him. ─── 一想到要在大庭广众面前讲演, 他就紧张得不知所措.

13、Tour fare includes Saguaro, White Sands, Lake Powell, Monument Valley,Petrified Forest National Park entrance fee. ─── 团费包括:仙人掌、白沙、包伟湖、纪念碑山谷、石化林国家公园门票。

14、He was petrified with fear. ─── 他被吓呆了。

15、The characteristics of gemology of petrified wood, Yunnan ─── 云南硅化木的宝石学特征

16、I was completely petrified with fear. ─── 我已经给彻底吓呆了。

17、The bird was petrified as the snake came near. ─── 当蛇爬近时,鸟儿惊呆了。

18、Petrified I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of it petrified. ─── 我打开柜门,站在柜门前一下子惊呆了。

19、The good news is that the prevailing wisdom makes your job even easier.Since just about everyone else is petrified of being different, you can be remarkable with even less effort. ─── 好处是优越的智慧让你工作的更轻松,因为其他人都僵化了,而你能用较少的努力而做到引人注目。

20、Analysis on Ancient Climate Characteristics in SE China in Earlier Cretaceous Period Based on the Xinchang Petrified Wood ─── 新昌硅化木揭示的早白垩世东南沿海地区古气候特征分析

21、"in feathered hats that were once the rage, she resembles a petrified parakeet from the jurassic age. a royal wreck. ─── 带着一顶过时的羽饰帽,简直就像个侏罗纪时代的鹦鹉活化石。王室垃圾!”。

22、The hotel has a phalanx of petrified palms that look like they were struck by lightning and no amount of water seems able to restore them. ─── 酒店内种的许许多多棕榈树,蔫得就象被雷击过似的,浇再多的水也无济于事。

23、Create a petrified wood chess piece ─── 制作一个石化木棋子

24、The idea of make a speech in public petrified him. ─── 一想到要在大庭广众面前讲演,他就紧张得不知所措。

25、Sprout, Professor:Herbology lecturer at Hogwarts. Uses Mandrakes to cure petrified creatures. ─── 斯普劳特教授,讲授草药课。

26、But how she has been Petrified,I cannot say. ─── 但是它是怎么被石化的,我说不出来.

27、But I'll never forget the petrified look on his face when he stood there with a goalie's top on against Reading. ─── 但我永远不会忘记在对阵雷丁,当他站在门前穿上门将球衣,他的脸上那个发呆的样子。

28、I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of it petrified. ─── 我打开柜门,站在柜门前一下惊呆了。

29、One night-time jogger reported that a dog headed man kept pace with him as he ran across a field, staying alongside until the petrified man finally made it to his well lit doorway. ─── 一天晚上,一个人在慢跑,当他经过一块地的时候发现一个狗头人一直跟着他,直到这个心惊胆战的男人最终回到灯火光明的门道为止。

30、The others escaped through openings in the fence, but I was petrified by his unmoving eyes. ─── 其他孩子从篱笆的缺口逃跑了,但我被他一动不动的眼睛吓呆了。

31、"Give us meat!"they roar, while he stands there petrified, his ideas frozen, his Weltanschauung a trapeze out of reach. ─── 他们吃伙伴的内脏,森林围住了他们,围住了他们的骨头,脑壳和饰有花边的石灰岩,他们的语言便消失了。

32、I was petrified. ─── 我简直惊呆了。

33、Relatively hard, naturally formed mineral or petrified matter; stone. ─── 岩石,岩:相对坚硬的天然矿物或石化物质;石块(岩块)

34、Many Sunnis however are petrified of the group which they accuse of carrying a relentless ethnic cleansing campaign against them. ─── 不过许多逊尼派穆斯林很害怕这个组织,他们指责这支无情的异教徒组织对他们动武。

35、I'm petrified of snakes. ─── 我特别怕蛇。

36、It settled his passion and petrified his countenance. ─── 它使他的怒气平息下来,使他的脸僵化了。

37、"But surely," said she, "I may enter his county with impunity, and rob it of a few petrified spars without his perceiving me. ─── 她说:“我一定可以大摇大摆地走进他的故乡,趁他不知不觉的时候,攫取几块透明的晶石。”

38、But I'll never forget the petrified look on his face when he stood there with a goalie's top on against Reading. ─── 但我永远不会忘记在对阵雷丁,当他站在门前穿上门将球衣,他的脸上那个发呆的样子。

39、they roar, while he stands there petrified, his ideas frozen, his Weltanschauung a trapeze out of reach. ─── 它们吼道,而他却站在那儿吓呆了,脑子全乱了,他的世界观也变成一个荡到空中再也够不到的秋千。

40、to be petrified with astonishment ─── 呆若木鸡

41、Scientists in Germany have announced the discovery of a petrified hoard of 17-million-year-old nuts they say form the oldest known cache of stored food. ─── 德国科学家日前宣布,他们发现了一些被囤积贮藏的坚果化石,称距今已经有1700万年之久拉。可能是最古老的贮藏食物。

42、At first I was afraid I was petrified ─── 开始我担心我被吓呆了

43、Angela Cox told the court her son became "absolutely petrified" of going to school, particularly after his tormentor tried to strangle him in February 1995. ─── 其母安琪拉.寇克斯向法官表示,她的儿子被吓到不敢去上学,尤其是一九九五年二月那名恶霸想勒毙他时。

44、The bullet caught Sollozzo squarely between his eye and his ear and when it exited on the other side blasted out a huge gout of blood and skull fragments onto the petrified waiter's jacket. ─── 子弹刚好打中索洛佐的眼睛和耳朵之间的地方,子弹从另一边迸了出来,炸出了一大团血,血和头骨碎片四处飞溅,也溅满了给吓得呆若木鸡的堂倌的衣服。

45、It was like a fine mask , suddenly startled, made angry, and petrified. ─── 它好象是一副精制的假面具,突然惊起,发怒,然后成为僵石。

46、This was once part of a branch on a living tree that later broke off and was buried in sediments, where over time it was replaced by silica (commonly referred to as being fossilized or petrified). ─── 它们也许曾经是某棵树枝的一部分,因在远古时代树枝断落或者被毁灭掩埋,从而沉积下来经过漫长的地壳演变,漫漫被硅土填充形成化石。

47、His eye was on the note, and he was petrified ─── 他定睛望着钞票,也吓呆了。

48、A statue found in an ancient ruin is actually a petrified spell caster from a bygone era. ─── 一尊在某个古老的遗迹被发现的塑像其实是逝去时代一个被石化的施法者。

49、She was petrified with terror. ─── 她被吓得目瞪口呆。

50、He was petrified with terror. ─── 他吓得发呆。

51、You look like you are petrified. ─── 你看起来被吓坏了。

52、I've always been petrified of being alone. ─── 我总是非常害怕独处。

53、The engineering design builds the golden bridge for the petrified technology innovation ─── 工程设计为石化技术创新搭建金桥

54、"In feathered hats that were once the rage, she resembles a petrified parakeet from the Jurassic age. ─── 带着一顶过时的羽饰帽,简直就像个侏罗纪时代的鹦鹉活化石。

55、Into the night as the stars collide,Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified,To be by your side. ─── 店面布置十分时尚,走入其中,里面商品琳琅满目,熠熠发光,其他店在此店的光辉下,黯然失色。

56、Email service providers must allow for a smooth transition from a real world scenario to the internet, for those who are petrified of it. ─── 面对那些对网络世界不开窍的人,电子邮件服务提供商需要保证从真实世界的场景到因特网上的场景转变是流畅的,不易察觉的。

57、During the whole day's interviews, the stories were retailed more by the adults instead of these petrified children. ─── 一天的访谈,更多的是由大人替这些惊魂未定的孩子转述。

58、Into the night as the stars collide, across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified, to be by your side. ─── 进入群星闪耀的深夜穿过陡峭石林的边界在你们身旁我和你们一起飞翔。

59、to be aghast (at); to be petrified; to be frozen ─── 吓呆

60、They were petrified with fear(= so frightened that they were unable to move or think). ─── 他们都吓呆了。

61、In that incredible, in that unprecedented uproar, the ministers sat petrified. ─── 大臣们在那一阵不可思议,前所未有的喧闹声中,正襟危坐、呆若木鸡。

62、A piece of moon rock showcased in a key Amsterdam museum is nothing but petrified wood, museum authorities said of a gift made to a former Dutch prime minister by a US envoy. ─── 展示于阿姆斯特丹一家重要博物馆的一块月岩,不过只是石化的木头,馆方提到这个由美国特使送给前荷兰总理的礼物时说。

63、Indeed, they often act as a linguistic fossil record, preserving objects and behaviour that have long since fallen into petrified obsolescence. ─── 事实上,它们常常充当的是语言上的化石记录,保存着那些很早前就已经变成僵化的过时货的对象与行为。

64、Xinchang petrified wood ─── 新昌硅化木

65、Before him rose a grotesque mass of rocks, that resembled nothing so much as a vast fire petrified at the moment of its most fervent combustion ─── 在他的面前,耸立着一大堆奇形怪状的岩石,活象是经过一场猛烈的大火之后凝固而成的东西。

66、Madame Thenardier, petrified and mute, recommenced her conjectures: "Who is that old fellow?Is he a poor man? ─── 德纳第大娘一点也不动,一声也不响,心里又开始猜想起来:“这老头儿究竟是个什么人?

67、If a ghost is Petrified, is turns a dark smokey gray and can only be moved by the use of a fan. ─── 如果鬼魂被石化,它会变成暗灰色的烟雾,只有用扇子才能将其扇移动。

68、And one walks about restlessly,entreating,not knowing what one wants.(There is no escape.)Hearts are petrified with fear. ─── 人们不安地踱来踱去,不停祈求,却不知道要的是什么。

69、It works as a sort of petrified armor around people's minds. ─── 它仿佛僵化的外壳笼罩着人们的思维。

70、"It's an old, sour, petrified world, the Vatican world." ─── “这是衰老的、迂腐的、石化的世界,梵蒂冈的世界。

71、"The Duchess of Dowdy strikes again," wrote Blackwell. "In feathered hats that were once the rage, she resembles a petrified parakeet from the Jurassic age. A royal wreck." ─── 他说:“寒酸公爵夫人又来了。带着一顶过时的羽饰帽,简直就像个侏罗纪时代的鹦鹉活化石。王室垃圾!”。

72、Green porcelain wall under the window, there are two petrified wood, stand a pair of plants, flowers mottled old, unique Qing Qi. ─── 围墙绿瓷窗下,有两根木化石,立于绿荫丛中,斑驳花老,别致清奇。

73、They are found among fossils and petrified bones near slate.As the rain washes away the slate, Boji's emerge on stems looking like rock mushrooms. ─── 在考虑(以)回到土地(地球)使你(们)的能量(能力)磨削以后在你(们)的10分钟的手中保持(握住)。

74、B: I was petrified to see a huge rhino bearing down on me. ─── 看见一头大犀牛朝我冲过来我都吓坏了。

75、them roar, while he stands tITe petrified, his ideas frozen, his Weltanschauung a trapeze out of reach. ─── 它们吼道,而他却站在那儿吓呆了,脑子全乱了,他的世纪观也变成唯一荡到空中再也够不到的秋千。

76、"Joe was petrified he was going to lose Carly because she lost all trust in him after the incident with Keeley," our insider continues. ─── 哪里来这么多奇迹啊,那个0%的翻盘概率又浓重抹上了一笔,尽管结果上切尔西只差一个球,但距离还是很遥远。

77、Life, when petrified by material desires, is as callous as stone, while those seemingly worthless things always remain fresh and full of spirit. ─── 七、物化了的生命硬如岩石,而那些看似无价值的却永葆着神韵和空灵。

78、His eye was on the note, and he was petrified. ─── 他定睛望着钞票,也吓呆了。

79、Weeping petrified, out of his mind . . . - half buried, yet still breathing. ─── 呆滞无神地哭泣…被掩埋了一半身体,另一半却仍在呼吸。

80、Balashov noticed that his left leg was twitching more rapidly than ever, and his face looked as though petrified in its stern expression. ─── 他面色严峻仿佛一尊石像,左脚比先前抖得更快了。

81、The slab has here been replaced by a cross-beam, against which lean five or six shapeless fragments of knotty and petrified wood which resemble huge bones. ─── 代替青石板的,只是一条横木,上面架着五六段奇形怪状、多节、僵硬、类似长条枯骨的木头。

82、Not until I needed it, did God give me the blessing to be able to stand in front of people and talk without being absolutely scared to death. Petrified. ─── 就在我需要的时候,神就给我祝福,让我能有勇气站在人前说话,不会感到害怕得要死。

83、I'm petrified with worry. ─── 我担心死了。

84、to be petrified of sth ─── 很害怕某事

85、I would guess the drow petrified her while our backs were turned. ─── 我的猜测是那个黑暗精灵在我们离去的时候石化了她。

86、The old lady stood petrified with astonishment, peering over her glasses; Tom lay on the floor expiring with laughter. ─── 老太太站在那儿吓呆了,目光越过眼镜向外瞪着;汤姆却躺在地板上笑得喘不上气。

87、She`s not dead,Argus,she has been Petrified. ─── 它没有死,阿耳戈斯,它只是被石化了.

88、Keywords ethylene raw material;pyrolysis;integrated petrified enterprise; ─── 乙烯原料;裂解;炼化一体化企业;

89、I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try.Into the night as the stars collide, Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified, To be by your side. ─── 夜晚星星在空中闪烁,越过站在森林边缘的石头,要飞到你的身边时空转换都化为一滴滴泪水我不能够解释,亲爱的,我不能。

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