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09-15 投稿



humulus 中文意思翻译



humulus 短语词组

1、humulus japonicus latent virus ─── 日本血吸虫潜伏病毒

2、Humulus lupulus var. cordifolius Maxim ─── [医] 蛇麻

3、Humulus japonicus S.et Z. ─── [医] 律草

4、genus Humulus ─── [网络] 葎草属

5、humulus lupulus extract ─── 啤酒花提取物

6、humulus japonicus siebold ─── 日本沼虾

7、Humulus americanus ─── [网络] 美洲虎

8、humulus lupulus hops extract ─── 啤酒花提取物

9、Humulus L. ─── [医] 律草属(蛇麻属)

10、Humulus scandens Merr. ─── [医] 律草

11、humulus scandens ─── 葎草

12、Humulus lupulus ─── [网络] 啤酒花;蛇麻;蛇麻实

13、Humulus lupulus L. ─── [医] 忽布, 啤酒花(香蛇麻)

14、Humulus japonicus ─── [网络] 葎草

humulus 相似词语短语

1、tumulus ─── n.坟墓;古墓;冢

2、fumulus ─── n.一层薄雾

3、famulus ─── n.中世纪魔术师或学者的助手;随从

4、cumulus ─── n.积云;堆积,堆积物

5、humbles ─── adj.谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的;vt.使谦恭;轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气

6、Romulus ─── n.罗穆卢斯(罗马神话中的一个形象)

7、humerus ─── n.肱骨;(昆虫的)肩部

8、humilis ─── adj.云淡的

9、hamulus ─── n.[动]小钩,[解剖]钩;钩状突起

humulus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2 genera of erect or twining wind-pollinated herbs: genera Cannabis and Humulus; term not used in all classifications; in some the genus Cannabis is placed in the family Moraceae and the genus Humulus in the family Urticaceae. ─── 直立或缠绕风授粉草本植物2属;纤维属和葎草属;并不是应用到所有分类中的术语;有时纤维属被归入桑科和荨麻科中的葎草属中。

2、Studies on Extraction Technics and Anti-oxidative Effect of Polyphenol from Humulus lupulus L ─── 啤酒花多酚的提取工艺及抗氧化活性的研究

3、The content of hyperoside is lower in semen of C.australia which grew in Humulus scandens(lour.) Merr. ─── 结论:菟丝子及南方菟丝子中金丝桃苷的含量与菟丝子品种及其寄主植物有关。

4、Inhibition of extracts from Paulownia tomentosa to radicle bud growth of cucumber and Humulus scandens ─── 绒叶泡桐提取液对黄瓜和葎草种子胚根伸长的抑制作用

5、Humulus L. ─── [医] 律草属(蛇麻属)

6、Humulus scanalens(Lour) Merr. ─── 葎草

7、Keywords humulus pollen;allergen;immunotherapy; ─── 葎草花粉;变应原;免疫治疗;

8、immunotherapy with purified humulus pollen allergens for asthma patient; ─── 目的 对艾蒿、青蒿花粉变应原进行分离、鉴定。

9、Keywords Humulus Lupulus L;chemical constituents;pharmacological action;clinical applications; ─── 啤酒花;化学成分;药理作用;临床应用;

10、Analysis of Total Proteins in Pollen of Humulus scandens Lour. In Wuhan Region of China by Two-dimensional Electrophoresis ─── 中国武汉地区葎草花粉变应原蛋白质组分的双向电泳分析

11、ObjectiveTo ascertain extraction technology condition for flavonoids from Humulus scandens(Lour. ) Merr. ─── 目的研究葎草叶中总黄酮的提取工艺条件。

12、The principal pollen sensitizing in ZiBo city was Artemisia, Humulus. Platanus and Populus etc. ─── 主要致敏花粉为蒿属、大麻草属、悬铃木属和杨属等。

13、Keywords Humulus scandens(Lour.)Merr;Polysaccharides;molecular weight;Component; ─── 葎草;多糖;分子量;组分;

14、No-harmful Preventing Measures of Humulus lupulus Leaf Spider Mite ─── 啤酒花叶螨无公害防治措施

15、Objective: To study tissue chara ct eristics of Humulus lupulus, powder characteristics, physical and chemical characteristics. ─── 目的:探讨忽布的组织构造、粉末特征及常见的理化特性。

16、Experimental Study of Humulus scandens Utilized in Hyproseeding Greening on the Rocky Slope of Expressway ─── 葎草在高速公路岩石边坡喷播绿化中的试验研究

17、Methods The humulus pollen allergens were purified partially by gelatin filtration. ─── 方法采取凝胶过滤方法部分提纯草花粉变应原。

18、total flavonoids from Humulus lupulus ─── 啤酒花总黄酮

19、Keywords Pollen of Humulus scardens;identification;UV;IR;SDS-PAGE;HPLC; ─── 葎草花粉;鉴别;分子量测定;含量测定;

20、Humulus lupulu' var. cordifoliu'. ─── 分布于东亚。

21、Objective:To study tissuse chara ct eristics of Humulus lupulus, powder characteristics, physical and chemical c haracteristics. ─── 目的:探讨忽布的组织构造、粉末特征及常见的理化特性。

22、Definition: Hop strobile consists of the dried, generally whole, female inflorescences of Humulus lupulus L. ─── 本品为桑科植物啤酒花Humulus lupulus L.的干燥完整的雌花序。

23、To establish the total flavones extraction and determination methods of Humulus lupulus L. ─── 建立酒花黄酮的提取方法和含量测定方法。

24、17. A twining vine (Humulus lupulus) having lobed leaves and green female flowers arranged in conelike spikes. ─── 啤酒花:缠绕的藤本植物(啤酒花葎草属)长有带裂片的叶子,锥形穗状花序中排列有绿色雌性花朵

25、Humulus lupulus var. cordifolius Maxim ─── [医] 蛇麻

26、The seriations of allergen screening were mugwort, firmina humulus, chenopodium and gramineae. ─── 变应原筛查阳性率依次为艾蒿、法桐、藜草、葎草、禾本科。

27、Humulus lupulu' var. pubescen'. ─── 分布于北美洲中部。

28、We sought to purificate the allergens of humulus pollen and to study the Allergenicity and immunogenicity of it. ─── 对葎草花粉变应原进行纯化并进行免疫学活性分析。

29、A twining vine(Humulus lupulus)having lobed leaves and green female flowers arranged in conelike spikes. ─── 啤酒花缠绕的藤本植物(啤酒花?草属)长有带裂片的叶子,锥形穗状花序中排列有绿色雌性花朵

30、The effect of immunotherapy with purified humulus pollen allergens for asthma patient ─── 纯化葎草花粉变应原免疫治疗的研究

31、Study on antitumor activities of isohumulone in Humulus Lupulus L. In vitro and its mechanism ─── 啤酒花中异葎草酮体外抗肿瘤作用及机制研究

32、Keywords humulus lupulus;liquids;carbon dioxide;extraction;fermentation; ─── 啤酒花;液态;二氧化碳;萃取;发酵;

33、Xanthohumol is a prenylflavoniod from Humulus lupulus L. ─── 黄腐酚为酒花中主要的异戊二烯基黄酮类物质。

34、Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) ─── 啤酒花

35、Objective To study the chemical constituents of Humulus scandens. ─── 目的研究葎草的化学成分。

36、Flavonoids is a kind of natural drug which has broad application future and Humulus scandens are abundant in them. ─── 黄酮类化合物是一类具有广泛开发前景的天然药物,葎草中含有丰富的黄酮类化合物。

37、This review provides an overview of the chemistry, biological activities, and biotechnological aspects of xanthohumol, 8-prenylnaringenin, and other prenylated flavonoids from hops, Humulus lupulus L. ─── 本文概述了蛇麻和啤酒花中黄腐酚、8-异戊二烯基三羟黄烷酮和其他异戊烯基黄酮类化合物的化学、生物活性和生物技术方面的研究。

38、Objective: To study in a systematic pharmacognostical study on the pollen of Humulus scandens. ─── 摘要目的:对葎草花粉进行系统的生药学研究。

39、Stem-segment culture and tube propagation of Humulus lupulus L. ─── 啤酒花茎段培养及快速繁殖技术研究。

40、Keywords Supercritical Fluid;Carbon dioxide;humulus Iupulusl;Abstraction;Abstrat of humulus; ─── 超临界流体;二氧化碳;啤酒花;萃取;酒花浸膏;

41、Fresh Humulus scandens Merr supplemented some concentrates increased 20.52 g/d of average body weight gain for 1.5~3.5 month rex, the highest increase was 25.60 g/d; ─── 鲜嫩?草补加部分精料饲喂生长獭兔, 1 5 - 3 5 月龄平均日增重20 52 g,最高日增重可达25 6 g;

42、A Study on Industrial Scale Rapid Propagtion of Humulus Lupulus L. Seedlings ─── 啤酒花种苗工厂化快繁技术研究

43、Humulus pollen has become a major allergen for pollen disease in summer and fall in most part of China including Xi'an in recent years. ─── 葎草花粉近年来已成为我国多数地区包括西安地区夏秋季节花粉症的主要变应原。

44、This paper dealed with the study on seasonal dynamics of nutrient elements contents in the side stem of hops Humulus lupulus L in the Hexi oasis irrigation area. ─── 通过对不同生育时期啤酒花侧蔓营养元素含量的测定,研究了河西地区啤酒花侧蔓中营养元素含量的变化动态。

45、Humulus pollen has become a major allergen for pollen disease in summer and fall in most part of China including Xi’an in recent years. ─── 葎草花粉近年来已成为我国多数地区包括西安地区夏秋季节花粉症的主要变应原。

46、Humulus japonicus S.et Z. ─── [医] 律草

47、Results show that it is a fairly ideal method to be used for the moisture regain of humulus lupulus. ─── 研究结果表明:该方法用于啤酒花的回潮工艺是目前较为理想的方法。

48、Influnce of MET on vegetation and transplantation of Humulus lupulus ─── 长梗苦草花粉粒的电镜观察

49、Keywords Humulus lupulus L;xanthohumol;physiology activity; ─── 关键词啤酒花;黄腐酚;生理活性;

50、Study on the effects of Humulus scandens Merr feeding Rex ─── 葎草饲喂獭兔效果研究

51、Keywords humulus lupulus;extracts;liquids;carbon dioxide;extraction; ─── 啤酒花;浸膏;液体;二氧化碳;萃取;

52、Humulus yunnanensis ─── n. 滇葎草

53、Humulus lupulu' var. neomexicanu'. ─── 分布于北美洲西部。


55、Once this process is completed, the mash is heated with hops (dried flowers of the female vine Humulus lupulis), which were originally added to the mash to inhibit spoilage microorganisms. ─── 一完成这个过程,我们就向糖化醪中加入啤酒花并加热,啤酒花可以防止腐败菌的生长。

56、Humulus lupulus var. lupuloides (syn. H. americanus). ─── 分布于北美洲东部。

57、Construction and primary characterization of cDNA expression library of Humulus pollen ─── 葎草花粉cDNA表达文库的构建和初步鉴定

58、Keywords hop( humulus lupulus );Shaanxi Huanglong wild hop;hybird F 1 seedling;peroxidase isozyme; ─── 啤酒花;黄龙野生酒花;杂交育种;过氧化物同工酶;

59、Their host plants were chiefly Cerastium oruense, Veronica didyma, Aster americana, Humulus candens and so on. ─── 春季,叶螨多集中在菜地田埂及公路边等环境稳定的场所活动,寄主主要有卷耳,婆婆纳,美洲紫菀和?草等。

60、Extraction of polyphenols from Humulus lupulus L was optimized from extracting solvents and other extracting conditions. ─── 从提取溶剂及提取条件等方面对啤酒花多酚提取工艺进行了优化研究。

61、2 genera of erect or twining wind-pollinated herbs: genera Cannabis and Humulus; term not used in all classifications; in some the genus Cannabis is placed in the family Moraceae and the genus Humulus in the family Urticaceae ─── 直立或缠绕风授粉草本植物2属;纤维属和葎草属;并不是应用到所有分类中的术语;有时纤维属被归入桑科和荨麻科中的葎草属中

62、Keywords Humulus lupulus;flavonoids;extraction technology; ─── 啤酒花;黄酮;提取工艺;中心组合设计;

63、Study on apoptosis effect induced by lupulone in Humulus Lupulus L. And its mechanism ─── 啤酒花中蛇麻酮诱导细胞凋亡及机制研究

64、Research advances of humulus scandens ─── 葎草研究进展

65、Efficiency of Humulus Scandens on Soil and Water Conservation ─── 葎草的水土保持效益研究

66、Preliminary Study on Cultivation of Humulus scandens in Gully Area of the Loess Plateau ─── 黄土高原残塬沟壑区葎草栽培方法初步研究

67、Humulus lupulu' var. lupulu'. ─── 分布于欧洲与西亚。

68、Humulus scandens ─── n. 葎草

69、Humulus lupulus L. ─── [医] 忽布,啤酒花(香蛇麻)

70、Keywords Humulus scandens;chemical constituents;pharmacological activites;clinical applications; ─── 葎草;化学成分;药理活性;临床应用;

71、This article summarized the research advances in pharmacognostical study, chemical constituents, pharmacological actions and clinical application of Humulus Scandens. ─── 本文综述了葎草生药鉴定,药物化学成分,药理及其临床应用等研究进展。

72、In order to analyse protein components in humulus pollen and evaluate their allergenicity and immunogenicity,crude pollen extracts was prepared. ─── 分析葎草花粉变应原的蛋白成份及其变应原性、免疫原性。

73、A twining vine(Humulus lupulus) having lobed leaves and green female flowers arranged in conelike spikes. ─── 啤酒花缠绕的藤本植物(啤酒花葎草属)长有带裂片的叶子,锥形穗状花序中排列有绿色雌性花朵

74、ObjectiveTo ascertain extraction technology condition for flavonoids from Humulus scandens(Lour.) Merr. ─── 目的研究葎草叶中总黄酮的提取工艺条件。

75、Keywords Multi-Components Library;Separation and Characterization;Separation Strategy;Strychnos nux-vomica;Humulus Lupulus; ─── 组分库;分离策略;分离与表征;马钱子;蛇麻花;

76、Keywords Asthma;Humulus pollen;Allergen;Allergenicity;Immunogenicity; ─── 哮喘;葎草花粉;变应原;变应原性;免疫原性;

77、Extraction optimization study of flavonoids from Humulus lupulus ─── 啤酒花中黄酮成分提取工艺的优化研究

78、Developing prospect of Humulus scandens in west China ─── 葎草在西部大开发中的开发前景

79、Keywords humulus;pollinosis;allergic diseases;allergen; ─── 葎草属;花粉症;变应性疾病;变应原;

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