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09-15 投稿



compromises 发音

英:[ˈkɒmprəmaɪzɪz]  美:[ˈkɑːmprəmaɪzɪz]

英:  美:

compromises 中文意思翻译



compromises 词性/词形变化,compromises变形

动词过去式: compromised |动词第三人称单数: compromises |动词现在分词: compromising |名词: compromiser |动词过去分词: compromised |

compromises 短语词组

1、no compromises ─── 毫不妥协

compromises 相似词语短语

1、compromise ─── n.妥协,和解;妥协(或折中)方案;达成妥协;v.妥协,折中;违背(原则),达不到(标准);(因行为不当)使陷入危险,名誉受损

2、composes ─── n.合成材料;工伤赔偿费;食品包,干粮(compo的复数);n.(Compos)(美)孔波斯(人名)

3、composites ─── n.复合材料(composite的复数);复合体;菊科植物;v.使合成;使混合(composite的三单形式)

4、compromising ─── adj.有失体面的;不宜泄露的;使处于难堪境地的;v.妥协,让步;损害(名声);违背(原则);达不到(标准);使陷入危险(compromise的现在分词)

5、chromises ─── 铬

6、compromis ─── 妥协

7、compromiser ─── 妥协者

8、comprises ─── vt.包含;由…组成

9、compromised ─── adj.妥协的;妥协让步的,缺乏抵抗力的;vt.妥协;连累(compromise的过去分词)

compromises 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can you give us an idea of those compromises? ─── 你能说说做了哪些妥协吗?

2、A series of recent trials conducted by both Beijing and Taipei proved the positive outcomes of mutual negotiations and compromises. ─── 一系列最近的努力由北京和台北都实施证明相互协商和妥协的积极成果.

3、There should be no in-between, no compromises. ─── 不应有折衷,不应有妥协。

4、be abhorrent of compromises ─── 厌恶折衷调和

5、Melinda:Nah, he's too soft and he makes compromises too easily. ─── 不好啦,他人太软弱了,而且很容易就妥协。

6、Secondly, the decline measureless to illustrate pre-main without the will or can not exit out, can only make compromises,舍命陪君子with ordinary investors in a temporarily with adversity . ─── 其次,下跌无量,说明前期主力无出局意愿或者无法出局,只能委曲求全,舍命陪君子,与普通投资者一起暂时同患难。

7、However, it appears that nobody is willing to make compromises or make concessions and the situation seems to be in stalemate. ─── 不过,似乎没有人肯让步做出妥协,现在情况是僵持的。

8、Miko Miyazaki:A paladin never compromises. ─── 圣武士永不妥协。

9、"Affection type" and "mutual type" compromises are the solving types that aim at the two different obstructions respectively mentioned above. ─── “情感型”和解与“互动型”和解就是针对两种不同情感障碍的解决模式。

10、But the bill also faces opposition from some environmentalists, who are balking at the compromises the sponsors made to gain political support. ─── 但是这个提案也受到了一些环保人士的反对,他们犹豫,是否应该为了获得政治支持而出妥协。

11、Disagreements, conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to be human. ─── 分歧、冲突和妥协是人性的一部分。

12、We propose a new measure which compromises the magnitude and phase sensitivities of the closed-loop system eigenvalues such that it can be minimized subject to FWL effects. ─── 中文摘要在本论文中,我们将致力于发展一套系统化的方法来分析在有限字元长度效应下,实现数位控制器时,闭迴路系统稳定性的问题。

13、DOM and SAX are the two best known systems for XML processing, but they are really compromises across programming languages. ─── DOM和SAX是两种最有名的用于XML处理的系统,但它们是真正的跨编程语言的折中方法。

14、It compromises a series of X's, which are stitched on a piece of fabric to create a design. ─── 广泛流行于欧洲和美国以及亚洲等国家和地区。

15、She stands accused of governing less as a leader than as a moderator, brokering compromises among the coalition’s warring factions and then claiming credit for whatever emerges. ─── 她被指责作为领导人在治理上下的功夫少于作为仲裁者的时候,在大联盟的敌对集团中骑墙妥协,然后不论发生什么她都会给与赞扬。

16、He has shown himself to be ready to make compromises. ─── 他表现出自己愿意妥协。

17、To external appeases in no way compromises in no way. ─── 对外挂决不姑息决不妥协。

18、There is no evidence that current concentrations of triclosan in the human body are harmful, but recent studies suggest that it compromises the function of the hormone systems in bullfrogs and rats. ─── 尽管没有证据显示目前人体内的三氯生已达有害浓度,但是在最近的一项研究中发现,它会损坏牛蛙和老鼠内分泌系统的功能。

19、compromises in the nature of treachery ─── 叛卖性的妥协

20、If I later had to veto Republican budget bills, I wanted to do so after demonstrating a good-faith effort to make honorable compromises. ─── 如果迟后我不得不否决共和党的预算法案,我也想表明自己善意的努力,做出令人尊敬的妥协,之后再提出自己的计划。

21、compromis d'arbitrage ─── [法] 仲裁协定

22、Unfortunately, the idiom is annoying and severely compromises user effectiveness. ─── 不幸的是,这种习惯用法有些讨厌,而且会严重地降低使用者的工作效率。

23、Using a low-privileged user minimizes the security threat in case anyone compromises your subscription management interface and inserts conditions that attempt to access other tables or perform other actions. ─── 使用低特权的用户可最大限度地降低安全隐患,以防任何人危及订阅管理界面的安全以及插入尝试访问其他表或执行其他操作的条件。

24、Agricultural policies are compromises both within the sector and between agriculture and other interest groups. ─── 农业政策是农业内部以及农业与其他利益集团间妥协的产物。

25、Have the development team made a lot of compromises in realism for gameplay purposes or compromises ? (on what was possible in the original flashpoint). ─── 开发团队会在游戏的真实性或游戏性上做出折中妥协吗?(相对于原版闪点行动).

26、Unfortunately, there are other sources of incorrectness in addition: one of them lies in the fact that the temperate tuning itself implies compromises; ─── 不幸地, 有其它源泉的不正确另外: 他们的当中一个谎言在事实温和定调暗示妥协;

27、Delegates to the World Trade Organization talks hope to reach compromises on a number of issues that have been holding up an agreement to liberalize world trade for the past seven years. ─── 参加世贸组织谈判的代表们希望在一系列问题上达成妥协,这些问题过去7年来一直阻碍着达成一项国际贸易自由化的协议。

28、On this project though, there was a decision to make as few compromises in all aspects as possible. ─── 在这个设计中,为了使各方面的妥协都达到最少,我们需要做出关键性的决定。

29、As with a menu, clicking through the tabs of the ribbon provides a good overview of the capabilities of an application (though the visual complexity and the fact that some items are vertically stacked somewhat compromises its scanability). ─── 和菜单一样,在带条上单击标签可以进入到一个展现应用功能的整体视图(尽管视觉上很复杂,并且很多东西堆砌在一起多少有碍浏览)。

30、Disagreements,conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to be huaman. ─── 分歧、冲突和妥协是人之所以为人的应有之义。

31、The compromises and decisions George and Jonquil make along the way reveal too much about their own natures, and make a pure, innocent love impossible. ─── 乔治和庄乔所做的妥协和决定透露了他们的本质,也注定了他们的爱不可能单纯。

32、Before we announce to the world that our firm of Lovelace and Co. can't meet its engagement, we try to make compromises. ─── 在我们向世界宣布我们的勒夫列斯公司倒闭以前,总要采取一些中间步骤。

33、For as the bulk recruiters from finance and consultancy rein in their plans, many MBA students will have to make compromises in three areas in order to get a job. ─── 因为金融和咨询业的大部分单位都严格控制了招聘计划,为了找到一份工作,许多MBA将不得不在三个方面作出妥协。

34、The Obama administration erred in asking for too small a stimulus, especially after making political compromises that caused it to be less effective than it could have been. ─── 奥巴马政府的错误在于,它要求的刺激方案规模太小,特别是在它作出的政治妥协导致这项方案无法发挥它本应具有的效用之后。

35、The NetScreen-IDP 100 also successfully passed all device integrity-checking tests, demonstrating that it can withstand potential attempted compromises and denial of service attacks aimed at the system itself. ─── NetScreen-IDP 100也成功地通过了与各种设备的集成检测测试,并证明了它能够抵挡潜在的危险攻击和针对设备自身的拒绝服务式攻击。

36、If Mr Netanyahu's acceptance of a full settlement-building freeze had led to the break-up of his coalition, it might have been replaced by one more amenable to peacemaking compromises. ─── 如果内塔尼亚胡接受提议停止居住点建设导致了他的党派分裂,也许会有对和平谈判态度更加温和的党派取而代之。

37、These goals were often in conflict with other goals, resulting in some painful compromises. ─── 但这两个目标通常会与其他目标发生冲突,从而导致一些痛苦的折中。

38、Potential existence of data duplication in the enterprise, which compromises operational data accuracy. ─── 企业中可能存在数据副本,这会影响操作数据的准确性。

39、He believes Pakistanis will swallow this humiliation so long as India is prepared to sweeten the deal with small compromises and provided that peace comes quickly. ─── 他觉得只要印度能够做一些小的让步,只要和平能很快到来,巴基斯坦今天的所作的让步和所受的羞辱是完全值得的。

40、Backdoor compromises system integrity by making changes to the system that allow it to by used by the attacker for malicious purposes unknown to the user. ─── 一个完整的系统后门妥协改变,允许它的系统使用了攻击对于恶意用途不明的用户.

41、Important compromises have been made in the draft framework, but some important issues remain unresolved. ─── 在起草框架文件时作了重要妥协,但一些重要问题仍未解决。

42、Implementations provide much higher concurrency while preserving thread safety, with some minor compromises in their promises to callers. ─── 实现提供了更高的并发性,同时还保住了线程安全性,只不过在对其调用者的承诺上打了点折扣。

43、Rudolf H S.Roberts C E Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI):benefits,compromises,and future engine applications[SAE 1999-01-3682 ─── 刘金山.郭英男.谭满志.李盛成.黄维钧乙醇燃料均质压燃(HCCI)燃烧边界[期刊论文]-内燃机工程2005(4

44、One potential explanation is an actie fibrotic process that produces increased entricular stiffness, which compromises filling. ─── 一种可能的解释是一种主动的纤维变性的过程引起心室僵硬进而灌注受限的增加。

45、She refuses to let him give up hope and so endures his haunting memories of lost loves (Ava Gardner, Hildegard Knef) and his contrite ranting about the compromises he made in order to be successful. ─── 哈里又结识了一位女伯爵,过上了纸醉金迷的空虚生活。

46、They would have to explain myriad compromises and abdications along the way. ─── 他们将必须为其在其中无数的妥协及辞职作出解释。

47、It is important that they are no heavier than 55 lbs. because that seriously compromises their speed, resilience, and endurance". ─── 不能超过55磅,这个是非常重要的。因为它平衡了犬的速度,弹性和耐力。

48、All those negotiations and arguments and secrets and compromises, you don't need to carry it all that weight. ─── 那些约定、争辩、秘密,还有诺言,你需要承担它们所有的重量。

49、The latter would look incongruous, certainly, but compromises between expedience and quality of life have characterized Hong Kong since its beginnings. ─── 在内陆重建。

50、A program that neither replicates or copies itself, but does damage or compromises the security of the computer. ─── 一个既电影风流寡妇不复制也不拷贝自己,但却可以损害或者危及电脑安全的一种程序。

51、In the coming months, Congress and the administration are likely to hammer out compromises on many disputed items. ─── 在接下来的几个月里,国会和美国政府很有可能就那些有争议的条款拿出一个折中方案。

52、Poverty in the world compromises man more than anything else and will no doubt bring about the downfall of such a megalomaniac animal. ─── 这世上的贫困比其他任何东西更危害人类,很有可能引发人类这种妄自尊大的动物的垮台。

53、Mr. Netanyahu said he values Mr. Obama's efforts and that Israel is willing to make "generous compromises for peace. " ─── 内塔尼亚胡称他非常重视奥巴马的努力,而且以色列也愿意“为了和平作出慷慨的妥协”。

54、Microsoft does not recommend installing this plug-in, claiming it compromises security. ─── 微软则建议不要安装该款插件,因为这会导致安全性的减损。

55、AG compromises the nidation and growth of embryo in the early and middle pregnancy,but doesn't affect the formed fetus and placenta significantly. ─── AG抑制小鼠妊娠早、中期胚胎的着床与发育,但对已经成形的胚胎及胎盘影响不明显。

56、One of America's greatest legislators and orators, he forged compromises that held off civil war for decades. ─── 其中美国最大的立法者和演说,他妥协,举行过十年内战。

57、Political repercussions were recorded in the meantime, revolving around issues ranging from the organ's necessity to its lineup, all reflecting Chinag's claskes and compromises with Li Tsung-jen. ─── 在这三个月中,围绕着非常委员会,从委员会应否成立,到委员会的人事安排,引发了一连串的政治效应,反映在这些政治效应的是蒋中正与李宗仁两人的冲突与妥协。

58、Suffer wrong for the sake of achieving one's final purpose;make compromises to achieve one's final aim ─── 委曲求全

59、The agreement to negotiate a fissile-material cut-off treaty (FMCT, to disarmament buffs) involved a patchwork of compromises. ─── 同意对禁止生产裂变材料公约(下简称“禁产公约”)协商的共识纠缠了一系列折衷妥协的大杂烩。

60、Don't you think you need to make compromises and increase your celebrity more to launch your career there? ─── 你是否觉得应该稍稍妥协一下(根据我的理解,意思是说你是否要牺牲一下自己的隐私),继续扩大你的影响力呢?

61、When it comes to quality and technology, we accept no compromises. ─── 对于质量和工艺,我们决不妥协;

62、The deeply anchored craving for freedom is pushed aside in the daily routine of compromises. ─── 他们对自由的渴望,原本根深蒂固,却在年深日久的妥协中,被晾在一旁。

63、He has shown himself to be ready to make compromises. ─── 他表现出自己愿意妥协。

64、Account compromises are usually the result of the registered player of the account sharing his or her login information or playing on a computer that has a virus. ─── 帐号的损害通常是该帐号的注册者分享他/她的登入信息或者在有病毒的电脑上使用帐号。

65、Compromises and concessions,demands and entreaties to and from such companions clearly stem from a recognized emotional base that colors every issue. ─── 在这种亲密关系中,来自各方的妥协、让步、要求、恳求,所有这些都明显源于坚实的感情基础,使双方相互包容。

66、Speaking on Palestinian radio, Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said there will be no compromises from their side on their demand for Israel to freeze settlement activity. ─── 巴勒斯坦谈判代表埃雷卡特在巴勒斯坦电台上说,巴勒斯坦在有关以色列冻结定居点活动的问题上没有任何妥协可言。

67、The road to resolving the centuries-old struggle between Catholics and Protestants has been long and rocky, with unpalatable compromises along the way. ─── 但是当地天主教与新教的百年争战的调解之路却是漫长而艰辛。

68、No matter what compromises or stands you make on source code style, however, it's important that you adopt one. ─── 不管在源代码样式方面做了什么样的妥协或坚持,最重要的一点是你一定要采用一种样式。

69、Visionary industrial plans in democratic India are fated to turn messy and become bogged down in political compromises. ─── 在民主的印度,不切实际的工业计划命中注定会难缠不解,并在政治妥协中陷入困顿。

70、Racing thoughts impose general muscular tension that compromises the lymphatic system and immune system. ─── 奔驰的思绪强加了肉体的紧张,危及淋巴系统和免疫系统。

71、The preparation for constitutionalism experienced many political compromises of different degrees from its announcement, development to the defeat. ─── 从其宣布、发展到失败的三个阶段,预备立宪经历了多次不同程度的政治妥协。

72、But this is wishful thinking, as China won't make any compromises in its border disputes with India. ─── 但这只是印度一相情愿,因为中国不会在与印度的边境争端问题上作出任何让步。

73、Security is an issue because VBA can be used to create code that either compromises the security of your data or can harm files on your computer. ─── 之所以要考虑安全性,是因为VBA可用于创建危害数据安全或损坏计算机上的文件的代码。

74、Compromises the security of your application by claiming an untrue identity or role. ─── 会通过声明一个不真实的身份或角色危及应用程序的安全。

75、He expressed hope that the committee "can succeed in making the compromises and threading the needle" to get authorization for the central Arizona plan. ─── 他希望委员会“能制定出折衷方案,并排除困难”他亚利桑那中部计划获得核准。

76、Zhang's "writing on daily-life bodies" has much to do with her view of "stylistic philosophy", under which lie her nihilistic philosophy and her personal resistances and compromises. ─── 张爱玲的“日常性身体写作”与她的“文体哲学”观密切相关,这种写作的背后隐藏着张爱玲虚无主义的人生观及其抵抗和化解的方式。

77、If southern states rejected all compromises on slavery, did they have the right to secede? ─── 如果南方各州拒绝所有有关奴隶制问题的妥协,他们有权脱离联邦吗?

78、But the case is different with tactical stages, where compromises may be made. ─── 在策略阶段上就不同了,就有妥协了。

79、The more compromises we gave, the more peoples will take the advantages over our head. ─── 当我们妥协的越多,我们的头就会被越多人糟踏。

80、With so many people to please, the result is often a mediocre morass of compromises. ─── 众口难调,结果常常是平庸的折中主义纠集一处。

81、Broadly speaking, you need to make compromises in your application code to play nicely with the schema-generated types. ─── 一般来说,在应用程序代码中要做些妥协,才能很好地处理方案生成的类型。

82、In any relationship, you have to make compromises. ─── 在任何关系当中,人们都得作出让步。

83、Trusted Recovery Based on Security Compromises Analysis in Secure Operating System ─── 安全操作系统中基于安全性损害分析的可信恢复

84、Maintenance errors primarily reside in latency within task and/or situational factors in a specific context and emerge as consequences of mismanaging compromises between production and safety goals. ─── 如果采用过去飞航意外事故的致灾因素为分析架构,可以找出航空维修作业中具有共通性的错误型态,并加以改善预防。

85、The underneath writer compromises peacetime to often appear of the problem enumerate several item, and slightly make analysis. ─── 下面笔者将就平时常出现的问题列举几项,并稍作分析。

86、If the products developed by your company are aspired to inject fun and colours to life with no compromises on creativity, aesthetic, taste, quality and performance, we are very glad to serve you! ─── 倘若阁下认为贵公司开发的产品是应该为生活增添色彩和趣味,对创意,美学,品味,品质和性能都有极高要求,我们十分乐意为您服务!

87、Even then, there will doubtless be some awkward compromises needed to get the legislation through. ─── 即使到那时,要想通过法案,奥巴马必然还要做出一些艰苦的妥协。

88、Make no compromises when it comes to wrinkles.Enriched with extracts of pure, natural ingredients, such as silicium and ... ─── 产品介绍: Biotherm 碧欧泉男士活氧青春乳霜 50ml 产品简介 BE FIRM WITH YOUR SKIN.

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