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09-15 投稿



irresolvable 发音


英:  美:

irresolvable 中文意思翻译



irresolvable 相似词语短语

1、irreformable ─── adj.难以纠正的;不可改造的

2、irremovable ─── adj.不能免职的;不能移动的

3、irresoluble ─── adj.不能解决的;无法解决的

4、irrelievable ─── adj.不能减轻的,不能解除的

5、irresolvably ─── 无法解决的

6、unresolvable ─── 无法解决的

7、irremovably ─── 不可挽回的

8、insolvable ─── adj.不能解决的;不能溶解的

9、resolvable ─── adj.可分解的;可解决的;可溶解的

irresolvable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nevertheless, Dong's teachings have caused four principal irresolvable questions among scholars. ─── 然而,学者对董生阴阳五行说,尚未解决的问题有四。

2、Certain change requests coming from the feature teams can sometimes create irresolvable conflicts with other products that use the platform. ─── 有些时候,特性团队所要求的改动,可能与使用平台的其他产品产生无法解决的冲突。

3、Einstein's theory of relativity with widespread irresolvable paradox, including the quality rises with the speed equation. ─── 爱因斯坦的相对论多处出现无法解决的悖论,包括质量随速度而升高的式子更是如此。

4、"Two foundations " irresolvable, be absorbed in on one hand, disregard on the other hand, go against the struggling target of the construction of the party and implementation party. ─── “两个基础”不能分离,只顾一方面,不顾另一方面,都不利于党的建设和实现党的奋斗目标。

5、Among the irresolvable problems that spark emigration, there are material ones, and emotional ones. ─── 其中无法解决的问题,引发移民,有物质的和情感的。

6、This is again, one of that irresolvable areas. ─── 这也是一个不能解决的领域。

7、And courses that focus on debating irresolvable ethical dilemmas could encourage the notion that almost any action can be justified. ─── 而且课程如果把焦点放在辩论无法解决的道德两难问题上,也可能令学生认为任何行径皆可被合理化解释。

8、To my mind all troubles and worries, odd scores and personal feelings, all that seem irresolvable of unacceptable would disappear after the short span of scores of years. ─── 我常想,世间的劳苦愁烦、恩恩怨怨,如有不能化解,不能消受的,不也驮过这短短的几十年就烟消云散了吗?

9、Now that there is many irresolvable issues, the war may break out. ─── 既然存在着许多无法解决的问题,战争很可能会爆发的。

10、Biological engineering had become the most lucrative of industries and because of this it had created an irresolvable calamity. ─── 在纯净洁白的实验室中,最安全、最平凡的试验,一旦到了无法控制的自然环境中,就是祸害的根源。

11、All this while however, this has been an irresolvable contradiction. ─── 但是这一直是无法解决的矛盾。

12、third level, the irresolvable conflict between man and himself is examined through Beyond the Horizon and the Iceman Cometh. ─── 第三个层面转入到人与自我的矛盾冲突,典例是《天边外》和《冰人来兮》。

13、2) If g is an irresolvable Cartan solvable Lie algebra, then of with the Borel subalgebra of the nine typical simple Lie algebra is isomorphism. ─── ( ii)若 g是一个不可分解的 Cartan可解李代数 ,则 g与 9种典型单李代数之一的 Borel子代数同构 .

14、While this dilemma seemed to be irresolvable, the Soviet Union suddenly proposed a new draft resolution admitting 16 nations' memberships except Japan and Mongolia. ─── 本案既是观察冷战期间国际政治发展的重要窗口,同时也是中华民国外交史的重要一页,对台美外交关系、台湾在联合国的地位等皆多有牵动。

15、In a statement, Judd Gregg said it had become apparent during the vetting process that his appointment would not work because, as he said, there were irresolvable conflicts on policy. ─── 在声明中,格雷格表示,已经非常明显,他的任命不可行,因为双方在政治观念方面有冲突。

16、The task-oriented perspective leads new directions for VE research, presents feasible solutions to issues irresolvable only from organization perspective, and brings additional requirements as well. ─── 任务导向视角给虚拟企业的研究带来了新的思路,能够解决单纯从虚拟企业组织视角无法解决的问题,也提出了新的要求。

17、But he said he had found there were "irresolvable conflicts" on issues including Mr Obama's economic stimulus package and the country's census. ─── 但是他说,他发现有“无法解决的冲突”的问题,包括议员奥巴马的经济刺激方案和国家的人口普查。

18、Some of the cultural wars in this country are deep-rooted, eternal and irresolvable. Gun control. ─── 美国的一些文化战争已经根深蒂固、不可分解,并向外扩张着。

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