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09-15 投稿



ide 发音

英:[aɪd]  美:[aɪd]

英:  美:

ide 中文意思翻译




ide 短语词组

1、eclipse ide for java developers ─── 面向java开发人员的eclipse ide

2、N-phenylphthalim-ide ─── [化] N-苯基邻苯二酰亚胺

3、ide error occurred ─── 发生ide错误

4、ide master ide ─── 主机

5、cis-isomer(ide) ─── [化] 顺式异构体

6、ide features ide ─── 功能

7、chinese ide ─── 草鱼

8、check ide updates for ─── 检查ide更新

9、legacy ide ─── 旧版ide

10、-ide ─── [医]〔后缀〕意为:二元化合物, 如chloride(氯化物), sulfide(硫化物)或carbide(碳化物)

11、geometric(al) stereoisomer(ide) ─── [化] 立体几何异构体

12、jetbrains ide ─── 这里是jetbrains

13、ide configuration ide ─── 配置

14、eclipse ide for enterprise ─── 企业版eclipse ide

15、Ide test ─── [医] 井出氏试验(检梅毒)

16、Ide tests ─── [医] 井出氏试验(检梅毒)

17、go ide ─── 转到ide

18、Ide reaction ─── [医] 井出氏反应(检梅毒)

19、hk ide ─── 香港ide

ide 词性/词形变化,ide变形

第三人称单数:ides 名词复数形式:ides

ide 相似词语短语

1、hide ─── vt.隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打;vi.隐藏;n.躲藏;兽皮;躲藏处

2、bide ─── vt.等待;面临;禁得起;vi.等待;居住

3、idem ─── adv.出处同前(指源自刚提及的同一本书、作者等)

4、-ide ─── n.(观赏鱼类)圆腹雅罗鱼(同orfe);n.(Ide)(爱尔兰、巴西、美)艾德(人名)

5、aide ─── n.助手;副官;侍从武官;n.(Aide)人名;(葡)艾德

6、idee ─── n.(法)想法;(法)观念

7、idea ─── n.想法;主意;概念

8、Ride ─── v.骑,乘(自行车、摩托车或马等),搭乘(地铁、火车);驾驭,支配,试图控制(某人)并强迫其工作;飘浮;穿越,翻越;依赖于,取决于;数落,嘲弄;被(巨大冲力)带走,得益于;n.(骑马、骑车或乘坐车辆的)旅行,行程;乘便车,搭乘免费车;让人搭便车的人;(某人的)车;(游乐园里)供人乘坐的游乐装置;n.(Ride)(英、美、法)赖德(人名)

9、Gide ─── 纪德

ide 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hey! I've got this really good ide we make this investment which will bring us a lot of benefits. ─── 嘿!我有一个非常好的主意:我们进行投资,这会给我们带来很多的利润。

2、Open the.VSP file in the IDE to examine performance data. ─── 在IDE中打开.VSP文件以检查性能数据。

3、The IDE provides several ways for you to move among open tool and document windows using the keyboard. ─── IDE提供了几种使用键盘在打开的工具和文档窗口间移动的方法。

4、Just open up your IDE and start writing tests. ─── 只管打开您的IDE并且开始编写测试。

5、This paper provides a refference for the future identification and exploitage of the dug ide... ─── 可为血苕的开发利用提供有关参考。

6、On February 8, 2006 Borland announced the divestiture of their IDE division, including Delphi, JBuilder, and InterBase. ─── 2006年2月8日,Borland宣布剥离其IDE部门,这包括Borland Delphi、JBuilder与InterBase。

7、No IDE plug-ins are available yet, though some might be developed over the next year or two. ─── 现在还没有这方面的IDE插件可用,不过一两年内也许就会有了。

8、He looked up at the mountai ide, the path twisting upwards towards the cairn cro , the white heat bleaching the rock. ─── 他抬头向山坡望去,只见小路盘旋而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光将岩石晒得发白。

9、Learn how to specify events to be run before instrumentation begins from within the IDE. ─── 了解如何指定要在检测开始之前在IDE中运行的事件。

10、The Code and Text editor is the word processor of the integrated development environment (IDE). ─── 代码和文本编辑器是集成开发环境(IDE)的字处理程序。

11、However, you access them by pointing to an arrow in a menu bar, or by right-clicking an item in the integrated development environment (IDE). ─── 但是,您可以通过指向菜单栏内的某个箭头,或通过右击集成开发环境(IDE)中的项访问它们。

12、All going well, not only have you installed a fantastic IDE, but you even have an eye-catching little double-clickable launcher on your desktop. Sweet. ─── 一切顺利的话,你就安装好一个很棒的IDE了,此外你的桌面上还会出现一个漂亮的启动器,双击即可启动。

13、Note that the ide CD driver is ide-cd. ─── IDE接口的CD驱动位于drivers/block/ide-cd.

14、This option is available only when you have a solution open in the IDE and you are not working with stand-alone projects. ─── 只有在IDE中打开了一个解决方案并且没有使用独立项目时,此选项才可用。

15、In 2004 farmers in India purchased enough IDE equipment to irrigate 20,000 acres. ─── 到了2004年,印度农民购买的IDE设备,可灌溉的土地已有8000多公顷。

16、A simple IDE, the principle of good learning materials window. ─── 一个简易的IDE,学习窗口原理的好教材。

17、The product detects hard disk controllers (SCSI and IDE). ─── 也可检测硬盘控制器(SCSI和IDE接口)。

18、The BVP for first order discontinuous IDE with fixed times. ─── 一阶脉冲微分方程泛函边值问题。

19、CD-ROM For most standard SCSI or IDE CD-ROMs, the standard drivers should work without problems. ─── 光盘大部分来说标准的小型电脑标准介面或IDE光盘,标准的驱动器应该没有问题工作。

20、Take control of the Visual Studio IDE using add-ins. ─── 使用外接程序驾驭Visual Studio 2005 IDE

21、Trial version of ODAC is completely functional, but it runs only with Delphi, C++ Builder or Kylix IDE and has trial period limited by two months. ─── 但我编译了一个简单测试程序不在IDE环境中也能运行。后又修改的系统时间至2008年,也正常。

22、Existence of positive solutions of BVP for second order IDE with fixed moments. ─── 二阶脉冲微分方程边值问题。

23、This means that the object model is available for macros, add-ins, and any type of project that needs to extend or automate the IDE. ─── 即,该对象模型可供宏、外接程序以及需要扩展或自动化IDE的任何类型的项目使用。

24、Padiation intensity measured by instrument at 100-150m above ground is no gu ide to the economic significance of an occurrence. ─── 在100-150米高空用仪器测得的放射性不能说明矿点的经济价值。

25、An IDE in the browser makes sense, they said. ─── 两人说,浏览器内的IDE是一个可行方案。

26、In the Visual C++5.0 IDE,a module of analysis of frequency is programmed in the way of object-oriented. ─── 在 Visual C++5.0集成开发环境中,用面向对象的方法,开发了频域分析模块。

27、IDE India spends seven years researching and developing the equipment. ─── IDE印度花费了7年时间研发这项设备。

28、You can rearrange the windows in the integrated development environment (IDE) to best suit the way you work. ─── 可以在集成开发环境(IDE)中重新排列窗口,以便更好地适合工作。

29、NET in VS2005 IDE was used for developing the analytical software for dynamic granulometer. ─── NET编程工具开发动态显微颗粒分析软件。

30、Before you know it, you'll be a very advanced user of the Java editor in NetBeans IDE. ─── 不知不觉中,你会是一个非常棒的NetBeansIDE中Java编辑器的使用者。

31、The Resources pane is a good example of a place in the IDE that has been closely integrated with the enhanced. NET Framework. ─── 资源窗格是IDE与增强的.NETFramework紧密集成的一个很好示例。

32、It can be docked in the IDE so it's always available, or can be set to slide out of view when you're not using it. ─── 可以将它停靠在IDE中使其始终可用,也可以设置为不使用它时使其淡出视野。

33、Learn to enable events from with the IDE, and use command-line tools to view event data. ─── 了解如何在IDE中启用事件,并使用命令行工具查看事件数据。

34、It can hold up to 14 hot-swappable IDE hard drives and current models have a maximum capacity of 7TB. ─── 他可以最大用到 14 个 热抽换(热插拔) 的 IDE 硬碟机,现在目前的型号可以达到最大容量是 7 TB。

35、Np No Project. Supresses loading of any desktop files on IDE startup and suppresses creation of a default project. ─── 不载入工程。在IDE启动时禁止载入任何桌面配置文件也不加载默认工程。

36、And, perhaps best of all, you can fully test the application within the IDE! ─── 也许最好的是可以在IDE内测试全部的程序。

37、You can only add a resource script (. Rc file) to an existing project that is loaded into the Visual Studio IDE. ─── 只能将资源脚本(.rc文件)添加到已载入Visual Studio IDE到中的现有项目。

38、The debug method of BDM and Codewarrior IDE are introduced. ─── 介绍了BDM调试方法和集成开发环境CodeWarrior;

39、The IDE disks are controlled by the IDE controller chip and the SCSI disks by the SCSI disk controller chips and so on. ─── IDE磁盘被IDE控制器芯片控制而scsi磁盘由scsi磁盘控制器芯片控制。

40、In fact, the entire Eclipse IDE is built to be just a big collection of plug-ins. ─── 事实上,整个Eclipse IDE就是被构建为一个大的插件集合。

41、You can manage databases directly from the IDE. ─── 你可以在IDE中直接管理数据库。

42、The Eclipse IDE JVM field displays the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for the IDE that you specified. ─── Eclipse IDE JVM字段将显示所指定的IDE的Java虚拟机(JVM)。

43、Learn how to specify events to be run after instrumentation ends from within the IDE. ─── 了解如何指定要在检测结束之后在IDE中运行的事件。

44、In the Visual Studio IDE, the Debug menu contains commands that are either disabled or absent from the Debug menu in the Visual Studio Macros IDE. ─── 在Visual Studio IDE中,“调试”菜单包含Visual Studio宏IDE的“调试”菜单中所禁用或不存在的命令。

45、Visual Studio sets this value when you switch the target framework version through the integrated development environment (IDE). ─── Visual Studio在您通过集成开发环境(IDE)切换目标Framework版本时设置此值。

46、Is only used in the IDE to transfer the files, but not used in the command-line builds. ─── 只在IDE中使用,用来传送文件,而不用于命令行生成。

47、A good assembly language IDE which support most assemblers. ─── 一个很好的汇编集成开发环境,支持多种汇编编译器。

48、Examine the raw. Vsp file the Visual Studio IDE. ─── 在Visual Studio IDE中检查原始.vsp文件。

49、Learn to specify sampling event from within the IDE. ─── 了解如何在IDE中指定取样事件。

50、In fact, Visual Studio has always been designed for you to arrange elements of the IDE to best suit your individual development style. ─── 事实上,Visual Studio使您总是能够将IDE元素排列成最适合个人的开发风格。

51、Unplug all IDE drives and Play. ─── 取消所有IDE驱动器再开始游戏。

52、Make sure the side of the cable with the red stripe on it is plugged into pin 1 side of the IDE connector. ─── ide装置排线上有红色边的一侧为第一脚位所在,连接时请注意是否已对准。

53、The seat on the 60-year-old toilet www.medicinenet.com sli bathroom cabinet ide when you sat on it. ─── 医院的进修学习多是流于形式,实质性的效用不大,或仅仅学到一些西医的东西。

54、Call Stack and Immediate windows in a separate window or at the bottom of the IDE. ─── “调用堆栈”和“即时”窗口显示在单独的窗口中,或者显示在IDE底部。

55、I ide the Ru ian Emba y in London a KGB colonel puffed a cigarette as he read the handwritten note for the third time. ─── 在伦敦的俄国使馆,一位克格勃上校一边吞云吐雾,一边读着一张手写的字条,这已是他第三次在读这张字条了。

56、They were scrambling up the mountai ide in the late afternoon heat. ─── 在下午后半晌的炎热中,他们向山坡上爬去。

57、Contains the identifiers that are used to locate a code object in the IDE. ─── 包含用于在IDE中查找代码对象的标识符。

58、It also contains an Explorer window, to facilitate file manipulation from within the IDE. ─── 也包含资源浏览器窗口,为了从 IDE 里面促进文件处理。

59、In the Eclipse IDE field, type or navigate to the location of the folder containing the eclipse executable file (eclipse. Exe or eclipse. Bin). ─── 在Eclipse IDE字段中,输入或浏览到包含Eclipse可执行文件eclipse.exe或eclipse.bin的文件夹位置。

60、You can only extend an existing Eclipse IDE of version 3.2.1 With latest updates from eclipse. Org. ─── 只能使用来自eclipse.org的最新更新来扩展现有Eclipse IDE V3.2.1。

61、The IDE creates a new unit file and opens it in the Code editor. ─── IDE创建了一个新单元并且已经用代码编辑器打开。

62、You can access Help by pressing F1 in the IDE, as well as through the table of contents, index, and full-text search. ─── 在IDE中按F1便可访问“帮助”,也可以通过目录、索引和全文搜索来访问“帮助”。

63、In localized versions of the IDE, command names can be entered either in the native language of the IDE or in English. ─── 在IDE的本地化版本中,命令名可以以IDE的本地语言名或英文名输入。

64、After get the permit form MS, COBOL 2002 IDE for . ─── NET框架的COBOL 2002集成开发环境将在微软公司授权后,作为下一代.

65、Ns No splash screen. Suppresses display of the splash screen during IDE startup. ─── 不显示闪屏。在IDE启动时禁止显示闪屏。

66、Full support for IDE, EIDE, SCSI and SATA, PAN, ZIP and USB drives. ─── 全力支持IDE中,艾德的SCSI和SATA ,潘, ZIP和USB驱动器。

67、The Error List window appears at the bottom of the IDE if incorrect code is entered or other errors occur at design time. ─── “错误列表”窗口出现在IDE的底部(如果在设计时输入了错误代码或出现了其他错误)。

68、In the IDE, from the Build OS menu, choose Set Active Configuration. ─── 在IDE中,从Build OS菜单中选择Set Active Configuration。

69、You can reset the integrated development environment (IDE) to a previous state using the Import and Export Settings wizard. ─── 可以通过使用“导入和导出设置”向导将集成开发环境(IDE)重置为以前的状态。

70、Contains automation model language-reference topics for the integrated development environment (IDE), including debugging. ─── 包含集成开发环境(IDE)的自动化模型语言参考主题,包括调试。

71、Eg. Oceans don't so much ide the world as unite it. ─── 与其说海洋分隔了世界,不如说海洋联结了世界。

72、This keeps with our goal that you should be able to get the most out of it without any specialized tools (or even an IDE for that matter! ). ─── 我们的目标就是无需任何特别的工具就能获得最大的收益(甚至都不需要IDE)。

73、The IDE compiles the project and prepares the files necessary to run the application using the Desktop execution model. ─── IDE编译项目,准备桌面运行模式运行需要的文件。

74、This Software RAID is usually superior to the cheap IDE pseudo hardware RAID controllers found on newer motherboards. ─── Software RAID通常比新主机板提供的廉价IDE虚拟硬体RAID控制器的高级。

75、VB Programming tool IDE, with compiler, resource file for the DLL export functions. ─── VB编程IDE辅助工具,具有编译、导出资源文件为DLL等功能。

76、On the left-hand side of the IDE, you see a vertical tab marked Toolbox. ─── 在IDE的左侧,您可以看到一个垂直的、标记为“工具箱”的选项卡。

77、The Error List window appears at the bottom of the IDE if incorrect code is entered or other errors occur at design time. ─── “错误列表”窗口出现在IDE的底部(如果在设计时输入了错误代码或出现了其他错误)。

78、Consequently, it is easy to run and debug your automation code in it, against the main IDE, without starting another instance of Visual Studio. ─── 因此,相对于主IDE,您可在其中轻松运行和调试自动化代码,而无需启动Visual Studio的其他实例。

79、IDE devices directly reader ASM (written in assembly language), the DOS can be used directly. ─── IDE设备直接读取程序ASM(汇编语言编写),在DOS下可直接使用。

80、It can be anything i ide the computer. ─── 可能是计算机里面的什么地方出毛病了。

81、Learn how to control data collection by specifying additional options from within the IDE. ─── 了解如何通过在IDE中指定其他选项来控制数据收集。

82、Yet, in the perception of the secular life, nihilistic ide as show through. ─── 但在对世俗生活的感性认同中,她的虚无思想又时时渗透于字里行间。

83、The following table shows the availability of the options in the Macros integrated development environment (IDE). ─── 下表显示了宏集成开发环境(IDE)中的选项的可用性。

84、EDITEXPT - IDE Editor Add-on, create headers and separators lines in your code, automatic. ─── EDITEXPT是一个IDE编辑器插件,可以自动在你的代码中创建标题和分隔行。

85、In the Visual Studio IDE, load the solution file MEDriver. Sln. ─── 在Visual Studio IDE中,加载解决方案文件MEDriver.sln。

86、Displays the internal Web browser in the IDE. ─── 在IDE中显示内部Web浏览器。

87、If you are reticent to begin using namespaces, consider upgrading your IDE and try out namespaces with a bit of help from your favorite IDE. ─── 如果您还不太愿意开始使用名称空间,可以考虑升级IDE,在IDE的帮助下尝试使用名称空间。

88、EVC understanding of the use of the procedure to prepare pulled methods (introduced IDE). ─── 了解使用EVC编写WINCE程序的方法(介绍IDE)。

89、Mature IDE integration. ─── 成熟的IDE集成。

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