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09-15 投稿



ingle 发音

英:[ˈɪŋɡl]  美:[ˈɪŋɡəl]

英:  美:

ingle 中文意思翻译




ingle 网络释义

n. 炉火;火炉n. (Ingle)人名;(英)英格尔

ingle 词性/词形变化,ingle变形

第三人称单数:ingles 名词复数形式:ingles

ingle 短语词组

1、s ingle v. ─── 挑选,选出;(棒球)击出一垒打;对(幼苗,幼树)进行间苗;将(铁轨)变成单线;以一垒打使(跑垒)得分adj.单一的,单个的;单身的,未婚的;各自的,分别的;单人的,单人用的;(票)单程的;统一的;由一个部分构成的;(花)单瓣的;唯一的;(酒的)一份n.单曲唱片;(板球中的)一分打,(棒球中的)一垒打;单身者,未婚者;单程票;(旅馆等的)单人房间;单打(比赛);一元纸币;(鸣钟术)不同次序鸣钟法;(影剧院的)一张票,一个座位;一份酒

2、ingle recess ─── 炉边凹处

3、ingle-nooks (ingle-nook ─── 的复数) n. 炉边

4、ingle-nook n. ─── 炉边

ingle 相似词语短语

1、ingles ─── n.(Ingles)人名;(西)因格莱斯;(英)英格尔斯

2、pingle ─── 平乐

3、jingle ─── n.叮当声;节拍十分规则的简单诗歌;v.(使)叮当作响;具有简单而又引人注意的韵律

4、bingle ─── n.短发;安打;打出安打;vi.安打;vt.剪短发;n.(Bingle)人名;(英)宾格尔

5、kingle ─── 金格尔

6、tingle ─── v.感到刺痛;使激动;n.刺痛感;激动;(用于支撑窗户玻璃或石板瓦的)S型金属固定夹片;n.(Tingle)(英、美)廷格尔(人名)

7、mingle ─── vi.混合;交往;vt.使混合;使相混;n.(Mingle)人名;(加纳、英)明格尔

8、single ─── adj.单一的;单身的;单程的;n.一个;单打;单程票;vt.选出;vi.击出一垒安打

9、dingle ─── n.幽谷;峡谷;vi.发抖;发叮当声;n.(Dingle)人名;(英、葡)丁格尔

ingle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The city of Gaomi possesses geological advantages in Shandong Peninsula, with long history as well as ingle scenery . ─── 高密市在山东半岛也称得上是一个地理位置优越,具有悠久历史的城市,风光如画,景色怡人。

2、The ingle factor effect is: N>water>P, the coupling effect is: nitrogen and water coupling>nitrogen and phosphorus coupling>phophorus and water coupling. ─── 其中单因素效应大小表现为:氮>水>磷,耦合效应大小表现为:氮与水耦合>氮与磷耦合>磷与水耦合。

3、Wish you love can also s. ingle cy. cle. ─── 多希望。你的爱也可以单曲循环。

4、An optimum d esign model for offshore jacket platform is established by using the weight as s ingle object function. ─── 建立以平台总重量为目标函数的导管架平台优化模型。

5、Clean neatly on the ground, ingle has not gone out, the tableware on bowl hutch is glisten. ─── 地上打扫得干干净净,炉火还没有熄灭,碗厨上的餐具闪闪发光。

6、It faces an agonies in g choice: to back the euro with almost unlimited taxpayers' funds, or risk the break-up of these ingle currency. ─── 德国面临着艰难的选择:要么无限量地使用纳税人的资金支持欧元,要么冒着风险与单一货币欧元决裂。

7、do not wait for gas furnace or oven find a place for in window lower part, otherwise wind can blow ingle probably destroy, or play the curtain cooking range above. ─── 不要把煤气炉或烤箱等安置在窗户下方,否则风很可能会把炉火吹灭,或将窗帘吹到炉灶上面。

8、Mr. Ingle retired from his job when he reached the age of sixty-five. ─── 殷格先生于六十五岁时自工作岗位退休。

9、Ingle, J.D. and Crouch, S.R. 1989. Spectrochemical analysis, p.323-351. Englewood Cliffs Prentice-Hall. ─── 陈世铭、张文宏、谢广文。1998。果汁糖度检测模式之研究。农业机械学刊7(3):41-60。国立台湾大学农业机械工程学系。

10、Keywords coordination polymers;lead iodide;organic-inorganic hybrid;X-ray s ingle crystal structure; ─── 配位聚合物;有机-无机杂化;碘化铅;X-射线单晶衍射结构;

11、ingle n. ─── 壁炉;

12、o, I'm a ingle on. ─── 没有,我是独生子。

13、while the former is a concept of a ingle integrated mass, the latter, that of the hierarchy in the depth; ─── 比如,我们可以说“天人合一的境界”,不宜说“天人合一的意境”;

14、Ingle, James Addison ─── 殷德生

15、Then,this thesis analyses and resear ches the scale of the serving area based on the requirement forecasting of the s ingle serving area; ─── 同时对水上服务区规模进行分析研究;

16、He was married to his first wife, Jose Ingle for six years. ─── 他结婚的第一任妻子,何英格尔六年。

17、The use of more tha one roce or i a ingle computer ystem. o-called quot; ─── 在单个的计算机系统中有多个处理器。

18、ingle recess ─── 炉边凹处

19、ingle loop control ─── 单回路控制

20、Rome Braves manager Randy Ingle wasn't having a good day. The minor leaguer got ejected during a game with the Augusta GreenJackets into a major lead beat. ─── 罗马勇士队的经纪人兰迪恩格尔苦恼连连,小职业球队联盟队在他们跟奥古斯塔绿夹克队对决期间被击败,无缘决赛。

21、3、Okay, people. The rules of trauma -- don't m ingle with E.R. Interns -- ─── 好的,同仁们.外伤治疗守则--别和急诊实习医生混在一起--

22、01/28.All the darkness in the world never put out the light of a ingle candle. ─── 集全世界的黑暗也无法熄灭一支蜡烛发出的亮光。

23、ingle well tracing method is a new method for measuring residual oil saturation ,it is charac-terized by promptness and accuracy. ─── 单井示踪剂法是一种新兴的测残余油饱和度方法。它具有快速、准确、优越等特点。

24、An optimum design model for offshore jacket platform is established by using the weight ass ingle object function. ─── 建立以平台总重量为目标函数的导管架平台优化模型。

25、ingle power automobile ─── 混合动力汽车

26、ingle chip microcomputer ─── 单片机

27、3, do not wait for gas furnace or oven find a place for in window lower part, otherwise wind can blow ingle probably destroy, or play the curtain cooking range above. ─── 3、不要把煤气炉或烤箱等安置在窗户下方,否则风很可能会把炉火吹灭,或将窗帘吹到炉灶上面。

28、the darkness in the world never put out the light of a ingle candle. ─── 全世界的黑暗也无法熄灭一支蜡烛发出的亮光。

29、The NAV price is a s ingle price for dealing which is a mid-price. ─── 资产净值为交易中单一价值的中位价.如欲认购

30、ingle, John G. ─── 作 者: Vinay K.

31、Conceptually, N represents the average range in price movement that a particular market makes in as ingle day, accounting for opening gaps . ─── 从概念上来看,N表示某个特定市场单个交易日的价格波动的平均范围,它说明了开盘价的缺口。

32、roofed ingle ─── 壁炉墙角

33、ingle well tracing method is a new method for measuring residual oil saturation , it is characterized by promptness and accuracy. ─── 单井示踪剂法是一种新兴的测残余油饱和度方法。它具有快速、准确、优越等特点。

34、The third ingle regardingsuicide and one-side love will finally be out in august! ─── 第三张关于自杀和暗恋的全新大碟,将于8月推出!

35、James Addison Ingle ─── 殷德生(1867-1903),美国人,来华传教士。

36、Since Drabble is a prolific writer with a variety of concerns, it is hard to cover all of her novels in as ingle limited study like this. ─── 德拉布尔是一位丰富多产的作家,其关注点也很多,要在这样一个篇幅有限的论文中讨论她的全部作品是很难的。

37、The ability to a ly two or more roce or to a ingle computation. ─── 一种在单个计算机上运行两个或多个程序的能力。

38、10 Ingle JI, Bakland LK. Endodontics. Fifth Edition. London: BC Decker Inc. 2002。 ─── 11王嘉德,高学军.牙体牙髓病学.北京:北京大学出版社.2006.

39、This is one of the most common meeting formats, which involves a s ingle speaker or panel addressing a group of individuals. ─── 这是最常见的一种会议形式,有一个发言人或一组发言人面对一群听众演讲。

40、ingle cell gel electrophoresis ─── 单细胞凝胶电泳技术

41、He sees garment horn of the friend is being burned by ingle, say slowly: "Have a thing, I am early saw, want to tell you, be afraid that your strength is urgent again; ─── 他看到朋友的衣角被炉火烧着了,慢吞吞地说:“有件事,我早看到了,想告诉你,又怕你性子急;

42、INGLE J I,BACKLAND L K.Endodontics[M].4th ed.Baltimore:Williams Wilkins,1994:32?34 ─── 李辉.三种根充糊剂在根管治疗中的临床应用[J].实用口腔医学杂志,2005,21(5):704?705.

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