mosque 发音
英:[mɒsk] 美:[mɑsk]
英: 美:
mosque 中文意思翻译
mosque 短语词组
1、Mukhtarov Mosque Mukhtarov ─── 清真寺
2、Mosque Keizerstraat ─── 莫斯科凯泽斯特拉特
3、Taipei Grand Mosque ─── 台北大清真寺
4、Sheikh Zayed Mosque ─── 谢赫扎耶德清真寺
5、Mosque of Cristo de la Luz ─── 基督之光的清真寺
6、Moscow Cathedral Mosque ─── 莫斯科大教堂清真寺
7、Umayyad Mosque ─── 倭马亚大清真寺
8、Mosque of Sheikh Ibrahim Al Ibrahim Sheikh Ibrahim Al Ibrahim ─── 清真寺
9、Fuzhou Mosque ─── 福州清真寺
10、Sultan Ahmad Shah State Mosque ─── 苏丹Ahmad Shah国家清真寺
11、Mosque of Ibn Tulun ─── 伊本·图伦清真寺
12、Mosque of Pasha Qasim Pasha Qasim ─── 清真寺
13、Al Askari Mosque Al Askari ─── 清真寺
14、Malacca Straits Mosque ─── 马六甲海峡清真寺
15、Mosque-Swallow ─── 清真寺-燕子
16、Jinan Great Southern Mosque ─── 济南大南清真寺
17、Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque Sheikh Lotfollah ─── 清真寺
18、Sultan Ahmed Mosque Sultan Ahmed ─── 清真寺
19、Makhachkala Grand Mosque Makhachkala ─── 大清真寺
mosque 词性/词形变化,mosque变形
mosque 相似词语短语
1、mosques ─── n.清真寺(mosque的复数形式)
2、bosque ─── n.灌木丛;树丛
3、Basque ─── n.巴斯克人(居住在西班牙北部和法国南部);巴斯克语;adj.巴斯克人的;巴斯克语的
4、masque ─── n.假面剧;化装舞会;假面剧剧本
5、-esque ─── 风格
6、bosquet ─── n.丛林;矮林;n.(Bosquet)人名;(西)博斯克特;(法)博斯凯
7、bisque ─── n.[陶瓷]素瓷;浓汤;橘黄色
8、masquer ─── n.蒙面者;化装舞蹈者;戴假面具的人
9、masques ─── n.化装舞会;假面具;假面剧(masque的复数)
mosque 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In the month of fast, Moslem will pray in the Mosque. ─── 在斋月中,穆斯林要到清真寺祷告,而且成年穆斯林不能吃任何东西。
2、Turks occupy Constantinople in the 15th century, make this holy Sophia church into the mosque. ─── 15世纪时土耳其人侵占君士坦丁堡,把这座圣索菲亚教堂改成清真寺。
3、Hundreds of people packed into the mosque. ─── 成百上千的人挤进了清真寺。
4、He worshipped at the local mosque. ─── 他在当地的清真寺做礼拜。
5、In 1453 Constantinople was captured by the Ottoman Turks, and the Hagia Sophia was converted into a mosque. ─── 1453年,君士坦丁堡被土耳其人攻占,圣索菲亚大教堂也被改建成清真寺。
6、Some years ago the clock in the tower of the mosque got out of order. ─── 几年前,清真寺钟楼里的大钟失灵了。
7、Zain, a 38-year-old Pakistani, comes to the mosque after closing his clothing shop in the Itaewon area. ─── 38岁的巴基斯坦人赞,在梨泰院区的服饰店打烊之后来到清真寺。
8、They went to the mosque to pray. ─── 他们去清真寺做祷告。
9、The villagers donated funds for a new mosque too. ─── 村民们也捐款建了一座新清真寺。
10、They then used the mosque's loud speaker system, normally used to call people to prayer, to broadcast their chants across the city. ─── 接着他们用清真寺的大喇叭,一般用来宣礼的,把他们的呼唤响遍全城。
11、Being a total stranger in that country, I found temporary lodging at a small, inexpensive inn behind the famous Blue Mosque in Istanbul. ─── 人生地不熟的我,就在伊斯坦堡著名的蓝色清真寺后面,随便找一家便宜的小旅馆暂且栖身。
12、It is sacrilegious to wear shoes inside a mosque. ─── 在回教教堂内穿鞋子是亵渎神圣的.
13、But on the morning of Eid al-Adha, all Muslims will go to the Mosque. ─── 不过那天早上,穆斯林都会去清真寺参加会礼。
14、That followed an attack on a mosque in Rawalpindi, where the army has its headquarters, in which 35 people died. ─── 之后在军队总部驻扎地,Rawalpindi的一所清真寺里的袭击又造成了35人死亡。
15、The Russian authorities restored peace among the mountaineers and sent a message to Hadji Murad instructing him not to attend the mosque. ─── 俄罗斯当局恢复和平和各登山传话给阿指示他不要参加的Murad清真寺。
16、Israeli strikes damaged the dome and minaret of this mosque in southern Gaza City. ─── 在加沙地带南部城市以色列空袭破坏的圆顶和尖塔的清真寺。
17、Can you imagine what would happen if that happened late at night in a pew or mosque or synagogue? ─── 你可以想象如果那个随后发生在教堂内的*背长凳或清真寺或犹太教会堂的夜晚会发生什么?”
18、The Sundial is a Collection of Greater Mosque in Xi'an. Therefore,we call it Sundial of Geater Mosque. ─── 保存在西安清真大寺的一台日晷,我们称之为清真大寺日晷。
19、"Hands that reach Islam must be broken," a group of Mu-slims chanted outside of an Istanbul mosque, AP reported. ─── 伸向伊斯兰的手必须被斩断,"一群穆-斯-林高呼着在伊斯坦布尔清真寺外面。
20、The East like a large area, such as the Buddhist Temple, the outlook Taoism, Islam mosque. ─── 东方喜欢大面积展开,如佛教的庙、道教的观、伊斯兰教的清真寺。
21、A neighbor has just been to tell my wife that the Elders have assembled in the mosque and want to detain you. ─── 刚刚邻居告诉我的妻子说,长老已聚集在清真寺和希望扣留你。
22、Pakistani men pray next to a bullet-ridden vehicle parked in the Lal Masjid, or Red mosque. ─── 一群巴基斯坦人在“红色清真寺”内一辆布满弹孔的汽车旁做祷告。
23、Remove your shoes in the mosque. ─── 在清真寺内要脱鞋。
24、Other TV shows produced in the province include Little Mosque on the Prairie, Moccasin Flats and Renegade Press. ─── 在全省其他电视节目,包含了大草原中的小清真寺,, moccasin单位和叛离的新闻。
25、Headlining beside one of the world's largest squares, Esfahan's Emam Mosque is a tiled wonder. ─── 在伊斯法罕世界上最大的广场之一的旁边,巍然耸立着伊玛目清真寺。这是一处磁砖搭建的胜景。
26、Indian Muslim children feed pigeons on the second day of Ramadan in a mosque in New Delhi, India on Sunday. ─── 回教斋戒月第二天是周日,印度的回教孩童在新德里一座清真寺内喂食鸽子。
27、So he spent most of his time in the mosque where he studied Islamic law and Sharia. ─── 因此他的大部分时间是在清真寺里学习伊斯兰法律和沙里亚度过得。
28、A short time later we were taken to a third bomb site. Officials told us that this site contained both a school and a mosque. ─── 随后,我们又去了第三个被炸地点。官员们说,那里有一个学校和一个清真寺。
29、Because the Rest House is faced away from Mecca it couldn't be a mosque . ─── 因为这个休息室没有面向着麦加,所以它不可能是一座清真寺。
30、To smoke in a church or mosque would be a profane act. ─── 在教堂或清真寺内吸烟将是一种亵渎神灵的行为。
31、Ancient temple monuments discovered during restoration of mosque in Southern Egypt. ─── 埃及南部一清真寺整修施工中挖掘出古代神殿的遗址。
32、Go to church, mosque or synagogue and pray on it. ─── 去教堂、清真寺或是犹太教会堂去为工作祈祷。
33、A boy holds candy in his hand as he reads the Quran in a mosque during Ramadan, in Amman, Jordan on August 22, 2009. ─── 一个男孩手中拿糖果,因为他在读古兰经清真寺在斋月期间在约旦首都安曼,于2009年8月22日。
34、Animal Medical Centre, G/F, 28 Mosque Street, Mid Levels, Hong Kong. ─── 98动物医疗中心,香港半山摩罗庙街28号地下。
35、Another is the well-liked imam of a suburban Trinidad mosque. ─── 另一个则在特立尼达岛是一位享有盛名的偏远清真寺的教长。
36、In the centre of Damscus' old town, stands this huge, gleaming architecturally astonishing mosque. ─── 在大马士革老城中央,矗立着这座建筑气势恢宏,熠熠生辉,令人震惊的大清真寺。
37、The Shiites asked him to take part in a festival and to speak at their mosque during Friday prayers. ─── 什叶派要求他参加节日庆祝,并在星期五祈祷日在他们的清真寺里作讲演。
38、They do not know in detail what happened to the other families who had gone to the mosque as instructed. ─── 他们不知道其他一起被命令到清真寺的家庭的命运。
39、He noticed I was reading the Bible, and no longer attended mosque. ─── 他注意到我在读圣经,也不再去清真寺了。
40、Interior of the Mosque of Cordova. ─── 从科尔多瓦图片 Mezquita de Cordoba.
41、"Bound by common belief, Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan at Lahore's Badshahi Mosque. ─── “在拉合尔的巴德夏希清真寺,穆斯林们遵照共同的信仰庆祝斋月的结束。
42、In fact, for every mosque that is impeded, many other projects go ahead. ─── 事实上,每出现一个清真寺受到阻建,就有许多其它的修建计划在进行之中。
43、The centrality of the mosque in a classical Islamic urban setting. ─── 在一座古典伊斯兰城市格局中的清真寺的中心。
44、You should remove your shoes in the mosque. ─── 在清真寺内你得脱下鞋子。
45、It is said China's earliest mosque was built during the Tang Dynasty. ─── 传说中国最早的礼拜寺始建于唐朝。
46、In 2008 and 2009 Liebherr will deliver a total sum of 182 huge umbrellas for shading the Holy Mosque in Madinah. ─── 在2008年和2009年利勃海尔将交付182个巨型遮阳伞给Madinah的神圣清真寺。
47、It is dominated by the grand bazaar of Chandni Chowk and by the Jama Masjid which is the largest mosque in India. ─── 大型集市昌德尼乔克街和印度最大的清真寺贾玛清真寺在这座城市中拥有举足轻重的地位。
48、The Seljuks built the fabulous Friday Mosque in the city of Isfahan. ─── 塞尔柱王朝在伊斯法罕城(伊朗城市)里建立了寓言中的星期五清真寺。
49、Indian Muslims pray in a mosque in Delhi during the Corban, Oct. 14. ─── 10月14日,印度德里。正在清真寺前祈祷的印度穆斯林。
50、Hukuru Miskiiy is the oldest mosque in Male, famed for its intricate stone carvings. ─── 古清真寺是马累最古老的清真寺,以其精细复杂的石刻而闻名。
51、They go to the mosque to pray once a week. ─── 他们每周一次到清真寺去祈祷。
52、A mosque is a place for praying. ─── 回教堂是一个让人祈祷的地方。
53、Nine Pakistani soldiers and the radical cleric who led resistance at the mosque, Abdul Rashid Ghazi, were also killed. ─── 9名巴基斯坦军人和在清真寺内领导抵抗行动的激进教士加齐也在袭击中丧生。
54、Near the city center, the towering minaret of Koutoubia Mosque rises up from a sea of rose-colored buildings. ─── 在城中心,库图比亚清真寺的塔楼尖塔,屹立于玫瑰色的建筑海洋之中。
55、Do not enter the mosque, Rusi, we must first Tuoxie. ─── 不要随便进入清真寺,入寺必先脱鞋。
56、A free-standing arch and crescent-shaped gate frame a mosque in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. ─── 图中这座有着独立的拱门和半月形大门的清真寺位于印度尼西亚的班达亚齐。
57、Muslim men break their fast at a mosque in the Saudi Red Sea port of Jeddah on August 23, 2009. ─── 决裂,穆斯林男子在沙特红海港口吉达清真寺于2009年8月23日的快。
58、There was a Festival of the Fast-Breaking Ceremony in the mosque today. ─── 今天在清真寺举行了开斋节庆典。
59、The 5000-meter mosque will accomodate about 1200 people. ─── 5000平方米的清真寺将能容纳大约1200人。
60、There is, in the synagogue, in the mosque, in the pagoda, in the wigwam, a hideous side which we execrate, and a sublime side, which we adore. ─── 圣殿、清真寺、菩萨庙、神舍,所有那些地方都有它丑恶的一面,是我们所唾弃的,同时也有它卓绝的一面,是我们所崇敬的。
61、I am as comfortable entering a Hindu temple, a mosque, a church and a Chinese temple. ─── 去兴都庙宇、回教堂、教堂或华人庙宇,我的心情是一样的自在。
62、The Jami masjid at Delhi is a representative example of an Indian mosque. ─── 在德里的伊斯兰教堂和寺院是印度清真寺的一个典型实例。
63、To follow the national policy of the Party, he learnt Arabian in the mosque in the village and later in Heilongjiang, Tianjin, Hebei and so on. ─── 在落实党的民族政策在本村清真寺学习阿文,以后到黑龙江、天津、河北等地学习。
64、A tall, slender tower on a mosque, having one or more projecting balconies from which a muezzin summons the people to prayer. ─── 伊斯兰教寺院的尖塔清真寺上高而细的塔,上有一个或多个突出的阳台,阿訇在其上为朝拜的人们布道
65、A pond captures the reflection of a boy passing the Jamia mosque in the Indian city of Amritsar. ─── 在印度城市阿姆利则,米亚清真寺前的水池倒映着一个男孩经过的身影.
66、Liberhan, a judge, debunks the BJP's long-held claim that the mosque was spontaneously torn down by Hindu zealots. ─── Liberhan在报告中揭露道,BJP长期以来都宣称,阿约提亚清真寺终将被印度教狂热分子所摧毁。
67、But that is nothing as compared with the Umayyad Mosque. ─── 但是看到了大马士革大清真寺之后,这些就不值一提了。
68、Which is the biggest and oldest mosque in Beijing? Which is the oldest Christian cathedral in Beijing? ─── 北京城内最大、最早的清真寺及最大、最早的基督教基督教堂各是哪座?
69、"It doesn't matter who wins, they're all the same," said a man frying falafel next to a mosque. ─── “谁赢都无所谓,他们都是一样的。”一座清真寺旁煎沙拉三明治的男人说。
70、He said the decision was part of an agreement to move the proposed mosque in New York. ─── 他称此举部分基于双方协议将拟定在纽约建造的清真寺移至他处。
71、He walked cheerfully towards the mosque of the baths. ─── 他高高兴兴地朝那盖得像是一座清真寺的澡堂走去。
72、They built the most brilliant mosque in the Moslem world. ─── 他们修筑了穆斯林世界最气派的清真寺。
73、He said that no bodies of women or children had been found in the mosque complex so far. ─── 他说到目前为止,没有在清真寺里发现女人[人质??]或者小孩的尸体。
74、At the center of the mosque stands a huge, richly decorated church. ─── 在清真寺的中央竖立一座庞大的,装饰富丽堂皇的教堂。
75、At the next Friday sermon, the women who were sitting in the side room of the mosque began to share their distress at the state of affairs. ─── 到下个星期五的布道,那些在清真寺侧房里的女人开始讨论她们对时势的担忧。
76、The mosque, whose prayer room has 13 aisles with eight bays, is one of the largest in Algeria. ─── 城中的清真寺祈祷室有13条走廊和8个架间,是阿尔及利亚最大的清真寺之一。
77、Muslims kneel at prayer at the Niujie Mosque in Beijing. ─── 北京牛街穆斯林在做礼拜(跪拜)。
78、My translator suddenly dashed out of the mosque, told me to grab my bag and, seconds later, we were roaring off in a car. ─── 这时我的翻译突然从清真寺里冲了出来,他让我抓起自己的包,几秒钟后,我们驱车飞快逃离了这里。
79、This morning I went to the big mosque and fort in Old Delhi. ─── 今天早上我去了旧德里一座很大的清真寺和一座保垒。
80、Hukuru Miskiiy Hukuru Miskiiy is the oldest mosque in Mal? Famed for its intricate stone carvings. ─── 古清真寺是马累最古老的清真寺,以其精细复杂的石刻而闻名。
81、The 20th century Grand Husseini Mosque is less than a mile from an ancient Roman amphitheater. ─── 20世纪的大侯赛因清真寺距离古罗马竞技场不到一英里。
82、Smoke billowed up from an area where the city’s main mosque is located. ─── 一些商铺十五日晚八时还在冒烟。
83、The male prayer leader in a mosque. ─── 伊玛目清真寺内作礼拜时领头的男人
84、Eid Al-Adha prayer times at Birmingham Central Mosque. ─── 伯明翰清真大寺古尔邦节礼拜时间。
85、After she detonated her suicide belt, the other two bombers entered the mosque in the confusion. ─── 在她引爆自己后,其他两名肉弹乘乱进入清真寺。
86、Participants went to a church, synagogue, or mosque at least once a week. ─── 参与者每周至少去一次礼拜堂、犹太教堂或清真寺。
87、Lanchow. Hadji at chief mosque. ─── 兰州,清真寺里的穆斯林。
88、The devout were all hurrying to the mosque. ─── 信徒们都赶往清真寺。
89、Hindus had long claimed that the mosque had been built over the birthplace of a Hindu god, Ram, and a Hindu temple later dedicated to him. ─── 印度教徒长期以来一直声称这座清真寺建在了一位印度教信奉的神Ram的出生地,而后建立了一座印度教的神庙供奉着它。
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