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09-15 投稿



instantaneity 发音

英:[[ɪnˌstæntə'ni:ɪtɪ]]  美:[[ɪnˌstæntə'ni:ətɪ]]

英:  美:

instantaneity 中文意思翻译



instantaneity 短语词组

1、instantaneity rules ─── 瞬时性规则

instantaneity 相似词语短语

1、instantaneously ─── adv.即刻;突如其来地

2、consentaneity ─── 同意

3、spontaneity ─── n.自发性;自然发生

4、constant anxiety ─── 持续焦虑

5、coinstantaneous ─── adj.同时的

6、instantaneous ─── adj.瞬间的;即时的;猝发的

7、coinstantaneity ─── 同时性

8、instantness ─── 瞬时性

9、instant hit ─── 爆红;轰动一时

instantaneity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Originity and instantaneity are two greatest characteristics of collection platform. ─── 原始性和即时性是采集平台最大的两个特点。

2、Worlds in action: information, instantaneity and global futures trading ─── 运转中的世界:信息、即时性、全球期货贸易

3、Internet plays a decisive role in English language after-class learning due to the universality, interaction, and instantaneity of its information. ─── 网络因其信息的全球性、互动性和即时性在英语学习第二课堂环境建设中起着决定作用。

4、The circle of contact takes on time averaged, instantaneity, periodicity and crumbliness in flow field of angle burner high length-with ratio furnace. ─── 角式喷燃、高长宽比炉膛中,切圆在流场中旋转,具有时均性、瞬时性、周期性和破碎性。

5、Lester: And the instantaneity, - the instant also has the concept of time in it. ─── 答:所谓瞬时性,依然含有时间的概念。

6、Thy Study on the Instantaneity of the Resistor's Relevant Parameters in the First- order Linear Circuit ─── 一阶线性电路中电阻相关参数的瞬时分析

7、Originity and instantaneity are two greatest characteristics of collection platform. ─── 原始性和即时性是采集平台最大的两个特点。

8、Together with its higher velocity, continuous electronic money can approach near instantaneity. ─── 随着流通速度的加快,连续电子货币就能接近即时支付。

9、Together with its higher velocity, continuous electronic money can approach near instantaneity . ─── 流通速度越高,连续电子货币就接近即时支付。

10、The model has good validity and instantaneity, the security of firewall itself, and steady communication. ─── 此模型具有较好的有效性、实时性、自身安全性和通信稳定性。

11、The digital channel receiver must have the ability of processing large number of data instantaneously to ensure the instantaneity of the system. ─── 为了保证系统的实时性,数字信道化接收机要求具有实时分析处理大量数据的能力。

12、Analysis of instantaneity of momentum ─── 动量的瞬时性分析

13、Suppliers' master data is centrally stored in the system, which guarantees the consistency and instantaneity of all data. ─── 供应商的主数据在系统中是集中储存的,这样保证了数据的一致性和实时性。

14、However, only by improving the techniques of interpreters, is it possible to solve some problems of semantic fuzziness such as "instantaneity", "shift of manipulative power". ─── 实际上从口译的动态过程和特征来考察,仅仅把口译者作为研究的对象是不全面的,也不可能解决口译中的所有问题,因为人不可能是百科全书。

15、Its aim is to implement personnel share, data share, synchronized parallel work, and difficulty co-discuss, consequently to insure instantaneity and objectivity. ─── 其目标是实现人员共享、数据共享、同步并行作业、疑难会判、保证时效性和客观性。

16、This paper aims at a tentative discussion of the aesthetic experience of man in "speed times" in the perspective of instantaneity. ─── 本文尝试从“瞬间”角度来讨论“速度时代”人的审美体验问题。

17、We supply English contents instantaneity ,for foreign visitors browse. ─── 即日起本站开始提供英语内文,供外语读者浏览.

18、This paper aims at a tentative discussion of the aesthetic experience of man in“speed times”in the perspective of instantaneity. ─── 本文尝试从“瞬间”角度来讨论“速度时代”人的审美体验问题。

19、Instantaneity rules,Pollsters use electronic devices during political speeches to measure opinions on the wing,before they have been fully formed,fast-food restaurants add expres lanes. ─── 即时行为注意主宰着一切,人民发表政治演说时,听众尚未形成看法,民意调查员就利用电子装置 进行现场测定,快餐店增设了快速通道。

20、2 (1) Instantaneity rules. ─── 即时行为主宰着一切。

21、Sun,flower,little bug climbing.Even if the grass seeding in the coner is so lovable,every instantaneity in our life should be observed.Living with exitement has no regret. ─── 阳光、花朵、小虫子在爬,哪怕是墙角里长出的小草也让人觉得可爱,生活的每一个瞬间都需要我们去把握、体会,活得精彩才能算是青春无悔。

22、This puts a crimp on banks which derive a lot of their current profit on the "float" -- which instantaneity erases. ─── 这就束缚了银行,银行现在的利润有很大一部分是来自于(货币的)“浮动”,而浮动性会即时消除。

23、From a perspective of narration, the uncanny horror is built up by means of intentionally retaining narrative blind points, projecting narrative instantaneity and repetitiveness. ─── 从精神分析学的角度来看,这三类主题恰可被视为“实在”之“畏”的三大基本表征在维多利亚哥特文本中的映射。

24、control precision and instantaneity are improved effectively. ─── 有效地提高了控制精度和适时性。

25、"Computer Maintenance and Upgrade" is a course with strong practicality and instantaneity. ─── 摘要“计算机维护与升级”是一门实践性、即时性都很强的课程。

26、lnside mounted the single-plug lamp tube with instantan eously starting. ─── 内装单脚灯管,快速瞬时启动。

27、Compared with the translation of literary works, the translation of film language has a lot of particularities: popularity, orality, instantaneity, simplicity, harmony and ellipsis. ─── 与以书面语言形式出现的作品的翻译相比,影视翻译的语言是有其特殊之处的,即通俗性、瞬时性、融合性、口头性、简洁性以及省略成分多。

28、Instantaneity: the Essence of News Photographing and Relative Theories ─── 瞬间:新闻摄影的行为和理论要义

29、Taking rocket launch as an example,the motion instantaneity of momentum conservation problems was discussed in the paper. ─── 以火箭推进等问题,论述动量守恒问题中运动的瞬时性。

30、The noise source has instantaneity . characteristic. Its coverage is wide and Its treatment is difficulty. ─── 由于该噪声源具有瞬时性、影响范围广、治理难度大等特点。

31、The author especially points out the four features of interpretation: shift of manipulative power, presence and absence, instantaneity and contextualization. ─── 翻译的本质是为了实现语际交流。

32、The PASS system to in-patient"s prescription, the doctor"s advice is the instantaneity monitor, the medicine information inquiry and the patient applies drugs the education. ─── PASS系统对住院病人的处方、医嘱是即时性监测、药物信息查询和病人用药教育。

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