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09-15 投稿



interviewer 发音

英:[ˈɪntərvjuːər]  美:[ˈɪntəvjuːə(r)]

英:  美:

interviewer 中文意思翻译



interviewer 词性/词形变化,interviewer变形


interviewer 短语词组

1、questions to ask interviewer ─── 问面试官的 ─── 问题

2、radio interviewer ─── 电台记者

3、interviewer training ─── 面试官培训

4、Interviewer's Classification Guide ─── 面试官分类指南

5、interviewer and interviewee ─── 采访者和被 ─── 采访者

6、interviewer bias ─── 访谈员偏差

interviewer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Interviewer: So how did you feel afterwards? ─── 会见者: 他们使你苦恼?

2、Ask the interviewer to restate a question if you are confused. ─── 卖出采访重申一个问题如果你是困惑。

3、He had a television interview with a journalist. ─── 他接受了一个记者的电视采访。

4、He prepared three days for this interview. ─── 他为这次面试准备了3天。

5、She drew the interview out to over an hour. ─── 她把会见拖长, 超过了一小时.

6、Don't sit down until invited to do so by the interviewer. ─── 人家未请,先別坐下。

7、Last week I filled out an application form for a new company in town and arranged for a personal interview. ─── 上星期,我给城里的一家新公司写了申请表,并安排了私人会见。

8、Lashed out at her critics during the interview. ─── 在采访过程中对她的批评者们进行严厉攻击

9、Can you arrange an interview for tomorrow? ─── 你可以安排在明天面谈吗?

10、She pulled off a great coup in getting the president to agree to an interview. ─── 她竟然办到了让总统同意接受采访。

11、Send a thank-you-letter as soon as possible to each interviewer. ─── 尽快给每位主考写封感谢信。

12、In most cases the interviewer will give you feedback on the test. ─── 在大多数情况下,该面试官会给你测试反馈信息。

13、He asked for an interview with the president. ─── 他要求与校长会晤。

14、Pressed by the interviewer for more details, Ahmadinejad continued. ─── 在主持人的追问下,内贾德继续说起了其中的细节。

15、The interviewer actually said to me that it was nice to see something other than a suit walk through his door. ─── 实际上面试官对我说,他非常高兴看见求职者穿着西装以外的衣服走进他的办公室。

16、After you're done, the interviewer introduces you to others or shows you around the office. ─── 面试结束后,面试官把你介绍给其他人、或带你参观办公室。

17、In an exclusive interview with David Frost, the former president make many revelation. ─── 前总裁在接受戴维·弗罗斯特独家采访时透露了不少内幕情况。

18、You will be asked to present yourself for interview. ─── 将要求你到场面试。

19、May I make a few preliminary remarks before we start the interview? ─── 在我们开始面试之前,我先说几句话可以吗?

20、Interviewer: Could you elaborate on what you did with him? ─── 会见者: 它在你之内感觉起来如何?

21、He indicated that the interview was over. ─── 他简短地说接见结束了。

22、She had a chance to see the competition (ie the other people who were trying to get the same job as she was) before the interview. ─── 她在面试之前有机会见到了对手(与她竞争同一职位者).

23、TV interviewer must be careful not to offend. ─── 电视采访者必须小心别得罪人。

24、Interviewer: Why did you choose us? ─── 你为什么选择到我们公司来应聘?

25、Always maintain eye contact with the interviewer. ─── 和雇主要一直保持目光接触。

26、They must have edited bits of the interview out. ─── 他们一定是把这次采访的一部分删掉了。

27、In the prosecution of his duties, he had to interview people of all classes. ─── 在履行职责的时候,他得会见各个阶级的人。

28、Would you like to for a personal interview? ─── 你愿意安排一次私人会见吗?

29、Emily was all chewed up about the interview. ─── 埃米莉对这次会见感到非常紧张。

30、The interviewer was prepossessed by his good manners. ─── 他那有礼貌的态度就先给面试主考官留下了好印象。

31、Have you forgotten your first job interview? ─── 你是否忘了你的第一次工作面试?

32、He spruced (himself) up for the interview. ─── 他打扮了一下去参加面试.

33、He came over well in the interview. ─── 他在面试中给人留下了很好的印象。

34、In an interview for a post it is often the person who knows how to set out his stall that comes off best. ─── 在求职的面试中,常常是懂得如何巧妙展示自己的资格和才艺的人结果最好。

35、He soon brought the interview politely to a close. ─── 不一会儿他就客气地结束了这次会晤。

36、Interviewer: "But you're equipping them to become violent killers. ─── 会见者:但你们将训练他们成为残暴的杀手。

37、I stand out in a group interview. ─── 在集体面试中脱颖而出。

38、How do you feel about the interview on tv? ─── 在电视上接受采访你觉得怎么样?

39、Interviewer: You wouldn't describe him as a chain-smoker ...? ─── 你不认为他被烟束缚了?

40、Appearance is not everything, but it's the first thing an interviewer notice about you. ─── 外表并不代表一切,但是主考人首先会注意到这一点。

41、Chances are the interviewer will ask what you know about the company. ─── 当有机会面试时,面试官将会问你了解我们公司什么。

42、He's applying for two other jobs as an insurance against not passing the interview for this one. ─── 他还申请了另外两份工作,以防这份工作面试不合格。

43、He skillfully parried all the interviewer's most probing questions. ─── 他回避了采访者所有尖锐的提问。

44、Sometimes, if the interviewer was impressed with you but unable to make you an offer, they may keep you in mind for future jobs. ─── 有时候,如果面试官对你印象很好,但又无法给你提供一份工作,他们会保存好你的资讯,以后有工作,他们会考虑聘用你的。

45、You can't go to a job interview looking so scruffy! ─── 你求职去面试不能这邋里邋遢的!

46、The interview resolved itself into a pleasant chat. ─── 会见变成了愉快的闲聊。

47、Interviewer: Would you describe yourself as being a heavy smoker? ─── 你能作为一个大量吸烟者说一下吗?

48、Interviewer: Why do the actors wear roller-skates? ─── 为什么演员都穿辊-冰鞋?

49、There's nothing wrong with asking for a moment to think about a question or asking for the interviewer to clarify the question. ─── 没有什么不妥了一会儿说要考虑一个问题或面试官要求澄清的问题。

50、It made him squirm to think how he'd messed up the interview. ─── 他想到面试时自己表现得那么差劲,心里真不是滋味儿。

51、They said the interview was just a formality/a mere formality, as they've already given me the job. ─── 他们说面试只是一种例行公事,因为他们已经把工作给我了。

52、The interviewer asked me about my future plans. ─── 采访者问了我的未来计划。

53、Interviewer: What do you want most from your work? ─── 你最希望从工作中得到什么?

54、"You mean the Sahara Desert," said the interviewer. ─── 你是说撒哈拉大沙漠吧。"面试者回道。

55、She became ever more nervous as the interview continued. ─── 她在面试过程中越来越紧张。

56、Interviewer: Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? ─── 你认为你是内向型还是外向型?

57、Interviewer: Are you excited, perhaps? ─── 会见者:那你或许是感觉兴奋?

58、At the job interview I admitted that I haven't any formal qualifications and immediately put myself out of court. ─── 在就职面试中,我承认没有任何正式的合格证明,因此马上就不被重视。

59、The emcee or interviewer on a radio or television program. ─── 主持人电台或电视节目中的主持人或采访者

60、Interviewer: How long does it take to edit a film? ─── 剪辑一个电影需要多长时间。

61、She managed to swing an interview with the Prince. ─── 她设法采访了亲王。

62、In a TV interview she hit back at her critic. ─── 她在接受电视采访时,反驳了那些批评者的观点。

63、I thought I'd better collect my wits before entering the room to see the interviewer. ─── 在我进去面试之前,我想我最好能稍微镇定一下。

64、The interviewer will probably have a table in front of him/her. ─── 会见者前面可能会放一张桌子

65、Interviewer: But wouldn't the lights have been off by then? ─── 会见者: 它轮流多久让你开始拥有性别?

66、Okay. This wraps up the interview. ─── 好的。面试就到此为止。

67、He is nervous (uneasy) about the interview. ─── 他很担心面试。

68、Interviewer: What kind of skill? ─── 会见者:什么样的技能?

69、Candidates will be invited for interview early next month. ─── 下月初将约请候选人面试。

70、My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. ─── 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。

71、A job applicant challenged the interviewer to an arm wrestle. ─── 一个职位申请者向面试官挑战臂力。

72、If you want to interview the mayor,I can fix it. ─── 如果你要采访市长,我可以安排。

73、They interview people from all walks of life. ─── 他们采访各行各业的人。

74、A college prep course; did extensive prep work for the interview. ─── 大学预备课程; 为会见作了全面的准备工作

75、She was uptight about the interview. ─── 她对面谈感到紧张。

76、Did you hear the interview with him on the radio? ─── 你有没有在广播里听到采访他的情况?

77、An interview conducted in great depth. ─── 一次深入的采访。

78、Isn't that what one does on a job interview? ─── 在找工作面试时,不就是这样做的吗?

79、She made a good impression on the interviewer. ─── 她给主持面试者留下了很好的印象。

80、She tried to make a good impression on the interviewer. ─── 她努力给主持面试者留个好印象。

81、You're supposed to appear confident but not cocky in front of the interviewer. ─── 在面试者面前要表现得自信但不要自负。

82、He completely botched up the interview. ─── 他面试表现得糟透了。

83、Please remind me again nearer to the time of the interview. ─── 到快面试时请再提醒我一下。

84、How was your interview with Michigan? ─── 你跟密歇根大学的人面谈得如何?

85、The interviewer is going to ask you questions based largely on your resume. ─── 面试官会很大程度上根据你的简历内容问你问题。

86、Had he read your record of your first interview? ─── 他看过你第一轮面试的成绩吗?

87、Interviewer: What? Go to a boxing match? Or box in one? ─── 会见者:哪些人?是去看拳赛的人呢?还是打拳击比赛的人?

88、Anna, it's time for you to have the interview. ─── 安娜,面试的时间到了。

89、Fails to look interviewer in the eye. ─── 不敢正视。

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