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09-15 投稿



inflates 发音

英:[ɪnˈfleɪts]  美:[ɪnˈfleɪts]

英:  美:

inflates 中文意思翻译



inflates 词性/词形变化,inflates变形

名词: inflator |动词过去分词: inflated |动词现在分词: inflating |动词过去式: inflated |动词第三人称单数: inflates |

inflates 反义词


inflates 同义词

billow | puff up | enlarge | magnify | blow up | bloat | increase | go up | broaden | raise | puff out | puff | swell | exaggerate | boost | appreciate | balloon | embellish | fill | aggrandize | pump up | amplify | blow | drive up | out | jack |expand | pump | up | escalate | overestimate | stretch

inflates 相似词语短语

1、inflatus ─── 通货膨胀

2、inflatuses ─── 通货膨胀

3、inflators ─── n.充气者;打气筒;增压泵

4、reinflates ─── vt.使…再膨胀;vi.再膨胀

5、inflames ─── vt.激怒;使燃烧;使发炎;vi.燃烧;发炎;激动

6、inflater ─── n.增压泵;充气者

7、inflated ─── adj.通货膨胀的;充了气的;价格飞涨的;(植物)肿胀的;v.膨胀(inflate的过去式和过去分词);使充气;抬高(物价)

8、inflate ─── vt.使充气;使通货膨胀;vi.膨胀;充气

9、conflates ─── vt.合并;异文合并

inflates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Certainly also hoped that the audience can dances along with mine music and the metre with me, inflates for me, refuels. ─── 大部分的服装应该都不会有变动,但是反而有一部分的衣服我会进行一些选择,比如有个表演我就会带三套衣服过来,到时候会看当场的场地和灯光,再看哪套效果最好。

2、The only alternative would have to be some kind of air bag that instantly inflates around you in an emergency, letting you bounce gently to safety while you involuntarily shout, "WHEEEE!!!" ─── 这个时候除了拥有一种气囊,当危急时能在你四周迅速膨胀起来以外,别无它法。这种气囊能在你大声地喊“啊!!”的同时,让你优雅地在蹦跳中安全着陆。

3、Inflates the belt ─── 膨胀带

4、That inflates international profits, at least superficially, when translated back to local currency.That is the case for U. ─── 原因是这会令国际利润在转换成本币时显得更加丰厚,至少表面上如此。

5、It is an unreamed deice, and because it inflates, fixation is obtained at multiple points along the intramedullary canal. ─── 又因为它无需扩髓,通过在髓腔内膨胀后的多点接触完成固定。

6、Within the third dimension, the balloon has a center, and its surface expands into the surrounding air as it inflates. ─── 在三维空间中,气球确实有个中心,而在它膨胀的时候,表面也是向周围的空间扩张出去的。

7、If has the unusual smell, or the packing inflates, is sure not to drink. ─── 如产生异味,或包装膨胀,切勿饮用。

8、Methodology that seeks to minimize the resources required for production by eliminating waste that inflates costs, lead times and inventory requirements. ─── 通过杜绝推高成本、前置时间及库存要求的浪费,从而将生产所需资源减至最低水平的方法。

9、Analysis Model of Fabrics on Impact Force when Airbag Inflates at High Speed. ─── 安全气囊高速膨胀时冲击力分析模型。

10、Some argue that if the us inflates then China must either abandon its low yuan policy, or suffer high inflation. ─── 有人主张,如果美国通胀,那么中国要么必须放弃低人民币汇率政策,要么必然遭遇高通胀。

11、Because the wrong maintenance can cause the servicelife which the floor distortion inflates affects and be artistic. ─── 因错误的保养会导致地板变形膨胀而影响的使用寿命及美观。

12、The old bat pops in for a good groan, and an angry Harry inflates her like a Monty Python balloon. ─── 这个女人发出了声怪叫,因为愤怒的哈利让她像气球一样飞上了天空。

13、For the one who is superior inflates their field to be far greater than it should be, and the one who is inferior gives their chi and information away in the dance. ─── 对于优越的那一方会膨胀他们的能量场远远大于它本来的样子,而对于较劣的一方则会在舞蹈中给出他们气与信息。

14、One of the motors inflates a 'skirt' around the vehicle to lift it off the ground, while the other drives it forward and controls direction. ─── 其中一个发动机在汽车周围膨胀成为“裙子”使汽车离开地面,而另一个则驱动汽车前进以及控制方向。

15、When biological information inflates and is displaced, it is also unavailable to assist the body in ascending. ─── 当生物信息被膨胀和转移时,它们也就无法获得来支持身体的提升。

16、Some critics say cornerstone investors create a shortage of stock for retail investors that artificially inflates the price when it debuts. ─── 一些批评人士说,基础投资者造成散户投资者难以买到股票,人为推高了首日上市时的股价。

17、a safety restraint in an automobile; the bag inflates on collision and prevents the driver or passenger from being thrown forward. ─── 牢固在汽车上的安全的袋子;由于碰撞充气并且阻止司机被抛到前面的袋子。

18、large African viper that inflates its body when alarmed. ─── 发怒时身体膨胀的大型非洲蝰蛇。

19、With inflates the bolt to direct the chassis fixedly in the vehicle plate front. ─── 用膨胀螺栓固定引车体在车盘的前沿。

20、The boots are slipped on the legs and hooked up to a special computer controlled compression device which inflates the cuffs. ─── 此时靴子是滑倒在腿部和挂接到一个特殊的电脑控制设备,压缩膨胀的袖口。

21、American sandpiper that inflates its chest when courting. ─── 美洲矶鹬,求爱时胸部涨大。

22、Therefore, the land circulation must restrain government's achievements impulsion, defined it too inflates authority. ─── 因此,土地流转必须约束政府的政绩冲动,限定其过于膨胀的权力。

23、The deice periodically inflates the cuff and takes a blood pressure reading. ─── 定期气囊打气及进行血压读数。

24、Shanghai takes a modernized front city, inflates rapidly in the short more than 160 years histories, becomes a landscape very strongly “the man-made fairyland”. ─── 上海作为一个现代化前沿城市,在短短160多年历史中急速膨胀,成为一个景观性很强的“人造幻境”。

25、It inflates the ego that tells you that “you must be a person of importance since people did these horrible things to you!” ─── 他对中国、韩国、日本等很多国家的人生观和思想体系都产生了重大深远的影响。他的思想形成了一种哲学体系,被称为儒学。

26、The individual perpetrating the shame artificially inflates themselves with the power and chi of another. ─── 犯下羞辱的个体们人工地用他人的力量和气来膨胀自己。

27、B. 600 automatically inflates and dispenses patented Barrier Bubble? at a speed of 3.7 square metres per minute. ─── B. 600自动充气和分配气泡?专利壁垒的速度为3.7平方米,每分钟。

28、Mass advertising often inflates prices rather than reducing them. ─── 大宗广告常常是抬高物价而不是降低。

29、Teacher: Heat usually distends, expands, dilates, or inflates things while cold contracts, shrinks, shortens, or narrows things. ─── 教师:热通常会扩张、扩展、膨胀、或胀大东西,而冷则收缩、萎缩、缩短、或缩小东西。

30、If the balloon inflates too much, install two balloons, one inside the other. ─── 如果气球膨胀过大,就安装两个气球,一个套在另一个的外面。

31、Wind power in America, for example, inflates and deflates on a two-year cycle, as a particular tax credit is renewed and then lapses again. ─── 比如在美国,随着某项税收减免政策的出台和继而失效,风能产值以两年为周期随之起起落落。

32、It was actually not the discovery that something inflates the Universe, but that it expands with an increasing speed. ─── 实际上,并不是他们发现了有什么东西正在让宇宙膨胀,而是宇宙正在加速膨胀。

33、Laddering inflates the prices that small investors then pay and is "blatantly illegal market manipulation," "says Coffee. ─── 梯度使得中小投资者必须支付更高的价格,是“一种肆无忌惮的非法操纵市场的行为”,正如科菲所言。

34、One single pull on the lever inflates 0.5ml soap concentrate to 17 times its volume. ─── 只需一拉手,0.5毫升的液精华会变成比其体积胀大17倍的泡沬液。

35、In conscious yogic breathing a much larger quantity of air reaches the lungs and inflates more alveolar tissue. ─── 在瑜伽的呼吸中,有更多的空气进入肺部和肺的微小的气泡中。

36、Each of this nature perceives a part of the truth, and inflates what they perceive into a whole thought-form, and then broadcasts the thought-form as if it was whole. ─── 每一个此性质被当成是真相的一部份,而膨胀者们认为它们已进入了一个完整的思想形态,随后广播思想形态,因为它被认为是完整的。

37、Tang Dynasty after"disorderly Anne's history", the square town influence inflates continuously, some square towns become gradually with central match mutually of independent Kingdom. ─── 唐代自“安史之乱”后,方镇势力不断膨胀,一些方镇逐渐成为与中央相抗衡的独立王国。

38、For example: Inflates the screw, key, double head the spiral, inside and outside hexagon bolt, the horse-drawn vehicle screw, the hexagonal nut, locks the nut, flange surface nut, thin nut and so on. ─── 如:膨胀螺丝、平键、双头螺、内外六角螺栓、马车螺丝、档圈,销,键,非标准件,六角螺栓,,等六角螺母、锁紧螺母、法兰面螺母、薄型螺母等等。

39、When disturbed, the fish inflates itself and becomes globular in form. ─── 当河豚鱼受到惊吓时,它会将自己膨胀成球状。

40、Pvc sack inflates toys;Pvc wraps up ; ─── 经营范围: Pvc membrane toy membrane pack membrane;

41、When the consumer price index inflates, to devalue money, there are no places to hide. ─── 当消费者物价指数上涨带来货币贬值,他们同样无处可藏。

42、large African viper that inflates its body when alarmed ─── 发怒时身体膨胀的大型非洲蝰蛇

43、In the case of a “land landing,” an airbag system inflates on the crew module's underside to absorb and attenuate the upcoming landing shock. ─── 在著陆过程中,气囊系统在乘员舱底部展开,吸收并降低即将来临的落地冲击。

44、The breathing motion is created through a custom electronic device that controls the blowers that inflates the piece. ─── 呼吸动作可以通过一个控制充气的电子装置完成。

45、The system automatically inflates a balloon and releases it. Apart from lowering operation costs and improving work efficiency, it also enhances personnel safety. ─── 该系统自动将气球充气及发放,不但能降低营运成本及提升工作效率,更进一步保障员工的工作安全。

46、Within less than a second, however, the shell inflates into a full-fledged airplane with a six-foot wingspan. ─── 不过还不到一秒钟,炮弹就膨胀成翼展两公尺的完整飞机。

47、Inflates the earth and the sky. ─── 令大地和天空膨胀。

48、If the passenger sits too close to the dashboard, when the front seat air bag inflates, the passenger could be injured. ─── 乘客谁坐在太近,仪表板也可能受到损害,如果前面气囊膨胀。

49、As space between inflates excessively, one drops in vibration. ─── 当间隔空间过度膨胀,你振动下降。

50、It could also use the technology to see the size and body shape of a person in a seat and adjust the way an air bag inflates. ─── 这种技术还能用来检测汽车驾驶员和乘客的高矮和体型,来调整安全气囊爆炸后的体积。

51、Just as I consider baling out, the wing inflates and rises above my head. ─── 就在我胡思乱想的时候,“翅膀”已经被气流鼓起来,升过我的头顶。

52、When the car senses an imminent collision the brake bag inflates to create friction with the road thus also slowing the car down. ─── 当汽车碰撞感官即将制动袋膨胀创造摩擦路线从而也减缓了汽车下跌。

53、It inflates the cost of creating and maintaining water infrastructure and diverts irrigated water away from poor villages. ─── 这使得建造及维护水利基础工程的成本膨胀,也使得灌溉用水改道,更加远离穷困的村落。

54、A gel that doesn't just hold but volumizes and inflates the hair. Apply to damp hair and apply heat to activate for firm hold and volume. ─── 增加头发厚度及强烈丰盈效果,提供不黏腻的中度支撑力,从发根到发尾都能感受支撑魔力。

55、It is the mouth that inflates the lungs. ─── 它是初生婴儿那使肺腔盈充空气的嘴巴。

56、The Performer inflates a large round balloon and attaches it to the center of the tray. ─── 执行者膨胀一个大圆的气球和附有它盘子的中心。

57、Within the third dimension, the balloon has a center, and its surface expands into the surrounding air as it inflates. ─── 在三维空间中,气球确实有个中心,而在它膨胀的时候,表面也是向周围的空间扩张出去的。

58、The insect inflates her lungs so that they swell into her abdomen ─── 该昆虫吸入空气后肺部扩大到腹部。

59、a safety restraint in an automobile; the bag inflates on collision and prevents the driver or passenger from being thrown forward ─── 牢固在汽车上的安全的袋子;由于碰撞充气并且阻止司机被抛到前面的袋子

60、Thealternative would have to be some kind of air bag that instantly inflates around you in an emergency, letting you bounce gently to safety while you involuntarily shout, "WHEEEE!!!" ─── 时候除了拥有一种气囊,当危急时能在你四周迅速膨胀起来以外,别无它法。这种气囊能在你大声地喊“啊!!”

61、Some patients wake up when the cuff inflates; ─── 有些病人在气囊膨胀醒来;

62、This digital tyre inflator has a specially designed high speed pump which inflates all tyres to the correct pressure automatically. ─── 在充气泵工作的过程中实时检测轮胎的气压,并以相应的数值、单位显示出来。

63、Glaycyrrhiza inflat Bat. ─── 胀果甘草

64、New World sandpiper (Calidris melanotos) with brownish streaks on the upper part of the breast. The male inflates its breast during courtship. ─── 斑胸矶鹬:西半球的一种胸上部有棕褐色条纹的矶鹬(斑胸滨鹬黑滨鹬属),雄鸟在发情时胸部鼓胀

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