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immaculate 发音

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immaculate 中文意思翻译



immaculate 词性/词形变化,immaculate变形

名词: immaculateness |副词: immaculately |

immaculate 短语词组

1、Immaculate Conception ─── 无沾成胎说;圣灵感孕说

2、Immaculate Wren Babbler ─── 无瑕的莺

3、Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary ─── [网络] 圣母始胎无原罪

4、Immaculate Antbird ─── 完美的蚂蚁鸟

5、immaculate congestion

6、Immaculate Defecation

immaculate 常用词组

immaculate conception ─── [宗]无沾成胎说;圣灵感孕说

immaculate 相似词语短语

1、maculate ─── v.使有污点,弄污;adj.有污点的,弄污的

2、immaculateness ─── 无斑点的;无瑕疵的

3、immaculately ─── adv.完美地;干净地;纯洁地;毫无过失地

4、bimaculated ─── 双拼的

5、bimaculate ─── adj.具二斑的

6、ejaculate ─── vt.突然说出;射出;vi.射精;射出液体;n.一次射出的精液

7、immaculacy ─── n.纯洁;无污点

8、to maculate ─── 弄出斑点

9、umbraculate ─── 本色

immaculate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Grand architecture, historic homesteads and immaculate parks intermingle with the technology and style of modern life. ─── 恢宏的建筑、古老的宅院、整洁的公园融会了现代技术和风尚。

2、I am not responsible for any sequent. I am only a immaculate sponsor. God will bless you, if not, you can pray or accuse him. whatever if you like.:: ─── 我不承担由此产生的后果。我只是一个发启者。上帝会保佑你的,如果没有你可以向他祈祷或指控他。无论什么只要你喜欢。::

3、Additional research and a need to be immaculate with your paperwork will require intense concentration. ─── 额外的研究及文书作业的完美需求,需要非常专注。

4、No matter how many guests were present, the great house was always immaculate. ─── 不论有多少宾客,这幢大房子总是显得异常洁净。

5、She always looks immaculate. ─── 她总是打扮得干净利落。

6、However, I did not care, only interested in the hands of snow, that snow is crystal clear, that snow is immaculate. ─── 可是,我丝毫不在乎,只关心手中的雪,那雪是晶莹剔透的,那雪是纯洁无瑕的。

7、Her apartment was immaculate. ─── 她的公寓房间洁净无垢。

8、an immaculate text ─── 完全正确的版本

9、Why bring this filthy creature here instead to pollute this domain of immaculate maidens? ─── 何故反引这浊物来污染这清净女儿之境?

10、Waving white handkerchiefs, they bid Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart farewell as her coffin passed by from the church to her burial in the Carmelite convent where she lived for 57 years and where she died. ─── 他们挥舞着白色手帕,祝福着露西娅修女,她的棺木从教堂移去,直到埋葬在卡梅尔女修院,这是她生活了57年的地方,也是她逝世的地方,群众都在离别。

11、Immaculate Antbird ─── n. 纯洁蚁鸟

12、" So do Hell Liberation Tantra, Immaculate Repent Tantra, and Guhyasamaja (the basic Gagyu lineage tantra). ─── 圣金刚手菩萨云:"入此(见解脱)坛城之门的功德,等同于入一切坛城之门的功德。"

13、But more than just an ogle-fest,if I can put it that way,the entrance of the Cabinet ministers in their immaculate shirts and trousers never fails to remind me of one thing that Singaporeans have enjoyed for a while - stability. ─── 当然,我不是喜欢对别人品头论足。穿着一身洁净白衣白裤的内阁部长到来时,总会提醒我新加坡人多年来享有的稳定。

14、She has a Immaculate heart. ─── 她有一颗纯洁的心。

15、But more than just an ogle-fest, if I can put it that way, the entrance of the Cabinet ministers in their immaculate shirts and trousers never fails to remind me of one thing that Singaporeans have enjoyed for a while - stability. ─── 当然,我不是喜欢对别人品头论足。 穿着一身洁净白衣白裤的内阁部长到来时,总会提醒我新加坡人多年来享有的稳定。

16、I'm assuming you weren't born by immaculate conception. ─── 我猜想你绝非出生于名门正派。

17、an immaculate uniform ─── 整洁的制服.

18、First, he was able to perfect his penmanship-handwriting so immaculate that it was commented upon throughout the rest of his life. ─── 第一,他能够完善自己的书法--他的字迹如此工整以至于在他的整个一生中都被人谈论。

19、Ensure that all items laundered and dry cleaned within the hotel's laundry are finished to the highest standard achievable and returned to the guests or staff in immaculate condition. ─── 保证酒店内所有在洗衣房洗的衣物都达到最高标准并整洁地送还客人或员工。

20、Carol: Of course it is Mom. I mean, everybody knows that, decent, responsible, immaculate Carol wouldn't dare do a thing like that. ─── 卡罗尔:你应该知道,妈妈。我看人人都知道,一个正派,清白慎重的卡罗尔是绝不敢做那种事的。

21、Brusque the facades, almaximum forbidding;immaculate except for the splotches of shadow cast by the leaves. ─── 其正面粗暴甚至可怕,除了树木投下星星点点的影子,一片洁净。

22、You had given us indelible immaculate. ─── 你给了我们无法忘记的完美的演出。

23、To argue otherwise, one would have to believe in what the official caustically called “immaculate conception inflation”. ─── 否则,人们将不得不相信官方讽刺性的“纯洁通胀说”(immaculateconceptioninflation)。

24、His immaculate appearance gave him the nickname of "The Dude" among some ─── 他那一尘不染的外表,使他在有些人之中赢得了“花花公子”的浑名。

25、The other mute was tall. His eyes had a quick, intelligent expression. He was always immaculate and very soberly dressed. ─── 另一个哑巴是高个,眼睛里透出灵敏和聪明。他穿得很朴素,总是一尘不染。

26、Pope Pius the Ninth proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. ─── 年,第九世罗马教皇宣布圣灵感孕说的教条。

27、But what really helped me to come off at that time was, I believe, to view the history of philosophy as a screwing process or, what amounts to the same thing, an immaculate conception. ─── 但是当时真正帮助我成功的,我相信是把哲学历史当著转螺丝的过程,或者说得更贴切些,是澄清观念。

28、immaculate behaviour ─── 天真无邪[纯洁无瑕]的行为

29、56. faultless logic; speaks impeccable French; timing and technique were immaculate; an immaculate record. ─── 准确无误的逻辑;说标准法语;时间和方法是无误的;无过失的记录。

30、His gym shoes were immaculate in spite of the rain. ─── 尽管下雨,他脚上那双运动鞋仍洁净无垢。

31、As I try to imagine 19 people sleeping in this small space, it struck me how immaculate it was. ─── 我极力的想象这19个人在这样狭小空间里,怎样生活,而让我震惊的是这个地方太整洁了。

32、In 1854, Pope Pius the Ninth proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. ─── 1854年,第九世罗马教皇宣布圣灵感孕说的教条。

33、Where on earth can I find a bundle of immaculate cotton; without profuse traces of softness, ─── 我在地球上哪里可以找到一捆整洁的棉花;没有慷慨奉献柔软的本性,

34、University of the Immaculate Conception - Catholic university; courses include computer engineering, pharmacy and medical technology. ─── 天主教大学,课程包括制药学,医学技术,计算机等。

35、The crescent on the crest is a special symbol for the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary. ─── 伞柄纹章上的弯月是圣母玛丽亚神圣感孕的专有标志。

36、I'd go out smartly dressed with an immaculate bag, looking like I was on my lunch break. ─── 入店偷窃时,我会穿的很时髦,挎着干净的背包,就像我是正在午间休息的白领。

37、She was immaculate of history. ─── 她的一生白壁无瑕。

38、While the new Black Cats boss has praised David Beckham for his immaculate conduct over the years, he is critical of fellow England star Michael Owen for his decision to do an interview after a serious injury last December. ─── 基恩表扬了贝克汉姆这些年来出色的表现,他对英格兰另一位明星迈克尔欧文在去年12月受重伤后决定进行面试表示质疑。

39、Not all hotels can offer plush bathrobes, superb security, and immaculate cleanliness. ─── 不是所有的酒店都能提供长毛绒制的浴袍,极好的安全和无污垢的清洁。

40、At the same time, it improves bad conditions.eg. black skin, yellow skin and pore crassitude to make it immaculate and feel larruping. ─── 同时改善肌肤偏黑偏黄及毛孔粗大等不良状况,让肌肤体验与众不同的纯净无暇。

41、Freud once referred to himself as "the only rogue in a company of immaculate rascals. " ─── 弗洛伊德曾经说自己是“一群纯洁的家伙里面唯一的强盗。”

42、Seems like the Temple of the fairies, to sow a blossoming of human immaculate Petals. ─── 仿佛像是天宫中的仙女,向人间撒下一朵朵纯洁无瑕的落花。

43、Must have pluses and minuses as people, especially to child, parents can't require them not to make a mistake , immaculate . ─── 作为人一定是有优缺点的,尤其是对于孩子来说,家长更加不能要求他们不犯错、没有缺点。

44、Mary Immaculate, Oblates of (O. M. I.) ─── 无原罪圣母奉献会

45、an immaculate uniform/room ─── 整洁的制服/房间

46、Her kitchen was kept immaculate. ─── 她的厨房保持得一尘不染。

47、They took a couple of shots and then, because he didn't want Grant to show up potted before the immaculate Lee, he smashed the bottle against the tree. ─── 因为他不想让格兰特醉醺醺地出现在衣冠整洁的李面前,所以他把酒瓶在树上摔个粉碎。

48、Waving white handkerchiefs, they bid Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart farewell as her coffin passed by from the church to her burial in the Carmelite convent where she lived for57 years and where she died. ─── 他们挥舞着白色手帕,祝福着露西娅修女,她的棺木从教堂移去,直到埋葬在卡梅尔女修院,这是她生活了57年的地方,也是她逝世的地方,群众都在告别。

49、Immaculate Wren Babbler ─── n. 尼泊尔鹪鹛

50、We love it and pay it homage, because it is not a trap for our love and homage, but is self-dependent, self-derived, and therefore of an old immaculate pedigree, even if shown in a young person. ─── 我们热爱它并向它致敬因为它不是我们的爱和敬意的陷阱,因为它表示自立、自足,因此也属于一种古老纯洁的血统,即便显示在一个青年的身上。

51、She always looks immaculate. ─── 她总是打扮得干净利落。

52、After a gourmet Chinese lunch, we boarded an immaculate air-conditioned train for Canton, sank into reclining seats, and were served hot jasmine tea in rice-grain china cups. ─── 在一餐精美的中国宴会后,我们上了一列洁净的空调火车到广州,坐在可以斜躺的座位上,同时被递上了热呼呼的“米粒”瓷杯泡的茉莉花茶。

53、an immaculate tablecloth; ─── 一件无污渍的桌布;

54、I give to you, Mother, my love and commitment so we may be forever bonded together in the YES of eternity, in the depths of your Triumphant Immaculate Heart. ─── 我的慈母,我把我的爱与承诺都交给你,借此让我们能永远在你胜利的无玷圣心深处,和那永恒的愿意中结合在一起。

55、Many parents, especially those with small children, cannot be expected to keep immaculate homes. ─── 很多父母,尤其是家有小孩子的父母是不能保持家里的整洁的。

56、The attire consisted of a formal evening gown, immaculate in detail. ─── 她的衣服是一套正式的晚装,细节做得很漂亮。

57、The Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was one of the important congregations by which Catholicism transmited in china in modern society. ─── 圣母圣心会是近代西方天主教势力在华传教的一个重要修会。

58、Efficiencies: With efficient hydrating and water-lockup function, it can provide skin with moisture for a long time, also its fine affinity can closely combine with skin, present the immaculate look. ─── 主要功效:具有高效保湿及锁水功能,能长时间地提供肌肤水份,良好的亲和性更能与肌肤亲密结合,呈现无暇容颜。

59、Immaculate Conceptio ─── 无原罪始胎

60、McMahon's men made a busy opening to the game, crisply zipping the ball around the immaculate pitch at Leigh Sports Village. ─── 开场预备队打得有声有色,在利体育中心他们的精细的传球线路非常清晰。

61、an immaculate performance ─── 完美的演出

62、July 6th 1952: Ordained priest by Archbishop Anthony Riberi, the then Apostolic Nuncio to China, at the Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Hong Kong. ─── 一九五二年七月六日:在香港坚道总堂晋铎,由当时驻华教廷大使黎培理总主教祝圣。

63、Immaculate Conception ─── n. 〈宗〉圣灵感孕说, 无沾成胎说

64、Be dazzled by the immaculate detail ─── 因完美的细节看得眼花

65、He had on immaculate white shoes. ─── 他穿著一双洁白的鞋子。

66、When he was a child, his life contained noble ambitions and immaculate thought. ─── 当他还是个孩子的时候,他的人生就已经有了高尚的理想和慎密的思想。

67、Bring you pure and immaculate skin. For better skin beautifying effect, use along with the brand-new S&H 100% Ossein Series. ─── 带给您净白无瑕的肌肤。要达至更好的美肌效果,可配合全新S&H百分百骨胶原系列使用。

68、"A woman goes to the gynecologist, and upon examination, the doctor says, 'Why, it's immaculate in here!What do you do to keep yourself so hygenic? ─── 一个女人去做妇科检查,检查的时候医生问她:“哇,你那里一点污渍也没有,怎么做到这么卫生的?

69、The plan for you is immaculate and your destiny, and provides for all that is necessary to see you firmly step on the path to Ascension. ─── 对你们的计划是“完美的”,也是你们的使命,并且提供所有必须的一切去见证你们以“坚定的脚步”走在扬升之路中。

70、If you’re more concerned with a perfect desk and an immaculate filing system, you’ll probably get less done on that novel you really want to write or that business you want to start up. ─── 如果你更关注一个完美的服务台和一个文件系统的话, 对于你非常想写的小说,或者你正想做的一笔生意,可能就无暇顾及了。

71、He had patients over in the old Boston City Hospital as well.And he would go to Mass every morning in the Immaculate Conception church across the street, which was a Jesuit center. ─── 在波士顿市医院有他的病人,而他每天早晨都会到马路对面的圣母无原罪教堂去参加弥撒。

72、There were immaculate rolling grounds with an eight-car garage, an adjacent two-bedroom casita and an outdoor dining pavilion with a fireplace and kitchen surrounding a black gummite pool. ─── 房子周围是纯净无瑕的丘陵草地,车库能容纳八辆车,旁边是一间小平房,有两个卧室。户外有个凉亭,可以在这里用餐,配备壁炉,厨房,还有一个深褐色的游泳池。

73、Ellerby(Alec Baldwin):You got the job because you have immaculate record.Some people don't like immaculate record.I do.I'm immaculate. ─── 我选中了你因为你有完美无暇的记录,有人不喜欢完美的人,我喜欢,我就挺完美的,准备再去看一遍.

74、He wore an immaculate uniform for the date. ─── 他穿着整洁的制服去约会。

75、Jorgensen was an immaculate dresser. ─── 乔根森先生是个衣着考究的人。

76、But in a year in which China's immaculate pageantry showed how far it had come, Mr Hu was a one-man reminder of how far it still had to go. ─── 今年,中国完美的国庆庆典展示了其巨大成就,但胡士泰一案提醒我们,这个国家还有很长的路要走。

77、She set the scene with relish: the inky fabric, double gaberdine of exquisite quality, the immaculate way the buttons were sewn, the lining which was matchless. ─── 她津津有味地表述了那一幕:墨黑的面料,双层华达呢的高雅品质,缝纫扣子的完美方式,无与伦比的衬里。

78、These immaculate lawns and stately memorials are the final picture for much of Hollywood royalty. ─── 完美的草坪,成列着好莱坞名人的遗像的庄严纪念馆,令人流连忘返。

79、Hitori are memorable.But most surprising of all is the immaculate Mise-En-Scene of veteran filmmaker Wang Tianlin. ─── 但全片精彩的,还是葛兰的表演,举手投足全是戏,一颦一笑教人神为之夺。

80、the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception ─── 圣母圣殿教堂

81、Do not expect immaculate conduct from all people. ─── 不要指望每个人的行为都是纯洁的。

82、I was struck by the glaring incongruity of the scene. There I was, my face dirty, my clothes torn; and there he was, immaculate as usual. ─── 我深感这情景明显的不协调,一面是我,脸很脏,衣服撕破;而另一面是他,与平时一样洁净光鲜。

83、the Immaculate Conception ─── 圣灵怀胎

84、His life contained such things as mothers and roses and ambitions and friends and immaculate thoughts and collars. ─── 他生活中还有母爱,玫瑰,雄心,朋友,纯洁的思想和体面的衣着。

85、The good will be sustained through the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart and will not see unprovided death. ─── 为了尊重人的自由意向,天主只容许我间接地介入,以劝告世界和召唤他们皈依。

86、Immaculate Heart of Mary Church ─── 圣母无玷之心堂

87、Tak Oi Secondary School, which is sponsored by the Missionary Sisters of Immaculate Conception, is dedicated to providing an all-round Christian education to its students. ─── 德爱中学为圣母无原罪传教女修会所创办,以提供学生全面的公教教育为职志。

88、We moved on to a dainty portion of thick bamboo shoots, a special of the day. The presentation was immaculate, with the bamboo shoots propped upright on a bright white. ─── 我们转向今天的特价菜,人间美味,竹笋。摆盘很完美。竹笋优雅地躺在细白瓷圆盘内。

89、The Catholic church neatly took care of the problem by inventing the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which excluded the Virgin Mary from partaking of Adam's imputed guilt. ─── 天主教会巧妙地处理了这个问题,他们发明了无沾成胎说,把童女马利亚排除在承担亚当转移的罪之外。

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