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09-15 投稿



invertible 发音

英:[[ɪn'vɜ:tɪbl]]  美:[[ɪn'vɜ:tɪbl]]

英:  美:

invertible 中文意思翻译



invertible 反义词


invertible 短语词组

1、invertible grammar ─── [计] 可逆文法

2、invertible modulo ─── 可逆模

3、invertible matrix theorem ─── 可逆矩阵定理

4、invertible finite automata ─── [计] 可逆有限自动机

5、invertible function ─── [数]可逆函数

6、non-invertible ─── [网络] 与非可逆

7、invertible symbol ─── [计] 可逆符号

8、invertible matrices ─── [数]可逆矩阵

9、invertible decoupling algorithm ─── [计] 可逆解耦算法

10、invertible matrix ─── [计] 可逆矩阵

11、invertible transformation ─── 可逆变换

12、invertible neural network ─── 可逆神经网络

13、invertible element ─── 可逆元

14、invertible image rescaling ─── 可逆图像重缩放

invertible 常用词组

invertible matrix ─── 可逆矩阵

invertible 同义词

invertible 相似词语短语

1、avertible ─── adj.可避免的,可防止的

2、divertible ─── 转向的

3、invendible ─── 不能出售的

4、inventible ─── adj.可发明的

5、convertible ─── adj.可改变的;同意义的;可交换的;n.有活动折篷的汽车

6、ingestible ─── adj.可吸收的;可摄取的

7、unavertible ─── 不可用

8、indivertible ─── adj.不能引开的;难使转向的

9、investible ─── adj.可供投资的;可用于投资的

invertible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the second part, we study the structure of feedforward inverse finite automata in general case, and we also discuss the structure of weakly invertible finite automata. ─── 在第二部分中,我们研究了较一般情形下前馈逆有限自动机的结构,并且讨论了弱可逆有限自动机的结构。

2、So instead of having the pilot watch the computer, the new idea was to invert the relationship and have the computer watch the pilot. ─── 因此,现在的新观点不是让飞行员去盯着计算机,而是让计算机盯着飞行员。

3、The principle, typical characteristics and application of the UC3637 are introduced .The practical circuit used in welding for invert wire feeding is proposed in the paper. ─── 介绍了电机控制专用集成电路UC3637的工作原理,特点及应用。同时给出了焊接中作为可逆送丝的具体电路。

4、Two Results of Decomposing Weakly Invertible Finite Automata ─── 分解弱可逆有限自动机的两个结果

5、In the presence of noise, it is difficult to restore exactly a signal distorted by a system having static,invertible, nonlinear characteristics. ─── 在噪声背景下,要想准确地恢复那些发生了非线性畸变的信号,通常是很困难的。

6、Invert an hourglass. ─── 使沙漏颠倒

7、The idiom “Call a stag a horse” means, with malicious purpose, to intentionally invert black and white and mix truth and fiction. ─── 后来人们根据这个时间引申出“指鹿为马”这句成语。比喻怀着恶意,有意颠倒黑白,混淆是非。

8、Meanwhile,this paper discusses the optimums of invert syrup making conditions for dropping the color and increasing the invert proportion. ─── 同时讨论了降低转化糖浆色值及提高转化率的最佳工艺条件的选择。

9、In this paper, a simple and effective method is used to invert lithological parameters and bed thickness on the basis of seismic lithology modelling (SLIM). ─── 即从测井数据出发,在地震资料的控制下,通过逐次迭代,精确地反演岩性及厚层参数,有效地解决了反演的多解性问题。

10、It is well known that, for nonsingular systems where $A$ is invertible,the iterative method converges if and only if the spectral radius of the iteration matrix is strictly less than 1. ─── 众所周知,对于非奇异的线性方程组,即该方程组的系数矩阵A是可逆的,此时求解该方程组的迭代法收敛的充分必要条件是迭代矩阵的谱半径严格小于1。

11、Looking around in the centre of the lake, clouds are floating on the edge of the mountains, and invert images on the lake surface, dreamful and imaginary as if a land of fairies. ─── 于湖心四顾,白云连横,浮于山际,倒影在湖面,如梦如幻,疑是仙境。

12、Pyramids will invert and cease to spin in such a point in time. ─── 到这样一个时间点,金字塔将会逆转而停止转动。

13、Firstly, the motion invertible time filtering done by lift style was implemented along the time direction. ─── 在时间方向完成运动可逆的时域滤波,滤波过程通过提升小波方式实现。

14、Counting formulas are given and applied in the research on properties of invertible linear transformation probability space. ─── 并将所得结论应用于可逆线性变换概率空间的性质研究中。

15、Place dessert plate upside-down atop ramekin and invert, gently lifting off ramekin to allow panna cotta to settle onto plate. ─── 将干酪蛋糕模倒扣在餐后甜点盘上,轻轻的将模子取起并将奶酪布丁留在盘中。

16、Place a plate over the cake tin and invert it. ─── 在蛋糕烤模上盖一个盘子,然后将其翻倒过来。

17、I later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invert something new for that which I discarded. ─── 万一我发现我的某些部份,包括我的表现、言行、思想和感受脱了轨,我必须鼓起勇气放弃它,保持其馀好的部份,更新那必扬弃的。

18、The formation of Ga-rich domains exists in the invert apex of the V-shape pits, which induces a large density of non-radiative centers and reduces the emitted intensity. ─── 大量的镓金属在V形凹洞的顶端聚集并且提供了许多的非辐射中心以致于能隙发光强度的减弱。

19、Seriously, a university s functions and uses are different, but related and invert. ─── 严格地说大学的“职能”与“功能”是有区别的,但又是相互联系与转化的。

20、Inversion results of field data indicate that OCCAM algorithm is characterized by good stability, high accuracy and strong resolution, and can automatically invert shear wave velocity and thickness. ─── 实测资料试算结果表明:用OCCAM算法对低速软弱夹层瞬态瑞雷波频散曲线进行反演,不但具有稳定性好、精度高、分辨能力强的特点,而且能自动分层和反演地层参数。

21、She catch the insect by invert her cup over it. ─── 她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,将它逮住了。

22、By comparing the expression of RANKL mRNA with that of OPG mRNA, we could draw a conclusion that the values in normal control group were changed into invert ratio the joint inflammation was worse. ─── 因而,人们推测在成骨细胞的细胞膜上存在着一种膜结合因子,可以介导成骨细胞对破骨细胞分化及功能的调控,这一假设及其确切的分子机制直到近期才得以证实。

23、invertible T-shaped precast beam ─── 倒T形预制梁

24、half- rate invertible RS code ─── 半速率可逆RS码

25、invertible decoupling algorithm ─── 可逆解耦算法

26、So, what happens to these two situations when a is invertible or not? ─── 当矩阵可逆和不可逆时,到底是什么情况?

27、He liked to invert the so-called facts of life, to propound its paradoxes, and watch how the child's budding mind took them. ─── 他要把所谓人生的事实故事颠倒起来,要说些似是而非的话,试试那孩子怎么对答。

28、It might also be an invert, with some of the original being's experiences replaced by different experiences, or a partial zombie, with some experiences absent, or a combination thereof. ─── 也可以[设想为]是“颠倒意识的”(用完全不同的体验取代原有的体验),或[设想为]是“部分人偶”(缺少某些体验),或[设想为以上的]复合情况。

29、Additionally, Mixmaster features a simple switch so you can invert a bank of signals to deal with negative-going signals on waste-spark systems. ─── 另外,信号混合器上有一个开关,你可以用它翻转一个岸的信号,观察废-火花点火系统上的负向信号。

30、To invert Karl Marx, investment bankers may have nothing to gain but their chains. ─── 将马克思的理论颠倒一下,这些投行也许除了锁链外什么也得不到。

31、It would be none-singular and it would be invertible, all beautiful, but if I choose those columns, so that there're not independent, so that the 9th column is the same as the 8th column. ─── 它会是非退化矩阵,并且是可逆的,非常完美。但是,如果我取那些列向量,并不独立的,第9个列向量与第8个列向量一样。

32、He would turn it over, letting all the snow collect on the top, then quickly invert it. ─── 他把雪球倒过来,让所有雪花聚集到顶部,接着再迅速将它倒转。

33、Parameter that can invert the scan from horizontal to vertical. ─── 参数,可以将扫描从水平方向转化为垂直方向。

34、Triangular shape and made of glass or quartz,used to deviate a beam or invert an image. ─── 三角形的由玻璃或石英制成,用来偏离光束或转化图像。

35、The most common method to "pump" a gas laser--that is, to invert the population in the states that give rise to light amplification--is to use a gas discharge. ─── “发射”气体激光(也就是反转能产生光放大的那些状态的粒子数)的最普通方法是运用气体放电。

36、M: Why don"t you invert it: want what you have and care not for what you don"t have? ─── 何不反其道而行:命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求?

37、Iterator that moves backward through a sequence. These iterators invert the meaning of ++ and --. ─── 向后遍历序列的迭代器。这些迭代器颠倒了++和--的含义。

38、Invertible matrix several kind of examples analysis ─── 可逆矩阵的几种实例分析

39、Place a second layer of running suture to invert the first suture line and take some tension from the first layer closure. ─── 在第一层的基础上,连续缝合第二层,降低第一层的张力。

40、Invert can after spraying, clean residue 2-3 seconds by perssing tip. ─── 喷胶后倒置罐,按喷头2-3秒。清除喷口余胶。

41、In concrete pipe, corrosion-resistant liners may be placed in the invert of the sewer for protection. ─── 在混凝土管道中,防腐衬里可以放置在管子里面保护管子。

42、A Note on the Definition of Invertible Matrix ─── 关于可逆矩阵定义的注记

43、Image inverter is a special type of fiber-optic plate, which can directly invert an image by180° to an image intensifier. ─── 光纤倒像器是一种特殊类型的光纤板,可将传递图像直接倒转180°应用于像增强器。

44、Some striking examples of this are the group of invertible linear maps or matrices, and the ring of linear maps of a vector space. ─── 一些显著的例子有:不可逆线性映射或矩阵的群,向量空间的线性映射的环。

45、Are Infinite Dimensional Spheres Invertible? ─── 无限维球面可逆吗?

46、Then a zero dynamical nonlinear invertible communication scheme with chaos driving is proposed. ─── 在此基础上,提出了一种基于混沌驱动的零动态可逆离散非线性混沌通信系统。

47、It directly infects the quality of a welding process,and the lifetime of an invert welding supply. ─── 它直接影响到焊机的焊接质量、焊机的使用寿命等。

48、DMF-50840 Liquid-crystal display (LCD) consists of bigger display, SED1335 controller, CCFL backlighting invert device and DC-DC driving power supply. ─── DMF-50840 点阵图形液晶显示由大屏幕 lcd 液晶显示器、SED1335 控制器、CCFL 背光逆变器和 DC-DC显示驱动电源组成。

49、Firstly, the motion invertible time filtering done by lift style was implemented along the time direction. ─── 在时间方向完成运动可逆的时域滤波,滤波过程通过提升小波方式实现。

50、If their shoulder drifts just one inch or less to the side, they invert. ─── 协调的上腹部,结合柔软的髋,联系肘,柔软的手腕都能保证稳定,生动的缰绳联系。

51、If you invert "I can",you have "Can I?" ─── 如果你把 I can 两字前后转换就成为 Can I?。

52、Only rarely, as on February 27th, does the curve "invert" so that short-term implied volatility is higher than long-term. ─── 仅在很少情况下,如2月27日,市场曲线发生倒转因此短期隐含波动高于长期隐含波动。

53、In addition, in the case of multiple operators, the consumer has to invert his thinking to write the correct syntax. ─── 另外,在多个运算符的情况下,使用者必须逆转其思维以编写正确的语法。

54、Nei-tan sought to invert the normal aging processes by an energizing marriage of the cosmic Yin and Yang forces within the body. ─── 内丹是通过身体内宇宙的阴和阳力量的活跃结合而寻求衰老过程的正规转化。

55、Some striking examples of this are thegroupof invertible linear maps ormatrices, and theringof linear maps of a vector space. ─── 一些引人注目的例子是集团的可逆线性映射或矩阵,和环的线性映射的向量空间。

56、If we add one or two tablespoonful of raw honey to a pint of concentrated solution of sucrose, the mixture will soon be changed into invert sugar. ─── 如果我们将一或二满勺的生蜂蜜加入一品脱蔗糖溶液中,混合物不一会就转化为转化糖。

57、Invertible Matrices over Algebraic System Incline ─── 代数系统坡上的可逆矩阵

58、She chtch the insect by invert her cup over it ─── 她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,将它逮住了

59、right quasi invertible element ─── 右拟可逆元

60、It"s an invertible phenomenon when the market economy has been developed to a certain stage. ─── 它对于企业追求利润最大化、扩大市场占有率、形成经济规模、降低风险、实现资源优化配置等具有重要作用。

61、The inorganic selenium was directly determined from the sample which was not digested and organic selenium invert rates were calculated indirectly to be above 98 percent in the rice. ─── 在进行有机硒测定时,将处理后的富硒芽米样品不经消化直接测定其无机硒含量,间接计算得到有机硒含量高达98%以上,硒的有机化程度更为合理。

62、Sufficient Conditions of Determination for Invertible Matrix ─── 判定矩阵可逆的几个充分条件

63、Therefore, we put forward a new algorithm to invert all data sets collected at different time simultaneously, namely by determining all earth models of different time through only one inversion process. ─── 因此,这里提出了一种同时反演所有不同时刻观测数据的新方法,即通过一次反演过程来获得所有不同时刻的地下模型。

64、Invert large bowl over dough and let rise in warm place 1 hour or until doubled in bulk. ─── 取一个大盆或是蛋糕模盖住,放到暖处发酵大约1小时,面团膨胀为双倍。

65、subsection invertible matrix transform ─── 分段可逆矩阵变换

66、Zhang Muxiang,Xiao Guozhen.Structure of invertible linear transform with convolution property in finite field[J].Acta Electronica Sinica,1994,22(4):20-23. ─── [2]张木想,肖国镇.有限域上具有卷积性质的可逆线性变换的结构[J].电子学报,1994,22(4):20-23.

67、Then, a semi-analytical solution for the velocity response of the pile subjected to a semi-sine wave exciting force was derived by using invert Fourier transform. ─── 利用付立叶逆变换,给出了半正弦脉冲激励下桩顶速度时域响应半解析解。

68、Much the same as the procedure for making a NOR gate behave as a NAND, we must invert all inputs and the output to make a NAND gate function as a NOR. ─── 大致相同的程序让或非门表现为一个与非门,我们必须颠倒所有输和输出,使一个与非门的作为或非门。

69、If you invert "I can", you have "can I". ─── 如果你把I can两词前后颠倒一下, 就成了can I。

70、PWM microelectronic c ontrol technique and AC DC AC DC invert technique with MOSFET half bri... ─── 具有短接限流、限时衰减和恒流、恒压相结合的特点。

71、It is positive to tunnel if build the invert arch in time. ─── 及时施作仰拱对隧道结构抗震有着积极的作用;

72、Then a new filtering method was utilized to invert the translation effect in the image rotation and scaling, which used a small portion of the original image to calculate the translation positions. ─── 为计算和校正旋转及缩放造成水印位置的移动,采用一种新的滤波方法。该滤波方法需要使用原始图像时数极坐标域中的一小方块信息来计算水印位置的平移。

73、This article introduces the character is tics of amorphous and nanocrystalline materials,and the application of anocryst alline iron core on invert welder as well as the points for attention. ─── 主要介绍非晶、纳米晶材料的特性及纳米铁心在逆变焊机上的应用计算和应注意的问题。

74、Invert the differential case in the vise. ─── 在虎钳中翻转差速箱。

75、To discuss the structure of invert gene color cotton fiber,basic structure property of invert green cotton and brown cotton was tested,and compared with normal cotton fiber. ─── 为了探讨转基因彩色棉纤维的结构,对转基因绿色棉和棕色棉的基本结构性能进行了测定,并与本白棉进行了对比分析。

76、right invertible operator pair ─── 右可逆算子对

77、The most common method to " pump " a gas laser-that is, to invert the population in the states that give rise to light amplification-is to use a gas discharge. ─── “发射”气体激光(也就是反转能产生光放大的那些状态的粒子数)的最普通方法是运用气体放电。

78、The resultant matrix of MJCCS is symmetric and positive definite.Most powerful linear solvers such as PCG and multigrid can be applied to invert the matrix. ─── 同时,这个方法是对称且正定的,所以可以利用PCG或多重网格的迭代法来进行线性系统的反解。

79、Cannot invert MIMO models with singular feedthrough matrix. ─── -----还有这个注释的意思是什么呢?请于赐教。

80、Finally, this thesis proposed an invertible fragile digital watermarking algorithm to authenticate the integrity of vector map data. ─── 最后提出并实现了一种可逆的、用于矢量地图数据完整性认证的脆弱数字水印算法。

81、matrix is invertible. ─── 矩阵是否可逆的两种。

82、The Method of Graph for Solving the Inverse Matrix of A Class Invertible Matrix ─── 一类可逆矩阵逆矩阵的图论解法

83、Some striking examples of this are thegroupof invertible linear maps ormatrices, and there into linear maps of a vector space. ─── 一些引人注目的例子是集团的可逆线性映射或矩阵,和环的线性映射的向量空间。

84、ER fluids (ERF) can invert between liquid phase and solid phase.The high and new technological features of ERF include a fast response speed, continuous and reversible controllability. ─── 在电场作用下,它具有液一固态转化的可逆性、连续可控性和响应的快速性等高技术特征,因而在机电传动与控制系统有广泛应用前景。

85、Some striking examples of this are the group of invertible linear maps or matrices, and the ring of linear maps of a vector space. ─── 一些显著的例子有: 不可逆线性映射或矩阵的群,向量空间的线性映射的环。

86、Once finished, press CTRL+I so you invert the layer mask. ─── 完成后,按CTRL+我,让您倒置层遮罩。

87、In the previous section, almost all transformations are invertible. ─── 在上一节中,几乎所有的变换都是可逆的。

88、You invert the stump into the cecum and pull up on the purse strings. ─── 将剩余部分倒转进盲肠 再拉出口上的绳子

89、If you invert "I will" you have "will I?" ─── 如果你把"I will"两字前后转换一下,就成为"will I?"

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