ideology 发音
英:[ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi] 美:[ˌaɪdiˈɑːlədʒi]
英: 美:
ideology 中文意思翻译
ideology 短语词组
1、rehabilitative ideology ─── 康复意识形态
2、guiding ideology ─── [法] 指导思想
3、ideology in friction ─── 摩擦中的意识形态
4、provincialist ideology ─── 地方主义思想
5、oppressive ideology ─── 压迫意识形态
6、ideology and morality ─── 思想品德 ─── 思想道德
7、language power ideology ─── 语言权力意识形态
8、language power and ideology ─── 语言权力与意识形态
9、ideology and morality course ─── 思想道德课
10、transcending ideology ─── 超越意识形态
11、counter-ideology n. ─── 对立意态
12、patriarchal ideology ─── 男权意识; 父权意识
13、prevention ideology ─── 预防意识形态
14、correctional ideology ─── 矫正意识形态
15、social ideology ─── 社会意识形态
16、Ideology- ─── 意识形态
17、the new ideology of race ─── 新的种族意识形态
18、capitalist ideology ─── 资本主义意识形态
ideology 词性/词形变化,ideology变形
名词: ideologist |名词复数: ideologies |
ideology 相似词语短语
1、ideologue ─── n.思想家,理论家,空想家
2、kidology ─── n.儿童心理学
3、areology ─── n.高空气象学;火星科学研究
4、neology ─── n.新词;旧词新义(等于neologism)
5、geology ─── n.地质学;地质情况
6、adenology ─── 腺学
7、demology ─── n.人口学;人口统计(等于demography)
8、ideologic ─── 意识形态的;思想体系上的
9、irenology ─── n.和平学
ideology 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In feudal China, patriarchal-feudalism became the dominant ideology and political mainstay. ─── 到了封建社会,就形成了封建等级社会固有的“封建宗法性”特征。
2、During the May4 th Movement he did vigorous action to propagate new ideology. ─── 他在“五四”时期积极宣传马克思主义,传播新思想。
3、But from the perspective of our country, Marxism is still the guiding ideology. ─── 但是,从我国的角度来说,马克思主义仍是指导思想。
4、Living like this, man's ultimate ideology will not possible to be imagined! ─── 如此生活着,人类的终极意识形态,不容想象!
5、The Community is not governed by any particular party ideology. ─── 在共同体中,没有哪一种特殊的政党观念占据主导地位。
6、However, from 1957 on, China was plagued by ''Left'' ideology, which gradually became dominant. ─── 一九五七年后,“左”的思想开始抬头,逐渐占了上风。
7、Karl Mannheim (1936) extended Marx's theory of ideology into a sociology of knowledge. ─── 卡尔·曼海姆(1936)把马克思的的意识形态的理论扩展到社会知识领域。
8、He argues that thought and action are conditioned by ideology. ─── 他提出,思想和行为是以意识形态为转移的。
9、Although a few of them are well-intentioned,actually they are imbued with the ideology of the Gang of Four. ─── 其中也有一部分人尽管有错误,还是好意的,但是,里面实际上是“四人帮”思想体系统治着。
10、He adds that pragmatism should triumph over ideology. ─── 他补充说,实用主义将胜过理论空谈。
11、Consensus came at the cost of ideology. ─── 共识是通过放弃意识形态立场而获得的。
12、Jerome McCann, for example, insists that Austen does not espouse the Romantic ideology. ─── 例如,杰罗姆·麦肯坚持认为奥斯汀并不拥护浪漫主义意识形态。
13、But local politicians have made their own egregious contributions to the debacle without even the fig leaf of ideology. ─── 可是地方上的政客们在促成此项挫败也是劣绩昭彰,甚至连意识形态的托词都不用。
14、Commitment to a customer service ideology is essential. ─── 为客户服务的理念。
15、An extremist ideology starting with a few people explodes across the internet. ─── 一种极少数人酝酿的极端主义观念可通过网际网路急剧扩散。
16、Our predecessors' ideology can serve as a guideline for our work. ─── 前辈的思想体系对于我们的工作很有指导意义。
17、In the past year, the same petty-bourgeois ideology also existed in the Red Army. ─── 同时,在红军中,这种小资产阶级的思想,也是存在的。
18、Besides, ideology can influence the translator s strategies as well. ─── 并且,意识形态也会影响译者的翻译策略。
19、Nowadays the Chinese society is still influenced by vestiges of feudal ideology. ─── 今天封建思想残余仍然影响着中国社会。
20、Another is the "Nature and Humanity" ideology. ─── 另一个是“天人合一”思想。
21、A man's ideology is reflected in his behavior. ─── 一个人的思惟方式能够体现在他的行为方式上。
22、She inspired the revolutionary ideology into her pupils. ─── 她用革命思想教育学生。
23、And he said he expected the much younger, more liberal wife to have a softening effect on her husband's conservative ideology. ─── 他表示他期望这个年龄更轻、思想更开明的妻子对其夫保守的思想产生软化作用。
24、Of course, as a result of a strong regulatory role of political ideology, the artist had to work under stringent constraints painting. ─── 当然,由于强大的政治意识形态的规范作用,画家不得不在严苛的制约之下进行绘画创作。
25、Communism is at once a complete system of proletarian ideology and a new social system. ─── 共产主义是无产阶级的整个思想体系,同时又是一种新的社会制度。
26、It goes without saying that the ideology is behind the times. ─── 不用说,那种意识形态是落伍的。
27、Starting from "the spirits of law" , the complete and perfect ideology of Montesquieu had been formed. ─── 从"法的精神"出发,形成了孟德斯鸠完整而严密 的法哲学思想体系。
28、The great dialogue refers to the dialogic relationship in ideology. ─── 不同的自我意识相碰撞形成不同层次的大型对话。
29、Pluralistic cultural educational ideology and reform of school P.E. ─── 多元文化教育理念与学校体育改革。
30、And take off the blinkers of ideology and historical imagination. ─── 并且摘掉各式各样的有色眼镜,意识形态的,或者来自历史想象的。
31、The doctrine of ultra vires in China is rooted in its planned economy ideology. ─── 中国的越权原则根植于计划经济的意识形态中。
32、A basic understanding of the ideology and history of yoga is essential. ─── 对瑜伽意识形态及历史也需要有一个基本的理解。
33、Even the ideology of veterans and senior cadres would change without rectification. ─── 就是老兵,老干部,只要你不整风,他的思想也要起变化。
34、Ideology and Society.By Donald G.Mac Rae. ─── 《意识形态与社会》
35、Actually, it is extremely risky to try to fit either the First or Second New Deal in any Procrustean bed of ideology. ─── 实际上,试图把第一次或第二次新政勉强纳入某种意识形态的范畴是极其危险的。
36、CYM's ideology of employees: Realism, diligence, teamwork and creativity. ─── 公司的用人观:务实、敬业、团队、创新;
37、"Whereas the PRI is driven by power, the PAN tends to be driven by ideology, " says Luis Rubio, the head of CIDAC, a think-tank. ─── 智库机构CIDAC负责人路易斯•卢比奥说:“PRI是以权力为动力的,而PAN则倾向于受思想意识推动。”
38、The official ideology abounds with contradictions even when there is no practical reason for them. ─── 官方的意识形态中充满了矛盾,甚至在没有实际理由存在这种矛盾的地方,也存在这种矛盾。
39、But he says, at their core, they are all struggles of ideology. ─── 但是,他认为,在本质上而言,他们都是意识形态的挣扎。
40、We began to experience some trouble in 1957, when ''Left'' ideology appeared. ─── 一九五七年开始有一点问题了,问题出在一个“左”字上。
41、The Christian faith has a very clear ideology of the created order. ─── 基督教的信仰有清晰的关于造物顺序的思想体系。
42、We oppose any efforts by any country to impose its own social system and ideology on another country. ─── 反对任何国家以任何形式把自己的社会制度和意识形态强加于别国的作法。
43、Its latent significance is conflicted with its mainstream ideology of the surface. ─── 它的潜文本意义与其表层的意识形态形成有力的对峙,显示了在新的研究视野下赵树理小说丰富的阐释可能性。
44、He wrote his thesis about communist ideology. ─── 他的论文是关于共产主义意识形态的。
45、Chinese Buddhism, focusing on death, offers the richest theory of death in Chinese history of ideology. ─── 中国佛教是中国思想史上死亡理论最丰富的学说体系。
46、Why does Mopa use this ideology? ─── 为什么选择这些思想?
47、Therefore the struggle against the roving-rebel ideology is an inevitable process. ─── 因此,同流寇主义作思想斗争,将是一个不可少的过程。
48、Therefore, remnants of this ideology still exist in the Red Army. ─── 因此,红军中还有盲动主义思想的残余存在着。
49、His ideology concentrated on the contradiction of aesthetic modernity. ─── 他的思想集中传达了审美现代性的悖论。
50、In periods heavily influenced by ideology, political loyalties no longer coincide with national boundaries. ─── 在受到意识形态巨大影响的时期,政治上的忠诚,再也不能以国界来划分了。
51、That's because people have become accustomed to ''Left'' thinking, and it's not easy to change their ideology. ─── 习惯了,人们的思想不容易改变。
52、The ideology of the political left. ─── 左派,左翼政治左派的意识形态、观点
53、Compassionate Conservatism is the political guiding ideology of Bush Government. ─── 富有同情心保守主义是布什政府的政治指导思想。
54、At the moment, Iran, with its radical ideology and burgeoning nuclear program, is one of Washington's biggest headaches. ─── 众所周知,伊朗自始至终推行的极端主义思想体系以及其国内目前进行的如火如荼的核计划,让美国非常的头疼。
55、Karl Marx's theory of ideology could well be considered a type of social epistemology. ─── 卡尔·马克思的意识形态理论可以被看作是一种社会认识论。
56、What is socialism? Victory of ideology over clear mind. ─── 什么是社会主义?意识形态战胜理智。
57、Industrialist can not afford to be shackled by the ideology of politician. ─── 工业家可不能被政客的意识形态束缚住。
58、But this ideology was hypocritical. ─── 但这种意识形态是虚伪的。
59、We will promote patriotism, collectivism and socialist ideology. ─── 大力弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,
60、Ubuntu is a South African ethical ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. ─── Ubuntu是南非的一种民族观念,它关注的是人们相互之间的忠诚与联系。
61、His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist ideology. ─── 他的所有制观点源自共产主义思想。
62、He attributed the party's lack of success to an overemphasis on ideology and ideas. ─── 他将该党的不成功归咎与过分强调意识形态和观点。
63、He raked me over the coals for being inconsistent in my own ideology. ─── 他责骂我说我自己所宣扬的理论前后矛盾。
64、There are plenty of ideology of hermeneutics in 77k Mencius. ─── 《孟子》一书中蕴含着丰富的诠释学思想。
65、We should not overlook the wrong, "Left" ideology, for it is deep-rooted. ─── 对“左”的错误思想不能忽略,它的根子很深。
66、A person's work style is related to his ideology. ─── 人的作风和思想是有连带关系的。
67、One has to understand the reproduction of the ruling ideology in this sense. ─── 人们必须在这一意义上来理解占统治地位的意识形态的再生产。
68、At the same time, it explains "Poems" with the Mohist school ideology. ─── 同时,其学说中以墨家的思想标准释《诗》,如《诗》中的上帝、鬼神观念以及“圣王之治道”思想。
69、The library management ideology decide the development direction and the construction characteristic of the library. ─── 办馆理念决定着图书馆的发展方向、建设特色;
70、Her deeds were compatible with her ideology. ─── 她的行为与她的思想是一致的。
71、Let correct ideology guide practical work. ─── 以虚带实。
72、They abhor all the nations who have different ideology and regime. ─── 他们仇视所有意识形态和制度与他们不同的国家。
73、His biggest weakness has to do with age rather than ideology. ─── 他最大的弱点是年龄而不是意识形态。
74、Ideology remains a scourge today, but it is often disguised under various names and theories, and therefore hardly discernible. ─── 意识形态至今仍是祸害,但往往在各种名义和理论包装下,难以分辨。
75、The Era of Globalization: the End Journey of Ideology? ─── 全球化时代:意识形态的终结之旅?
76、People are beginning to question the ideology and lifestyle which they have been used to. ─── 一些深入大家血脉的意识形态和生活的方式,不再被视为理所当然。
77、Do not ideology, together with the immense perspiration spaced sleep. ─── 不去思想,连同满身的汗渍昏昏沉沉的睡去。
78、The historical debate over the relationship between ideology and realism in foreign policy enjoys a well-trodden path. ─── 在对外政策中,关于意识形态与务实主义关系的历史争论不断上演。
79、Amoghavajra's development of the manjusri belief in the Tang: a study of Buddhist political ideology. ─── 不空金刚发展文殊信仰的背景与政治活动。
80、The false ideology of localism must be corrected quickly. ─── 地方主义的错误思想必须要得到及时纠正。
81、The above is entire humanity ideology develops a part of idea course! ─── 以上就是整个人类思想意识发展一部分心路历程!
82、It’s certainly a useful ideology for aspiring autocrats. ─── 当然,对于雄心勃勃的独裁者来说,这是一种有用的思想体系。
83、He knows what theory and ideology are, but he is not captivated by them. ─── 他对理论和意识形态问题有所了解,但未过多探讨。
84、But this is not out of ideology or ambition. ─── 但这不是出于意识形态或是勃勃雄心。
85、Russia is neither exporting a defunct ideology nor fighting proxy wars with America, as it did during the cold war. ─── 俄罗斯既没有出口意识形态也不像先前的冷战时期那样存在与美国之间的代理战争。
86、His ideology was formed gradually by his unique personal experiences and was influenced by the transformation of the situation in late Qing. ─── 王韬的教育思想是逐渐形成的,他的独特的人生经历和近代中国的局势变化对王韬教育思想的形成起到了很大影响。
87、In the US, the ideology of the unfettered market is more deep-seated. ─── 在美国,自由市场的思想更加根深蒂固。
88、Everything takes form in the eyes of people and is interpreted through their ideology. ─── 一切都是在眼睛里面呈现、被人的意识所解释的。
89、A modest man profoundly indifferent to official ideology". ─── 一个谦谨的人,洞悉官方意识形态而态度漠然。
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