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09-15 投稿


aspired 发音

英:[əˈspaɪəd]  美:[əˈspaɪərd]

英:  美:

aspired 中文意思翻译



aspired 词性/词形变化,aspired变形

动词过去分词: aspired |动词现在分词: aspiring |动词第三人称单数: aspires |副词: aspiringly |名词: aspirer |动词过去式: aspired |

aspired 常用词组

aspire after ─── v. 渴望

aspired 短语词组

1、aspired living ─── 向往生活

2、aspired de ─── 渴望

3、aspired def ─── 渴望的def

4、aspired for ─── 追求…...渴望…...

5、aspired synonym ─── 渴望的同义词

6、aspired goal ─── 立志目标

aspired 相似词语短语

1、aspirated ─── adj.送气音的;v.吸气(aspirate的过去式和过去分词形式);送气发音

2、aspires ─── vi.渴望;立志;追求

3、asperged ─── 曲霉病

4、asported ─── 阿斯波特

5、aspire ─── vi.渴望;立志;追求

6、aspersed ─── v.诽谤,中伤;(教会)洒圣水于

7、appaired ─── 附录D

8、spired ─── adj.螺旋形的;有塔尖的;v.耸立;发芽(spire的过去分词)

9、aspirer ─── n.热望者;追求者

aspired 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the men's double competition, transnational combines Husi/Huggins by 7:5, 6:4 scores, scored an upset has defeated competition 3rd seed/Reynolds, has aspired to seize the sports event champion. ─── 在男双比赛中,跨国组合胡斯/哈金斯以7比5、6比4的比分,爆冷战胜了赛会3号种子/雷诺兹,问鼎了赛事冠军。

2、Fifteen years ago Frankfurt aspired to become a global financial centre, but these days German financial giants such as Deutsche Bank and Allianz do much more business in London than in Frankfurt. ─── 十五年前,法兰克福渴望成为全球金融中心,但如今,德国的金融巨头,比如德意志银行和安联保险公司,在伦敦做的生意要比在法兰克福多许多。

3、The Vancouver Symphony orchestra which, the orchestra music instruction and Harn cooperates with Harn once aspired to seize “Grammy”, this performance being possible be called “entire Grammy” lineup. ─── 与哈恩合作的温哥华交响乐团、乐团音乐指导和哈恩本人都曾问鼎“格莱美”,本次演出堪称“全格莱美”阵容。

4、Rice aspired to go to college. ─── 赖斯渴望上大学。

5、In his childhood,he aspired to become a great general. ─── 在童年时代,他渴望成为一位伟大的将军。

6、Meybe many years later,I'll remember what I have aspired and my noce beautiful dream. ─── 也许多少年后,回想起那曾经美丽的梦想和曾经追求过的.

7、Later, he told me he had been a missionary in Tientsinbefore he "had aspired to become a Sinologist. " ─── 后来他告诉我,“在想当汉学家之前,他在天津当过传教士。”

8、Running his wealthy Istanbul family's export business, Kemal was 30 when he had an illicit affair with a distant cousin, Fusun, an 18-year-old shopgirl who aspired to be an actress. ─── 当凯末尔与一位18岁的商店女孩发生不伦私情时,30岁的他正管理着伊斯坦布尔其富裕家族的出口业务。这名女孩名叫扶桑,是凯末尔的远房表妹,她渴望成为一名演员。

9、He aspired after knowledge. ─── 他渴求知识。

10、She aspired to a scientific career. ─── 她有志于科学事业。

11、In truth, I aspired to be a businessman. And not the type that merely sold things for the sake of money, but sold inspiration. ─── 事实上,我梦想着当个商人,不是那种只为臭钱而做买卖的商人,而是卖售梦想和激情之人。

12、He aspired to be captain of the team . ─── 他希望当队长。

13、Millions played the lotteries or aspired to what they viewed on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. ─── 数百万人玩彩票,或者积极地追求他们所认为的“富人和名人的生活方式”。

14、Aspired Values in Landscape Water-colour Paintings of the Northern School ─── 北派水墨山水的价值取向

15、The young girl aspired to be a scientist. ─── 小女孩立志要做一名科学家。

16、Then it had not been merely the stars to which he had aspired on that June night. ─── 这么说来,六月里那个夜晚他所向往的不单单是天上的星斗了。

17、Like his Russian-Jewish parents who aspired after "Americanized success", West refused to accept his Jewish status and tried to stand apart from the mainstream of American Jewish life. ─── 他的父母是来自俄国的犹太移民,渴望“美国式成功”。像他们一样,韦斯特拒绝接受他的犹太人身份,并试图远离美国犹太人生活的主流。

18、He aspired to the highest positions. ─── 不用换算位置来显示数字。

19、One day, we will look back on a time when women aspired to be Belsen-thin with the incomprehension we feel for Chinese foot-binding. ─── 有一天,人类会回顾这段女性渴望瘦得象块板的时期,感觉就象我们看裹小脚的中国女人那样匪夷所思。

20、a member of the "higher class"to which his own mother had aspired, and the wife of a Nottingham University professor. ─── 她属于他自己的母亲所向往的“上层阶级”的一员,是诺丁汉大学一位教授的妻子。

21、Romeo, Romeo, brave Mercutio's dead! That gallant spirit hath aspired the clouds, which too untimely here did scorn the earth. ─── 啊,罗密欧,罗密欧!勇敢的茂丘西奥死了;他已经撒手离开尘世,他的英魂已经升上天庭了!

22、He aspired to anything grander than Moscow State University. ─── 他寻求比莫斯科国立大学更高目标的踪迹。

23、Perhaps it is time for those of us who once aspired to follow in the footsteps of the developed world to come upon our own age of reason. ─── 也许对于我们当中曾一度渴望仿效发达国家的人们来说,现在应该是独立判断事物的时候了。

24、Rather as Romans aspired to Greek virtues, the new Barbarian aristocracy aspired to live like Romans.By the sixth century no Roman custom was more influential than Christianity. ─── 不像罗马人,很多野蛮人并不为自己的子孙后代建立亭台楼宇,他们的很多故事都是通过陪葬珠宝盒武器装备或者烹饪器具来得以传播。

25、For a long,long time,the Chinese literati have aspired to bring home the Nobel Prize. ─── 对于诺贝尔奖,中国的文化人已经盼了很久很久。

26、However, he wasn't satisfied with his own livelihood and rising status;he aspired to improve the quality of life for all African Americans. ─── 但他并不满足于一己生活和身分的提升,他还立志要改善所有黑人的生活品质。

27、A largely self-financing agency insulated from continuous congressional pressure, TVA aspired to be the sole producer of electricity in portions of seven States in the Mid-South. ─── 作为主要自筹经费的机构国会持续的压力对田纳西河谷管理局没有影响。田纳西河谷管理局志在成为中南部七个州部分地区单独的电力生产者。

28、As with the venues and infrastructure, the opening ceremony aspired to be the biggest and the best to date. ─── 同体育场馆和基础设施一样,北京开幕式也渴望被注明为最大的和最好的。

29、Then three or four western bad men aspired to clean out the town, were riddled like pepperboxes for their pains, and public interest turned to other idols. ─── 后来,三四个西部坏蛋企图洗劫这个镇,却落了个浑身被枪打得像胡椒瓶的下场,这时,大家的兴趣才转移到新的偶像身上。

30、Later, he told me he had been a missionary in Tientsinbefore he "had aspired to become a Sinologist. ─── 后来他告诉我,“在想当汉学家之前,他在天津当过传教士。”

31、He aspired to the highest positions . ─── 他有抱负升到高位。

32、This is a level of responsibility few people have aspired to before they decide to become traders. ─── 在决定成为交易者之前,大部分人都不知道要承担这种责任。

33、From a young age he has aspired to learn medicine well and cure the sick. ─── 他从小就立下悬壶济世,救助贫病的宏愿。

34、He had always one or two fellows with him, but never aspired to the command of above three or four. ─── 他通常只有一两个同伙,从来不希望手下超过三四人。

35、They aspired to national and European foundations that had few roots in Italian history. ─── 他们渴望在全国和欧洲打下基础,而这在意大利历史上却没有什么根基。

36、He aspired to the leadership of the party. ─── 他渴望当这个政党的领导人。

37、How could I presume that this lusty fellow aspired to play with my body and spoil my chastity. ─── 我怎么能够想到这个强悍的人想要蹂躏我的身体玷污我的贞节呢?

38、It looks like the wonder land which were aspired after by the nobles and literati in old times of China. ─── 图中山石林木,简淡有韵,人物虽小形神兼备,高雅脱俗,此景颇似洞天仙地,是中国古代文人仕大夫所心往之圣景及闲舒之生活愿景。

39、He never again aspired to disobey her. ─── 他从此没有再想去违抗她。

40、These were ancient Chinese dreams, aspired to by Confucius and approximated in his name, if not in his Way, in the unity of the Han, and pursued forever after. ─── 中国自古已有“世界大同观”,亦为孔子戮力以求者;至汉代大一统,更将此理想伪托于孔子,纵使未置于中;从此变成后代之经世标竿。

41、Before the age of 25, Paul aspired to be a successful businessman, or a fighter jet pilot who can soar freely in the sky. ─── 25岁以前,他梦想成为一名出色的生意人、在空中自由邀翔的战斗机飞行员。

42、“In choosing to marry Mehdi, I had lied to myself and betrayed my own ideals of the kind of woman I aspired to be,” she writes. ─── 她曾这样写道:“选择跟Mehdi结婚,是我对自己撒了谎。我背叛了我的理想,我没能成为自己想做的那种女人。”

43、He aspired to high honors. ─── 他渴高的荣誉。

44、This is why I come here to consult you about it.I had aspired to seek Tao when I was younger. ─── 我从年轻时就立志求道,可是到现在已经五十一岁了,却仍然一无所得。

45、When I was a child, I aspired to become a pianist. I dreamed of expressing my rich emotions on the keyboard and sharing my joy and sorrow with audiences. ─── 我小的时候很想成为一名钢琴家,梦想着通过演奏发泄我丰富的情感,与我的观众们分享我的悲伤和欢乐。

46、When she meets her future husband she changes from the girl who aspired to become a great reporter to being a woman who clashes with her husband's family. ─── 从小失去父亲的敏珠随着改嫁的母亲组成了新家庭,这种特殊家庭一直是她的自卑。

47、For a long, long time, the Chinese literati have aspired to bring home the Nobel Prize. This is to be expected. But they have not been successful to date. ─── 对于这个奖,中国的文化人已经盼了很久很久,是正常事。

48、My father never aspired to the job of managing director,and was very surprised when it was offered to him. ─── 我的父亲从不渴求当主任,当他被委以该职时,他大为惊讶。

49、Harry aspired to be captain of the team. ─── 哈利一心要当队长。

50、As a model, Monroe always aspired to an acting career. ─── 当模特儿时,梦露渴望演员生涯。

51、Second, she had always aspired to be a naturalist, or maybe a journalist, but the word "scientist" hadn't figured in her dreaming. ─── 其次,她一直渴望能成为一名博物学家或者新闻记者,而现实的“科学家”头衔与她的梦想却相去甚远。

52、For years India has attempted to enhance its global profile and leverage and aspired to be a global power by developing military strength. ─── 摘要多年来,印度一直都梦想通过加强军事实力带动本国国际地位的提升,从而实现成为一个真正的世界大国的梦想。

53、All the constructors have received professional and technical training.The company is aspired to become the first training school which possesses decorators and factorial construction enterprise. ─── 施工人员都经过公司专业培训,公司立志成为亚洲第一家拥有装饰工人培训学校和工厂化施工的企业。

54、aspired to ─── vt. 渴求

55、I've had those books for years.They represent the person I once aspired to be. ─── 我拥有这些书已经好几年了,它们代表了我曾经想成为什么样的人。

56、He aspired after a political career. ─── 他渴望从政。

57、There were three or four others who also aspired to climb the political or spiritual ladder of recognition or humility. ─── 另外三、四个人也渴望爬上政治知名或精神谦虚的梯子。

58、Even financial institutions which aspired to become professionally managed often found they were growing faster than their ability to develop qualified managers. ─── 即使是力图专业化管理的金融机构,也常常发觉银行规模发展速度超过了他们培养的合格管理人员的速度。

59、For a long, long time, the Chinese literati have aspired to bring home the Nobel Prize. ─── 对于这个奖,中国的文化人已经盼了很久很久。

60、If the products developed by your company are aspired to inject fun and colours to life with no compromises on creativity, aesthetic, taste, quality and performance, we are very glad to serve you! ─── 倘若阁下认为贵公司开发的产品是应该为生活增添色彩和趣味,对创意,美学,品味,品质和性能都有极高要求,我们十分乐意为您服务!

61、He aspired to become a doctor. ─── 他立志要做医生。

62、He once aspired to the job of teaching. ─── 他一度很想当教师。

63、He aspired to follow the trail his father had blazed. ─── 他想步他父亲后尘。

64、She aspired to a scientific career. ─── 她有志于科学事业。

65、For another, they aspired, like their President, to the world of ideas as well as to the world of power. ─── 另一点是,他们象他们的总统一样,不仅渴望占有权力的世界,而且也渴望占有这个世界的思想领域。

66、Everyone aspired freedom.University of my mind, there is a strong cultural presence, strong academic and professional areas. ─── 人人都向往自由.我心中的大学,是一个有浓厚人文气息,学术专业性强的地方。

67、I am always struggling with the time through my life.I have once aspired to be sentimentally attached to a lover, a friend, some persuasions; ─── 我毕生都在与时间做斗争:我本来想执著地眷恋一位爱人,一位友人,若干信念;

68、As a model,Monroe always aspired to an acting career ─── 当模特儿时,梦露渴望演员生涯

69、Out of the mass a nightingale might have to the sky aspired ─── 有只夜莺曾想一飞冲天

70、Scholars aspired after knowledge. ─── 学者们渴求知识。

71、I've had those books for years. They represent the person I once aspired to be. ─── 我拥有这些书已经好几年了,它们代表了我曾经想成为什么样的人。注:现在事过境迁,人物已非。

72、The above is just a brief outline of the dramatic turning of my life; from a person who aspired to make big money to a humble pastor. ─── 以上只不过是一个我转变转折的简单介绍;关于从一个一心赚大钱的人转变成一个谦卑顺服的牧师的故事.

73、Wang aspired to add fashion to the genre, which was otherwise void of high style. ─── 在那里工作了两年后,她预感到:到了离开公司,开创自己的事业的时候了。

74、She greatly admired the work of her predecessors, the Queens Amidala and Jamillia, and aspired to govern as justly as they did. ─── 她非常仰慕前任女王阿米达拉与贾米拉的成就,立志要像她们那样公正地治理国家。

75、The fame to which he aspired was quite beyond his reach. ─── 他追求的名誉乃是他所不能及的。

76、He aspired to become their leader . ─── 他希望做他们的领袖。

77、It seems to have eluded Wolf that ancient Chinese women might have aspired to something better than life as a concubine. ─── Wolf似乎在回避这样一个话题,中国古代妇女也许不想当妾,而是要追求更好的生活。

78、She aspired to go abroad to pursue her studies. ─── 她渴望出国学习。

79、He aspired to be their next leader. ─── 他渴望成为他们的下一届领导人。

80、He aspired to become a lawyer. ─── 他渴望成为一名律师。

81、He aspired to become an author. ─── 他渴望成为一名作家。

82、People who knew Obama in the early 1990s said he made it clear that he aspired to run for public office. ─── 90年代熟识奥巴马的人们称,他明确地表示要投身公共事业。

83、My father never aspired to the job of managing director, and was very surprised when it was offered to him. ─── 我的父亲从不渴求当主任, 当他被委以该职时, 他大为惊讶。

84、His government aspired to peace abroad and sound administration at home; ─── 他的政府与外邦追求和平相处,在国内希望能完善行政管理。

85、Mrs. Blifil was indeed the object to which they both aspired. ─── 布利非太太正是他们一致梦寐以求的目标。

86、Thus I have come a long way and returned and boomeranged a long way from the point in society toward which I originally aspired. ─── 我走了漫长的道路以后又折回来了,我原先曾梦寐以求,想爬到社会的某一阶梯,此刻却反弹到了原处。

87、Methods:Aspired and smeared the bone marrowin post iliac crest first,then got the borne marrow tissue by trephine biopsy at same place.Put the bone marrow tissue on a clear glass make the print. ─── 方法:常规髂后上嵴骨髓穿刺涂片,用环钻法获取骨髓组织制成印片,印片与涂片同时进行染色并进行细胞分类计数及形态观察。

88、Sing aspired to become one of the sophisticated and ruthless Axe Gang whose underworld civilities overshadow the city. ─── 例:阿星一心渴望加入手段冷酷无情、恶名昭彰的斧头帮。

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