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09-15 投稿



inhospitality 发音

英:[[ˌɪnhɒspɪ'tælɪtɪ]]  美:[[ˌɪnhɒspə'tælətɪ]]

英:  美:

inhospitality 中文意思翻译



inhospitality 词性/词形变化,inhospitality变形

名词: inhospitableness |副词: inhospitably |

inhospitality 同义词

inhospitality 反义词


inhospitality 相似词语短语

1、hospitalism ─── n.医院制度;不卫生状态

2、inhospitable ─── adj.不适宜居住的(由于天气恶劣或缺乏遮蔽处),条件恶劣的;不好客的,冷淡的

3、inhospitably ─── adv.冷淡地;荒凉地

4、rehospitalise ─── 酪唾液

5、hospitalize ─── vt.就医;送…进医院治疗

6、hospitalists ─── 院派医生(指病人住院期间代替家庭医生者)

7、hospitality ─── n.好客;殷勤

8、hospitalise ─── vt.使住院;把…送进医院治疗

9、hospitalist ─── 院派医生(指病人住院期间代替家庭医生者)

inhospitality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Without any regret and affectionateness and without any more and strength to make even a little bit entanglement, the only remainder you have is inhospitality. ─── 没有余恨,没有深情,更没有心思和气力再作哪怕多一点的纠缠,所有剩下的,都只是无谓。

2、The enthusiasm when capital attraction and temerarious acceptance, become enrol the inhospitality after coming in and service bottleneck extruding. ─── 招商引资时的热情和不顾一切的承诺,变成招进来后的冷漠和服务瓶颈挤压。

3、Wolf is a kind of solitary animal, which is known about its fierce and inhospitality, but no one knows wolf is the most loyal animal to love. ─── 狼,是一种孤独的动物,全世界的人只知道狼很凶残,很冷漠,但是却没有人知道狼是一种世界上对爱情最忠实的动物。

4、Use love to change the inhospitality of this world. ─── 用爱改变这个世界的冷漠!

5、Inhospitality is not always heartlessness, but sometimes a way to avoid hurt. ─── 冷漠,有时候并不是无情,只是一种逃避被伤害的工具!

6、Always think with if she speak I mean to say, but I was hold up by her inhospitality, letting what me change have nothing to say. ─── 总是想跟她说出我想说的话,但是我却被她的冷漠挡住,让我变的无话可说。

7、Attend meeting the personnel's face to be like the steel plate similar inhospitality, facial expression everyone such as wax general dignified. ─── 与会人员的脸个个像钢板一样冷漠,表情人人如蜡像一般凝重。

8、The love is silent to pay of practice, with genuine feeling consideration inhospitality of gentleness. ─── 爱,是默默付出的实践,是以真情体贴冷漠的温柔。

9、Build understanding, warm family environment, listen attentively to filial aspirations, avoid negligence and inhospitality; ─── 营造理解、温暖的家庭环境,倾听子女的心声,避免忽视与冷漠;

10、To his inhospitality, my meeting sadness, what feeling is this? ─── 对于他的冷漠,我会悲伤,这是什么感觉?

11、He stop in her in front and hope her eyes. BE total in her eyes some Ji Qiao inhospitality of idea. ─── 他在她面前站住,望着她的眼睛。她的眼里总有些讥诮冷漠之意。

12、Some time, I would miss oneself of inhospitality is why? ─── 不少时刻,我为什么会错过自己不好客是?

13、Although like to make friend,, the gross passes for the inhospitality, solitary supercilious. ─── 虽然喜欢交朋友,但是,总被认为冷漠,孤傲。

14、"I do not believe inhospitality, " he says, "Young yearns for change, so we gave them to be able to let the tool that change realizes. ─── “我不相信冷漠,”他说,“青年人渴望变化,所以我们给了他们能让变化实现的工具。”

15、Some chilly are heard at the beginning of my flavour, a bit inhospitality uses if to want to maintain a distance with other of purpose. ─── 我的味道初闻有些清冷,些微的冷漠仿佛有意要与他人保持距离。

16、Whether also at remember fondly to this kind of to cover the inhospitality gradually? ─── 是否也在对这种思念逐渐贯上冷漠?

17、Impressions about this inhospitality in France are based on stays in Paris. ─── 人们对法国人待客冷淡的感觉多是基于在巴黎的经历。

18、And what make a person anxious more is, this kind " official inhospitality is ill " be popular in official circles, show spreading sign. ─── 而更令人忧虑的是,这种“官员冷漠病”在官场大行其道,并呈蔓延之势。

19、Network writer is made to applying for assist resonant inhospitality, why? ─── 网络作家对申请入作协反响冷漠,为何?

20、He stop in her in front and hope her eyes.BE total in her eyes some Ji Qiao inhospitality of idea. ─── 他在她面前站住,望着她的眼睛。她的眼里总有些讥诮冷漠之意。

21、The inhospitality is a kind of special crime, only the person know this, we just probably with it make hard of aggro. ─── 冷漠是一种特殊的罪恶,只有人认识到这一点,我们才有可能与之作艰苦的抗争。

22、Policy information attention, being policy-making brainman, policy hearing, policy inhospitality and etc. , all these behavior are the modality of the public's policy-participation. ─── 政策信息关注、政策制定参谋、政策听证和政策冷漠等行为是公众在政府决策过程中参与的具体形态。

23、Venture capital chases a website to be inspected to inhospitality from heat, have bit of showery in June taste truly, come urgently, go quickly also. ─── 风险资本从热逐网站到冷 漠视之,确有点六月阵雨 的味道,来得急,去得也快。

24、3.Although sexual life is great, pure dedicated wife also is hard to learn its fun and value, can produce inhospitality and alienation instead. ─── 3.即使性生活顺利,单纯献身的妻子也难于体验到其乐趣和价值,反而会产生冷漠和疏远。

25、Do inhospitality and aloof and proud calculate be precious affection? ─── 冷漠和孤傲算不算是宝贵的情感?

26、They cut up rough, sometimes to person brutal, want to be constant very inhospitality with heartless. ─── 他们愤怒,有时对人凶暴,要不变得很冷漠和无情。

27、I ejaculated mentally, 'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.' ─── 我心里直叫,“只为你这样无礼待客,就该一辈子跟人群隔离。”

28、Inhospitality and indifference have been my characteristics . ─── 冷淡和毫不关心是我的性格。

29、The dweller is held to community general affairs and community activity scanty from the manner with inhospitality, cause dweller community to participate in lopsided this one reality from this. ─── 居民对社区事务和社区活动持疏离和冷漠的态度,由此造成居民社区参与不平衡的这一现实。

30、The advanced facilities increase the inhospitality among people. ─── 先进的设备反而增加了人与人之间的冷漠。

31、Whole 2008, VC can use inhospitality to describe to the manner of webpage game. ─── 整个2008年,VC对网页游戏的态度可用冷漠来形容。

32、Man concern politics, is for satisfy oneself can't lay hands on a power of desire, woman inhospitality in politics, is because of God give she mental state physiology structure structure of good. ─── 男人关心政治,是为了满足自己不能攫取权力的欲望,女人冷漠于政治,是因上帝给她心理生理结构构造的好。

33、Someone likes St. Petesburg, someone hates St. Petesburg, but no one inhospitality with to. ─── 有人喜欢圣彼得堡,有人憎恨圣彼得堡,但是没有人冷漠以对。

34、They show inhospitality to us. ─── 他们对我们怀有敌意。

35、Before, my class contain a face is not a good-looking girl, be inhospitality by the classmate. ─── 以前,我班有一个脸蛋不是很好看的女生,受到同学的冷漠。

36、olitical inhospitality ─── 政治冷漠

37、13 For they exercised a more detestable inhospitality than any: others indeed received not strangers unknown to them, but these brought their guests into bondage that had deserved well of them. ─── 至于对罪人,却降下了刑罚,事先原已用猛烈的雷电警告过他们;他们因自己的邪恶而遭受痛苦,实是理所当然的,因为埃及人分外苛刻地憎恨了旅客。

38、Give up is not to malpractice of responsibility, give up is not to abandon heartless and inhospitality, but face the life of and then a chance. ─── 放弃不是对责任的失职,放弃不是抛弃的无情和冷漠,而是面对人生的又一个契机。

39、'Wretched inmates!'I ejaculated, mentally, 'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. ─── “卑鄙的家伙,”我突然在心里骂道,“就冲你的无礼和冷漠,你就应该同你的同类永远隔绝。

40、I ejaculated mentally, `you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. ─── 我心里直叫,“只为你这样无礼待客,就该一辈子跟人群隔离。

41、inhospitality is a kind of special crime only the person know this we just probably with it make hard of aggro. ─── 冷漠是一种特殊的罪恶,只有人认识到这一点,我们才有可能与之作艰苦的抗争。

42、Four eyes join and quit of merely have inhospitality, send along from the heart bottom of algidity. ─── 四目相接,剩下的只有冷漠,从心底散发出来的寒气。

43、Some chilly are heard at the beginning of my flavour, a bit inhospitality ases if to want to maintain a distance with other of purpose. ─── 我的味道初闻有些清冷,些微的冷漠仿佛有意要与他人保持距离。

44、While "I" cannot ask for rights but carry out obligations, which lead to an inhospitality of affection and life and a lack of self-control, etc. ─── 这极易导致青少年的生命情感冷漠、人生观迷惘、意识保守和缺乏自知。

45、‘Wretched inmates!‘ I ejaculated, mentally, ‘you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. ─── 卑鄙的家伙,我突然在心里骂道,就冲你的无礼和冷漠,你就应该同你的同类永远隔绝。

46、Lightsome orange red puts aside an inhospitality that can change Bai Qiang already, have good economic value again. ─── 轻盈的橙红色搁架既能改变白墙的冷漠,又有不错的实用价值。

47、Actually under the mask of inhospitality ─── 其实冷漠的面具下

48、However, there are many reasons that are from society, family and schools to make middle school students inhospitality and lack of responsibility, and even tend to escape from it. ─── 由于社会、家庭及学校等多方面的原因,目前我国中学生漠视、逃避责任现象严重,过去学校进行的以政治责任为主的、片面间接的社会责任教育已无法满足时代要求。

49、Below this kind of circumstance, husband and wife is met only increasingly diaphragmatic, inhospitality and even conflict. ─── 这种情况下,夫妻只会日益隔膜、冷漠乃至冲突。

50、So for a period of time (base on the reality), hose 2 will be used while hose 1 idles. This is what we called Habitual Inhospitality. ─── 那么在一段时间内(根据实际情况而定)都会用水管2,而冷落水管1.这就是习惯性冷漠.

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