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09-14 投稿



peddling 发音

英:[ˈpedlɪŋ]  美:[ˈpedlɪŋ]

英:  美:

peddling 中文意思翻译




peddling 短语词组

1、influence peddling ─── 渎职

peddling 词性/词形变化,peddling变形

动词过去式: peddled |动词第三人称单数: peddles |动词现在分词: peddling |动词过去分词: peddled |

peddling 相似词语短语

1、peddlingly ─── 兜售

2、pedalling ─── n.蹬车;v.蹬车(pedal的ing形式)

3、reddling ─── 雷德林

4、puddling ─── v.(尤指雨水)弄湿;(液体)形成水潭;(在泥潭、浅水滩)打滚;用胶土填(洞);把(黏土和沙)捣成胶土(puddle的现在分词);n.搅炼,炼铁;捣成泥浆

5、piddling ─── adj.琐屑的;无用的;不重要的;v.撒尿;鬼混(piddle的ing形式)

6、pedaling ─── n.(车辆,乐器的)踏板;v.骑(自行车);踩踏板;adj.脚的;脚踏的

7、paddling ─── n.[皮革]划动;v.用桨划;在水中行进(paddle的现在分词)

8、meddling ─── n.干预;瞎管;v.干预;瞎弄(meddle的ing形式);adj.干预的

9、poddling ─── poddling

peddling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then he left home for the market. There were many vendors peddling their goods in the market. ─── 随后他就出了家门来到了市场。市场上有许多小贩正在叫卖,兜售着他们的食品。

2、Para. 4) Instead of making plows to order, as was customary at the time, he made them in advance and then rode around the countryside peddling them. ─── 他没有按当时的习惯根据定货制做犁杖,而是提前做好,然后骑着马在乡村叫卖。

3、There was a lost-dog look in his eyes these days as he went about peddling his firewood, and he was not at all the kind of man she had hoped to get. ─── 她具有端庄而高雅的风度,可以使她的受骗者与她保持适当的距离,不过她那和蔼的态度仍叫北方佬军官一想起肯尼迪太太便心里暖洋洋的。

4、Be arrested for peddling illegal drugs ─── 因贩毒被捕.

5、He's the one who's peddling the drugs unlawfully. ─── 他是个非法贩卖药品的人。

6、She jostles for space among the throngs of internally displaced Tamils peddling their rations near the hospital in Vavuniya in the north of Sri Lanka. ─── 一个女人从巴士里爬了出来,使劲从车上拥挤的难民中推搡出一条缝。

7、Let us stop peddling. ─── 让我们停止做无聊事。

8、Perhaps peddling forgeries has ended up being bad for your health. ─── |终于发现造假对你的健康不利了?

9、It is just as likely that he was a charlatan peddling hocus-pocus ─── 他过去恰恰很可能是个挨家挨户行骗的江湖医生。

10、Boqiao's superior recommends him to be an undercover cop to help crack a drug peddling case, but Jingfeng thinks that Liwen is more suitable for the role. ─── 柏翘的上司推荐柏翘当卧底协助特选部队扫毒,可是景峰觉得立文更适合,所以极力推荐立文。

11、Americans stopped trusting Republicans with their money in part because some conservatives were caught trousering bribes or peddling influence. ─── 美国人对共和党管钱不放心部分是因为一些保守党人被查出收受贿赂和滥用。

12、Carr, the first person to put chalk on his cue tip, made a fortune peddling his magic "twisting chalk" around France in the 1820s.The "magic" was actually in Carr's wrist; ─── 卡尔是首位将白垩用于磨削球杆尖端的人,19世纪20年代他还因在法国各地兜售他神奇的“白垩”发了财。

13、Shows that in addition to door peddling information, he often received Recently some information to him by telephone owners, a two to three hundred dollars will buy down information. ─── 就算一两个无良从业者把资料泄漏出去,对于装修公司来说,也太小儿科了一些”。

14、Unable to find buyers in western Massachusetts, he took the copies to New York City, where he was arrested for peddling without a license. ─── 由于在马萨诸塞州西部无法找到买家,他带着书到纽约,在那里由于无证兜售被逮捕。

15、Alex White describes himself as a travelling salesman, peddling his wife's latest creations around small towns. ─── 阿立克斯说自己是位四处奔跑的商人,去到各个镇子推销妻子的最新产品。

16、Poor Jimmie is having a hard time peddling his bonds. ─── 可怜的吉美推销债券并不顺利。

17、To sell, especially by peddling. ─── 叫卖出售,尤指沿街叫卖

18、And it is only the white locals who profit from the tourist industry by peddling Aboriginal cultural artifacts such as didgeridoos and boomerangs. ─── 白当地居民从土著的文化产物的旅游工业来获取利益,比如迪吉里杜管和回飞棒。

19、Venus is moving through your assignment sector, so if you've had a lot of frustrating situations that required back peddling, you will see a welcome change. ─── 她经过你的工作区间带来令人沮丧的琐事缠身的状况,但是现在你可以期待转机的到来了。

20、When the cyclist stops peddling, his watt average declines dramatically! ─── 当自行车停止贩卖,他的瓦平均下降显着!

21、Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to give (provide)readers with some peddling (unimportant )facts or statistics. ─── 报刊杂志的编辑常常为了向读者提供成立一些无关紧要的事实和统计数字而走向极端。

22、peddling goods from door to door. ─── 挨户兜售。

23、” These songs could be heard at weddings, at gatherings of friends, or even broadcast from trucks peddling goods.They became a vital part of our lives. ─── 而就在亲戚结婚的时候,亲朋好友聚会的时候,甚至是装著扩音机大声叫卖的菜车上,这样的音乐会特别地出现,而成为重要不可或缺的元素。

24、Tourists are not allowed to engage in any peddling activity.Violators will be subject to punishments and deportation. ─── 游客禁止进行任何兜售叫卖活动,违者将受到处罚并驱逐出境。

25、In this detailed recreation of medieval England, Rob Cole leaves poor, disease-ridden London to make his way across the land by hustling, juggling, and peddling cures to the sick. ─── 在此详细康在中世纪的英格兰,抢柯尔树叶穷人疾病缠身伦敦闯神州大地的喧哗,戏法,贩药给病人.

26、The city still boasts an "old" Chinatown: narrow, winding alleys lined with small shops peddling their trinketry to the tourist trade, both domestic and international, but large sections of it have been tagged for demolition. ─── 这个城市仍以是个中“老”城而自豪:狭窄、蜿蜒的街道,沿街排开的小店向游客出售中外小商品;但大部分老城区都被毁了。

27、Vendor's cries are tones of the peddling, calling, crying of peddlers or vendors and chanting tones of ancient poetry. ─── 生活音调是指日常生活中叫卖、吆喝、吟诵的音调,如小贩、游商的叫卖与吆喝、古典诗词的吟诵等。

28、Nowadays, resemble peddling avowedly on Internet so the net shop of contraband is not little. ─── 如今,像这样在互联网上公然叫卖走私货的网店不少。

29、Of course, Mrs. Elsing was simply forced to it because, while she took in fine sewing and Fanny painted china and Hugh made a little money peddling firewood, they couldn't make ends meet. ─── 当然,埃尔辛太太这样做也纯粹是迫不得已的,因为单靠她揽点缝纫活,范妮画瓷器,休叫卖柴火,是维持不了生活的。

30、Companies are intent on peddling a constant stream of new products and services but, perversely, the concept of tradition still drives the business. ─── 这些公司在不断的兜售接连不断的新产品和新服务,但是,不合常理的是,“传统”依然在为这项事业推波助澜。

31、Dung may have other Hog's Head connections: the day Harry caught Dung with peddling Black family heirlooms, he was seen speaking with Aberforth , the Hog's Head barman (HBP12). ─── 顿格和猪头酒吧可能还有其他的过节:哈利抓到顿格变卖布莱克家祖传器物那天,他被看到和猪头酒吧的招待阿伯福思商量什么事情。

32、Senator Keating was peddling someone's rumors for some purpose of his own, despite the highly dangerous international situation. ─── 参议员基廷不顾十分危险的国际局势,为着他个人的某种目的而在散布某人的谣言。

33、peddling around the train ─── 围车叫卖

34、He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes. ─── 他的工作是上门推销抹布和刷子。

35、MEGAN MAGILL: Alex White describes himself as a travelling salesman, peddling his wife's latest creations around small towns. ─── 阿立克斯说自己是位四处奔跑的商人,去到各个镇子推销妻子的最新产品。

36、Lotus sees were picked by young girls peddling small boats, singing romantic songs along the way. ─── 采莲的是少年的女子,她们是荡着小船,唱着艳歌去的。

37、war against drug peddling is all about cash. ─── 反对毒品贩卖的斗争完全是个钱的问题。

38、peddling details ─── 不重要细节

39、"I'm not here peddling a cause," Bono said at a news conference at the St.John's Episcopal Church across from the White House."Seven thousand people dying a day is not a cause.It's an emergency. ─── 保罗.休森在华盛顿的圣约翰圣公会大教堂出席记者招待会时说,“我不想在这里做这些无聊的事,每天有7000人死于艾滋病,这才是最为紧急事件。”

40、For money I took odd jobs like peddling newspapers and washing cars. ─── 为了赚钱,我会做一些像沿街卖报纸和洗车的零活。

41、Those who are overenthusiastic and with obvious peddling intentions are easy to cause the dislike and alert of consumers, which lead to consumption impulse dissipation. ─── 首先,零售企业的一线销售人员应该慎用促销策略,过分殷勤或者推销意图过于明显的销售人员会令消费者反感,产生怀疑和戒备的心理,反而无益于交易的达成。

42、even if he didn't, he had a smirk on his face back peddling off the court. it was a look of confidence. ─── 即使他没说,他在后退的时候脸上也带着窃窃的微笑。这是自信的微笑。

43、Pros and cons really - a bicycle's lighter for me to maneuver around, and I get to exercise with all that peddling. ─── 微凉的夜晚,不禁让我联想起几个月前河内的秋天。凉意中带一点惆怅,浪漫的很。

44、We also deplore the lie that Taiwan authorities are peddling with regards to the existence of similar policies in countries with immigrant brides. ─── 我们谴责台湾政府谎称其他国家也都有对于移民归化的类似政策规定。

45、influence peddling ─── 渎职

46、And the development of intermediary companies to queue up at the surrounding peddling, as long as things in the contract, pay 10 million "advisory" to house what has. ─── 而楼盘周边的中介公司到排队现场兜售,只要在合同款外多付10万元的“咨询费”,要什么房子都有。

47、Part of the challenge, observers say, is that science in China is acutely susceptible to influence peddling. ─── 观察家说,这些挑战之一,是科学在中国太容易受到有势力的利益的影响。

48、"From peddling. ─── 她回答道。

49、Why don't you get on with some work insteed of peddling away the whole day doing nothing? ─── 你为什么不继续做点工作,却整日无所事事地闲混?

50、Just five manufacturers make NIOSH-certified military-style masks, yet scores of companies were peddling respirators on the Web for as little as $29. ─── 生产NIOSH认证军用防毒面具的厂商只有五家,却有一大堆公司在网路上叫卖,甚至低到29美元。

51、MEGAN MAGILL: Alex White describes himself as a travelling salesman , peddling his wife's latest creations around small towns. ─── 阿立克斯:如果你是几年前来问我做不做帽子生意,我肯定会嘲笑你的。

52、For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God. ─── 林后2:17我们不像那许多人、为利混乱神的道.乃是由于诚实、由于神、在神面前凭著基督讲道。

53、They come for the tourists, peddling maps and flags and scavenging for bottles and cans that can be reclaimed as scrap. ─── 他们拦着游客,兜售地图和小旗子,同时捡一些可以回收卖钱的瓶瓶罐罐。

54、Pulling was a straightforward business of getting fares or not, whereas peddling was tricky and he didn't know the ropes. ─── 拉车是一冲一撞的事,成就成,不成就拉倒; 做小买卖得苦对付,他不会。

55、He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes. ─── 他的工作是上门推销抹布和刷子。

56、Meantime, a television executive says the couple is peddling their story to broadcast networks for hundreds of thousands of dollars. ─── 同时一名电视制作人称这对夫妻正向媒体网络炒作此次事件。

57、He has been peddling from house to house for weeks. ─── 他挨家挨户作小贩已有数星期。

58、Instead of making plows to order, as was customary at the time, he made them in advance and then rode around the countryside peddling them. ─── 他没有按当时的习惯根据定货制做犁杖,而是提前做好,然后骑着马在乡村叫卖。

59、Americans stopped trusting Republicans with their money in part because some were caught trousering bribes or peddling influence. ─── 美国人在财务上不相信共和党人在某种程度上是因为有些共和党人或者被发现非法收受贿赂或者以权谋私。

60、Peddling his crazy plan to other party members ─── 向其他党员宣传他那疯狂的计划.

61、Hollywood is not the only industry peddling the story line that flesh-and-blood fathers are an optional accessory in today's families. ─── 有血有肉的父亲对于现代家庭已经不是必备的条件——这样的故事并不仅是好莱坞在独家兜售。

62、In the 1930s many people survived the Great Depression by peddling scraps of metal, rags and other items. ─── 20世纪30年代,许多度过“大萧条时期”的人都是通过买卖金属、布与其它物品的废料过活的。

63、” These songs could be heard at weddings at gatherings of friends or even broadcast from trucks peddling goods.They became a vital part of our lives. ─── 而就在亲戚结婚的时候亲朋好友聚会的时候甚至是装著扩音机大声叫卖的菜车上这样的音乐会特别地出现而成为重要不可或缺的元素。

64、And it will not be lost on them that the bankers peddling the scheme are the same whose misvaluation of debt securities caused the problems in the first place. ─── 投资者很清楚,正是兜售这一计划的银行对债务证券进行了错误地估值,从而造成了主要问题。

65、Peddling a handful can lead to a 15-year sentence. ─── 兜售一把药可能引来15年监禁。

66、A familiar peddling and a catchy sound of the children's song in our childish, That is the cause of the production to awaken our memories. ─── 熟悉的叫卖声和朗朗上口的儿时童谣,是作品唤醒旧时回忆的精点所在。

67、the boys fought furiously; she went peddling furiously up the narrow street ─── 男孩们发起了激烈地战斗;她在狭窄的街道上忙碌着

68、Quarrelling never stop between nations , scientists keep their debating, and enterprisers just ceaselessly peddling their ideas. ─── 国家之间不停地在争吵,科学家们不停地在论战,企业家们不停地在游说。

69、Senator Keating was peddling someone's rumors for some purpose of his own, despite the highly dangerous international situation. ─── 参议员基廷不顾十分危险的国际局势,为着他个人的某种目的而在散布某人的谣言。

70、” In this new China, the promiscuous, fast-talking Baldy Li is a successful entrepreneur, while honest and gentle Song Gang struggles to make a living peddling sexual products. ─── 在这个新的中国,能言善变、纵欲无度的李光头成为了一位成功的企业家,而老实和善的宋刚只能勉强通过兜售性用品为生。

71、England's senior libel judge, Mr Justice Eady, ruled that to defend this description, Mr Singh must prove that the chiropractors were not just deluded, but knowingly peddling false remedies. ─── 英格兰高级法官,Eady法官判决Singh先生必须证明脊椎指压疗法不仅仅具有欺骗性,而且这些医师还故意的宣扬这种错误的疗法。

72、The business of peddling medicines to hospitals has also bred corruption, with many hospitals accepting kickbacks from drug companies. ─── 兜售药物给医院的交易也滋养了腐败之风,许多医院都接受了药品公司给予的回扣。

73、Authorities reportedly have cleaned up the seedier trades sometimes associated with tourism, such as prostitution and drug peddling. ─── 根据报导,中国当局已经扫荡了经常与观光业联结在一起的娼妓和贩毒问题。

74、Two of Kim's three sons are in prison awaiting trial on separate charges of taking millions of dollars in return for peddling influence. ─── 金大中的三个儿子如今有两个正在狱中候审,他们因利用特殊身份谋取了数百万美元的不当利益,现已分别被起诉。

75、They must have thought I was peddling the penguin for money! ─── 他们一定以为我在拿企鹅叫卖!

76、the boys fought furiously; she went peddling furiously up the narrow street. ─── 男孩们发起了激烈地战斗;她在狭窄的街道上忙碌着。

77、O'Brien was accused of purported influence peddling. ─── 奥布赖恩被控试图以权谋私。

78、A Pragmatic Analysis on Peddling Language ─── 叫卖语语用分析

79、Such the everywhere on the network is visible peddling. ─── 网络上随处可见这样的叫卖。

80、10.The deserted street could only occasionally see a countryman torpidly peddling along, with a worn-out felt cap on his head and a basket of potatoes or turnips on his arm. ─── 空荡荡的街道上,有时会偶尔走过来一个乡下人,破毡帽护着脑门,胳膊上挽一筐子土豆或萝卜,有气无力地呼唤着买主。

81、The policeman ran the man in for peddling without alicence. ─── 警察因为这个人无证贩卖而拘捕了他。

82、It is no wonder fraud easily prevailed peddling fake yuanbao time after time as reported in newspaper. ─── 股神巴菲特说起玩儿股票,有一句话让我印象深刻,他不相信报纸怎么说,只相信常识是什么。

83、He expertly turned his bike and began peddling, yanking the handlebars so that his front wheel rose off the ground for a fraction of a second. ─── 他用力地转动着自行车,开始炫耀地猛地拉动手杆以便前轮瞬间升离地面。

84、Alas, all these shops peddling tawdry knick-knacks will be back with us again. ─── 唉,想想吧,所有那些出售花里胡哨的玩意儿的商店会再一次挤入我们的视野。

85、On the other hand, the image came into my mind of the sellers of coal bricks peddling through the old hutong of Beijing, selling their coal in winter. ─── 而且,我看着文章想起了在北京老胡同卖煤球的人,冬天的时候他们一边骑自行车一边卖煤炭。

86、"These are traditional businessman launchs network sale actively, arrive from shop tradesman the positive change with peddling network. ─── “这些都是传统商家主动展开网络营销,从店铺坐商到网络行商的积极转变。”

87、Some whisper that Eekway is merely Papanoida's puppet in the Senate, peddling his influence through a clever front. ─── 有人暗地里传言说艾柯维不过是帕帕诺依达安插在参议院内的傀儡,利用她的台面身份巧妙地扩张其影响力。

88、peddling lies. ─── 散布谎言

89、In Kyushu, Tora-san meets a runway girl (Kishimoto Kayoko) who wants to become a partner in Tora-san's peddling business because she admires the free-spirited lifestyle of Tora-san. ─── 离家出走的爱子了无目的,她看见寅潇洒自在,纵横四海,遂死缠对方一同上路。

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