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09-14 投稿



hottentot 发音


英:  美:

hottentot 中文意思翻译




hottentot 短语词组

1、Hottentot bread ─── [网络] Hottentot面包

2、Hottentot tea ─── [医] 布枯叶

3、Hottentot veil ─── [医] 小阴唇展长, 阴门帘

4、Hottentot fig ─── [网络] Hottentot无花果

5、apron Hottentot ─── [医] 小阴唇展长, 阴门帘

6、Hottentot golden mole ─── 金痣

7、Hottentot's bread ─── [网络] Hottentot的面包

8、Hottentot Thrush Button-Quail ─── 撒哈拉三趾鹑

9、Hottentot bread vine ─── [网络] Hottentot面包葡萄

10、Hottentot's bread vine ─── [网络] Hottentot的面包葡萄

11、Hottentot's fig ─── [网络] Hottentot无花果

hottentot 同义词

vehement | torrid | sweltering | romantic | burning | hectic | piquant | sultry | blistering | tangy | sizzling | passionate | tropical | red-hot | red | tepid | feverish | raging | scorching | live | muggy | new | fierce | sticky | spicy | flushed | angry | peppery | stifling | warm | fresh |boiling | sharp | summer | contemporary | pungent | steaming | nippy | fiery

hottentot 词性/词形变化,hottentot变形

名词复数: Hottentot |

hottentot 反义词

cool |cold

hottentot 相似词语短语

1、Hottentot ─── n.霍屯督人;霍屯督人语;adj.霍屯督人的;霍屯督语的

2、hottest ─── adj.热的;最热门的;热烈的

3、attentat ─── n.犯罪企图(尤指未遂的政治暴力行动)

4、Hottentots ─── 霍屯督人

5、gotten at ─── 理解;意指;贿赂;到达;着手处理

6、gotten onto ─── 与…接触;得知,获悉;开始讨论;被选为,任命为;乘(飞机、汽车等)

7、rottenest ─── 腐烂的巢

8、gotten on ─── 上车,上马;进展,使前进

9、gotten out ─── 离开,出去;泄露;出版;n.(GetOut)《逃出绝命镇》(电影名)

hottentot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The city is a rare cultural gem, resulting from the amalgamation of Idonesian, French, Dutch, British and German settlers, the local Bushman and Hottentot tribes and the Bantu tribes from the north. ─── 由于集聚了来自印度尼西亚、法国、荷兰、英国和德国的移民,及澳洲丛林中的居民和霍屯督人部落,还有从北方来的班图人部落,这使开普敦这座城市成为一块文化瑰宝。

2、Hottentot tea ─── [医] 布枯叶

3、Hottentot teal ─── 霍屯督鸭

4、Hottentot golden mole ─── n. 金鼹

5、Whoever, wherever he is that bears the imprint of the Maker in the earth, be he black, white, gray or grizzled, be he young, be he Hottentot, or on the throne or in the presidents chair. ─── 不管他是谁,在哪里,只要他有造物者的印记,不论他是黑人,白人,头发花白,还是年轻,他是霍屯督人,或是国王,或是总统。"

6、afternoon, Jantje, the little Hottentot herd boy, came up to me and handed me a letter, which he said the English baas had left for me. ─── 傍晚,在我和父亲动身回家之前,霍但托特族的小牧童詹杰交给我一封信,他说是那位英国老爷留给我的。

7、Hottentot Venus was not a piece of art at all. ─── 霍屯都的维纳斯并不是一件艺术品。

8、The Hottentot Venus was not a piece of art at all. ─── 霍屯都的维纳斯并不是一件艺术品。

9、He had brought back much scientific information from South Africa, and many a charming evening we have spent together discussing the comparative anatomy of the Bushman and the Hottentot. ─── 他从南非带回很多科学资料,很多个夜晚,我们聚在一起讨论布史人和豪腾脱人的比较解剖学,那可真是难忘的时光啊。

10、Nowadays in Cape Town we find important testimonies of these indigenous populations, the Bushmen and Hottentot, in the South African Museum. ─── 在开普敦的南非博物馆,我们能找到这些早期土著居民 -- 布什曼人和霍顿托特人 -- 用过的器具。

11、Nowadays in Cape Town we find important testimonies of these indigenous populations, the Bushmen and Hottentot, in the South African Museum. ─── 在开普敦的南非博物馆,我们能找到这些早期土著居民--布什曼人和霍顿托特人--用过的器具。

12、Late that afternoon, Jantje, the little Hottentot herd boy, came up to me and handed me a letter , which he said the English baas had left for me. ─── 那天傍晚,在我和父亲动身回家之前,霍但托特族的小牧童詹杰交给我一封信,他说是那位英国老爷留给我的。

13、Historically ancestors here were Indonesian, French, Dutch, British, German, and indigenous Bushman and Hottentot tribes, giving Cape Town its flavor. ─── 历史上,这里曾居住着印度尼西亚人、法国人、荷兰人、英国人、德国人、以及本土的澳洲丛林居民和霍顿都部族,这些都形成了开普敦独特的风情。

14、What makes the Hottentot so hot? ─── 是什麽让哈腾托人那麽哈?

15、apron Hottentot ─── [医] 小阴唇展长, 阴门帘

16、Hottentot apron ─── 霍腾托特帘, 小阴唇展长, 阴门帘

17、Hottentot Thrush Button-Quail ─── n. 撒哈拉三趾鹑

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