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09-14 投稿



impersonality 发音


英:  美:

impersonality 中文意思翻译



impersonality 相似词语短语

1、impersonally ─── adv.与个人无关地

2、impersonalise ─── 模仿

3、impersonalizes ─── v.使......失去人格性,使......非人格化

4、tripersonality ─── 三人格

5、impersonalised ─── 不近人情的

6、impersonalises ─── 非人格化

7、impersonalize ─── v.使......失去人格性,使......非人格化

8、impersonalized ─── v.(使)……失去人格性(impersonalize的过去式及过去分词)

9、personality ─── n.个性;品格;名人

impersonality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Eliot's Sense of Tradition and the Theory of Impersonality ─── 再论艾略特的传统观与非个性化理论

2、The training summarizes and analyzes (Declaration: All content according to evaluation report, interview register is impersonality and nicety) ─── 二:培训总结分析(申明:全部内容基础依据评估报告、访谈记录客观准确)

3、the cold impersonality of some modern cities ─── 某些现代城市的冷漠无情

4、4,To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. ─── 译:对我们来说,通过电子交流缺乏人情味,但它跟手头的事务的重要性关系不大或者说没有关系.

5、In subjective from the unemployed people themselves, in impersonality from the police, weakness of workers and management of organization, in defect of fund and so on. ─── 个人因素从失业者自身,政府因素上从现行的扶贫政策缺陷、低保工作机构和工作人员力量薄弱、资金问题、开发性扶贫的局限性几个方面进行分析。

6、Compared to the exist methods, the proposed method has such advantages as follows: impersonality, universality, briefness and good expansion. ─── 较之已有方法,本文所提出的概念语义网络获取方法具有客观、通用、实现简单、可扩展性好等优点。

7、Is BBC worthy of the name of impersonality and impartiality? ─── BBC的商业活动会不会危及它的公共服务性质?

8、He searched for a topic which would warm her office impersonality into friendliness ─── 他想找一个话题,使她一本正经的态度变得友好一点。

9、The repoter should quiet impersonality,although it is difficult to ahievement,everyone has their viewpoint and suggest. ─── 记者应该相当的客观,尽管完全客观是难以达到的,因为每个人都有自己的观点和意见。

10、The model fully used the impersonality data of the decision object and was based on the weights given by the experts to give the appraisal results in accordance with the reality. ─── 该模型充分利用了决策对象的客观数据,并根据专家的主观经验确定各因素的权重,以求得到符合主客观实际的评价结论。

11、3.To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. ─── 对于我们来说,电子化的人际沟通,对手上问题或者事件的重要性,只有很小的联系,甚至是一点联系都没有

12、We should recognize the pros and cons brought by the law and literature movement with impersonality and rationality and keep clear-headed to its failure because of the lack of legal practice. ─── 对于“法律与文学”运动在观念上的破坏性和建设性我们应当持一种客观而理性的态度,并对其弱点保持清醒的认识。

13、It impersonality described actuality of Chinese demonstration software college.It analysed some problem existed in Chinese demonstration software college. ─── 随后通过和国外软件学院的对比,具体分析了中国示范性软件学园所存在的问题。

14、It is agriculture develop enter new moment of impersonality require and need choice that agricultural property structural of regulate. ─── 摘要农业结构调整是农业发展进入新阶段的客观要求和必然选择。

15、To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. ─── 对我们来说,通过电子交流缺乏人情味,但它跟手头的事务的重要性关系不大或者说没有关系。

16、Wang Guowei's "Literary World without Me" and T.S.Eliot's "Literary Impersonality" ─── 王国维的"无我之境"与艾略特的"无个性文学"

17、It's ironic, really.Computer networks bring people together who'd otherwise never meet.But the impersonality of the medium changes that meeting to something less -- well, less personal. ─── 可能真的是很讽刺,电脑网络原来要把素未谋面的人聚在一起,但没个性的媒体却又把意义降低---最起码变得不那么个人。

18、On the Literary Critic Theory of Traditionalism and Impersonality by T.S.Eliot ─── 论艾略特的传统观与非个性化批评理论

19、The author thinks of that there still has reality impersonality factor, in addition to admitting the force of the evolvement rule of the businessman family tradition. ─── 笔者以为在承认商人家族传统的演变规律的影响力外,其中仍有值得探讨的现实客观因素。

20、For the very elderly, however, most agree the usual tough love of modern medicine in all its hospital-based, medication-obsessed, high-tech impersonality may hurt more than it helps. ─── 对很多高龄老人来说,他们还难以割舍以医院为基础的现代医疗,然而却饱受药物困扰,客观来说,高技术对身体造成的损害远甚于它带来的帮助。

21、secondly , the thought of our criminal procedure law of " verism of pursue impersonality " has n ' t changed. ─── 第二,我国现行刑事诉讼法追求客观真实主义的思维没有改变。

22、Penman wants to expound these problems by using impersonality、personality and social ideology about the city space. ─── 笔者借助女性主义的理论,通过从客观、主观、社会意识形态三方面对男女城市空间占有问题进行阐述。

23、The method features speediness, exactness, impersonality, and non-invasion to the sam- ple. ─── 该法具有快速、准确、客观和不损坏样品等特点。

24、impersonality membership function ─── 客观隶属函数

25、The index system of hotel service environmental performance was complex, some hotels had to evaluate from the nature, and it was not impersonality. ─── 很多酒店在进行环境绩效考核时往往从定性的角度去评价,在很大程度上不是很客观。

26、We must accept the impersonality fact. ─── 我们必须接受客观事实.

27、impersonality of investigation ─── 历史解读

28、The comparison study should be conformed to the comparable principle, applied principle, impersonality principle, dynamic and system principle. ─── 比较研究应遵循可比、应用、动态、客观、系统等原则;

29、Knowledge is a cognizance of basic impersonality. ─── 知识是一种具有客观基础的认知。

30、Connie was not keen on chains, but she said nothing. She was thinking of the curious impersonality of his desire for a son. ─── 康妮并不喜欢这链索的话,但是她并不说什么,她觉得他那种求于的欲望是怪异地不尽人情的。

31、The securities rating organizations shall be responsible for the impersonality , impartiality and punctuality of the rating result. ─── 证券资信评级机构对评级结果的客观、公正和及时性承担责任。

32、the tears and shivers of impersonality. ─── 非个人化的泪水和颤抖。

33、intent impersonality ─── 意向性客观化

34、The paper analyzed the hierarchy of the water right and the operation system of real time water right management in Tarim River Basin, and its performance and problems are evaluated impersonality. ─── 通过流域水权的层次结构和适时水权的管理运行体系系统分析,客观地评价了“水权塔河”的体制绩效以及存在的问题。

35、At the same time,the wheel set longitudinal vibration is found to be an impersonality exit phenomena,no matter it whether be developed with resonance. ─── 同时发现轮对的纵向振动现象是一种客观存在的现象,不管它有没有发展成共振。

36、category of impersonality ─── 无人称范畴

37、Treat the things with impersonality ─── 对待事物更客观

38、Traditional conception focus on impersonality,modern conception focus on subjectivity,post-modern conception focus on the relationship. ─── 传统观念以客观世界为中心,现代观念以人的主观世界为中心,后现代观念则消解中心、追求关系的和谐。

39、Wang Guowei' s "Literary World without Me" and T.S.Eliot's "Literary Impersonality" ─── 王国维的“无我之境”与艾略特的“无个性文学”

40、Another, he also affected by the Symbolism in art expressing method which emphasizes symbol and insinuation, and likes to symbolize innermost being by using “impersonality counterpoint”. ─── 另外在艺术方法上受法国象征派重象征、暗示的影响,喜欢通过“客观对应物”来象征、暗示自己的内心世界。

41、To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. ─── 就我们而言,电子交流的缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。

42、He has enriched the treasure of Chinese paintings with his visual metaphor, impersonality and spiritualization. ─── 他创造的视觉隐喻,他的个人化、心灵化的绘画形象,为中国画的发展提供了宝贵的经验。

43、Due to the atmosphere temperature change, the bridge superstructures' thermal deformation exist impersonality which is a fact. ─── 由于周围大气温度的变化,桥梁上部结构产生的温度变形是一个客观存在的事实。

44、This is an impersonality existent face of fictional write bottle-neck problem since the middle and late 1990s. ─── 90年代中后期以来小说写作的瓶颈问题是一个客观存在的文学现实。

45、The securities rating organizations shall be responsible for the impersonality, impartiality and punctuality of the rating result. ─── 证券资信评级机构对评级结果的客观、公正和及时性承担责任。

46、Keeping independence is a precondition to realize impersonality and justice and essential requirement of internal audit, however it is not always recognized. ─── 保持独立性是实现客观公正的前提条件,是内部审计的本质要求。然而,如何确保内部审计的独立性却一直不被人们所重视。

47、To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand .(Unit 1-A, Book II) ─── 就我们而言,电子交流的缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。

48、The validity of explaining about the sutra text of aesthetics mostly point to the impersonality basis which is recognized by commonality. ─── 美学“经典”文本解释的“合法性”主要是指一种能为公共认可的外在客观存在根据。

49、Connie was not keen on chains, But she said nothing. She was thinking of the curious impersonality of his desire for a son. ─── 康妮并不喜欢这链索的话,但是她并不说什么,她觉得他那种求于的欲望是怪异地不尽人情的。

50、To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. ─── 就我们而言,电子交流缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。

51、The traditional draw realistical sketch has theoretical meaning deeply to students, in training them to observe and acquit object impersonality, nurturance the manner of scientific thinking. ─── 写实素描对于训练学生客观地观察与表现对象和养成科学思维方式具有深层学理意义。

52、Action of getting out of line and harm result are impersonality basis of it; ─── 违规行为和危害结果是职务过失犯罪负刑事责任的客观根据;

53、All VC companies has to face a common problem to give a impersonality evaluation and reasonable salary for the human capital of venture capitalist’s. ─── 本文着手解决风险投资经理的能力和绩效评价问题,找到合理的薪酬工具。

54、The knowledge of creative thinking can prevent from making mistake and create the correct design based on impersonality. ─── 通过对创造思维方法的认识,回避设计中出现的错误,在客观的基础上进行设计,才能使设计结果体现出正确性。

55、The meaning , tongue diagnose used in clinic . stick out a smile . and the image of tongue is also be a impersonality proof . ─── 中医舌诊的临床意义显而易见,同时舌象又是作为中医诊断辨证的不可缺少的客观依据。

56、The certification bodies are prohibited from accepting any grants that may influence the impersonality and justice of the certification activities; ─── 认证机构不得接受任何可能对认证活动的客观公正产生影响的资助;

57、It was a system of impersonality; it made no difference who you were, so long as you could master its rules. ─── 这是一项不牵涉个人感情的制度,只要你掌握规则,你是谁都无关紧要。

58、The contradictions in the course of recognizing other celestial bodies are the reflection of impersonality contradictions. ─── 摘要人类对外星球认识中产生的种种矛盾是宇宙中各星球之间客观矛盾的一种反映。

59、Looking on the problem of indoor air quality impersonality ─── 客观看待室内空气质量问题

60、But manual arrangement brings more difficult to exam management, traditional paper interlocution form is hard to evaluation impersonality for capability of application. ─── 但手工操作的考务安排给考试管理工作带来诸多困难,传统的试卷问答形式很难对计算机的应用能力进行客观评价。

61、With a lively campus environment, Lancaster University offers a great social life without the impersonality of a large city. ─── 在此的校园生活安全活泼且亲切友善,同学也可轻松享有如大都市般的社交生活。

62、while the information structure of high context culture emphasizes lucidity and impersonality of information and normalizing people’s behavior through many kinds of formal contracts. ─── 而“高文本文化”信息结构强调信息的清晰和非人格化,强调通过各种正式契约来规范人们的行为。

63、The research adopts analysis method of impersonality and demonstration , The system adopt 360 degree appraise method and report method, and give a complementary explain about assistant program. ─── 研究最终成果是一个以360度考核理论和述职报告方法相结合的中层管理者绩效考核体系。

64、With the development of network,electronic text grows rapidly.Since automatic abstraction is superior to manual abstraction for its speed,convenience,efficiency,and impersonality. ─── 随着网络的发展,电子文本大量涌现,自动文摘以迅速、快捷、有效、客观等手工文摘无可比拟的优势,使得其实用价值得到充分体现。

65、Article 6 The principles of impersonality and independence, openness and justice, and good faith shall be observed in carrying out the certification and accreditation activities. ─── 第六条 认证认可活动应当遵循客观独立、公开公正、诚实信用的原则。

66、acting as a modern academic authority, the scholars of The Institute of History and Philology (abbr. TIHP) were famous for impersonality and objectivism in their study. ─── 历史语言研究所(简称史语所)作为现代学术的一个重镇,其学者向以“史料学派”而著称。

67、Article 6 The principles of impersonality and independence, openness and justice, and good faith shall be followed in carrying out the certification and accreditation activities. ─── 第六条认证认可活动应当遵循客观独立、公开公正、诚实信用的原则。

68、What should be noted is to understand the immune system with impersonality and comprehensive standpoint since its intricate information in the system as we cognize everything in the world. ─── 并提出由于免疫系统存在非优信息的特点,科研人员在对免疫系统认识过程中应客观、全面,在认识事物优的同时也应看到事物非优的一面。

69、To introduce unit consume of PVC film in course of normal laminating and in the condition of variety impersonality factor affected,its origin and count method of the wastage were in detail depicted. ─── 介绍PVC膜在正常贴塑生产的过程中,在受各种客观因素影响的条件下,所消耗PVC膜的单位消耗量,较详细地叙述了该消耗量的来源和计算方法。

70、If the rules are followed, everything runs smoothly, and the mark of impersonality is stamped on each product, each of us. ─── 如果遵循规则,一切运转顺利。非人的标记打在每一件产品上,也打在我们每一个人身上。

71、Romanticism was counteracted deeply by Keats and Eliot, with "negative capability" and with "impersonality" theory respectively so that their doctrines became the first sign of The New Criticism. ─── 济慈以“消极感受力”、艾略特以“非个人化”理论对浪漫主义进行反驳,成为新批评的先声。

72、Please inform the Foreign Student Office, if you want to cancel the room reservation due to the impersonality reasons. ─── 订房确认后如因客观原因需要取消时,请及时通知留学生办公室。

73、Impersonality Membership Function Applied in Fuzzy Reliability ─── 基于客观隶属函数的模糊可靠性

74、accuracy and impersonality ─── 精确客观

75、object impersonality ─── 对象性客观化

76、Paralleled with literature, narrow sense articles have special characteristics such as reappear thingness essence, reflect subject and impersonality directness and definitude, the normative writing structure and language. ─── 摘要与文学文体并列的狭义文章,其特征可概括为:再现客观现实的本真性;反映主客观的直接性、明确性:篇章结构、语言的规范性。

77、Keywords Refractometer;Model eye;Diopter;Subjective;Impersonality; ─── 关键词验光机;模拟眼;顶焦度;主观;客观;

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