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09-14 投稿



inefficiently 发音

英:[ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃntli]  美:[ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃntli]

英:  美:

inefficiently 中文意思翻译



inefficiently 同义词

incompetently | ineffectually | uselessly | inadequately | wastefully

inefficiently 词性/词形变化,inefficiently变形

副词: inefficiently |

inefficiently 反义词


inefficiently 相似词语短语

1、inefficiencies ─── 无能

2、deficiently ─── adv.不充分地

3、insufficiently ─── adv.不够地;不能胜任地

4、inefficiency ─── n.效率低;无效率;无能

5、efficiently ─── adv.有效地;效率高地(efficient的副词形式)

6、beneficently ─── 慷慨地

7、inefficient ─── adj.无效率的,效率低的;无能的

8、sufficiently ─── adv.充分地;足够地

9、-efficient ─── adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的

inefficiently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's highly possible that communicating only in a single way will make communicating easy to misunderstand and become more complex and inefficiently. ─── 如果只是采用一种方式交流的话容易造成误解。只采取一种方式进行交流也许会导致很容易产生误解从而使得交流变得复杂和低效率起来。

2、The small family farm is steeped in inefficiently and struggles just to survive ─── 小农场主陷于无效率的境况中,只为生存下去而苦苦挣扎。

3、mishandle : to deal with clumsily or inefficiently; ─── mismanage(错误处理;

4、spend one's time idly or inefficiently. ─── 无益地或者无效力地花费时间。

5、Those who are not good at relaxation will work inefficiently. ─── 不会休息的人,工作也没有效率。

6、To deal with clumsily or inefficiently;mismanage. ─── 笨拙或无效率地处理;管理不善

7、China's soes continued to operate inefficiently and corruptly, but they did not cause China's economy to collapse as they did Russia's. ─── 中国国企的经营依旧低效而腐败,但未像俄罗斯一样引起中国经济的崩溃。

8、Some people think that all scripting languages work like this. . . slowly, inefficiently , a line at a time. ─── 有些人认为所有的解释型语言都这么…缓慢、低效、一次一行。

9、First of all, each Input/Output operation involved a lot of CPU attention and, also, the disk surface was used inefficiently. ─── 首先,每个输入输出操作需要CPU的大量干预,而且磁盘的利用也不充分。

10、he dealt inefficiently with the crisis. ─── 他没有处理好那个危机。

11、Third, the high-rise multi-shell and used inefficiently. ─── 三是空壳高楼多,使用效率低下。

12、Therefore, the area of financial investment expenditure is where the market functions inefficiently. ─── 因此,财政投资支出的领域也应该是市场不能有效发挥作用的领域。

13、However, as the FEHD seems to have managed the oilfish affair quite inefficiently, how can citizens have faith in food safety in Hong Kong? ─── 但食环署在油鱼事件所表现出的工作效率,又怎能让市民能够对食品安全有信心?

14、But the government can hardly provide enough public goods for the society because the demands of public goods are increasing and the public sectors always inefficiently use public finance. ─── 然而受政府财力不足、政府运营公共资金的低效率以及人们对各种公共物品的需求不断增加等因素的影响,政府提供的公共物品严重不足,不能满足经济和社会发展的需要。

15、just as the insufficient competition , the excessive competition can bring the economy operating inefficiently. ─── 过度竞争如同竞争不足一样,同样会带来经济运行效率的劣化。

16、You can't afford to run businesses inefficiently in this day and age. ─── 在现今,经营商店无能是不行的。

17、Debate inefficiently;Judicial committee system is unreasonable; ─── 法官未能适时公开心证;

18、waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently. ─── 浪费时间;无益地或者无效力地花费时间。

19、This is very important, especially when the fighter operates at high angle of attack and the aerodynamic flight control surfaces work inefficiently. ─── 研究气动力、动力一体化的综合 飞行控制技术及研究和分析矢 量喷流/飞机绕流之间的干扰特性。

20、They worry that local leaders will spend the money inefficiently, or in some cases, divert funds into their own pockets. ─── 他们担心,地方领导人会浪费资金,在某些情况下,甚至还会把钱放进自己的腰包。

21、A poorly written script may inefficiently squander memory which can cause severe problems for frequently executed scripts. ─── 要保持列的标题不变的话,就在“页面设置/工作表”的“左端标题列”上设定需要固定内容的列号。

22、I don't know of any implementation that uses a relational database to do inefficiently what BDB does efficiently. ─── 我不知道任何使用关系数据库的实现如何低效地执行BDB做起来很高效的事情。

23、But in the longer term Mr Liu believes that the political component of the loans will mean capital is being allocated inefficiently, raising the prospect of future losses. ─── 但从长期来看,刘先生认为贷款中掺入政治因素表明资本分配没有效率,会增加未来亏损的预期。

24、Therefore, you'd better ask them to return home to celebrate the festival and work energetically the following day rather than make them work in the company inefficiently. ─── 这时候与其让他们在公司低效率地工作,不如让他们回家好好过节,第二天精神饱满地工作。

25、Not only are you short-changing your court coverage when your penultimate step works inefficiently (2D above), but your momentum gets re-directed away from the ball, 2F. ─── 不仅你的倒数第2步低效(2D)使得你对场地的覆盖面变小,并且你的冲量改向飞离网球,2F.

26、Until recently, software development too often has been a monolithic project resulting in huge amorphous masses of code that lack structure, use resources inefficiently and lack true interoperability with other programs. ─── 直到前不久,软件开发常常还是一项相当原始的工作,产生大量没有结构、资源使用效率低下、缺乏与其他程序真正互用性的杂乱程序代码。

27、productivity growth is itself often inefficiently measured. ─── 生产率增长本身通常很难直观的加以数量化。

28、They get easy access to foreign capital and thus use it inefficiently. ─── 他们很容易的得到国外的资金虽然使用的并不是很有效。

29、Because on the contrary, multi-tasking can be a useful way to make the most of time that would have otherwise been used inefficiently. ─── 因为与之相反,有时多重任务可以让你充分利用那些本来不能得到有效利用的时间。

30、Otherwise, a lightly loaded client thread might finish early and, therefore, use that client's CPU inefficiently. ─── 否则,负荷少的客户端线程可能会先完成,从而造成客户端的CPU利用率不高。

31、In many circumstances, feed resources are either unused and wasted, or used inefficiently. ─── 在许多情况下,饲料资源没有得到利用或被浪费,或者利用效率低。

32、To govern inefficiently or badly. ─── 管理国家不当低效率地或拙劣地统治

33、South China Power Plant in Nantong bought a 350MW unit electrostatic precipitator made by U. S.Lodge--Cottrell Inc. The precipitator worked inefficiently forlots of ashes on the positive and negative poles. ─── 华能南通电厂购买美国Lodge-Cottrell公司生产的350MW机组电除尘器,因该设备阴、阳极结灰严重,电晕封闭,效率低下。

34、During the long-term process of SSF, the sediment adsorption behaved inefficiently. ─── 湿地经过长期运行,基质吸附表现为惰性,仅为植物和微生物生长提供中介和场所;

35、The reason why the students in the higher vocational institutes study English inefficiently is analyzed in this article. ─── 摘要分析了高职学生英语学习效果不好所产生的原因得出结论:其主要原因是,学生在学英语时存在心理障碍;

36、To deal with clumsily or inefficiently; mismanage. ─── 笨拙或无效率地处理;管理不善

37、Many handlers cause their dogs to move inefficiently by using a tight lead. ─── 相反,一只后驱靠近(宽度不够)狗会以一个比较慢的速度离开。

38、But funds are often managed inefficiently. ─── 但是,对这项资金的管理通常效率低下。

39、use inefficiently or inappropriately. ─── 无效率或不适当地使用。

40、Nevertheless, in Chinese security market, most listed companies are prone to adopt external equity financing such as allotment of shares or issuance of new stock, which work rather inefficiently. ─── 但在我国证券市场上,大多数上市公司却倾向于配股或增发新股的外部股权融资方式,而且再融资绩效普遍较差。

41、Because of people unclear to its character and the law inefficiently to whose its gauge, it causes the phenomenon to remain despite and spread unceasingly. ─── 但由于人们对其性质认识不清,法律对其表现规制不力,致使其现象一直屡禁不止,具有不断蔓延之势。

42、In the absence of PC mutations, Epivir-HBV resistant HBV mutants have been shown to replicate inefficiently in vitro; ─── 在没有前C区变异的情况下,对拉米有抗药性的HBV突变异种在试管中复制得不是很有效;

43、Just as the insufficient competition, the excessive competition can bring the economy operating inefficiently. ─── 摘要过度竞争如同竞争不足一样,同样会带来经济运行效率的劣化。

44、Labor in each country is more fully employed in doing just those things that it does best, instead of being forced to do things that it does inefficiently or badly. ─── 两国的劳动力资源都流向了各自的优势产业,而不必继续窝在缺乏效率或者成果差产业。

45、It made her wonder why they had spent time so inefficiently before he had to run between two women. ─── 这使她好奇为什么在他开始一脚搭两船之前她为什么没好好利用时间。

46、She is so forgetful that she does everything inefficiently. ─── 她这人就是爱忘事,做什么事情总是拖拖拉拉的

47、Third, China's high rate of investment has masked the fact that investment returns have been declining because capital is allocated inefficiently. ─── 第三,中国的高投资率掩盖了这样一个事实:由于资本配置效率低下,投资回报率不断下滑。

48、Fatware Software that is so laden with features,or is designed so inefficiently,that it monopolizes huge chunks of hard disk-space,random-access memory(RAM),andmicroprocessor powower. ─── 超重软件 带有大量特征,并且设计上效率极低以致它占据了大量的硬盘空间、RAM和微处理器能力。

49、But even many of its newest coal-fired power plants and industrial furnaces operate inefficiently and use pollution controls considered inadequate in the West. ─── 但很多新建煤火力发电厂和工业熔炉低效率运转,并使用在西方国家看来达不到要求的污染控制技术。

50、To work or act ineptly or inefficiently. ─── 拙劣地工作做事拙劣或低效率

51、And since the maximum number of rows stored on a page is 255, tables with small rows will not fill each page and therefore use space inefficiently. ─── 而且,由于页上最多能存储255行,所以行数较少的表不会填满每一页,这样,空间使用效率就比较低。

52、Build inefficiently, and you are punished with a design to complex to break down, a lesson the American housing industry has been learning. ─── 假如你搭建的效率不够高,你就会被罚面对一个复杂到无法消除的结构,这是一个美国房地产业正意识到的教训。

53、waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently ─── 浪费时间;无益地或者无效力地花费时间

54、Why Subordinates with High Quality Work Inefficiently Sometimes ─── 高素质的部属缘何会有低效率的工作

55、and/or potentially inefficient, in that it forces either a third party to accommodate a need that was not pursued in the past or the target to behave inefficiently for the benefit of the manager. ─── 法律行为中的交易行为是间接的并且/或者有可能效率低下,因为这种交易行为或是强制第三方接纳过去没有接纳的需求,或是为了执法者的利益而强制目标做出代效率的行为。

56、If there were no charge for products or services, the tendency would be to use them inefficiently. ─── 如果对产品或服务不计算价格,则会造成资源利用的低效。

57、I fear that if I have to control my own time at home, I may study inefficiently. ─── 最后,去上学比在家读书更能够强迫我守纪律。

58、If the immune system was depleted of its T-regs, however, the parasite was completely purged, but reinfection was dealt with inefficiently, as if the mice had never before encountered the invader. ─── 但是,若免疫系统缺乏调节性T细胞,寄生虫在第一次感染时就会全部肃清,当再度发生感染时,小鼠免疫系统却效率不彰,就好像是从未遇过入侵者一般。

59、Huang criticizes employees who work inefficiently during regular working hours in order to receive free meals, transportation fees, and extra pay. ─── 黄先生批评一些员工,工作时间效率低下,这样就可以享受加班时问提供的免费餐、交通费和加班费。

60、As will be argued in Section II, we expect state acquirers to be more likely than private acquirers to use corporate funds inefficiently, i.e., conduct tunneling and make investment in negative-NPV projects. ─── 在第二部分将讨论,我们预期国有收购方会比私有收购方更低效益的利用被收购公司的资金,即操作“隧道挖掘”和在负净现值的项目上投资。

61、Even as they convicted the right man, the heterogeneous teams were likelier to report afterward that they'd done the job inefficiently and not very collegially. ─── 不忠诚--这些组没有意识到他们配合地如此之好。

62、waste time;spend one's time idly or inefficiently. ─── 浪费时间;无益地或者无效力地花费时间。

63、One said, He has worked inefficiently? ─── 一个说,他工作得没有效率?

64、Man has so far conquered space by painfully and inefficiently blasting himself out of the atmosphere but the 21st century should bring a more leisurely ride to the final frontier. ─── 迄今为止,虽然过程痛苦、耗资巨大,人类终究成功进入宇宙,但是21世纪的今天,人类应该更轻松地进入宇宙空间。

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