nicotine 发音
英:[ˈnɪkətiːn] 美:[ˈnɪkətiːn]
英: 美:
nicotine 中文意思翻译
nicotine 网络释义
n. [有化] 尼古丁;[有化] 烟碱
nicotine 词性/词形变化,nicotine变形
nicotine 短语词组
1、nicotine group ─── 尼古丁组
2、nicotine gum ─── 尼古丁口香糖
3、nicotine hemochromogen ─── [化] 烟碱血色原 ─── [医] 烟硷血色原
4、veteran nicotine ─── 老兵尼古丁
5、nicotine patches ─── 尼古丁贴片
6、nicotine tartrate ─── [医] 酒石酸烟硷
7、nicotine sulfate ─── [医] 硫酸烟硷
8、nicotine poisoning ─── 尼古丁中毒
9、nicotine addiction ─── [网络] 烟瘾;尼古丁成瘾;尼古拉瘾
10、nicotine bitartrate ─── [医] 重酒石酸烟硷
11、nicotine is an addictive chemical ─── 尼古丁是一种容易上瘾的化学物质
12、nicotine gums ─── 尼古丁胶姆糖
13、levorotatory nicotine ─── 左旋尼古丁
14、nicotine patch ─── 尼古丁贴片
15、nicotine hydrochloride ─── [医] 盐酸烟硷
16、nicotine salicylate ─── [医] 水杨酸烟硷
17、nicotine stain ─── 尼古丁污渍
18、nicotine polacrilex ─── [医]尼古丁香糖,烟碱与一种离子交换树脂的结合物
nicotine 相似词语短语
1、nicotiana ─── n.烟草属,烟草
2、narcotine ─── n.那可汀
3、nicotinise ─── 尼古丁
4、nicotinic ─── adj.烟碱的;烟碱酸的
5、nicotinize ─── vt.使中烟碱毒;使中尼古丁毒
6、nicotined ─── 烟碱
7、cicutine ─── 毒芹碱
8、tricotine ─── n.条子细棉府绸;斜纹针织物
9、nicotians ─── adj.烟草的;n.抽烟者
nicotine 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、She had long beautiful hands with fingers stained by nicotine. ─── 她有一双修长美丽的手,手指上有尼古丁留下的痕迹。
2、Smoker who inhale is likely to become addicted to nicotine. ─── 吸烟的人容易对尼古丁上瘾。
3、asks one university student. With nerves jangled from years of upheaval, nicotine is often the first and only comfort. ─── 事实上,在这些年的动荡不安中,尼古丁一直是人们首选的也是唯一的精神慰藉。
4、The college students were also less likely to have a drug use drug-use disorder, nicotin nicotine dependence or by polar bipolar disorder. ─── 大学生也较少患有药物滥用、尼古丁依赖和躁郁症,他们较少使用烟草。
5、The WHO said people who puff on ecigarettes inhale a fine mist of nicotine in the lungs. ─── 世卫组织称,烟民在吸电子香烟时会将纯雾体尼古丁吸入肺部。
6、In the case of nicotine, wean yourself now and determine to give them up completely and forever in Ramadan. ─── 如果是尼古丁,现在就戒掉并决定在斋月中完全的永远的放弃它。
7、To ealuate nicotine exposure more precisely, they measured study participants' blood leels of cotinine -- a marker for nicotine exposure. ─── 为了精确评估尼古丁的危害程度,研究人员检测了自愿者血液中的吡咯烷酮的含量,该物质为尼古丁体内存在含量的标志。
8、Adopting micro-electronic control technology and ultrasonic atomizing technology, it doesn’t burn but atomizes the nicotine fliquid into smoke. ─── “傲派”消除了二手烟对他人和环境的危害,所以不受禁烟地点限制。
9、One guy at work has a diet patch on all the time, which I guess is similar to a nicotine patch that helps you quit smoking. ─── 在工作中有一个家伙饮食补丁所有时间我猜是一种类似尼古丁贴片,有助于你戒烟。
10、Give him his cigarettes. It won't be the nicotine that kills you, Mr. Bond. ─── 可以,把烟给他,杀死你的不会是尼古丁,邦德先生。
11、Today, I learned that while my mom was pregnant with me, she craved cigarettes so much that she named me Nicky after "nicotine. " FML. ─── 今天,我才知道老妈怀着我的时候,因为太想抽烟,所以以“尼古丁”来给我命名为尼基。
12、Addicted smokers have a right to choose from a range of safer nicotine products, as well as accurate and unbiased information to guide that choice. ─── 上瘾的烟民有权选择一系列更安全的尼古丁产品,以及拥有引导他们做出选择的准确而公正的信息。’”
13、Nicotine poisoning, caused by excessive use of tobacco and marked by depression of the central and autonomic nervous systems. ─── 尼古丁中毒尼古丁中毒,因吸用烟草过量而导致并以中枢及自主神经系统的压抑为特征
14、What's ironic is that the product works much like a nicotine replacement for quitters. ─── 对于戒烟者来说,很讽刺的是这种产品很像一种尼古丁替代剂。
15、Nicotine produces a feeling of well-being in the smoker. ─── 尼古丁能让吸烟者产生一种愉悦的感觉。
16、A suggestion that will be taken up, however, is to provide free nicotine gum and patches to the poorest in society to help cut down on smoking. ─── 但是,有一个提议将被采纳,就是免费提供给穷人尼古丁口香糖和贴剂,以帮助减少吸烟人数。
17、Nicotine Addiction(见15楼), earned unanimous accolades from the medical community as well as praise from politicians. ─── 不仅受到来自政界的表扬,而且受到医学界的一致赞颂。
18、Nicotine was suggested to increase [Ca 2+ ] i,activate PKC and Ras protein in ECs. ─── 以上结果提示尼古丁可使人脐静脉内皮细胞 [Ca2 + ]i 增加和活化内皮细胞的PKC及Ras蛋白
19、Discover pair of ethanol only (local name alcohol) with nicotine (nicotian bases) have special and adsorptive sex. ─── 只发现对乙醇(俗名酒精)和尼古丁(烟草的主要成分)有非凡吸附性。
20、With 100% ammonium, reducing sugar, Cl and amylum were highest, and K/Cl, nicotin and K were lowest. ─── 100%铵态氮时,还原糖、氯含量、淀粉的含量最高,碱、钾、钾氯比最低,同时显著地降低烤烟的等级结构。
21、They looked at data from a nicotine dependence study. ─── 他们从尼古丁依赖性的研究中找寻资料。
22、These results raise the question of how the nicotine from a single cigarette could alter the brain enough to trigger the onset of addiction. ─── 这些结果点出一个问题,光靠一根香菸的尼古丁,如何能让大脑改变到产生成瘾性。
23、But in nicotine babies, both these survival systems may be incorrectly wired and the baby simply suffocates. ─── 但对于受到尼古丁影响的孩子,由于两种生存系统的信息不能正确传输,他们很容易会发生窒息。
24、The smokers get used to nicotine. ─── 吸烟者习惯了尼古丁。
25、Drink water: Drinking lots of water will help wash the nicotine out of your system and stop your cravings. ─── 喝水:喝大量的水能帮助清除身体系统内的尼古丁,阻止你吸菸的渴望。
26、Doctors also warn us of nicotine, tar, and many other toxic substances contained in cigarettes. ─── 医生也警告我们,香烟含有尼古丁、焦油以及许多其他有毒的物质。
27、Nicotine is also metabolized in your lungs to cotinine and nicotine oxide. ─── 尼古丁也在你的肺部代谢成可铁宁和尼古丁的氧化物。
28、Nicotine chewing gum can now be bought over the counter at the chemists. ─── 尼古丁口香糖可以在药店的柜台那儿买到。
29、Nicotine! That's what the smokers need. ─── 尼古丁!这就是烟民们所需要的东西。
30、It could be that smokers use the stimulant effect of nicotine to self-treat their daytime drowsiness, the authors suggest. ─── 但美国一项最新的研究结果则显示,白天极度嗜睡可能是出现糖尿病或抑郁症的征兆。
31、The body is calling for a new supply of the drug nicotine. ─── 他们的体内要求补充新的麻醉剂尼古丁。
32、But, if he could get rid of that constant nicotine stimulation, things would be easier for me. ─── 但是,如果他能取消尼古丁的不断刺激,我就会轻松多了。
33、Interest has thus focused on drugs that inhibit the breakdown of acetylcholine, and also on nicotine, which works by mimicking its effect. ─── 人们聚焦于那些阻止acetylcholine分解的药物以及尼古丁,它具有类似效果。
34、Study on degradation of nicotine and chlorogenic acid in tobacco residues by two strains of Bacillus sp. ─── 两株芽胞菌对烟草废料烟碱与绿原酸降解的研究。
35、In the sidestream smoke of cigarette, there are many substances which are harmful to people's health, such as nicotine, aldehyde. ─── 卷烟燃烧时释放出大量侧流烟气,其中有很多危害人们身体健康的物质,如烟碱、醛类物质等。
36、The contents of nicotine and total sugar were increased with the increment of the topdressing proportion. ─── 各处理烤后烟叶烟碱、总糖含量有随追肥比例上升而增加的趋势。
37、"I found that certain signaling is upregulated, but [nicotine] itself cannot push the cell to undergo tumorigenesis [cancer formation]. ─── “我发现,某些特定的传导信号上调,但[尼古丁]本身不能推动细胞进行肿瘤发生[癌症形成]。
38、To ascertain the effects of nicotine on allergy/asthma, Brown Norway rats were treated with nicotine and sensitized and challenged with allergens. ─── 以确定的影响,尼古丁对过敏/哮喘,布朗,挪威鼠治疗尼古丁和敏和挑战与过敏原。
39、The amount of nicotine in these nicotine substitutes can be enough to excite the heart. ─── 这些尼古丁替代品中的烟碱含量足以刺激心脏。
40、His decision is likely to hearten his father, Prince Charles, who loathes his son's nicotine habit. ─── 哈里的决定一定会让烦透其烟瘾的老爸查尔斯王储大感欣慰。
41、For instance, one item might be: "Nicotine is an addictive drug. ─── 例如,一个项目可能是:“烟草是一种上瘾的药物。”
42、Nicotine can be extd. from tobacco waste by steam distn. ─── 尼古丁可以用蒸气蒸馏的方法从烟草废料中萃
43、Heavy cigarette smoking often remits during treatment with olanzapine and clozapine, indicating decreased reliance on the effects of nicotine[11] . ─── 在使用奥氮平和氯氮平的治疗过程中重度烟瘾经常得到缓解,提示可以减低对于尼古丁效应的依赖性。
44、Nicotine accumulation was negatively related to transplant period, regression coefficient was -0.025. ─── 与移栽时间呈负相关,回归系数为-0.025,也达显著水平。
45、He got nicotine stains in his eyes. ─── 他眼中有烟碱的污迹。
46、Laboratory tests showed that nicotine attracts neutrophil cells. ─── 实验室试验表明,尼古丁能吸引中性白细胞。
47、But new research is showing that nicotine adds further, more insidious risks. ─── 但新的实验表明,尼古丁会使危险变本加厉。
48、For what child are some person smoking giddy? is nicotine toxic? ─── 为啥子有的人抽烟会头晕?难道尼古丁中毒?
49、Numerous constituents are toxins such as ammonia, benzene, and nicotine . ─── 其中许多都是有害物质,如氨,苯和尼古丁.
50、Unfortunately, the fact that nicotine alone is an extremely toxic poison often goes unmentioned. ─── 不幸的是,单独的尼古丁是一种极其有毒性的毒药而通常没被重视。
51、You can become physically addicted to nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. ─── 你变得身体上依赖尼古丁---烟里所含上百种化学物质中的一种.
52、A nicotine spray can help smokers quit the habit. ─── 一种尼古丁喷剂可以帮助吸烟者戒烟。
53、Leo: I'm trying to give up smoking and the patch is designed to reduce my craving for smoking by giving me nicotine through the skin. ─── 利奥:我试行戒菸,这贴片的用处,是经由皮肤输送尼古丁到我体内,减轻我的菸瘾。
54、Nicotine is a colorless, poisonous alkaloid. ─── 尼古丁是无色有毒生物碱。
55、"If that same industry turns around and advances the availability of nicotine in the product, you may not get fewer kids smoking," he said. ─── “假如烟草业转而增加产品中的尼古丁含量,年轻烟民不会减少。”康诺利说。
56、People smoke for the nicotine from cigarettes but die from the tar. ─── 人们为了尼古丁而吸烟,却因焦油而丧命。
57、The possibility that nicotine may act as a neuroprotectie agent. ─── 尼古丁作为神经保护剂的可能性。
58、For them, nicotine remains what they call a harmless flavor enhancement. ─── 对他们来说,尼古丁仍然是他们所称的无害的提味剂。
59、Do not smoke or use any other nicotine product while using this gum. ─── 在使用本品时不可抽烟或使用其它含有尼古丁产品。
60、If any plants are infested, they can be dipped in a 0. 2% nicotine solution. ─── 倘若某些植物受侵扰,可将它们侵入0.2%尼古丁溶液中。
61、The body becomes addicted to the nicotine in tobacco. ─── 人的身体对于烟草内所含的尼古丁上瘾。
62、If you are physically addicted to nicotine, using NRT has been shown to almost double your chances of successfully quitting smoking. ─── 如果你生理上对尼古丁上瘾,用尼古丁替代疗法能给你带来成功戒烟的双倍效果。
63、Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries. ─── 尼古丁对心脏和动脉功能有负面影响。
64、The gene affected seems to make a protein that acts as a “receptor” or docking point for nicotine in the brain. ─── 受影响的基因似乎会产生一种蛋白质,在大脑中发挥尼古丁“受体”或停靠点的作用。
65、In fact, nicotine gum and patches have been used for years to help kick the habit. ─── 事实上,我们多年来一直使用尼古丁口香糖和贴布帮助烟民戒烟。
66、Process variables are studied to ext. the max. possible nicotine from tobacco dust waste contg. 1.16% nicotine. ─── 关于从含有1.16%尼古丁的烟草废料中萃取尽可能多的尼古丁的工艺变量被研究。
67、One thing that will stop feeling bad is the drug nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes. ─── 使他们消除难受感觉的一种东西,就是香烟中所含的那种麻醉剂尼古丁。
68、Extraction of Nicotine from tobacco waste. ─── 从烟草废料中萃取尼古丁
69、The college students were also less likely to have a drug-use disorder, nicotin nicotine dependence or bipolar disorder. ─── 大学生滥用药物,尼古丁依赖症和躁郁症的可能性较少。
70、His teeth were stained with nicotine from years of smoking. ─── 他的牙齿因多年抽烟而被尼古丁染黄了。
71、Nicotine is the addictive substance present in tobacco. ─── 尼古丁是烟草中使人上瘾的主要物质。
72、Harmful substances in cigarettes such as nicotine can circulate through the blood to various organs and reach the brain in seconds. ─── 吸烟会令大量有害化学物质如尼古丁迅速透过血液传送至身体不同器官及大脑,影响身体抗氧化功能,并有机会引致呼吸系统、环系统、化系统及口腔等疾病。
73、It's there, rather than nicotine that is responsible for the major health problems like lung cancer, heart disease, and mphysema. ─── 其实他们比尼古丁更厉害,是造成肺癌、心脏病和肺气肿的主要原因。
74、Okay. I think it's time to change somebody's nicotine patch. (Does so. ─── 好了,有人该换尼古丁贴片了。(换贴片)
75、But the thing that gets you hooked on the whole vaporous cocktail is nicotine. ─── 但是让你沉迷于这种“气体鸡尾酒”的是尼古丁。
76、If any plants are infested, they can be dipped in a 0.2% nicotine solution. ─── 倘若某些植物受侵扰,可将它们侵入0.2%尼古丁溶液中。
77、But, if he could get rid of that constant nicotine stimulation, things would be easier for me. ─── 但是,如果他能取消尼古丁的不断刺激,我就会轻松多了。
78、They begin to feel bad. The body is calling for a new supply of the drug nicotine. ─── 就会开始感到难受。他们的体内要求补充新的麻醉剂尼古丁。
79、The Emax of vessels cultured with nicotine 0.06 mg/L had no significant difference from that of control. ─── 与尼古丁0.06 mg/L培养24 h,ETA受体介导收缩的Emax与对照相比无显著性差异;
80、About 80 percent of nicotine is broken down to cotinine by enzymes in your liver. ─── 大约80%的尼古丁在肝脏里酶的催化作用下分解成可铁宁。
81、It is known that tobacco contains nicotine and other harmful products to health. ─── 大家都知道烟草含有尼古丁和其它对身体有害的物质。
82、Jean Nicot, the Frenchman who gave his name to nicotine, believed that he had discovered a miracle drug. ─── 到位了。神经命令心脏跳动加快。肾上腺激素开始涌动。神经促使人手脚处的血管开始收缩。
83、Leo: No, no, it's a nicotine patch. ─── 利奥:不是,不是,那是尼古丁贴片。
84、To say it further, the purpose of the nicotine inside the cigarette is indeed for stimulation. ─── 也就是说,香烟里的尼古丁确实有兴奋作用。
85、Smokers develop a great tolerance for nicotine. ─── 吸烟者对尼古丁产生了极大的忍受力。
86、Hey, I know you are addicted to nicotine and all that. ─── 嘿,我晓得你有烟瘾,离不开尼古丁这些东西。
87、About 94-98% nicotine can be extd. using Ca(OH)2 as the macerating agent, and employing a steam-to-tobacco ratio of 2.5:1 to 5:1. ─── 使用ca(OH)2作为浸泡剂,且蒸气-香烟之比为2.5:1至5:1进行蒸气蒸馏,大约94-98%的尼古丁能够被萃
88、The rapid onset of these symptoms in the absence of daily smoking contradicted most of what I thought I knew about nicotine addiction. ─── 无需每天抽菸就能迅速出现戒断症状,与我自以为知道的尼古丁成瘾性有诸多矛盾之处。
89、Three kinds of column were studied for the determination of nicotine in total particulate matter of cigarette smoke. ─── 将两种不同的毛细管柱应用于卷烟烟气总粒相物中烟碱的测定,并与一种填充柱进行了对比。
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