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09-16 投稿



haggling 发音

英:[ˈhæɡlɪŋ]  美:[ˈhæɡ(ə)lɪŋ]

英:  美:

haggling 中文意思翻译




haggling 词性/词形变化,haggling变形

动词第三人称单数: haggles |动词现在分词: haggling |动词过去分词: haggled |动词过去式: haggled |名词: haggler |

haggling 相似词语短语

1、daggling ─── v.拖曳;拖脏

2、angling ─── n.钓鱼;钓鱼术;v.调整…的角度;斜向地行进(angle的现在分词);n.(Angling)人名;(瑞典)昂林

3、higgling ─── v.(尤指在费用上)争论,讨价还价(higgle的现在分词,higgle等于haggle)

4、boggling ─── v.把工作搞糟;(非正式)感到吃惊;(使)吃惊;(使)困惑(boggle的现在分词)

5、shoggling ─── 扭动

6、gaggling ─── n.一群;鹅群;咯咯声;vi.嘎嘎叫

7、draggling ─── v.拖湿,拖脏;凌乱地悬挂着;落在后面

8、argling ─── 争吵

9、waggling ─── v.(使)上下移动,摆动(waggle的现在分词)

haggling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On this fundamental issue there is no room for haggling. ─── 在原则问题上没有任何讨价还价的余地。

2、online haggling ─── 网上讨价还价

3、You could offer a little higher price.After the haggling you should be able to buy it at half off, or more, of the first price. ─── 如果你看上去就像个老外,小贩们会很自然地给你一个比给当地人贵好几倍的价格,你应该假装很惊讶或是很气愤。

4、Her voice had taken on a quarrelsome note, like someone haggling over a bargain. ─── 她声音里带上了吵架的味道,好像在跟人还价。

5、This product sells well and there is no room for haggling. ─── 这个商品现在很好销,言不二价。

6、Haggling over the price is often a waste of time. ─── 讨价还价往往是浪费时间。

7、Haggling Behavior in Ecological Environmental Construction ─── 生态环境建设中的博弈行为

8、Happiness comes from haggling over less trifles, not property. ─── 一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。

9、But haggle where it makes sense, and your pocketbook will thank you. (Here's how one GRS reader uses haggling to save big bucks. ─── (这里是一位读者用来讨价还价,存大钱的方法。)

10、Some reports say the clubs are merely haggling over the size of the transfer fee. ─── 有报导说双方只是未倾妥转会费。

11、First of all it was the focus of lengthy haggling between EU leaders, and one grumpy failed summit, before a compromise text was grudgingly agreed. ─── 首先是欧盟各国领导人的漫长的讨价还价,经过了一个十分失败的峰会,才最终勉强达成了这样一份妥协性协议。

12、endless haggling [quibbling] over side issues ─── 在枝节问题上纠缠不休

13、If you are a skeptic, you might associate fixed pricing with a German impulse toward conformity and an aversion to traditional haggling cultures. ─── 如果你是怀疑论者,可能会把不二价跟德国人力求一致的冲动,还有德国人讨厌传统讨价还价的文化联想在一起。

14、They might do better tospend more time thinking about ecosystems and less haggling over quotas. ─── 若他们将更多的精力用于考虑整个生态系统并减少捕捞配额,那么他们的努力将获得更大的成效。

15、Remember: A price given is the dealing price at that time; haggling is not allowed nor are Traders allowed to remain on the phone until the price changes. ─── 请牢记:交易台的报价均为该时刻价格;讨价还价是禁止行为,同时也不允许滞留在电话中直至价格发生变动。

16、The vast range of shopping opportunities includes haggling with shopholders at Greenmarket Square Flea Market, as well as breezing through sophisticated and stylish shopping malls. ─── 这里也是购物的天堂,你既可以到绿市广场的跳蚤市场去和店主讨价还价,也可以到精美、时尚的服装商场去逛逛。

17、I was then such a smart-aleck that I frowned upon the way father was haggling and on the verge of chipping in a few words when the bargain was finally clinched. ─── 他便又忙着和他们讲价钱。我那时真是聪明过分,总觉他说话不大漂亮,非自己插嘴不可。

18、The Premier League's most difficult transfer deal finally came through after much haggling from both sides. ─── 在双方互不相让的争价之后,英超最艰难的谈判终于落下了帷幕。

19、No bargaining or haggling ─── 划一不二

20、Other retailers are giving consumers more wiggle room for returns instead of haggling over prices. ─── 其它的零售商给予顾客在退货上而不是还价上更大的空间。

21、Many people are averse to haggling. ─── 许多人都很讨厌跟人讨价还价。

22、“Niggard” is what everyone considers “mean” or “stingy”, “haggling over every once”. ─── “小气”就是大家认为的“吝啬”“一毛不拔”“斤斤计较”。

23、Eager to tap international aid before the P.L.O. gets it all, Hussein hinted that he might agree to terms of a full peace treaty even if Syria is still haggling. ─── (约旦国王)侯赛因急着想觅得国际援助,以免国际援助被巴解组织独占,因此他暗示,即使叙利亚对于签订全面和平条约仍争论不休,他还是可能同意该条约的条件。

24、I walked away from the haggling and the cameras on tripods, up a narrow dirt path. ─── 我离开讨价还价和支着三脚架的相机,走上一条狭窄肮脏的小道。

25、tortuously haggling over the price. ─── 拐弯抹角地讨价还价。

26、One such place is Bonn, where diplomats from most countries in the world are haggling over financial incentives to keep trees intact. ─── 波恩就是这样的地方,世界上多数国家的外交官在财政刺激上讨价还价以保护森林不受损害。

27、Trading area where customers are choosing and haggling for freshest items and best prices. ─── 商业区。看顾客选最鲜海鲜及争论价钱。

28、After months of haggling he brought the owner to his knees and bought the property at a reasonable price. ─── 经过数月的讨价还价,他终于使业主让步而廉价购得那块地产。

29、After a great deal of haggling they managed to strike a bargain ─── 经过大量的讨价还价,他们双方才设法达成了协议。

30、After an encouraging start,the negotiations deteriorate into a lengthy haggling session. ─── 开局不错,但之后的谈判却陷入没完没了的讨价还价。

31、Shoppers would enjoy haggling for discounts as most of the items are sold without price tags. ─── 顾客们一般喜欢对那些未贴价标的商品进行讨价还价。

32、Bill Gates winked and said, "We've already establishedthat. We're just haggling overthe frequency. ─── 比尔盖茨眨了眨眼,说:“实际上我们已经做了那样的窗口。现在只不过在讨论它崩溃的频率罢了。

33、"Last I knew," said the American, "the Scot was haggling price, and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay. ─── “我离开之前,”那名美国人说,“我看见英格兰人正在砍价,而那名加拿大人正在分辩说应该由他的政府来出这笔钱。”

34、I left him in the market haggling over the price of a shirt. ─── 我扔下他自己在市场上就一件衬衫讨价还价。

35、Quote sky-rocket prices, prepared for haggling ─── 漫天讨价

36、We are not used to haggling over price. ─── 我们一向不讨价还价。

37、I'm never sure if I'm getting the best price, and most of the time I get all tongue-tied when I start haggling. ─── 西餐厅通常不提供牙签,所以有时候很难决定什么时候该剔牙。当确实需要清理牙缝间的食物时,最好是上洗手间。

38、Each dealer seems to have his own opaque pricing scheme, consumers have to endure endless haggling and the financing is murky at best. ─── 每个经销商看上去都有自己的暗箱定价策略,消费者只能忍受无休止的讨价还价而且最好不要让销售者知道他们的筹资渠道。

39、The defender had threatened to sever his ties after months of haggling over a new deal. ─── 在持续数月的新合同要价中,布朗一度要挟要终止与曼联的关系。

40、Indeed, for some folks, haggling, and getting, a lower price when they buy new cars not only means more dollars in their pocket, but it can also be a badge of honor. ─── 的确,对于一些人来说,在买新车的时候,讨价还价得到一个较低的价格不但意味着自己的口袋里剩下的钱更多,而且还同样是一个荣誉勋章。”

41、"We're not a culture accustomed to haggling on anything but cars and houses," Marks said."But there's no place you can't haggle. ─── “我们是那种只愿意在车子和房子上砍价的文化”马克思说“但事实上所有东西都可以砍。

42、A bargaining or haggling. ─── 交易;砍价

43、The meeting this week was free from the kind of haggling common in inter-Korean negotiations. ─── 卢武铉总统依宪法不能连任。

44、He has an eye for detail which illuminates the personalities and political motivations of the changing cast of characters involved in haggling over trade barriers. ─── 他善于捕捉细节,这些细节能够鲜明地反映那些在贸易壁垒问题上争论不休的人的性格以及他们不断变换角色的动机。

45、The woman was still haggling with me about the cost of the bag when she discovered the money and said the money was hers. ─── 当时女人在跟我就包的价格讨价还价,她发现了钱并声称是她的。

46、They spent hours haggling over the price. ─── 他们在价格问题上争论了好几个小时。

47、After months of haggling John brought the owner to his knees and bought the property at a reasonable price. ─── 经过几个月的讨价还价,约翰终于迫使卖主屈服,用不太贵的价格买下这宗房地产。

48、Giacometti, Man Ray : all eagerly delivered their works to the well-known American heiress Peggy Guggenheim, and few objected to her haggling over price. ─── 加柯梅蒂、曼.雷等等,求之不得的把作品卖给佩琪.古根海姆。这个继承了大笔财产的美国名女人喜欢杀价,画家一般也不计较了。

49、6.Do it again and again.You could offer a little higher price.After the haggling you should be able to buy it at half off, or more, of the first price. ─── 如果你想在中国市场上买东西,你应该记住:只要你知道如何砍价,你至少可以买到开价的一半价格的物品。

50、You must write down your rules for exiting trades and follow them from that piece of paper without arguing, haggling, or hoping for a better price. ─── 你也许会发现有些经纪人接受这样的订单,一个成交,另一个就自动撤销。

51、Lloyds and RBS are still haggling with the Treasury over it. ─── 劳埃德集团和苏格兰皇家银行还在就此资产保护计划的条件讨价还价。

52、Don't haggling over the price. That's the lowest that I can offer. ─── 别费心杀价了。这已经是我能给的最低价。

53、"Last I knew," said the American, "the Scot was haggling price, and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay." ─── 美国人答:“离开前,我看见苏格兰人正在讨价还价,而加拿大人则在争论著应由他的政府来出这笔钱。”

54、As it happens, Jerry Brown, the governor, is trying to do that anyway, and is haggling over the details with local administrations. ─── 无独有偶,州长杰里•布朗(JerryBrown)正想尽办法无论如何也要转移囚犯,同时他正与地方政府就细节事项讨价还价。

55、We decided to buy a former rental car, only a year old, all the extras included, and best of all NO haggling - the price is the price! ─── 我们打算去买辆淘汰下来的租赁车,只有一年车龄,要包括所有的额外费用,最好还不用讨价还价——标啥价就卖啥价!

56、It's not worth haggling over a few pence. ─── 为几便士争论不休实在不值得。

57、A market where nobody knows what price the competition is offering is also a market in which it is worth haggling and shopping around. ─── 一个没有人知道竞争对手会提供何种价格的市场,才是一个值得在里面到处砍价、购物的市场。

58、"Last I knew, " said the American, "the Scot was haggling over the price, and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay. " ─── 美国人答道:“据我所知,苏格兰人还在讨价还价,加拿大人则坚持让自己的政府来掏这笔钱。”

59、Bargain-hunting can be addictive regardless of the state of the markets, and haggling is a low-risk, high-value contact sport. ─── 无论市场状况如何,搜寻便宜货都会让人上瘾,讨价还价是一项低风险、高价值的接触类运动。

60、Suppose that a wine connoisseur and Joe Sixpack are haggling over the price of the 1998 Châ ─── 假设一个白酒鉴定家和乔在为1998年的Châ

61、In the dying days of his supremacy, Mr Musharraf was therefore reduced to haggling over his retirement plan. ─── 因此,在其总统任职的最后几日,穆沙拉夫开始为他的辞职计划讨价还价。

62、The agreement which has not yet been made public came after days of haggling over a timetable for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Lebanon. ─── 美法两国在以色列何时从黎巴嫩南部撤军的问题上,经过数天的磋商,最终还是没有达成一致。

63、I was then such a smark aleck that I frowned upon the way father was haggling and on the verge of chipping in a few words when the bargain was finally clinched. ─── 我本来要去的,他不肯,只好让他去。我看见他戴着黑布小帽,穿着黑布大马褂,深青布棉袍,蹒跚地走到铁道边,慢慢探身下去,尚不大难。

64、After months of tedious haggling, Chelsea denied the announcement from the French club yesterday that the Ghana player is to have a medical examination today. ─── 经过数月冗长乏味的讨价还价之后,切尔西否认了里昂俱乐部昨天关于埃辛将于今天接受体检的公告。

65、After months of haggling, they recovered only three-quarters of what they had lent. ─── 经过数月的讨价还价,他们仅收回了借出的3/4。

66、I was then such a smart aleck that I frowned upon the way father was haggling and was on the verge of chipping in a few words when the bargain was finally clinched. ─── 我那时真是聪明过分,总觉他说话不大漂亮,非自己插嘴不可。但他终于讲定了价钱;

67、It is no coincidence that haggling is possible in small shops, but harder in chain stores. ─── 所以,这对小商家可能有利而对于大的连销店就不是那么有利也就不足为奇了。

68、The move came amid intense haggling at the United Nations on the scale and nature of sanctions and ahead of a high-level US diplomatic drive to reign in the Stalinist nation. ─── 此次访问正值联合国就在多大范围、制裁的性质发生激烈争执之际以及在美国高层在外交上施压以迫使这个斯大林主义国家就范之前进行的。

69、The Squibs love haggling, and are gifted at crafting convoluted and ultimately very rewarding trade deals. ─── 斯奎布人喜欢讨价还价,而且十分擅长于精心盘绕,复杂费解但最终回报巨大的交易。

70、It looked the room of one with a sober magnanimity, who went to the heart of things, despised haggling ─── 这房间看起来是属于一个稳健豁达的人物的,他深悉事理,鄙视争辩。

71、I regarded myself a literate person and frown on his way of haggling. ─── 我那时真是聪明过分,总觉他说话不大漂亮,非自己插嘴不可。

72、After two day's haggling the contract was signed. ─── 经过两天的讨价还价,合同签订了。

73、My Dear, we have already established that.We are merely haggling over the price! ─── 经济学家知道每件东西的价格,但不知道其价值。

74、Some were haggling loudly with traders as they hawked their wares. ─── 有些人正在大声同兜售货物的商贩讲价钱。

75、The crew, he said, was safe and unharmed but the pirates had yet to start haggling with the owners over the ransom. ─── 船长说船员们仍然安全,并未受到伤害,但是在赎金方面,海盗与船东还没有达成协议。

76、10.I hate haggling, even if it would make something cheaper. ─── 10.我讨厌讨价还价,尽管这可以使人买到便宜的东西。

77、And keep in mind that historically, haggling was the norm, Spector says. ─── 斯派克特说“记住,人类的砍价活动可谓源远流长。”

78、After months of haggling France said ─── 讨价还价,争论不休

79、23)Your magickal tools are channels to that which is most precious and pure within you. Do not cheapen them by haggling their price when you acquire them. ─── 你的魔法工具是那朝向在你心中贵重与纯真的途径。当需要这些道具时,不要将它们贬低而去做争论价格的事情。

80、Team buying turns haggling, a tradition in China, into an art-form. ─── 团购使得中国传统的讨价还价变成一种艺术形式。

81、After much haggling, delegates in Poland decided to upgrade conservation by replacing the offending punctuation mark with a comma. ─── 经过大量的讨价还价,在波兰的代表们决定加大森林保护的力度,用逗号代替令人不适的分号。

82、price haggling ─── 讨价还价

83、Its not worth haggling over a few pence. ─── 中文:为几便士争论不休实在不值得.

84、the two were haggling shabbily in the drawing-room. ─── 他们俩在客厅里吝啬地讨价还价。

85、The Copenhagen climate change summit was not meant for haggling a bargain, but a meeting for taking responsibility for the existence of humanity. ─── 哥本哈根气候变化会议不是讨价会,而且一场对人类生存的责任会。

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