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n. [解剖] 肝

hepar 短语词组

1、hepar calcies ─── [机] 硫化钙

2、hepar adiposum ─── [医] 脂 ─── [肪]肝

3、hepar siccatum ─── [医] 肝粉

4、hepar sulfuris ─── [化] 硫肝(硫化钾和多硫化钾的混合物) ─── [医] 硫肝, 含硫钾

5、hepar antimony ─── [化] 锑肝(氧化锑、亚锑酸钾、硫代锑酸钾与硫酸钾的混合物)

6、hepar lobatum ─── [医] 分叶肝

7、hepar calcis ─── [化] 钙肝(粗制硫化钙)

8、hepar mobile ─── [医] 游动肝

9、hepar induratum ─── [医] 肝硬结

10、hepar sulfur ─── [医] 硫肝, 含硫钾

hepar 相似词语短语

1、hear ─── vt.听到,听;听说;审理;vi.听;听见

2、hepcat ─── n.爵士音乐家;爵士音乐迷;爵士音乐手

3、Shepard ─── n.谢泼德(人名)

4、heparin ─── n.[生化]肝素(用于防治血栓形成等);肝磷脂

5、hepars ─── n.[解剖]肝

6、heptad ─── n.成七的一组(或一套)

7、hepta- ─── n.七

8、hepper ─── 赫珀(男子名)

9、hepat- ─── 肝(拉丁语前缀)

hepar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Localization of the Sympathetic Afferent Neurons Innervating the Hepar of Chicken ─── 鸡肝脏交感传入神经元的定位研究

2、Objective To investigate the relation between ASGP-R developing and the reserve function of hepar. ─── 目的探讨肝非唾液酸糖蛋白受体显像与肝储备功能关系。

3、hepar mobile ─── [医] 游动肝

4、Study on the localization of sympathetic efferent neurons innervating hepar of chicken ─── 支配鸡肝的交感传出神经元分布规律的研究

5、Determined malondialdehyde(MDA) superoxide dismutase(SOD),glutathione peroxidase(GSH-PX) in the mice s serum and Hepar with model 680 Microplate Spectrophotometer. ─── 结果白刺果中总黄酮能显著降低衰老小鼠血清和肝组织MDA水平,同时可提高SOD和GSH-PX活力水平。

6、We general see a hepar insulin resistance in IFG and muscle insulin resistance in IGT and we also see more in an early phase secretory defect on IGT. ─── 一般来说,IFG常见于肝脏胰岛素抵抗,而IGT常见于骨骼肌胰岛素抵抗,并且IGT在早期胰岛素分泌缺陷患者中更常见。


8、Keywords high performance liquid chromatography;finquel;fish blood;fish hepar 1; ─── 高效液相色谱;间氨基苯甲酸;乙酯甲烷磺酸盐;鱼血;鱼肝;

9、Therapeutic Experience of Traumatic Hepar Injury in 84 Patients ─── 外伤性肝损伤84例治疗体会

10、Clinical Study of Hepar Adiposum with Yangganquzhi Decoction ─── 养肝祛脂汤治疗脂肪肝临床研究

11、Keywords WANG Xin-lu;turbid blood;hepar adiposum;experince of famous veteran teran doctors of TCM; ─── 关键词王新陆;血浊;脂肪肝;名老中医经验;

12、Objective To study the effect of vitamin E(VE)on antioxidative enzyme and ATPase activity of hepar mitochondria in rats. ─── 目的观察维生素E(VE)补充对大鼠肝线粒体ATP酶和抗氧化酶活性的影响。

13、Study on tissue residues of Anagyrine in hepar kideny and brain of rats ─── 臭豆碱在大鼠组织中残留的研究

14、Keywords Inonotus obliquus;Diabetic rats;Pancreatic island;Hepar;Kidney; ─── 桦褐孔菌;糖尿病大鼠;胰岛;肝;肾;

15、hepar siccatum ─── 肝粉

16、Determination of SOD activity in hepar of animal ─── 动物肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶活性的测定

17、Ananlysis on Fat and Enzyme in Serum with Hepar Adipsam Patients ─── 脂肪肝患者血清脂类酶类分析

18、Results:Fruit oil of Nitraria sibirica Pall Can decrease significant ly the MDA levels in the mice s sencm and Hepar,meanwhile... ─── 结论:西伯利亚白刺果油具有抗氧化性作用。

19、Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Yangganquzhi decoction on ALT and TG in hepar adiposum patients. ─── 目的:观察养肝祛脂汤对脂肪肝患者ALT及TG的影响及临床疗效。

20、hepar calcies ─── 硫化钙

21、Then changes are examined in malondialdehyde(MDA)、superoxide dismutase(SOD)、Glutathione peroxidase(GSH-PX) in the mice s serum and Hepar with model 680 Microplate Spectrophotometer. ─── 结果:白刺果油能显著降低衰老小鼠血清和肝组织MDA水平,同时可提高SOD和GSH-PX活力水平。

22、Results According to the experience, the enhancement threshold of aorta, portal vein and hepar were set at 70 HU.The onset and ending time of enhancement threshold were found. ─── 结果根据经验确定主动脉、门静脉及肝实质的增强阈值为70HU,并找到增强阈值达到和结束的时间。

23、hepar sulfur ─── [医] 硫肝, 含硫钾

24、The findings provide a new way for the prevention and cure of diseases of lipid dysfunction such as hepar adiposum. ─── 这为脂肪肝等脂类代谢异常类疾病的防治提供了一条新的途径。

25、Achymthes bidentata Blume decoction can increase concentrations of clindamycin in cardia, hepar, lung and kidney; can influence pharmacokinetics parameters of clindamycin in rabbits. ─── 怀牛膝水煎液对克林霉素在兔体内的药代动力学过程有影响,怀牛膝水煎液与克林霉素联用可以提高心、肝、肺、肾组织中克林霉素浓度。

26、Localization of the Sympathetic Afferent Neurons Innervating the Hepar of Chicken ─── 鸡肝脏交感传入神经元的定位研究

27、syphilic hepar ─── 梅毒肝

28、The common adverse reactions in clinic are hepar and renal functional lesion、 cordis damage、 bone marrow depressions anaemias alopecia and infecting et al. ─── 临床上常见的副作用有,胃肠道反应,肝肾功能损害、心脏损害,骨髓抑制、贫血、脱发、感染等。

29、A Study on Rats Hepar Indecies of Experimental Osteoporosis induced by Retinoic Acid ─── 维甲酸致大鼠骨质疏松后肝脏相关指标研究

30、Hepar insists to small , to wrap up a film not only entire a bit , liver area echo increases rude. ─── 您的位置:医生在线解答网 > 大夫在线回答网 > 传染病科 > 肝病科 > 肝性脑病 > 肝脏稍微偏小,包膜不光整,肝区回声增粗。

31、Biochemical examinations of fatty hepar in elderly people and analysis of the related disease ─── 老年脂肪肝的生化检测与相关疾病的分析

32、The centroacinar cells and islet of langerlans of pancreas are poorly developed.The lobulation is not distinct in hepar and pancreas. ─── 肝脏中色素细胞发达并含大量深色颗粒,胰脏泡心细胞较少且胰岛不发达,肝脏小叶和胰脏小叶界限不清晰。

33、Keywords Brain;?Ischemia;?Hepar;?Prostaglandin;?Tumor necrosis factor;?Rat; ─── 关键词脑;局部缺血;肝脏;前列腺素;肿瘤坏死因子;大鼠;

34、hepar calcis ─── [化] 钙肝(粗制硫化钙)

35、As a kind of active substance,the exogenous nucleotides can affect the function of stomach and intestines,the development of hepar ,the metabolism of lipid and the immune system of creature. ─── 介绍了外源核苷酸作为一种活性物质,对胃肠道的功能、肝脏生长与发育、脂质代谢、动物体免疫系统等具有重要影响。

36、hepar sulfuris ─── 硫化钾

37、Objective: To discuss the therapeutic effect of traumatic hepar injury on 84 patients. ─── 目的探讨外伤性肝脏损伤84例治疗的效果。

38、Conclusion: Without hepar誷 first pass effect, chlorzoxazone cream has the same effect as peroral administration and the blood concentration keeps longer than peroral. ─── 结论:本乳膏具有与口服用药同样的治疗效果,且作用持久,无肝脏及胃肠道损害。

39、Hepar Sulphuris ─── 含硫钾, 硫肝[抗霉菌药, 杀疥虫药]

40、first pass effect of hepar ─── 肝首过效应

41、Objective: To discuss the therapeutic effect of traumatic hepar injury on 84 patients. ─── 目的探讨外伤性肝脏损伤84例治疗的效果。

42、Conclusion: Operation is the significant way to treat traumatic hepar injury. ─── 结论手术仍是肝损伤的重要治疗方法。

43、Keywords Paracetamol;Hepar injury;Allitridi (Alt);Puerariae flos essence (PFE); ─── 扑热息痛;肝损伤;大蒜素;葛花露;

44、Apart from having less hepar saturated fatty acids than ?Ophiocephalus argus ,Monopterus albus ?has more muscular saturated, mono?unsaturated, and hepar mono?unsaturated fatty acids than the other 3 kinds of fishes. ─── 4种鱼中,黄鳝除肝脏饱和脂肪酸含量小于乌鳢外,其肌肉饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸含量及肝脏单不饱和脂肪酸含量均大于其它3种鱼,而多不饱和脂肪酸含量则较其它3种鱼小。

45、main organ to be involved in the acute poisoning by acetaminophen is the hepar. But it is unknown that the mechanism of hepatic injury induced by acetaminophen . ─── 急性醋氨酚中毒主要受累的器官是肝脏,其引起肝损伤的机制尚不明确。

46、Keywords rheum palmatum;hydroxyanthroquinone;cholestasis;liver function;pathology of hepar;rat; ─── 掌叶大黄蒽醌类衍生物;胆汁淤积;肝功能;肝脏组织病理学;大鼠;

47、A clinical observation and analysis of 32 cases of oral FDE. Meanwhile, FDE were reviewed in lesional position, pathogenesis, diagnosis, hepar damage and drugs. ─── 对32例口腔固定性药疹的临床资料进行总结,并结合资料对口腔固定性药疹的发病部位、致病药物、发病机理、诊断及肝损伤问题进行讨论.

48、The findings provide a new way for the prevention and cure of diseases of lipid dysfunction such as hepar adiposum. ─── 这为脂肪肝等脂类代谢异常类疾病的防治提供了一条新的途径。

49、hepar adiposum ─── [医] 脂[肪]肝

50、PHC. Primary Hepar Carcinoma ─── 原发性肝癌

51、Methods: The results of traumatic hepar injury in 84 cases between 1995 and 12/2000 were reviewed. ─── 方法总结1995年1月至2000年12月84例外伤性肝损伤治疗回顾性分析。

52、To discuss the therapeutic effect of traumatic hepar injury on 84 patients. ─── 探讨外伤性肝脏损伤84例治疗的效果。

53、hepar induratum ─── 肝硬结

54、The results showed that olaquindox can cause severe damages of chicken hepar and ren. ─── 结果提示,鸡经喹乙醇蓄积中毒可导致严重的肝肾损害。

55、Biochemical examinations of fatty hepar in elderly people and analysis of the related disease ─── 老年脂肪肝的生化检测与相关疾病的分析

56、Antelope horn diluent can make hepar diastolization,reduce rheumatism,cool blood and sedation. ─── 羚羊角冲剂具有平肝熄风,凉血镇惊之功效,临床用于治疗高热及高热引起的头痛眩晕等症。

57、hepar antimony ─── [化] 锑肝(氧化锑、亚锑酸钾、硫代锑酸钾与硫酸钾的混合物)

58、hepar reaction ─── 硫肝反应

59、hepar lobatum ─── 分叶肝

60、The results showed that olaquindox can cause severe damages of chicken hepar and ren. ─── 结果提示,鸡经喹乙醇蓄积中毒可导致严重的肝肾损害。

61、Keywords Ganning granula;Cholestasis;liver function;pathology of hepar;rat; ─── 肝宁颗粒剂;胆汁淤积;肝功能;肝脏病理组织学;大鼠;

62、pathology of hepar ─── 织病理学

63、Keywords FRUCTUS CHAENOMELES;lab study;protecting hepar and decreasing enzyme; ─── 木瓜;药理实验;保肝降酶;

64、The Clinical Experience of Professor WANG Xin-lu Treating Hepar Adiposum from Turbid Pathogen ─── 王新陆教授从浊论治脂肪肝经验撷菁

65、Hepar adipesum(HA) ─── 脂肪肝

66、It is used in medicine as ammonia detoxicating agent, hepar function accelerator or fatigue refresher. ─── 医药上可用做氨解毒剂、肝功能促进剂和疲劳消除剂。

67、Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) is a kind of chronic liver disease,whose spectrum of the disease includes simple hepar adiposum,steatohepatitis(NASH),hepatic fibrosis,and cirrhosis. ─── 非乙醇性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)是一种常见的慢性肝病,其疾病谱包括单纯性脂肪肝、非乙醇性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)、肝纤维化及肝硬化。

68、hepar auctum ─── (拉)肝大, 巨肝

69、Keywords vitamin E;mitochondria;antioxidative enzyme;ATPase;hepar; ─── 维生素E;线粒体;抗氧化酶;ATP酶;肝;

70、Objective To compare the importance of various biochemical examinations in diagnosis of fatty hepar and to analyse the relation between fatty hepar and other diseases in elderly people. ─── 目的比较各项生化检查在脂肪肝诊断中的作用及了解分析脂肪肝与相关疾病的情况。

71、Hepatitis hepar adiposum ─── 肝炎后脂肪肝

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