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09-16 投稿



immolate 发音

英:['ɪməleɪt]  美:['ɪməlet]

英:  美:

immolate 中文意思翻译



immolate 网络释义

vt. 献祭;牺牲;为供神而宰杀

immolate 词性/词形变化,immolate变形

名词: immolation |动词过去式: immolated |动词现在分词: immolating |动词过去分词: immolated |动词第三人称单数: immolates |

immolate 反义词


immolate 同义词

boastfulness | conceit | exhibitionism |arrogance

immolate 相似词语短语

1、insolate ─── vt.使曝晒

2、immolator ─── 供奉牲礼的人(immolate的变体)

3、immoderate ─── adj.无节制的,过度的;不适中的

4、immaculate ─── adj.完美的;洁净的;无瑕疵的

5、immolated ─── adj.献祭的;v.献祭(immolate的过去分词)

6、to immolate ─── 献祭

7、immolates ─── vt.献祭;牺牲;为供神而宰杀

8、isolate ─── vt.(使)隔离,孤立;将……剔出;(某物质、细胞等)分离;区别看待(观点、问题等);n.被隔离的人(或物);[生](用于研究的)分离菌,隔离群;adj.孤独的,孤立的

9、implate ─── 默示

immolate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fire and Brimstone: No longer increases the damage of your Immolate spell, but now increases the bonus damage your Incinerate deals to targets afflicted by your Immolate by 6/12/18/24/30%. ─── 硫磺烈火:不再提升你献祭法术的伤害,但现在会使你的烧尽对受献祭效果影响的目标的伤害加成提升6/12/18/24/30%。

2、Glyph of Conflagrate - Your Conflagrate spell no longer consumes your Immolate or Shadowflame spell from the target. ─── 燃烧雕文-你的燃烧法术不再吞噬目标身上的献祭和暗影烈焰效果。

3、Conflagrate -- We still intend to leave this as it currently works on live (not consuming the Immolate). ─── 燃烧(雕文)-我们仍然想让这个技能在正式服务器上保持其原有状态(不吞噬献祭效果)。

4、Conflagrate - Now works with Shadowflame as well as Immolate. ─── 恶魔契约-不再作用于被奴役的恶魔.

5、14 Not Only Must Ye Desist From Offering Human Sacrifices, Said They, But Ye Must Immolate No Animal To Which Life Has Been Given, For All Things Have Been Created For The Benefit Of Humans. ─── 他们说,你不仅必须要停止把人牺牲来献祭,而且也要必须停止动物献祭,因为所有一切都是为了利益人类而创造的。

6、We now have 3 abilities which essentially require Immolate to be at max effectiveness, find me another class/spec that requires a casted spell with zero dispel protection to function at its peak. ─── 我们已经有3个技能要依赖献祭才能发挥全效了,其他哪个职业/天赋是要依赖有施法时间无抗驱散能力的技能才能达到最大效益的?

7、5 They have built high places for Baal to immolate their sons in fire as holocausts to Baal: such a thing as I neither commanded nor spoke of, nor did it ever enter my mind. ─── 给巴耳建了高丘,向巴耳火焚自己的儿子作全燔祭:这都是我从没有吩咐,没有说过,没有想到的事。

8、He would immolate himself for their noble cause. ─── 他愿意为他们的崇高事业牺牲自己。

9、European policymakers would be hellbent to conserve the single market rather than immolate it in the bonfire of the euros. ─── 欧洲的政策制定者们可能力图维持单一市场而不是把它牺牲给火烧眉毛的欧元。

10、castsequence reset=18/combat/target Immolate,Incinerate,Conflagrate,Chaos Bolt,Immolate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Conflagrate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate ─── 这个是要贴燃烧铭文,就是那个燃烧不吃献祭的铭文,一键输出,轻轻松松,术士从此不再痛苦。

11、Now increases the damage done by your Incinerate and Chaos Bolt by 15% on targets afflicted by Immolate, and increases the critical strike chance of your Conflagrate by 25%. ─── 当你的目标受到献祭影响时,你的烧尽与混乱箭的伤害提高15%,同时使燃烧暴击的几率提高25%。

12、I dont know if the tech can support this, but making immolate not consume a charge(and i guess not receive the haste) would really help. ─── 我不知道从技术上能不能支持这个,不过要是让献祭不消耗次数(同时也不受到加速影响)会很有帮助。

13、I choose my career and immolate my time for health and family. ─── 我选择了事业而牺牲了健康和家庭的时间。

14、And you shall deliver her to Eleazar the priest, who shall bring her forth without the camp, and shall immolate her in the sight of all: ─── 你们应将牛交给厄肋阿匝尔司祭,牵到营外,在他面前杀了。

15、Immolate youth to go over .This isn't my want. ─── 所以,要成功,所必须付出的方式,要谨慎...待续..

16、Immolate is worth casting even if you have a lot of +shadow gear until very late in itemization (tier 6).The only other time it is not worth casting is when you're out of debuff slots. ─── 在你达到T6级别装备之前,即使你有很多加暗伤的装备,点燃仍然值得你施放.唯一的例外是debuff栏不足了.

17、for many years ,he immolate many holidays for training more students . ─── 几年来,为了培养学生,他牺牲了许多节假日。

18、Conflagrate -- We still intend to leave this as it currently works on live (not consuming the Immolate). ─── 燃烧(雕文)-我们仍然想让这个技能在正式服务器上保持其原有状态(不吞噬献祭效果)。

19、I never thought you will payed such immolate. ─── 我决没想过要你做出这样的牺牲。

20、Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative,Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability(immolate), Weapon Focus (falchion ─── 专长:顺势劈,大顺势劈,精通先攻,精通击破武器,猛力攻击,类法术能力瞬发(献祭),武器专攻(大砍刀)。

21、You are not good at controlling your feelings.You often chase mystic life bourn.You not only inebriet in this bourn but also want others to do so.Sometimes you will even immolate yourself. ─── 你常常追求一种神秘的人生境界你不但自己陶醉于这种境界里而且也希望自己能以此来影响别人迷惑别人有时为了得到别人的认可甚至可以牺牲自己的一些利益。

22、[[This is an update to Yvero's conflagrate else Immolate macro. ─── 今天的宏是新的没有没有被测试过,请各位告诉我效果如何。:)

23、Glyph of Immolate -- Increases the periodic damage of your Immolate by 10%. (Old - 20%, but decreased its initial damage by 10 ─── 献祭雕文:提升你的献祭法术的持续伤害10%。(原效果:持续伤害提升20%,但降低初始伤害10

24、It will do stuff like increase damage of Immolate, root the dispeller of your Freezing Trap in ice, increase the number of snakes from your snake trap, etc. ─── 比如增加陷阱的伤害,给冰霜陷阱以定身功能,增加你毒蛇陷阱中蛇的数量等。

25、Immolate domesticity for aspire after career galvanization. ─── 为追求事业发展而牺牲家庭生活。

26、At one site, Hsiao-t'ung, a large number of buildings were excavated and 187 ceremonial pits used to immolate the victims of various consecration ceremonies were discovered. ─── 在一个遗址中,发掘出大量的建筑和187个用于各种献祭的仪式坑。遗骸中有825名受害人、15匹马、10头牛、18只羊、35只狗。

27、Deals 357 to 413 Fire damage to your target and an additional 89 to 104 Fire damage if the target is affected by an Immolate spell. ─── 对目标造成357-413点火焰伤害。如果该目标受到献祭法术影响则同时受到89-104点额外伤害(可能是这个意思吧)

28、4. Again, same as in afflictionspecs, Immolate is good enough to use regardless of the fact you probablyhave more shadow than fire damage. ─── 再一次重申,如同痛苦天赋,无论暗伤是不是高于火伤,献祭是个很好的输出。收藏指正

29、again , same as in afflictionspecs , immolate is good enough to use regardless of the fact you probably have more shadow than fire damage. ─── 再一次重申,如同痛苦天赋,无论暗伤是不是高于火伤,献祭是个很好的输出。

30、And shalt immolate peace victims, and eat there, and feast before the Lord thy God. ─── 祭献和平祭,并在那里设宴,在上主你的天主面前欢乐。

31、it uses shadowburn or its quickened immolate to finish that opponent. ─── 并用暗影灼烧和瞬发献祭解决敌人。

32、Conflagrate: Spell now works similar to Swiftmend, consuming an Immolate or Shadowflame effect on the target and dealing damage based on the strength of that effect. ─── 燃烧:法术的作用机制类似德鲁伊的迅捷治愈,吞噬一个目标身上的献祭或者暗影烈焰效果,造成献祭或者暗影烈焰的持续效果部分的总伤害(参见德鲁伊恢复系的迅捷治愈天赋)。

33、Removing Immolate would be possible -- it's just a change to the spell description. ─── 献祭的想法是有可能的--这只是一个技能说明上的改动而已。

34、Immolate and Unstable Affliction: All ranks of these two spells will now overwrite each other. ─── 献祭和痛苦无常:所有等级的这两个法术现在都能覆盖彼此了。

35、Its garrison swears to immolate the first who breathes a proposition of surrender ─── 守卫部队发誓要处死第一个说出投降二字的人。

36、"Ignites a target that is already afflicted by your Immolate or Shadowflame, dealing Fire damage and consuming the Immolate or Shadowflame spell." ─── "点燃一个被你的献祭或暗影烈焰影响的目标,造成火焰伤害并吞噬掉献祭或暗影烈焰效果."

37、Conflagrate updated: Consumes an Immolate or Shadowflame effect on the enemy target to instantly deal damage equal to 12 seconds of your Immolate, or 8 seconds of your Shadowflame. ─── * 燃烧信息更新:吞噬目标身上的献祭或暗影烈焰效果,立刻造成相当于你的献祭在12秒内造成的伤害或暗影烈焰在8秒内造成的伤害。

38、He would immolate himself for their noble cause. ─── 他愿意为他们的崇高事业牺牲自己。

39、31 In the Valley of Ben-hinnom they have built the high place of Topheth to immolate in fire their sons and their daughters, such a thing as I never commanded or had in mind. ─── 又在本希农山谷的托斐特建筑了丘坛,为火焚自己的子女;这是我从没有吩咐,也从没有想到的事。

40、Warlock T8 2P Bonus -- Increases the damage done by your Unstable Affliction and Immolate spells by 20%. ─── 2件套-提高痛苦动荡(痛苦无常)与献祭所造成的的伤害20%。

41、Immolate increased damage to 20... 75. ─── 火焰焚身增加伤害至20 ~ 75。

42、Item - Warlock T9 4P Bonus (Immolate, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction) - Increases the damage done by your Immolate, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction spells by 10%. ─── 术士4件T9套装属性-使你的献祭、腐蚀术和痛苦无常法术所造成的伤害提升10%。

43、Immolate and Unstable Affliction: All ranks of these two spells will now overwrite each other. ─── 献祭和痛苦无常:所有等级的这两个法术现在都能覆盖彼此了。

44、If you immolate a victim for thanksgiving to the Lord, that he may be favourable, ─── 几时你们给上主奉献感恩祭,应这样奉献,才获得悦纳:

45、Conflagrate now deals damage equal to 60% of your Immolate or Shadowflame and causes 20% additional damage over 6 sec. ─── 燃烧现在造成相当于你献祭或者暗影烈焰的60%伤害,并在下6秒造成额外的20%伤害。

46、Conflagrate - Conflagrate will now correctly remove Immolate rank 4 from its victim when cast. ─── 引燃,现在将正确的取消4级献祭。

47、The rotation for DS/Destro spec is simply spam nuking Shadowbolts whilehaving Immolate ticking in the background. ─── 恶魔牺牲/毁灭天赋的攻击循环很简单,在献祭的伤害一边跳的同时,不停的射出暗影箭即可。

48、That, he had been the prisoner's friend, but, at once in an auspicious and an evil hour detecting his infamy, had resolved to immolate the traitor he could no longer cherish in his bosom, on the sacred altar of his country. ─── 他原是囚犯的朋友,却在那吉祥也不吉祥的时刻发现了罪犯的无耻勾当,于是下决心将他难以继续敬爱下去的奸贼送上了祖国神圣的祭坛。

49、It isn't unadvisable to immolate health for lose weight. ─── 年轻女士牺牲健康来减肥是不可取的。

50、29 And he shall put his hand upon the head of the victim that is for sin, and shall immolate it in the place of the holocaust. ─── 先按手在赎罪祭牺牲的头上,后在宰杀全燔祭牺牲的地方,将赎罪祭牺牲宰了。

51、Removing Immolate would be possible -- it's just a change to the spell description. ─── 献祭的想法是有可能的--这只是一个技能说明上的改动而已。

52、And he shall immolate the calf before the Lord, and the priests the sons of Aaron shall offer the blood thereof, pouring it round about the altar, which is before the door of the tabernacle. ─── 以后在上主面前宰了那牛,亚郎的儿子司祭们,应奉献牲血,将血洒在会幕门口的祭坛的四周。

53、2 pieces: Each time one of your Corruption, Curse of Agony, Immolate,or Unstable Affliction spells deals periodic damage,you heal 35 health. ─── 每当你的腐蚀术,痛苦诅咒,献祭,或痛苦动荡造成周期性的伤害时,你会获得35点生命

54、You know that garrison swears to immolate the first who breathes a proposition of surrender ─── 你们知道守卫部队誓称要处死第一个说出投降二字的人。

55、Again, same as in afflictionspecs, Immolate is good enough to use regardless of the fact you probablyhave more shadow than fire damage. ─── 再一次重申,如同痛苦天赋,无论暗伤是不是高于火伤,献祭是个很好的输出。

56、You are not good at controlling your feelings.You often chase mystic life bourn.You not only inebriet in this bourn,but also want others to do so.Sometimes you will even immolate yourself. ─── 你常常追求一种神秘的人生境界,你不但自己陶醉于这种境界里,而且也希望自己能以此来影响别人,迷惑别人,有时为了得到别人的认可,甚至可以牺牲自己的一些利益。

57、In the war against dragons, whereas the dwarves were the most violent of Dragoon's enemies, Agnar asked Maam, creator of the mammals, born from his heart, to immolate thousands of creatures for the invaders as a proof of good faith. ─── 艾格内尔请求玛亚姆,哺乳动物始祖,源自于他的心脏,能够向侵略者牺牲万千生灵,以表明她的忠贞信仰。

58、2.I choose my career and immolate my time for health and family. ─── 我选择了事业而牺牲了健康和家庭的时间。















,出现在马礼逊《英华字典》。这里“牺牲”对应名词的“sacrifice”,意思是the victim immolated(用来献祭的人物);而动词义的“献祭、供奉”义被翻译为“献祭、奉祭”:



1847年麦思都《英华字典》以“牺牲”译“victim”;1866罗存德《英华字典》以“牺牲”译“sacrificial animals”;

1872卢公明《英華萃林韻府》以“牺牲”译“Offering”,同时也出现了“牺牲以祭”译“Immolate or sacrifice”:














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