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09-16 投稿



hyperboloid 发音


英:  美:

hyperboloid 中文意思翻译



hyperboloid 词性/词形变化,hyperboloid变形

形容词: hyperboloidal |

hyperboloid 短语词组

1、hyperboloid of two sheet ─── [计] 双叶双曲面

hyperboloid 相似词语短语

1、hyperboloids ─── n.[数]双曲面;双曲线体

2、hyperbolic ─── adj.双曲线的;夸张的

3、hyperboloidal ─── adj.双曲面的;北极的

4、hyperbolized ─── v.对……大肆夸张

5、hyperbolae ─── 双曲线(hyperbola的名词复数)

6、hyperploid ─── 超倍的;超倍体

7、hyperbolised ─── 双曲线

8、hyperbola ─── n.[数]双曲线

9、hyperbolas ─── n.[数]双曲线

hyperboloid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、hyperboloid stirrer ─── 双曲面搅拌机

2、The Universal Approximation Theory and Learning Algorithm of Hierarchical Hyperboloid Function Link Artificial Neural Networks ─── 层次双曲函数型网络的整体逼近理论及学习算法

3、Wind loading on a hyperboloid roof of a stadium was conducted by means of wind tunnel test. ─── 通过风洞模拟实验对双曲面形屋盖的平均风荷载特点进行了研究。

4、Design Principle for the Inner Cavity of One Sheet Slewing Hyperboloid of Axle Suspension Bush on Tractive Motor ─── 牵引电机抱轴瓦单叶回转双曲面内腔的设计原理

5、The property of the uniparted hyperboloid of the section line was proved for the graphical method ─── 图解证明单叶双曲回转面截交线的性质

6、Analysis on stabilization, stress and arrangement for hyperboloid arched stones dam in XinKeng reservoir ─── 新坑水库砌石双曲拱坝布置及应力和稳定分析

7、The roof of Beijing Capital Airport T3 Terminal Building adopted large-span hyperboloid steel grid structure. ─── 北京首都机场T3航站楼屋顶为大跨度双曲面钢网架结构,吊顶采用半开放的金属条形板。

8、Discussion about relationship between geometric parameters and grinding parameters of hyperboloid twist drill ─── 双曲面麻花钻几何参数与刃磨参数关系探讨

9、Mathematical model for hyperboloid grinding of twist drill and relationships between drill design and grinding parameters are introduced. ─── 介绍了以回转双曲面作为麻花钻后刀面的数学模型,设计参数与刃磨参数的关系。

10、hyperboloid complex number ─── 双曲复数

11、On the Property of Locus Mutual change about Spherical Surface and Hyperboloid of the One Sheet of Revolution ─── 关于球面与单叶旋转双曲面的一个轨迹互变性质

12、Discussion about relationship between geometric parameters and grinding parameters of hyperboloid twist drill ─── 双曲面麻花钻几何参数与刃磨参数关系探讨


14、inner hyperboloid ─── 内双曲面

15、Size Expressing Method of One Sheet Hyperboloid in Mechanical Drawing ─── 单叶回转双曲面在机械制图中的尺寸表示方法

16、confocal hyperboloid ─── 共焦双曲面


18、minimum ellipse of a hyperboloid of one sheet ─── 单叶双曲面的最小椭圆

19、Keywords bending formation method;lapping;hyperboloid;width function; ─── 弯曲成形法;研磨;双曲面;宽度函数;

20、Panoramic Stereo Imaging Using Hyperboloid Catadioptric Cameras ─── 基于双曲面折反射相机的柱面全景立体成像

21、The authors show that the hyperboloid of one sheet and the hyperbolic paraboloid are ruled surfaces. ─── 作者证实:单叶双曲面和双曲抛物面是直线曲面。

22、In addition to plane, sphere, the LTP can test surface of cylinder, conic, toroid, ellipsoid, hyperboloid, different kind of rotary surfaces and no standard asphere. ─── 可测量的面形除了平面、球面外,还有所有非球面,如圆柱面、圆锥面、抛物面、椭球面、双曲面、超环面、各种旋转面和其他非标准非球面。

23、rotating hyperboloid ─── 旋转双曲面

24、The authors show that the hyperboloid of one sheet and the hyperbolic paraboloid are ruled surfaces ─── 作者证实:单叶双曲面和双曲抛物面是直线曲面。

25、Relationship of the geometric parameters and the grinding parameters of the hyperboloid twist drill were discussed deeply. ─── 介绍了以回转双曲面作为麻花钻后刀面的数学模型 ,设计参数与刃磨参数的关系。

26、Wind loading on a hyperboloid roof of a stadium was conducted by means of wind tunnel test. ─── 摘要通过风洞模拟实验对双曲面形屋盖的平均风荷载特点进行了研究。

27、Two ellipsoid ,a pair of hyperboloid and two plane mirror to be the folding mirrors are used in the system. ─── 系统采用了两个椭球面和一双曲面,还有两个平面折叠镜。

28、while the beam cannot transmit in the slab with a double-sheeted hyperboloid dispersion relation. ─── 对于双双曲面色散型超常材料,电磁波不能在其中传输;

29、Keywords hyperboloid turning conicoid twist drill mathematical model point grinding grinding principle; ─── 双曲面;二次回转曲面;麻花钻;数学模型;点磨削;刃磨原理;

30、The Collimating Performance of Hyperboloid Cylinder-plane Lens ─── 双曲柱面-平面透镜的准直性能

31、hyperboloid aspherical surface ─── 双曲非球面

32、hyperboloid grid structure ─── 双曲面网架结构

33、This article not only discusses the ruled surface features of uniparted hyperboloid and its application in archtecture engineering but also discusses the teaching of the ruled surface. ─── 本文主要讨论了单叶双曲面的直纹性,指出它在建筑工程中的应用,并对直纹面的教学作了探讨。

34、Keywords fingerlike gear cutter;uniparted hyperboloid;sharpening; ─── 指状齿轮铣刀;单叶双曲面;刀磨;

35、The Universal Approximation Theory and Learning Algorithm of Hierarchical Hyperboloid Function Link Artificial Neural Networks ─── 层次双曲函数型网络的整体逼近理论及学习算法

36、On a Property on Rectilinear Generators of Hyperboloid of One Sheet ─── 关于单叶双曲面直母线的一个性质

37、Geometry Design of Cylindrical Cams with Hyperboloid Rollers ─── 双曲线滚子圆柱凸轮机构廓面设计

38、that the hyperboloid of one sheet and the hyperbolic paraboloid are ruled surfaces. ─── 作者证实:单叶双曲面和双曲抛物面是直线曲面。

39、The paper offers the recognition of the beauty of mathematics by knowing the shape of Para hyperboloid by using parallel section. ─── 利用平行截割法认识双曲抛物面的形状,体会数学之美。

40、10.Some properties on rectilinear generators of hyperboloid of one sheet are researched.The relation between rectilinear generators of hyperboloid of one sheet and its asymptotic cone are discussed. ─── 摘要给出并证明?单叶双曲面的直母线的若干性质,讨论了单叶双曲面与其渐近锥面的直母线之间的关系。

41、The socket is monolithic construction of wire spring structure by revolutionary hyperboloid of one sheet and technologic technique. ─── 简介:重点推荐,线簧接触方式的极至结构,已无法再简化,普通线簧孔的替代产品。

42、A restudy about image of light on the rotational hyperboloid ─── 旋转双曲面成像问题再研究

43、The optical center of the rotational hyperboloid and its thick lens ─── 旋转双曲面及其厚透镜的光心


45、hyperboloid of one sheet ─── 单叶双曲面

46、Mathematical model for twist drill hyperboloid grinding is introduced.The relationship between drill design para meters and grinding parameters is studied. ─── 介绍了以回转双曲面作为麻花钻后刀面的数学模型,研究了钻头设计参数与刃磨参数的关系。

47、This method can also be used for paraboloid and hyperboloid. ─── 这种方法也适用于抛物面和双曲面。

48、The mathematical model of the hyperboloid twist drill was introduced. ─── 介绍了以旋转单叶双曲面作麻花钻钻尖后刀面的数学模型。

49、Some properties on rectilinear generators of hyperboloid of one sheet ─── 单叶双曲面的直母线的性质

50、hyperboloid vierendeel latticed flat shell ─── 双曲空腹扁网壳

51、Construction Quality Control of Hyperboloid Grid Structure ─── 双曲面网架施工质量控制

52、The construction of the bi-directional hyperboloid network frame of welding ball node point ─── 双向双曲面焊接球节点网架施工

53、Keywords Construction process;Time-dependent model;Bidirectional cable-stayed truss;Hyperboloid cable net;Reduced scale model; ─── 施工过程;时变模型;双向张弦桁架;双曲索网;缩尺模型;

54、A new method employing the intersecting line and hyperboloid is presented which is based on the TDOA measurement and can locate the object in three dimensions with four receiving stations. ─── 摘要提出了一种新的基于TDOA的直线双曲面相交法,用于4个测量站对三维空间目标的定位。

55、Investigation of Grinding Method and Mathematical Model for Hyperboloid Twist Drill ─── 双曲面麻花钻数学模型及刃磨方法研究

56、Compare the spherical aberration of refracted image of the rotational hyperboloid and the spherical surface ─── 旋转双曲面和球面折射成像的球差比较

57、The design and analysis of a low sidelobe Cassegrain antenna using resistive hyperboloid are presented in detail. The surface resistivity of hyperboloid can be expressed in terms of the target low sidelobe aperture distribution. ─── 本文用沿径向有阶梯变化的表面电阻的双曲面来设计低旁瓣卡塞格伦天线 ,给出了双曲面表面电阻值与所需的低旁瓣口径场分布理论值的关系式。

58、hyperboloid of revolution ─── 回转双曲面

59、double leaf revolving hyperboloid ─── 双叶旋转双曲面

60、hyperboloid setting out ─── 双曲面放线

61、Sinosteel Plaza is the first masterpiece created by the world class architect KPF in Beijing, the unique hyperboloid skyscraper in the world, owned by and named after Sinosteel Corporation. ─── 中钢国际广场是由世界级建筑大师KPF在北京的首部力作,世界独一无二的双曲面摩天大厦,由中国中钢集团公司冠名独立拥有。

62、Because the blade of the drill is a curve on the hyperboloid, the point angle at the blade is variable, any one point angle at the blade can not represent the blade design feature. ─── 由于该钻型的主刃是双曲面上的曲线,主刃上任一点的锋角都不同,无法代表整个主刃的结构特点。

63、para hyperboloid ─── 双曲抛物面

64、The Error Analysis of Collimation of Hyperboloid Cylinder-plane Lens ─── 双曲柱面-平面透镜准直的误差分析

65、This paper studies the integration of advanced mathematics and language of computer, an example Hyperboloid of One Sheet is given. ─── 摘要以二次曲面为例,探讨了计算机语言与高等数学教学的整合问题,并给出了一个单叶双曲面的应用程序编写实例。

66、Hyperboloid mirror ─── 双曲面反射镜

67、Frequency and Amplitude of Double Layer Hyperboloid Flat Shell's Viberation ─── 双层双曲扁网壳的自振频率与振型

68、hyperboloid of two sheets ─── 双叶双曲面

69、Two of them intersect in a curved line which in turn intersects with the third hyperboloid in a point corresponding to the unknown three-dimensional user position. ─── 两个曲面相交得到一条曲线,曲线与第三个曲面的交点既是用户的三维坐标。

70、Now there is a hyperboloid, a concave ellipsoidal surface and a convex ellipsoidal surface need to be done. ─── 现在是一个双曲面,一个凹椭球面,一个凸椭球面。

71、According to the features of the axle bush,the parameters and error comparison of the hyperboloid expressed with arc in the mechanical drawing are obtained with the interpolation analysis method. ─── 根据该轴瓦的特点,用插值分析法求出在机械制图中用圆弧表示该双曲面的参数及其误差对比。

72、hyperboloid roof ─── 双曲面形屋盖

73、Keywords twist drill;hyperboloid;mathematical model;simplified representation; ─── 关键词麻花钻;双曲面;数学模型;简化方法;

74、Testing of an off-axis convex hyperboloid mirror using compensator ─── 大口径、离轴凸双曲面反射镜的补偿检验

75、hyperboloid cylinder- plane lens ─── 双曲柱面-平面透镜

76、This paper studies the integration of advanced mathematics and language of computer,an example Hyperboloid of One Sheet is given. ─── 以二次曲面为例,探讨了计算机语言与高等数学教学的整合问题,并给出了一个单叶双曲面的应用程序编写实例。

77、This paper presents the accurate solution for the interference of two coherent point sources, which is a family of hyperboloid. ─── 从精确的角度指出了大米企业进行技术创新解决问题获得效益的途径。

78、A simple solution to the equation of the general hyperboloid gradual close to pyramidal surface ─── 一般双曲面渐近锥面方程的一种简便求法

79、hyperboloid of two sheet ─── [计] 双叶双曲面

80、The Design of Low-Sidelobe Cassegrain Antenna Using Resistive Hyperboloid ─── 用有一定电阻的双曲面设计低旁瓣卡塞格伦天线

81、Disscussion on Reduced Equation and Forming for Cutting Edge of Hyperboloid Twist Drill ─── 双曲面麻花钻主刃的形成与方程简化方法的探讨

82、A simple solution to the equation of the general hyperboloid gradual close to pyramidal surface ─── 一般双曲面渐近锥面方程的一种简便求法

83、authors show that the hyperboloid of one sheet and the hyperbolic paraboloid are ruled surfaces. ─── 作者证实:单叶双曲面和双曲抛物面是直线曲面。

84、hyperboloid lens ─── 双曲面透镜


86、hyperboloid straightening roll ─── 双曲线矫直辊

87、This is the design of a discharge of the mechanical erect kiln device, which is hyperboloid may change tooth. ─── 本课题是设计机械立窑上的一种双曲面可换齿卸料装置。

88、hyperboloid family ─── 回转双叶双曲面族

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