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09-16 投稿



questioner 发音

[ 'kwɛstʃənɚ]

英:  美:

questioner 中文意思翻译



questioner 同义词

badger | motion | demand | doubt | matter | quiz | text | issue | theme | mistrust | enquiry | interrogative sentence | interrogative | misgiving | argument | inquiry | inquire | subject |query | suspicion | uncertainty | ask | suspect | dubiousness | heading | problem | wonder | challenge | grill | oppugn | thesis | test | examine | distrust | doubtfulness | unknown | qualm | call into question | interrogate | interrogation | interview | head | topic

questioner 词性/词形变化,questioner变形

名词: questioner |副词: questioningly |动词过去分词: questioned |动词现在分词: questioning |动词过去式: questioned |动词第三人称单数: questions |

questioner 短语词组

1、cross-questioner vt. ─── 盘问, ─── 盘诘,反复询问 n. 反诘问时提出的问题

questioner 反义词


questioner 相似词语短语

1、questions ─── n.[数]问题(question的复数);v.质疑(question的第三人称单数形式)

2、questionees ─── 被调查者,

3、questioned ─── v.怀疑;询问(question的过去分词);adj.怀疑的;有问题的;有争议的

4、questionee ─── 问卷调查

5、question ─── n.问题,疑问;询问;疑问句;vt.询问;怀疑;审问;vi.询问;怀疑;审问

6、questionless ─── adj.无疑的;adv.无疑地

7、unquestioned ─── adj.无争议的;不成问题的;无需调查的

8、questioners ─── n.(公开辩论等的)提问者

9、questionary ─── n.调查表,问卷;adj.询问的;由问题组成的

questioner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keeping to a strict diet is a question of mind over matter. ─── 坚持某一规定饮食,是毅力能否战胜物质诱惑的问题。

2、His honesty is out of question. ─── 他的诚实是毫无疑问的。

3、Her sincerity is beyond question. ─── 她态度诚恳,毋庸置疑。

4、Soldiers are expected to obey their orders without question. ─── 军人应当绝对服从命令。

5、Questioner: Yes, I see this fragmentation very clearly, and I am also beginning to see that the human being is responsible. ─── 发问者:是的,我非常清楚地看到这种破碎,我也正开始看到人类是有责任的。

6、The question is bound to come up at the meeting. ─── 会上必然要讨论这个问题。

7、Gallup's field-work consists of hour-long interviews in which the questioner is usually the same sex and nationality as the respondent. ─── 盖洛普的调查工作包括一个钟头的采访,发问者通常和回答者同性、同国籍。

8、His honesty was called into question. ─── 他的诚实受到了怀疑。

9、There will be no question of anyone being made redundant. ─── 决不可能裁掉任何人。

10、Her question was prompted by worries about her future. ─── 她提出那个问题是因为她对前途十分忧虑。

11、She question the chairman about the company's investment policy. ─── 她向董事长提问了有关投资政策的问题。

12、Your proposal begs the question whether a change is needed at all. ─── 到底是否需要改革,你的提议回避了问题的实质。

13、She answered the king's question with a tremulous voice. ─── 她用颤抖的声音回答国王的问题。

14、We were a unit on the question. ─── 在这个问题上,我们的意见是一致的。

15、She fixed her questioner with a hostile glare. ─── 她敌意地瞪着向她提问的人。

16、The format of the meeting was such that everyone could ask a question. ─── 会议安排好可让每个人都能提一个问题。

17、There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion. ─── 堕胎合法化问题引起了许多争论。

18、He takes a hard line on the question of punishing young criminals. ─── 在处罚少年犯的问题上,他是采取强硬路线的。

19、He has rather indefinite views on the question. ─── 他对该问题的看法颇暧昧。

20、He held fire on specific foreign policy question. ─── 他对具体的外交政策暂不表态。

21、He caught me off base with that question. ─── 他的问题猝然把我给问倒了。

22、It is an interesting question how far men will retain their relative rank if they were divest of their clothes. ─── 假使剥去了人们的衣服的话,到底彼此的阶级能够维持到什么程度,倒是一则有趣的问题。

23、Do you know the answer to this question? ─── 你知道这道题的答案吗?

24、Doesn't her question fall outside the province of science? ─── 她的问题不是超越了科学的范围吗?

25、His remark did not pertain to the question. ─── 他的话同这个问题不相干。

26、The softly-spoken chairman told another questioner that he did not wish to be the "chairman who presided over the second Great Depression" . ─── 语气温和的伯南克还向另一名提问者表示,他不愿成为“在第二次大萧条期间执掌美联储的主席”。

27、His view on the question do not square with mine. ─── 他对这个问题的看法跟我的不一致。

28、On this question I differ from you in toto. ─── 在这个问题上我跟你的意见完全不同。

29、I'll try to sound out the manager on the question of holidays. ─── 关於放假的问题,我要去探探经理的口风。

30、Our ideas jump together on this question. ─── 在这个问题上我们意见一致。

31、Gosh! I have only five minutes to answer the rest of the question. ─── 哎呀!要回答其余的问题只剩下五分钟了。

32、His evasive reply prompted me to ask him another question. ─── 他闪烁其词的回答促使我提出又一个问题。

33、Questioner: I understand you to say that creativeness is an intoxication from which it is hard to free oneself. ─── 问:我理解你说的,创造是一种陶醉,从中它很难解放自己。

34、They ever conferred on the question. ─── 他们曾商议过这个问题。

35、His remarks show that he misunderstand my position on the question. ─── 他的话说明他误解了我在这一问题上的立场。

36、At bottom, the question is confidence: confidence in the economy and confidence in our political leadership. ─── 基本上,问题在于信心:对经济的信心以及对政治领导的信心。

37、In the temperance question, Mr White takes his stand on total abstinence. ─── 在戒酒问题上,怀特先生是主张完全戒掉。

38、Mind you read the examination question very carefully. ─── 你要非常细心阅读考试的题目。

39、How did you manage to steer by that difficult question? ─── 你是怎样设法回避了那个棘手的问题的?

40、He gave a quick answer to the teacher's question. ─── 他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。

41、The question of how many souls exist in heaven is academic. ─── 天堂里有多少灵魂这一问题纯属空谈。

42、Don't equivocate with me I want a straight answer to a straight question! ─── 别跟我绕弯子--我问的问题直截了当,回答也要直截了当!

43、She showed her cunning in the way she avoided answering the question. ─── 她对问题避而不答,显示出她很狡猾。

44、The question was discussed in cabinet. ─── 在内阁会议上讨论了这个问题。

45、The Home Secretary nailed his colours firmly to the mast on the question of arming the police. ─── 内政大臣公开表示,主张把警察武装起来,并坚持不让步。

46、He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical. ─── 同样的问题人们向他问得太多了,所以他的答案也是千篇一律。

47、Answer the following question(s). ─── 回答下列问题。

48、The answer to the question cost her much careful thought. ─── 回答这个问题使她不得不做周密的思考。

49、He tried to skate round the question by changing the subject. ─── 他企图改变话题而将该问题一带而过。

50、Not for a moment do she raise the question of the worthiness of the man she love. ─── 她一刻也没有怀疑过她所爱的人是值得尊重的。

51、Stop stalling and answer my question! ─── 不要拖延,立刻回答我的问题!

52、Have a lot of doubt, he can not help asking them question. ─── 因为他有些疑问,他禁不住向他们提问。

53、Soldiers are trained to obey without question. ─── 士兵已训练得绝对服从命令。

54、Your answer to this question is false. ─── 你对这个问题的回答是错误的。

55、She is so talented that her success can only be a question of time. ─── 她才华横溢,事业成功只是时间问题。

56、Your question is beyond the scope of this book. ─── 你所问的问题已超出了这本书的范围。

57、The question of local taxation seems to come again to the front in the Congress. ─── 在国会里,地方税收问题似乎又成了引人注意的问题。

58、People always believe anything that Mark says, his honesty is beyond question. ─── 人们相信马克所讲的每一句话,他的诚实无庸置疑。

59、Stop beating around the bush and answer my question. ─── 别再绕圈子了,回答我的问题。

60、She know how to score off people who ask difficult question. ─── 她很会让那些给她出难题的人自讨没趣。

61、He won't allow them to put the question by. ─── 他不会让他们把这问题搁置起来。

62、He was struck dumb by her sharp question. ─── 他被她那尖锐的问题弄得哑口无言。

63、one questioner, a young man with an earnest manner, seemed poised to spring as he took the mike. ─── 其中一位提问者态度非常认真,在接过麦克的时候已经准备好了发问。

64、The key question is in focus; why not reach a decision? ─── 主要问题已非常明显,为何不作出结论呢?

65、Have you tried pinning him down on the question of capital punishment? ─── 你试着让他说出对实行极刑的意见了吗?

66、He deliberated over the question before giving an answer. ─── 他仔细思考了问题后才作出回答。

67、He can be as sharp as any man when it's a question of business; but duty's another pair of shoes. ─── 他做起生意来跟别人一样精明,但是承担责任就是另外一码事了。

68、He gave me no chance to reply to his question. ─── 他没有给我回答他问题的机会。

69、Questioner: Perhaps you think I'm the good cop and he's the bad cop. We're both the good cop. In the next room is the bad cop. ─── 或许你认为我是好警察,他是坏警察。我们都是好警察。在隔壁房间里的是坏警察。

70、She gulped nervously, as if the question bothered her. ─── 她紧张地咽了一下,似乎那问题把她难住了。

71、Stop fencing with me answer my question! ─── 别躲躲闪闪--回答我的问题!

72、The best age for marriage is a vexed question. ─── 什么年龄结婚最合适是一个众说纷纭的问题。

73、On the Christmas day in question, we could not go to Grandmother's house, as we do every year. ─── 在我们所谈到的那个圣诞节,我们未能像每年一样到祖母家去。

74、Your answer to the question is correct. ─── 你对这个问题的回答是正确的。

75、He agreed with the questioner. ─── 他和提问者达成了一致。

76、No one seems inclined to ask a question, will you set the ball rolling, Tom? ─── 似乎没人想要提出问题,汤姆,你能开个头吗?

77、His moral standards have been called into question. ─── 他的道德标准令人生疑。

78、Missing school to watch the football match is out of the question. ─── 为看足球比赛而旷课,那可不行。

79、I side with him on this question. ─── 在这一问题上我同他站在一边。

80、He refused to be pinned down on the question. ─── 他拒绝对这个问题明确表态。

81、It is out of the question for him to stay in office so late. ─── 他不可能这么晚还呆在办公室。

82、Her conduct lies beyond all question and reproach. ─── 她的行为不容怀疑,无可指责。

83、He spoke so decidedly that I dared not question him. ─── 他讲的那么坚决,我不敢质问他。

84、Various discords have arisen over this question. ─── 人们在这个问题上发生了不少争执。

85、The question of world hunger is a very hard nut to crack. I doubt if we'll find the answer to it in my lifetime. ─── 世界性的饥饿问题是个极其难以解决的问题,我恐怕人们在我这一辈子都找不出解决的办法。

86、I was the questioner that day. ─── 我就是那天提问的人。

87、Here she comes on pudding time to resolve the question. ─── 她来得正好,能解决这个问题。

88、Don't talk round the question; come straight to the point. ─── 不要在这个问题上绕圈子,开门见山地谈吧。

89、She asked the same question of everyone in turn. ─── 她依次向每一个人问同样的问题。

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