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glossitis 发音

英:[ɡlɑːˈsaɪtɪs]  美:[ɡlɒˈsaɪtɪs]

英:  美:

glossitis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 舌炎


glossitis 网络释义

n. [口腔] 舌炎

glossitis 词性/词形变化,glossitis变形

形容词: glossitic |

glossitis 短语词组

1、Moeller's glossitis ─── [医] 默勒氏舌炎, 慢性舌乳头炎, 光滑舌

2、glossitis migrans ─── [医]良性移行性舌炎

3、desquamated glossitis ─── 脱屑性舌炎

4、glossitis sclerotica ─── [医]硬化性舌炎,硬舌炎

5、fungiform papillary glossitis ─── 真菌性乳头状舌炎

6、Hunter's glossitis ─── [医] 亨特氏舌炎(见于恶性贫血)

7、acute glossitis ─── 急性舌炎

8、chronic glossitis ─── 慢性舌炎

9、atrophic glossitis ─── 萎缩性舌炎

10、catarrhal glossitis ─── 卡他性舌炎

11、Hunter's glossitis syndrome ─── [医] 亨特氏舌炎综合征(见于恶性贫血)

glossitis 相似词语短语

1、glossinas ─── n.舌蝇属

2、glossaries ─── 词汇;词汇表

3、glossitic ─── 光泽度的

4、gloss finish ─── 光泽整理

5、glossarist ─── n.注解者;评注者;词表编辑者

6、cloacitis ─── n.泄殖腔炎

7、glossies ─── adj.光滑的;有光泽的

8、glossators ─── 注释法学派

9、glossiness ─── n.[光]光泽度;有光泽

glossitis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moeller rs glossitis ─── 默勒氏舌炎

2、All the signs were restricted to glossitis. ─── 所有的体征都没有超出舌炎的范围。

3、dissecting glossitis ─── 裂沟性舌炎

4、superficial glossitis ─── 浅表性舌炎

5、(3) glossitis is common symptom. ─── (3)舌炎 是常见症状。

6、glossitis necrotica ─── 坏死性舌炎

7、Fournier's glossitis ─── 富尼埃(氏)舌炎

8、serpiginous glossitis ─── 移行性舌炎

9、Clinical evalution on the combine Chinese traditional medicine and local close treatment atrophic glossitis ─── 中药与局部封闭治疗萎缩性舌炎的临床观察

10、syphilitic glossitis ─── 梅毒性舌炎

11、glossitis median rhomboid ─── 中菱形舌炎

12、glossitis of pellagra ─── 陪拉格舌炎

13、glossitis migratory ─── 游走性舌炎

14、superficial migratory glossitis ─── 浅表性游走性舌炎

15、glossitis parasitica ─── 黑舌[病]

16、psychogenic glossitis ─── 舌灼痛

17、acute glossitis ─── 急性舌炎

18、A lack of vitamin B2 can cause red lips, stomatitis, inflammation lips, angular cheilitis, glossitis; ─── 维生素B2缺乏会引起嘴唇发红、口腔炎、口唇炎、口角炎、舌炎;

19、Often accompany have glossitis or quarrel is phlogistic. ─── 常常伴有舌炎或口角炎。

20、This article introduces Zhang Zhongjing's prescription “Gegen Qinlian Decoction” for rhinitis,glossitis,motor neurone disease. ─── 介绍临证运用张仲景经方葛根芩连汤治疗鼻炎、舌炎、运动神经元疾病的验案3则。

21、A Study of rhEGF's Clinical Treatment Effects on Atrophic Glossitis ─── 依济复治疗萎缩性舌炎的临床疗效观察

22、glossitis rhomboidea mediana ─── 正中菱形舌炎

23、glossitis medicamentosa ─── 药物性舌炎

24、interstitial glossitis ─── 间质性舌炎

25、Stomatitis, glossitis, parotitis, ache in the shoulder and arm. ─── 口腔炎,舌炎,腮腺炎,肩臂酸痛。

26、Your mouth may be sore and pale if you're anemic, and your tongue can become swollen and smooth (glossitis). ─── 如果你的了贫血症,那么你的口腔可能会疼痛且苍白,而你的舌头可能会变得肿胀而平滑(舌炎)。

27、glossitis dissecans ─── 分沟性舌炎, 裂沟性舌炎

28、Paluga, sarruga, come winds of the Caspian Sea.Now rings us glossitis and max laryngitis, la voce to me! ─── 阿浮,阿渍,瞧瞧,现在我能够让她犯难,这可怜的不幸的灵魂。

29、Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of reef in local treatment on atrophic glossitis . ─── 目的探讨依济复对萎缩性舌炎的临床疗效。

30、Keywords Atrophic glossitis Epidermal growth factor Treatment effect; ─── 萎缩性舌炎;依济复;表皮生长因子;疗效;

31、Keywords atrophic glossitis;chronic anemia;candidiasis infection; ─── 萎缩性舌炎;慢性贫血;念珠菌感染;

32、Most patient is without a symptom, if semiotic much performance is meal hind full bilge, ache of belch, anorexia, disgusting, epigastrium is unwell, or angular, anaemic, glossitis, diarrhoea. ─── 大多数病人毫无症状,如有症状多表现为饭后饱胀、嗳气、食欲减退、恶心、上腹部疼痛不适,或消瘦、贫血、舌炎、腹泻等。

33、parenchymatous glossitis ─── 主体性舌炎

34、Immunohistochemaicl study of migratory glossitis ─── 游走性舌炎的免疫组织化学研究

35、glossitis areata exfoliativa ─── 局限性剥脱性舌炎

36、Jral Anabrotic Lichen Planus and Fugitive Glossitis Treated With CO _ 2 Laser. ─── 2激光治疗口腔糜烂型扁平苔癣和游走性舌炎。

37、2.a superficial form of glossitis marked by irregular red patches on the tongue and sensitivity to hot or spicy food. ─── 一种浅表型舌炎特征是舌面有不规则的红斑对辛辣食物敏感。

38、Clarke-Fournier glossitis ─── 克-福二氏舌炎

39、3. glossitis resulting from injury or infection and characterized by swelling and pain. ─── 受伤或感染引起的舌炎:有肿胀和疼痛。

40、pellagrous glossitis ─── 糙皮病性舌炎

41、glossitis with atrophy of tongue tissue; ─── 有舌头萎缩的舌炎;

42、glossitis with atrophy of tongue tissue; sometimes accompanies pernicious anemia. ─── 有舌头萎缩的舌炎;通常因恶性贫血引起。

43、Glossitis due to oil of cinnamon ─── 肉桂油致舌炎

44、chronic superficial erythematous glossitis ─── 慢性表层性红斑性舌炎

45、Clinical usage: for the treatment and prevention of cheilitis, glossitis, seborrheic dermatitis and conjunctivitis. ─── 防治唇炎、舌炎、结膜炎和脂溢性皮炎。

46、glossitis venenata ─── 毒性舌炎

47、glossitis with atrophy of tongue tissue; sometimes accompanies pernicious anemia ─── 有舌头萎缩的舌炎;通常因恶性贫血引起

48、chronic superficial glossitis ─── 慢性表层性舌炎

49、glossitis with atrophy of tongue tissue; sometimes accompanies pernicious anemia. ─── 有舌头萎缩的舌炎;通常因恶性贫血引起。

50、Hunter's glossitis ─── [医] 亨特氏舌炎(见于恶性贫血)

51、Severe anemia, and there is also glossitis, atrophic tongue mucosa, tongue smooth, and there is congestive heart burning. ─── 严重贫血者,还可有舌炎、舌黏膜萎缩、舌头平滑、充血并有灼热感。

52、glossitis sclerotica ─── 硬化性舌炎, 硬舌炎

53、A superficial form of glossitis marked by irregular red patches on the tongue and sensitivity to hot or spicy food. ─── 一种浅表型舌炎特征是舌面有不规则的红斑对辛辣食物敏感。

54、parasitic glossitis ─── 寄生性舌炎, 舌癣菌病

55、such as shade of facial, forehead, ear hind, scrotal peace conference returns meeting occurrence stomatitis, glossitis finally (glossal glow is slippery) , the lip is weather-shack; ─── 还会出现口炎、舌炎(舌红光滑)、嘴唇干裂;

56、idiopathic glossitis ─── 自发性舌炎

57、exfoliative marginal glossitis ─── 边缘剥脱性舌炎

58、Observation of the Clinical Efficacy of Treating Atrophy Glossitis with He-Ne Laser and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨国晶,夏荣,崔若冰,李野,陈歆,赵春娜,张学诚,辛浩琳.

59、Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of rhEGF in local treatment on atrophic glossitis. ─── 目的探讨依济复对萎缩性舌炎的临床疗效。

60、benign migratory glossitis ─── 良性移行性舌炎, 地图样舌

61、Keywords atrophic glossitis;tongue dorsum;flora; ─── 萎缩性舌炎;舌背;菌落;

62、a superficial form of glossitis marked by irregular red patches on the tongue and sensitivity to hot or spicy food ─── 一种浅表型舌炎特征是舌面有不规则的红斑对辛辣食物敏感

63、Hunter rs glossitis ─── 亨特氏舌炎

64、Complication has pneumonic, thorax to accumulate arthralgia of sex of lymph node enlargement of door of fluid, lung, encephalitis, defer, cardiac muscle phlogistic, glossitis. ─── 并发症有肺炎、胸腔积液、肺门淋巴结肿大、脑炎、迁延性关节痛、心肌炎、舌炎等。

65、atrophic glossitis ─── 萎缩性舌炎

66、glossitis Moeller ─── 默勒舌炎, 慢性舌乳头炎

67、desquamative glossitis ─── 剥脱性舌炎

68、Methods 46 patients with atrophic glossitis were randomly divided into treatment group and control group. ─── 方法选择46例萎缩性舌炎患者,随机分成治疗组和对照组。

69、Hunter glossitis ─── 亨特舌炎(恶性贫血性舌炎)

70、glossitis idiopathic ─── 主质性舌炎

71、Methods 46 patients with atrophic glossitis were randomly divided into treatment group and control group. ─── 方法选择46例萎缩性舌炎患者,随机分成治疗组和对照组。

72、chronic glossitis ─── 慢性舌炎

73、Female, in addition to dysphagia, the fair has a low pigment-small-cell anemia, glossitis, gastric acid deficiency and anti-level performance. ─── 多为女性,除咽下困难外,尚可有小细胞低色素性贫血、舌炎、胃酸缺乏和反甲等表现。

74、Hunter's glossitis syndrome ─── [医] 亨特氏舌炎综合征(见于恶性贫血)

75、Clinical usage: for the treatment and prevention of cheilitis, glossitis, seborrheic dermatitis and conjunctivitis. ─── 防治唇炎、舌炎、结膜炎和脂溢性皮炎。

76、glossitis [tongue inflammation] ─── 舌炎

77、monilial glossitis ─── 念珠菌性舌炎

78、glossitis migrans ─── 良性移行性舌炎

79、5.The skin should be examined for dryness, scaliness, atrophy, petechiae, and ecchymoses, and the mouth for angular stomatitis, glossitis, swollen or bleeding gums, and decayed teeth. ─── 皮肤应检查有无干燥、鳞屑、增生、瘀点及瘀斑;口腔应检查有无口角炎、舌炎、肿胀、齿龈出血和龋齿。

80、Pathogeny and therapy of artrophic glossitis ─── 萎缩性舌炎病因探讨及治疗

81、Severe anemia, and there is also glossitis, atrophic tongue mucosa, tongue smooth, and there is congestive heart burning. ─── 严重贫血者,还可有舌炎、舌黏膜萎缩、舌头平滑、充血并有灼热感。

82、interstitial sclerous glossitis ─── 间质硬化性舌炎, 克-福二氏舌炎

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