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09-15 投稿



interconnect 发音

英:[ɪntəkə'nekt]  美:[,ɪntɚkə'nɛkt]

英:  美:

interconnect 中文意思翻译



interconnect 网络释义

vt. 使互相连接vi. 互相联系

interconnect 词性/词形变化,interconnect变形

动词过去式: interconnected |动词过去分词: interconnected |形容词: interconnectible |动词现在分词: interconnecting |动词第三人称单数: interconnects |名词: interconnectedness |

interconnect 短语词组

1、Peripheral Component Interconnect local bus ─── [计] 外部设备互连(PCI)局部总线

2、interconnect testing ─── 互连测试

3、beau interconnect ─── 美丽的互连

4、interconnect device ─── 互连设备

5、interconnect function ─── [计] 连接作用

6、interconnect system ─── 互连系统

7、Backplane Interconnect VAX ─── 背板互连VAX

8、interconnect cable ─── 互连电缆

9、VAX Backplane Interconnect VAX ─── 背板互连

interconnect 相似词语短语

1、interconverts ─── vt.互变;互换

2、interconnects ─── n.连接线;连接器产品(interconnect的复数);v.使互相连接(interconnect的三单形式)

3、to interconnect ─── 互联

4、interconnection ─── n.[计]互连;互相连络

5、interconvert ─── vt.互变;互换

6、interconnecting ─── adj.互相连接的;v.使互相连接,使互相联系(interconnect的现在分词)

7、interconnectors ─── n.联络线路;联焰管;[电]内部连线

8、interconnected ─── adj.连通的;有联系的;v.互相连接(interconnect的过去式)

9、interconnector ─── n.联络线路;联焰管;[电]内部连线

interconnect 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the functional domain, you have to have the software, but in many cases you can abstract away the interconnect and the memory system. ─── 在功能域中,必须有软件支持,但在许多情况下软件可以在没有互连和存储系统情况下抽象出来。

2、It's strange how people's lives interconnect. ─── 人们的生活是如何互相联系在一起的,真是不可思议。

3、In his famous letter to the U.S.Government, AT&T agrees to divest its holdings of Western Union, stop acquisition of other telcos, and permit other telcos to interconnect. ─── 在他那封致美国政府的著名信件中,AT&T同意交出其拥有的西部联合电报公司的全部资产,停止吞并其他电信公司并同意其他电信公司互连。

4、OPC technology is presented to interconnect DCS and MIS. ─── 并通过OPC技术,实现了DCS系统和厂级管理信息系统MIS之间的数据共享。

5、Peripheral component interconnect (PCI) slots in the system can be individually assigned to a logical partition. ─── 可以将系统中的外围设备互连(Peripheralcomponentinterconnect,PCI)插槽单独地分配给一个逻辑分区。

6、In this lab, students identify the serial interfaces on the router and identify and locate the proper cables to interconnect the routers. ─── 在本实验中,同学识别路由器上的序列介面,并且识别同时找出适当的缆线来互连路由器。

7、peripheral component interconnect(PCI) ─── PCI

8、Amphenol is the second ranked supplier of interconnect solutions in the world, established in US in 1932. ─── 安费诺(成都)有限公司是安费诺集团的全资子公司。

9、The USB physical interconnect is a tiered star topology, with up to seven tiers. ─── USB物理互连是分层的星形拓朴,最多有七层。

10、Wang Yangyuan,Kang Jinfeng.Development of ULSI interconnect integration technology-Copper interconnect with low-k dielectrics[J].Chinese Journal of Semiconductors,2002,23 (11):1121-1134 (in Chinese). ─── [2]王阳元,康晋峰.超深亚微米集成电路中的互连问题--低k介质与Cu的互连集成技术[J].半导体学报,2002,23(11):1121-1134.

11、A SAN can be local or remote,shared or dedicated,and uniquely includes externalized,central storage and SAN interconnect components. ─── 一个SAN可以是本地的或者是远程的,也可以是共享的或者是专用的,只包括外挂式中央存储器和SAN互连部件。

12、Using the Bridge Federate is one of the approaches to interconnect HLA multiple federations. ─── 实现多联邦互连有多种方法,桥接成员是其中一种。

13、Peripheral component interconnect PCI cards ─── 外围设备连接卡

14、different interconnect techniques ─── 不同互联技术

15、The accuracy of global interconnect delay predictions in integrated circuits can be improved by RLC(resistance inductance capacitance) model presented in this paper. ─── 为了提高超大规模集成电路中全局互连线延时估算的精度,提出了一种基于RLC模型延时估算的方法。

16、Let us imagine the light earth dreams begin to interconnect into a global web due to each focused upon this anchoring at this time. ─── 让我们想象地球光明梦想因每一个此刻专注于此锚定的人而开始连接成全球的网络。

17、The causes are many and may interconnect. ─── 原因很多,而且还可能互相关联。

18、Amphenol Corporation is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world. ─── 安费诺公司是全球最大的接插件生产商之一,总部在美国,已有70年历史。

19、compact peripheral component interconnect bus ─── CPCI总线

20、The addition of ultra-low-K interconnect provides a 15 per cent reduction in wiring-related delay as compared to conventional low-K dielectrics. ─── 与传统低介电值介电层相比,增加超低介电值的金属层间介电层可减少约15%导线相关延迟。

21、optical cable interconnect feature ─── 光缆互连性能

22、processor to processor interconnect network ─── 处理机间互连网络

23、PCI bus can interconnect peripheral components with CPU. ─── PCI局部总线实现了周边设备与中央处理器的高速互连。

24、It can interconnect 4 Ethernets with DDN through V. 35 interface, and support TCP/IP, SPX/IPX, RIP and many other protocols. ─── 它能把以太网和DDN远程网互连,并能通过TCP/IP、SPX/IPX等协议实现用户间的互操作。

25、programmable interconnect resource ─── 可编程互连资源

26、peripheral component interconnect ─── 外设部件互连总线

27、Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) ─── 外设互连总线(PCI)

28、All organizations face integration problems of some sort; perhaps because of a corporate merger, a new business alliance, or just the need to interconnect existing systems. ─── 任何组织都会碰到某些类型的集成问题;或许是因为一次公司的合并、一个新的商业联盟或者仅仅是需要互连现有的系统。

29、Encapsulated with ODBC and OCI,the UDB CLI can not only interconnect the heterogeneous database but also improve the performance of the system. ─── 封装了ODBC和OCI的通用数据库接口,可以实现异构数据库的互连,同时可以提高系统的性能。

30、PCI SIG Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group ─── 互连外围设备专业组

31、The traditional Al metallization could not meet the requirements for the development of interconnect technology. Developing damascene Cu metallization has become the main trend recently for the interconnect technology. ─── 传统的Al金属互连技术已经不能满足现代互连技术发展的需要 ,大马士革结构的Cu金属互连技术已成为互连技术的重点发展方向之一。

32、On the base of developing condition about the engine test-bed experiment, a new type of computer measurement system is developed based on PCI( Peripheral Component Interconnect). ─── 在内燃机台架试验测试平台的基础上,利用基于PCI总线技术开发了一套新型的计算机测试系统。

33、PCI is the short form of Peripheral Component Interconnect,and as a generic bus interface standards,it got very extensive application in the current computer system. ─── 外围设备互连(Peripheral Component Interconnect,PCI)作为一种通用的总线接口标准在目前的计算机系统中得到了非常广泛的应用。

34、Kester has announced that it will open a facility in Nogales, Mexico to meet unprecedented industry demand for its interconnect solder materials. ─── 凯斯特宣布它将在墨西哥Nogales设立工厂以满足互连焊锡膏材料方面的强劲需求。

35、A new generation of interconnect schemes is required for high performance ULSI. ─── 开发旨在减小RC延时和降低功耗的新互连技术是ULSI的发展需要。

36、A common bus system that is used to interconnect microcomputer circuit boards manufactured by Intel. Multibus is a registered trademark of Intel. ─── 一种通用的总线系统,用于Intel公司制造的微机电路板间的相互连接。Multibus是Intel的注册商标。

37、The three aspects combine into one to make "teaching" and "learning" as an organic whole that interconnect, interact, and cooperate with each other so as to achieve the basic purpose of enhancing the teaching and learning effect. ─── 三者合而为一,使“教”和“学”形成相互联系、相互作用、相互配合的动态有机整体,从而达致教学效果和学习效果提升的基本目的。

38、Peripheral Component Interconnect local bus ─── [计] 外部设备互连(PCI)局部总线

39、The high quality interconnect solutions from Amphenol are widely used in aerospace, military, automobiles, electronics, industrial, mobile phone, mobile networks, IT and data communication. ─── 安费诺是国际电子通讯行业中的最佳公司之一,获得客户和媒体广泛称赞。

40、SLD: It’s hard to synthesize software now.Is it possible to synthesize the interconnect? ─── SLD: 目前很难进行软件的综合设计,将互联产品进行综合设计是否可能?

41、Bricks and wood are good technology because they interconnect neatly and can be assembled into custom configurations. ─── 好技术是可组合的,可组合就是由不同实体组成,每一个实体能够单独工作,且能够按需很轻易重新组合。

42、The organizations also agreed to interconnect the services where applicable with other interagency initiatives. ─── 同时,情报组织之内还将进行内部互连,以确保服务可以被其他机构所使用。

43、In a satellite-based Internet system, satellites are used to interconnect various networks and to provide ubiquitous Internet access to homes and busunesses. ─── 在基于卫星的互联网系统中,卫星用来实现各种网络的互联,为家庭和商业提供互联网的接入服务。

44、A Model of Computing the Effective Capacitance of Interconnect Load ─── 互连线负载的有效电容计算模型

45、Allow other HSBs to interconnect with it. ─── 允许其他HSB与其相互连接。

46、A geometric pattern of logic gates contained in one chip.During manufacturing, it is possible to interconnect the gates to perform a complex function that can be used as a standard production. ─── 一种封装在一个芯片里的许多逻辑门的几何结构,在制造时可以在内部把门相互连接起来去执行一种复杂的操作,因而可以作为标准产品使用。

47、Over the years, a bewildering variety of standards have been developed to interconnect household devices, including X10, LonWorks, CEBus, BACnet, ZigBee, Bluetooth, IrDA and Home-Plug. ─── 多年来,业界为了连结不同家用器物,已经开发出各式各样的标准,包括蓝芽、X10、LonWorks、CEBus、BACnet、ZigBee、IrDA,以及HomePlug。

48、USB OTG is a supplemental standard to USB 2.0, which can make peripherals interconnect and communicate with each other direct in case of no host participates in. ─── USB OTG是USB 2.0规范的补充,它可使外设在无主机参与的情况下直接互连以进行通信。

49、As the technology proceeds to DSM, the delay of interconnect has been the domin portion in all delays. ─── 当工艺水平发展到深亚微米级,互连线时延比重已经占据总时延的绝大部分。

50、As the line width of the metal interconnect reduces, the performance of an IC chip can be degraded by interconnect RC delay and power consumption. ─── 因此,当导线的线宽逐渐缩小后,晶片的效能将主要受限于后段制程的内连线延迟与耗损。

51、The varactor’s model and design are introduced too.Some other aspect, such as active devices, interconnect, substrate, will be studied concisely. ─── 另外还简单介绍变容管的实 现和模型等方面的问题,并对其他工艺因素,如有源器件的性能,衬底和互联 的影响等做了一些探讨。

52、In order to cooperate with the popular bytecode, we propose a bridge mechanism to interconnect the interpretations of both bytecode and the syntax tree. ─── 为配合目前被广泛使用的位元组码,我们还提出语法树与位元组码之间的衔接机制,让这两种不同的直译机制可以互相呼叫。

53、To assemble solar modules, we interconnect multiple solar cells by taping and stringing the cells into a desired electrical configuration. ─── 装配太阳能组件时,我们先根据所需电气配置将电池连接起来,从而把多块太阳能电池相互连接起来。

54、Moreover, Block SAPOR outperforms the well-known MOR technique PRIMA for RLC interconnect circuits with higher accuracy and lower time complexity. ─── 和主流的一阶系统降阶技术PRIMA算法相比,Block SAPOR具有更高的降阶精度和更低的时间复杂度。

55、In anticipation of faster Ethernet protocols, new cable installations should be made with the best cable, connectors, and interconnect devices such as punch-down blocks and patch panels. ─── 为了因应快速乙太网路通讯协定,新缆线的安装应使用最好的缆线、连接头、和互连设备,如压接式区块和接线面板等。

56、interconnect power dissipation and area ─── 互连功耗面积

57、SHANGHAI AMPHENOL AIRWAVE COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS CO is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amphenol Corp.Amphenol (USA) is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world. ─── 上海安费将更臻完善通讯电子有限公司是一家全资拥有的附属公司,安费安费(美国),是全球其中一个最大的制造商的互连产品,在世界上。

58、Better yet, rsync is available on every flavor of UNIX, including Mac OS X, so it's easy to interconnect virtually any set of systems. ─── 更棒的是,在所有风格的UNIX上都可以使用rsync,包括MacOSX,所以很容易连接任何系统。

59、Utilization of flip chip as cost-effective interconnect technology requires innovative handling, test methods and processes for KGD. ─── 倒装芯片是一种性能价格比良好的互连技术 ,要求采用富有创新的操作 ,以满足KGD的测试方法和操作工艺的需要。

60、A charge-transfer device that stores charge in discrete regions in a semi conductor and transfers this charge as a packet through a series of switching devices that interconnect these regions. ─── 一种电荷传送器件,它在一个半导体的分立区域中存储电荷,并通过一系列与这些区域互连的开关器件,作为一个信息包传送这个电荷。

61、Ceramic Interconnect Technology: The Next Generation. International Conference And Exhibition. 2nd 2004. (CD-ROM) Held 26-28 April 2004, Denver, Colorado. ─── 2004年第2届陶瓷封接技术:第二代国际会议与展览会文集.(光盘),2004.4.26-28,丹佛,美国科罗拉多州

62、How should PKI system interconnect and interflow better, which inorder to meet the needs of operating each other among CA and End Entities, thissubject matter studied by the trust model of PKI. ─── 各个PKI体系如何更好地互连互通,以更好的满足CA及实体间相互信任的需要,这就是PKI的信任模型研究的主要问题。

63、The interconnect line is modeled as the transmission line model in the time domain, from which the model for sensitivity analysis derives. ─── 以传输线时域模型对互连线进行建模,在此基础上导出灵敏度分析模型。

64、Price Theory of Interconnect Access and It's Account ─── 互联接入定价理论与测算

65、peripheral component interconnect (PCI) Bus ─── PCI总线

66、OSI (Open System Interconnect Reference Model) ─── 开放式系统互联参考模型

67、PCB companies to multilayer, HDI (High Density Interconnect) board-based, technology reached the international advanced level, with strong competitiveness. ─── 公司的PCB以多层板、HDI(高密度互连)板为主,技术水平达到国际先进水平,具有较强的竞争力。

68、Each pod has its own processors and memory, and is connected to the larger system through a cache-coherent interconnect bus. ─── 每个pod具有自己的处理器和内存,并通过一条高速缓存一致性互连总线(cache-coherentinterconnectbus)连接到较大的系统。

69、PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect ─── 互连外围设备

70、All hosts in the instance must use the same type of interconnect. ─── 实例中的所有主机必须使用相同类型的互连。

71、The major performance challenge of SOFCs is the hermetic seal between the yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte and the stainless steel interconnect [1]. ─── 主要的固体氧化物燃料电池性能的挑战是密封的钇稳定二氧化锆( YSZ )电解质与不锈钢互联[ 1 ] 。

72、interconnect dynamical system ─── 互连式动态系统

73、Efficient Interconnect Network Model for Linear Circuit Reduction ─── 一种用于线性网络约简的高效互连线模型

74、Local Interconnect Nework (LIN) bus ─── 局域互连网总线

75、One possible way of doing this is to interconnect Michel Foucault's theory of self-cultivation and Adorno's aesthetic theory, Foucault's concept of self-creation and Adorno's concept of the artwork. ─── 切入此问题的一种方式在于连接法国哲学家傅柯的修养论与阿多诺美学理论,即在于傅柯自我创造说与阿多诺艺术作品理论的交错。

76、In computing and communications, data processing combined wit h telecommunications, e. g., the use of a telephone network to connect a remote terminal to a computer or to interconnect two computers. ─── 在计算与通信技术中,与远程通信技术相结合的一种数据处理技术,如使用电话网把远程终端与计算机连接起来或把两台计算机互连。

77、Solar Array Flexible Interconnect ─── 太阳能电池阵的柔性连接

78、WANs interconnect LANs, which then provide access to computers or file servers in other locations. ─── WAN将各个LAN连结起来,提供在其他位置的电脑或档案伺服器的存取。

79、local interconnect network (LIN) ─── 局域互联网

80、Reduce power consuming according to reduce the length of interconnect wire and consider the effect of binding and layout in the process of synthesis. ─── 在综合的过程中考虑绑定和布局对电路实现的互连线长度的影响。通过减少互连线的长度,进而减少电路的功耗。

81、BX-SCC2 is the machine specially designed for Photovoltaic industry, which is used to automatically cut the solar-cell interconnect ribbon. ─── SCC2采用了上海博显实业自主知识产权的单板计算机系统、制检测系统和高级步进电机驱动器,功能和裁切效率达到了国际先进水平。

82、Playhut's home grown "Playhut" brand offers a wide product mix, product interconnect ability and price value. ─── “同乐和”品牌乐园为青少年儿童提供了广阔的产品组合、产品连结互动空间。

83、This paper discusses the challenges that the submicrometer devices face and the trends in the submicrometer device technology from the pointview of lithography,isolation and metal interconnect. ─── 主要从光刻、隔离、金属互连线三个方面讨论了亚微米器件所面临的挑战及其发展趋势。

84、Copper wiring has become the main stream in IC interconnect especially as the integrated circuit processing goes beyond the 0.18 um technology node. ─── 当积体电路制程进入0.18微米技术节点时,铜导线更是变成金属连线的主流。

85、In a world where many networks interconnect on the fly and information is widely shared, that will not work. ─── 但在未来的无线世界,许多网络在空中纵横交错,信息广泛共享,协约将难以奏效。

86、The application of PCI Express(interconnect technology for next generation) in embedded system. ─── (下一代内部互联技术)在嵌入式系统中的应用。

87、It's strange how people's lives interconnect ─── 人们的生活是如何互相联系在一起的,真是不可思议

88、The disks used to store the data must be connected by a private interconnect (serial cable) or LAN to the servers that make up the cluster. ─── 用于存储数据的硬盘必须通过私有互联结构(串行线缆)或者LAN连接到构成群集的服务器。

89、In order to decrease the interconnect delay, it′ s a common and effective way to insert buffers in it. ─── 为了减小互连线时延,缓冲器插入是当前一种常见且有效的方法。


PCI是Peripheral Component Interconnect的缩写,指的是一种计算机总线标准。PCI总线是一种用于连接扩展卡的标准总线。它是在1989年由英特尔、康柏电脑公司和IBM公司共同开发的。PCI总线能够支持高带宽的数据传输,是目前较为常见的总线之一,可用于连接各种扩展卡,如声卡、显卡、网卡等。PCI总线有32根数据线,可支持32位数据传输,最高传输速率为133MB/s。在技术上,现在主要是指的PCIe,它是PCI的后续版本,提供更高的速度和扩展能力。也就是说,PCI是一种标准的硬件连接接口,可以为计算机提供更强大的扩展能力。


PCI是英文Peripheral Component Interconnect的缩写,中文翻译为“外围组件互联”。它是计算机内部用于连接和传送数据的一种接口标准。PCI总线标准是由英特尔公司首创,是一种现代化的通用高速扩展总线。它可以兼容多种计算机硬件设备,包括音频、网卡、显卡、硬盘控制器等外部设备。PCI接口的不断升级进化也反映了计算机技术的不断更新迭代。PCI已经成为了现代计算机设备中不可或缺的一部分,它的推广和应用对于现代化工业、商业、科学和家庭生活都具有非常重要的意义。

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