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09-16 投稿



wiles 发音

英:[waɪlz]  美:[waɪlz]

英:  美:

wiles 中文意思翻译




wiles 网络释义

n. 诡计;花招(wile的复数)v. 引诱(wile的第三人称单数形式)

wiles 词性/词形变化,wiles变形

动词第三人称单数: wiles |动词过去分词: wiled |动词过去式: wiled |动词现在分词: wiling |

wiles 相似词语短语

1、whiles ─── conj.当……的时间;尽管;adv.有时候;其间

2、files ─── n.[计]文件;[图情][计]文档(file的复数);v.提出(file的第三人称单数);发送;汇订;n.(Files)人名;(英)法尔斯;(法)菲勒

3、biles ─── n.(Biles)人名;(英)拜尔斯;(法)比勒

4、piles ─── n.痔疮;痔;n.(Piles)人名;(西)皮莱斯

5、siles ─── n.(Siles)人名;(西)西莱斯

6、Miles ─── n.迈尔斯(男子名)

7、Giles ─── n.贾尔斯(男子名);圣伊莱斯(7世纪在法兰西的希腊隐士,残疾人,乞丐以及被社会遗弃者的主保圣人)

8、riles ─── vt.激怒;搅浑;惹怒;n.(Rile)人名;(塞)里莱

9、dwiles ─── 双重的

wiles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hearing the news, we couldn't help lughing and jumping with wile joy. ─── 听到这个消息,我们不禁欣喜若狂,又笑又蹦。

2、Rest was necessary also because of the complications there had been yesterday for the team, wile coming back to Rome (bad weather conditions and a problem to the toilet of the airplane. ─── 参加了对利沃诺比赛的球员进行了休息和恢复(体力)治疗。

3、He became a prey to the wicked woman's wiles. ─── 他中了那个邪女的奸计。

4、I hear the call from the wile. ─── 我听到来自荒野的召唤。

5、If this is true, which most mathematicians can easily judge, then I can also judge that Wiles' proof of FLT is false. ─── 如果这是事实,这是大部分数学家很容易可以判断的情况,我则也可以判断威尔斯对于FLT的证明是错误的。

6、This theory looks down on individual right wile revels in collectivism, and canonizes a crazed equal democratic system. ─── 人民主权理论轻视个人权利,偏爱集体主义,推崇激情的平等的民主制度。

7、"Because you found none of your social level to ply your wiles on? " he laughed harshly. ─── “因为你没有找到和你的社会地位相同的人来实施你的诡计?”他粗俗笑道。

8、Residing in their massive ships high above the fires of Zerus, the Xel'Naga began once again to challenge the wiles of fate. ─── 主宰是所有异形们的最基本的生存意志和欲望的意识集合体。随着时间的流逝,主宰慢慢的发展出了自我意识和高超的智慧。

9、the positive rate for detection of 132 blood samples from malaria endemic areas by PCR was 65.1%,wile the positive rate was 64.4% by microscopy with a sample missed and 3 samples misdiagnosed. The coincident rate of two the methods was 97%. ─── 检测 132例疟区发热病人血样的阳性率为 6 5 .1%,而镜检法为6 4.4%,且有 1例漏诊和 3例误诊 ,两法符合率为 97%。

10、All her wiles were to persuade them to buy the goods. ─── 她花言巧语想打动他们买这些货物。

11、Jiang said he was waiting for other mathematicians to point out the obvious errors in Wiles' proof of FLT. ─── 蒋春暄说他一直在等待其它的数学家指出怀尔斯对费马大定理的证明的明显漏洞。

12、Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. ─── 你们要穿戴上帝所赐的全副军装,好使你们能站稳,来抵御魔鬼的诡计。

13、"He did not fail to see/His uncle's cunning wiles and treachery" (William Morris). ─── 他没有忽视他叔父的狡诈的诡计和背信忘义” (威廉·莫里斯)。

14、part the wile horse rs mane on both side ─── 左右野马分鬃

15、4. All her wiles were not enough to persuade them to sell the villa . ─── 她花言巧语也未能打动他们卖掉别墅。

16、GIS Method on the Spatial-Climate Distributed Characteristic of Pine Wile Disease in Anhui Province ─── 松树萎蔫病在安徽的侵染及其发生的气候分布研究

17、People call me the man of wiles, but that title must now belong to you. ─── 人们叫我智多星,可是现在这个称号应该给你了。

18、I am trick by the salesman's wile into buy worthless goods ─── 我上了推销员的当,买了毫无价值的东西

19、wile away ─── v. 消磨, 消遣

20、Wile Gooses Fly To The South ─── 歌曲雁南飞

21、Why doesn't Wile E Coyote give up? ─── 为什么他放弃了呢?

22、To attract by wiles or temptation;entice. ─── 吸引以诡计或诱惑来吸引;诱惑

23、Wile happiness is preciousit is easy to get. ─── 我希望这个世界上的每一个人都是幸福的!

24、The material Composition and eeather Environ ment change wile transform Adhesion resuet.Wher use Tempeiature is Above highest limitation on long time .The Hot Meet Adhesive shall lose Adhesion force. ─── 注意事项:材料结构和气候环境变化会影响粘合效果,若使用沾度长期超出最高沾度极限时,该热溶胶将会失去粘合力。

25、He was seduced by the wiles of a woman. ─── 他受了一个女人花言巧语的诱惑。

26、the city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and mere human tempter. ─── 不是遇到别人的帮助变得更好,就是因很快被国际大都市的道德标准所左右而变坏...

27、For the boy sees the end wile the man ignores it. ─── 但他们的相似之处也到此为止了。

28、Some views on developing wile rod rolling in our country are put forward on the basis of analysis of modern wire rod rolling technology abroad. ─── 在分析国外现代线材轧机生产技术的基础上,提出发展我国线材生产的几点看法。

29、Chapter 23: (XXIII) The Wiles of linton. ─── 第二十三章:林顿的诡计。

30、Masada Y. Analysis of essential oils by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry[M]. New York: John wile and sons Inc.1976. 32-264. ─── 中国质谱学会有机专业委员会.香料质谱图集[M].北京:科学出版社,199233-216.

31、A preliminary discussion of the development tendency of the edible wile herb industry ─── 浅谈山野菜产业的发展方向

32、His wiles and quirks do not diminish his humanity. ─── 他的把戏和怪癖无损于他的人道精神。

33、It was found that wild-type gene PTEN could suppress the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells and induce G1 phase block wile the mutated PTEN gene lost this function. ─── 本课题最后发现野生型PTEN基因可抑制肝癌细胞的增殖,诱导G1期阻滞;而突变的PTEN基因无上述作用。

34、For entertainment, games and to wile away your time, you will find billiards, pinball and darts in the "Little Vegas" games centre. ─── 我们将用电子邮件发送即时信息给予您预定订确认。

35、The fox's wiles will never enter the lion's head. ─── 狐狸的诡计永远进不了狮子的头脑。

36、Same Benton, the local butcher, had lost his vallet wile taking his saving to the post office. ─── 当地的屠户萨姆.本顿在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包丢了。

37、They are left to grow naturally , so the most desirable roots , -- those most similar to wile wild ginseng -- are produced. ─── 他们在森林中自然生长,因此那些和野生人参相类似的,称心生长出来的人参生长出来了。

38、Wiles and/ or they must first disprove Jiang Chun-xuan’ s prove of FLT published in early1992! ─── 怀尔斯和/他们必须首先否定蒋春暄1992年初发表的对费马大定理的证明!

39、All her wiles are not enough to persuade them to sell the property ─── 她花言巧语也未能打动他们卖掉物业

40、to reveal the wiles of Satan, and the means by which he may be successfully resisted; ─── 对罪恶存在的大问题予人充分的解答,说明罪恶的起源和罪的最后处理,以便完全显出上帝在对待受造之物所用的一切公正和慈爱的方法;

41、The police were unable to penetrate the wiles of the cat burglar. ─── 警方无法识破窃贼的诡计。

42、She danced gracefully, she loved finery, and her crisp intelligence polished the wiles of a Southern coquette. ─── 她舞姿优雅,喜爱服饰,干练聪颖,更显南方多情女子的狡黠。

43、Wiles Test ─── 威尔斯检验

44、A0017 This is a 2004 Yiwu Wile tea cake. Both the quality and its strong and elegant tea leaves are good. I love this tea. ─── A0017这是一饼2004年的易武野生茶,不论条索与茶质,都很不错,我很喜欢。

45、Lured; luring; lures; To attract by wiles or temptation; entice. ─── 吸引以诡计或诱惑来吸引;诱惑。

46、7 Renges HH,Wile DB,Mckeigue PM,et al.Apolipoprotein B polymorphisms are associated with lipid levels in men of south Asia descents[J] Atherosclerosis 1991;91:267 ─── 9郭阳,谭斐,张忠贞等.载脂蛋白B基因多态性与缺血性脑血管病的关系[J]中国医科大学学报1996;25(3):299

47、"Other interesting sites include Dayan Ta (Great Wile Goose Pagoda) and Gu Lou (Durm Tower), both erected in the Tang Dynasty " ─── 大雁塔、鼓楼是唐代留下来的建筑

48、Our only safeguard against the wiles of Satan is to study the Scriptures diligently, to have an intelligent understanding of the reasons of our faith, and faithfully to perform every known duty. ─── 我们唯一防备撒但诡辩的安全之策乃在乎殷勤查考圣经,获得有关乎我们信仰缘由明智的瞭解,并且忠心履行自已所知的全部义务。

49、The city has its cunning wiles,no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter. ─── 大城市具有自身种种诱人的花招,并不亚于那些教人学坏的男男女女。

50、All her wiles were not enough to persuade them to sell the property. ─── 她花言巧语也未能打动他们卖掉物业.

51、Wiles and/ or they must first disprove Jiang Chun-xuan' s prove of FLT! ─── 威尔斯和/他们必须首先否定蒋春暄对费马大定理的证明!

52、I am tricked by the salesman's wile into buying worthless goods. ─── 我上了推销员的当,买了毫无价值的东西。

53、To discover technology supply in developed countries and demand in developing ones wile organize exchanges for technical cooperation between enterprises; ─── 从发达和发展中国家辩识技术提供和需求,组织着眼于企业技术合作伙伴的促进活动;

54、The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter. ─── 大城市具有自身种种诱人的花招,并不亚于那些教人学坏的男男女女,当然人比社会微小得多,也更富于人情味。

55、Wile away a Sunday afternoon. ─── 消磨掉星期天下午的时光

56、Wiles and/or they must first disprove Jiang Chun-xuan's prove of FLT published in early 1992! ─── 怀尔斯和/或他们必须首先否定蒋春暄1992年初发表的对费马大定理的证明!

57、Suitable for heavy material, excellent durability, stable fabric feed wile sewing the inflationary and latently movable material of medium-heavy material. ─── 本机器缝厚能力强,耐久性好,层缝性能好,送料平稳,对膨体类缝料和潜移性能较大的中厚料。

58、He did not fail to see / His uncle's cunning wiles and treachery (William Morris). ─── 他没有忽视他叔父的狡诈的诡计和背信忘义(威廉 莫里斯)。

59、Now the old man's son was very fond of riding, and the newcomer, vigorous and wile, was a great temptation to him. ─── 塞翁有一子,很喜欢策马驰骋,而这匹匈奴骏马活蹦乱跳,性情暴烈,对他更具有吸引力。

60、Finally, Fermat's Last Theorem was proved by Wiles, using work of Frey, Ribet, Serre, Mazur, Langlands-Tunnell, Taylor-Wiles, and others. ─── 充分地利用这份珍贵的上遗产,对于发展和繁荣民族新文化、发扬爱国主义精神、建设社会主义新江苏,都是不可或缺的。

61、Has the comical and enviable habit of making most defenders look not unlike Wile E Coyote in pursuit of the roadrunner when he puts his foot down. ─── 一旦他带球开始跑,就会上演滑稽而惹人羡慕的一幕,把大多数试图追赶他的后卫戏弄的像电影里追赶跑路鸟的大笨狼怀尔。

62、A0017 This is a2004 Yiwu Wile tea cake. Both the quality and its strong and elegant tea leaves are good. I love this tea. ─── A0017 这是一饼2004年的易武野生茶,不论条索与茶质,都很不错,我很喜欢。

63、English: The fox's wiles will never enter the lion's head. ─── 中文:狐狸的诡计永远进不了狮子的头脑。

64、Boffins “did the whole job by hand”, says Paul Wiles, the Home Office's chief scientific adviser. ─── 技术人员“纯人工完成整项工作”,内政部首席技术顾问PaulWiles说。

65、Wile Charles was in prison; Sydney Carton had also arrived in Paris. Considering that Charles would be sentenced to death, he went to a chemist's shop and bought some special medicine. ─── 查尔斯坐牢的时候,悉尼·卡尔登也到巴黎来了。考虑到查尔斯会被判处死刑,他到一家药店去买了一种特殊的药。

66、Delivering all to Aaron, and to his sons: wile having lifted them up before the Lord, ─── 将这一切放在亚郎和他的儿子们的手上,在上主前行奉献的摇礼。

67、To influence or lead by means of wiles; entice. ─── 引诱,诱骗通过使用诡计来影响或怂恿;诱使

68、I live more in the city I study and I wasn't home for a wile, only a little bit in the winter holiday. ─── 我到城市求学而且有好一阵子没回家了,只有在寒假才回家。

69、Tsui's specialty was turning traditionally male genres into showcases for womanly wiles and beguiling actresses. ─── 徐克几乎从来不会对自己或他人的工作感到满意。

70、My Wile Was Breathing Just Fine When You Borrowed Her ─── 我老婆被你借走时呼吸正畅

71、Nate's quest to end up with Cristabelle is as hopeless as Wile E.Coyote's eternal chase after the elusive Roadrunner. ─── 正如威利狼对必必鸟永无止境的追逐一样,内特对克里斯塔贝尔的追求只会是以落空收场。

72、wiles locknut ─── 威尔氏销紧螺母

73、3) Wiles and/or they must also prove the Riemann Hypothisis!!! ─── 威尔斯和/或他们还必须证明黎曼假设!!!

74、Notice how the knees are pressed forward during skiing, if you are leaning backwards too much, use your arms to adjust your posture wile keeping them in front of you, it will help you to lean forward. ─── 注意如何膝盖在滑行中是如何被向前压,如果向后倾太大,利用手臂前伸调整你的体位,这会帮助将身体向前探出。

75、No attention, however, must be paid to his cunning wiles, no matter how base and horrible -- all his suggestions must be cast back upon his head.The wretch is to be despised and scorned. ─── 任凭牠这麽狡猾,投来什历邪像恶念,你不必答理,只要把恶念还给牠,放在牠头上罢了。

76、Cephalotaxus sinensis(Rehd et Wile)Li ─── 中华粗榧

77、It is about a beautiful and fractious zingara who loves Don Jose, an army officer, and used all her wiles to tempt him into loving her. ─── 讲述了漂亮而性格倔强的吉普赛女郎卡门爱上了军官堂。何塞,并用尽一切本能诱惑,使其坠入情网。

78、All her wile is not enough to persuade them to sell the property. ─── 她花言巧语也未能打动他们卖掉物业。

79、Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. ─── 要穿戴神所赐的全副军装,就能抵挡魔鬼的诡计。

80、vibrating wile strain gages ─── 振弦传感器

81、And with soft deceitful wiles. ─── 将它照耀。

82、In winter,the wile goose said to the duck:"Brother,we should start,or the whole year will pass!" ─── 冬天,大雁对鸭子说:“兄弟,应该六即出发了,要不,这一年就过去啦!”

83、Wiles and/or they must also prove the Riemann Hypothisis!!! ─── 威尔斯和/或他们还必须证明黎曼假设!!!

84、1.What does Wile E Coyote want? ─── 他想要什么?结果是他想要的吗?

85、After dinner sit a wile, after supper walk a mile. ─── 午餐之后坐一坐,晚饭之后走一走。

86、Wiles, J. (1985). The mind of invention: Activities to stimulate creativethinking. New York: Freeman. ─── 创造乃是创造者依照其目的,将不同事物、观念联结成新的关系,这一种能力为创造力。

87、I was tricked by the salesman's wiles into buying worthless goods. ─── 我上了推销员的当,买了毫无价值的东西。

88、Wile I was eating and after I had finished ─── 我食用时和食用後

89、He knows the wiles of the serpent ─── 他知道阴险毒辣的人的种种诡计。

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