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09-16 投稿



invincibility 发音


英:  美:

invincibility 中文意思翻译



invincibility 网络释义

n. 无敌;不可战胜

invincibility 短语词组

1、invincibility duration ─── 无敌持续时间

2、invincibility lies in defense ─── 无敌在于防守

3、invincibility at a cost ─── 不惜代价的无敌

invincibility 相似词语短语

1、invendibility ─── 库存

2、invertibility ─── n.[数]可逆性

3、inconvincibility ─── 不可思议

4、invisibility ─── n.看不见;看不见的东西;难看见

5、vincibility ─── 容易征服;易于克服

6、inducibility ─── n.可诱导性(指酶分子在存有适当的去阻遏物的情况下可以诱导产生)

7、intangibility ─── n.无形;不能把握;不确定

8、immiscibility ─── n.不混容性,不混合性

9、insensibility ─── n.不关心,不在乎;无感觉

invincibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He has not competed since then, a fallow period during which he lost his world record and, perhaps, his invincibility. ─── 在他封闭训练的这段蛰伏期内,他的世界纪录被打破,随之破碎的也许是他战无不胜的神话。

2、In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality, ─── 尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜、长生不老

3、* Catch enough bonuses and unlock super power such as invincibility and turbo speed. ─── 捕获能量奖励并开启超能力,如无敌及加速.

4、A legendary pretty boy is me.We are space invincibility and a super beauty boy WE team.--- It is S.H.W!!! ─── 此时的她正注视着病床上熟睡着的“上偶吧”,尽管面无表情但还是掩饰不住那忧郁的眼神。。。。。。

5、She showed a touching(ie perhaps mistaken)faith in her own invincibility. ─── 她坚信自己无往不利,这念头未免太可怜了.

6、Surely the invincibility shown last season will not stand for long. ─── 皮雷上赛季有着优异的表现,是否能保持呢。

7、In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality, our existence is far more tenuous than we might think. ─── 尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜、长生不老,但我们的生命远比想像的要脆弱。

8、There are certain undeniable advantages that come with youth: good reflexes, stamina and speed, a sense of invincibility and a certain recklessness that serves prizefighters in particular very well. ─── 良好的灵活性、耐力、速度、舍我其谁的气势和疾风暴雨的击打,这些会让拳手具备无可否认的优势。

9、In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality, our existence is far tenuous than we might think. ─── 尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜、永生不老,但我们的生命远比想像的要脆弱。

10、This is a wonderful achievement without precedent in Chinese history, and it contributes to the material basis of our invincibility. ─── 这是中国历史上从来未有的奇迹,这是我们不可征服的物质基

11、SET INVINCIBILITY Set invincibility for units owned by player at location ─── 设置特定区域里的玩家单位无敌

12、Invincibility is a matter of defense , venerability is a matter of attack . In ancient times skillful warriors first made themselves invincible and watched for vulnerability in their opponents . ─── 无敌是大约防卫,尊敬是大约攻击。在远古的时代内,熟练的战士首先在他们的对手中使他们自己不能征服而且留意易受伤。

13、The Romans wore Diamonds because these were thought to possess broad magical powers over life's troubles, being able to give to the wearer strength, invincibility, bravery and courage during battle. ─── 古罗马人配戴钻石是因为他们深信钻石身上的魔力能够克服他们生活中遇到的困难,还能给予沙场上的战士以力量和战无不胜的勇气。

14、this is a portrait of monarchy itself, invincibility in its purest form. ─── 在这幅画里,象征主义表露无遗:肖像中的人物君临天下,不可一世。

15、MANY video games feature an invincibility power-up that makes the player impervious to damage, at least for a while. ─── 许多的电子游戏都具有一个很强大的特点,即玩家不会受到失败的影响,至少暂时不会。

16、Speed to make your tank go faster;Invincibility to protect your tank against the enemy;Weapons upgrades;and Freeze bonuses to halt the enemy tanks and make them easier to blast! ─── 你将会遇到包括雪,沼泽,平原和沙漠等多个恶劣的地形. 强大的敌人将会出现,你需要通过有效的武器击败敌人。

17、Yet there are signs the belief in US invincibility is waning. ─── 但有迹象显示,“美国无敌”的信念正在不断削弱。

18、It may also have accomplished something else: diminishing the bin Laden mythology of invincibility. ─── 视频的公布或许还完成了一些其他的使命:削弱了本·拉登无敌的神话形象。

19、Armymanis grandeur and best respecter in china, because they are selflessness forchina dumb millions and invincibility come from threaten for fremdness! ─── 在中国,军人是伟大的和最受尊敬的人,因为他们对中国人民是无私的,以及面对来自外国的威胁时是无敌的!

20、They had spent six years since the lightning Six Day War flexing their invincibility(Howard Kaplan) ─── 自从那次显示他们战无不胜的闪电似的六日战以来已有六年了(霍华德 卡普兰)

21、He has not competed since then, a fallow period during which he lost his world record and, perhaps, his invincibility . ─── 在他封闭训练的这段蛰伏期内,他的世界纪录被打破,随之破碎的也许是他战无不胜的神话。

22、In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality,our existence is far more tenuous than we might think. ─── 尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜,长生不老,但我们的生命远比想像的要脆弱.

23、At a time of financial crisis, this posturing is meant not only to project Russian invincibility but also to compensate for falling incomes and rising unemployment. ─── 在金融危机的时代,这一姿态不仅旨在投射出俄罗斯的不败形象,而且也是在抵消日益减少的收入与攀升的失业率(带来的痛苦)。

24、invincibility cheats ─── ph. 【电脑】电脑游戏中保持常胜不败或十分成功的方法

25、Our image of invincibility evaporated. ─── 我们战无不胜的形象化为泡影了。

26、Prior to the second half of the twentieth century, Qomolangma was a forbidden monolith looming in the background up in the sky, defying its adventure seekers. No human being seemed to be able to shatter its invincibility. ─── 二十世纪后半叶之前,珠穆朗玛峰是人类望而却步的庞然大物,赫然耸立于天际,笑傲一切冒险者。人类对珠峰的不容冒犯似乎只有无奈。

27、invincibility of rising forces ─── 新生事物不可战胜

28、Lobbyists: The mortgage giants wove a mantle of invincibility with their $170 million lobbying bills in the past decade. ─── 游说人士:过去十年,两家抵押贷款巨头耗费了1.7亿美元巨资,打造了一个无坚不摧的游说网。

29、popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man's fallibility. ─── 认为人类无敌的普遍看法经常遭到重新评价人类易犯错误的特点的非难。

30、An army which is cocksure about its invincibility is doomed to defeat ─── 骄兵必败

31、"There will almost be a sense of invincibility about them. ─── 关于他们,几乎将有一个不能克服的感觉。

32、In his public life, he exhibits vulnerability and invincibility in equal measure, but he's just as apt at villainy-- especially here. ─── 在他的公众生活里,他展现出同等程度的脆弱易伤和不可战胜,但他一样善于恶行——尤其是在这里。

33、Shutouts against Porto and Everton ensued, and the United defence recaptured its air of invincibility. ─── 接连对阵埃弗顿和波尔图,曼联不可战胜。

34、"They had spent six years since the lightning Six Day War flexing their invincibility" (Howard Kaplan) ─── “自从那次显示他们战无不胜的闪电似的六日战以来已有六年了”(霍华德·卡普兰)

35、Among other things, the invasion was supposed to demonstrate the US's invincibility to the world, but to some extent it proved otherwise. ─── 这次入侵本来是为了表现美国的无敌,结果却证明了相反的结果。

36、No human being seemed to be able to shatter its inVincibility. ─── 人类对珠峰的不容冒犯似乎只有无奈。

37、nbsp;The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man's fallibility . ─── 认为人类无敌的普遍看法经常遭到重新评价人类易犯错误的特点的非难。

38、This is the basic principle of invincibility. ─── 这是无敌的基础。

39、And the pair were totally bemused by the level of bureaucracy which hindered progress while Shankly was trying to construct his "bastion of invincibility. ─── 当香克利尝试建立他自己“堡垒坚不可破”信条时,这两人被政府机构弄得很茫然,政府机构妨碍他们工作的进展。

40、Though lacking speed and size, the invincibility of the well armored Matilda showed the desirements for better German tanks in the future. ─── 虽然缺乏速度和型号,但马蒂尔达几乎无敌的优秀装甲预示着德国将研制更好的战车。

41、When you feel sad or hurt, the best remedy is to embark on a journey of learning as the latter can guarantee your invincibility. ─── 当你感到悲哀痛苦时,最好是去学些什么东西。学习会使你永远立于不败之地。

42、The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man's fwhichleibility . ─── 以为人类无敌的普遍想法经常遭到重新打分人类易犯错误的特点的非难。

43、Until last spring, I still had this feeling of invincibility. ─── 直到去年春天,我仍然认为自己是无敌的。

44、How could anyone not believe with heart and soul in the invincibility of General Johnston and his men? ─── 怎么居然还有人不全心全意地信任约翰斯顿将军及其部队的不可战胜的威力呢?

45、The water have no fish lightly.Person's 贱 invincibility. ─── 我对某人的感觉:水轻即无鱼.人贱即无敌.

46、1 Double-click:?Attacks in general, speed in general, in the case of attack from long-range, very useful, however, the moment of each attack has a very long time the state of invincibility. ─── 一出双击:?攻击一般、速度一般,攻击距离属中远程,不过非常实用,每次攻击瞬间都有很长一段时间的无敌状态。

47、Severe mood swings ranging from depression to rage to invincibility are common. ─── 情绪从沮丧到暴怒到狂妄自大的严重的情绪波动也是常见的。

48、Ryo has a support gear on, like from AOF2. His Zanretsuken has a guard point, and his uppercut is 98 style with long invincibility. ─── 坂崎良的身上有了护具,像龙虎之拳2一样。暂烈拳有格档效果,升龙像98一样有长时间无敌。

49、Ever since 1905, when the first officially sanctioned New Zealand touring team swept aside all opposition on a tour of Britain, the fearsome All Blacks have retained an aura of invincibility that has rarely been overcome. ─── 自从1905年第一支正式批准的新西兰代表队远征英伦巡回比赛,横扫所有对手,大获全胜以来,这支令人生畏的“全黑队”就保持了几乎不可战胜的气势。

50、With the continuous deepening of the national health care reformation,hospitals want to invincibility in the fierce market competition,hospitals must strengthen it s financial management. ─── 随着国家医疗卫生改革的不断深入,医院要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,医院必须加强财务管理工作。

51、Chris- Chain slide touch has more invincibility, faster motion. ─── 克里斯-滑铲无敌更长,动作快。

52、There will almost be a sense of invincibility about them. ─── 关于他们,几乎将有一个不能克服的感觉。

53、The myth of his and Nazi invincibility had been completely destroyed ─── 过去他本人之神奇传说,以及纳粹之不败言论,至此乃完全破灭。

54、As Gemini considers danger about as seriously as they consider the rest of life, there is a need to restrain a sense of heroic invincibility. ─── 双子认为是危险的,因为他们认真考虑其余生活有必要抑制无敌英雄感。

55、Yet there are signs the belief in US invincibility is waning. ─── 但有迹象显示,“美国无敌”的信念正在不断削弱。

56、In spite of our feeling of invincibility and immortablity,our existence is far more tenuous than we might think. ─── 尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜,长生不老。但我们的生命远比想象的脆弱。

57、--Aren't you tired of questions about Nadal's invincibility? ─── -你是否已经厌倦了纳达尔(在红土上)不可战胜的问题?

58、Brave men so that women can feel safe forever, and perhaps his physique is not high, it is always brave invincibility. ─── 勇敢的男人还能让女人永远觉得安全,也许他的块头并不高,但勇者永远是无敌的。

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