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09-16 投稿



unmoved 发音

英:[ˌʌnˈmuːvd]  美:[ˌʌnˈmuːvd]

英:  美:

unmoved 中文意思翻译



unmoved 短语词组

1、unmoved bible ─── 不为所动的圣经

2、sternly cool and unmoved ─── 冷漠寡情

3、unmoved p ─── 不为所动的p

4、unmoved mover ─── 不动的推动者

5、unmoved hard ─── 不为所动

6、unmoved syn ─── 未移动syn

7、unmoved xword ─── 不为所动的xword

unmoved 相似词语短语

1、outmoved ─── 外迁

2、unremoved ─── 未移动

3、unmotived ─── 无动力的

4、unmovedly ─── 无耻地

5、unproved ─── adj.未被证明的;未经证实的

6、unmoaned ─── 无面板

7、unloved ─── adj.无人喜欢(或疼爱)的

8、ungloved ─── 脱下手套

9、unmoored ─── vi.解缆;拔锚;vt.解缆;使拔锚;使改泊单锚

unmoved 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、for they appeared altogether unmoved by the sight of my foreign habit and countenance, and by the shouts of the vulgar, whose thoughts and minds were more disengaged. ─── 我这外来人的惊异服饰和面貌以及普通百姓的叫喊声,他们见了、听了似乎根本就无动于衷;这些百姓倒不像他们那样神智分散,而是心情非常放松。

2、She sat, cool and unmoved , with her lifework falling in ruins about her. ─── 她冷静,镇定地坐在那里,眼见她毕生的心血正在付诸东流。

3、She pleaded with him but he remained unmoved. ─── 她苦苦哀求,可是他仍无动于衷。

4、The telos of a tree is just to be a tree.The mover of a tree is his father and mother(seed), i.e., other trees.The mover of everything is an unmoved mover, the God. ─── 于是乎,动力因和目的因搞半天原来就是它的形式因,三位一体,一件什物的动力原来就是它爸爸和妈妈,而它本身的目标就是为了实现它自己,再生下一代。

5、Only the outer crust need move, just as the loosely peeled skin of an orange could be slid around the unmoved inner slices. ─── 只有外壳需要移动,正如松弛的桔皮不动摇内部就能在周围滑动。

6、"God cannot remain unmoved if you have raga-bhakti, that is, love of God with passionate attachment to Him. ─── “如果你已经从事茹阿嘎-巴克提,那就是说,出于对神充满热情的依恋而产生的爱和服务,神决不会依然无动于衷。

7、The face of Kutuzov, as he stood in the doorway, remained for several instants perfectly unmoved. ─── 库图佐夫站在办公室门口,脸部的表情有一阵子滞然不动了。

8、"Watch what?" says my 14-year-old daughter, unmoved on the couch in her basketball sweats, Wednesday's junior varsity practice complete, nothing more to learn tonight. ─── “看什么?”我14岁的女儿问。她坐在沙发上,穿著打篮球时穿的运动衣一动不动。今晚她刚刚结束了训练,没什么作业要做了。

9、He is a man with refinement behavior and unmoved action. ─── 他是个举止文雅但行动坚决的人。

10、And he, unmoved, regarded her, ─── 他,岿然不动,注视她,

11、Alice seemed totally unmoved by the whole experience. ─── 艾丽斯似乎对整个经过十分冷漠。

12、But Cengmou remained unmoved , so easy to use pine reinforced, continued external recruitment elderly. ─── 但曾某却不为所动,自行用杉木做简易加固后,继续对外招收老人。

13、She sat, cool and unmoved, with her lifework falling in ruins about her. ─── 她冷静,镇定地坐在那里,眼见她毕生的心血正在付诸东流。

14、firm; steadfast; four-square; rock-steady; unmoved ─── 不动摇

15、It's impossible to remain unmoved by her reports of the famine. ─── 任何人对她报道的饥荒情况都不可能无动于衷。

16、But Guan Yu remained unmoved, putting his loyalty to Liu Bei before all else ─── 但是关羽始终以义气为重,对刘备忠贞不渝。

17、sternly cool and unmoved ─── 冷漠无情

18、When they reach a flat area and she unpacks it to reveal a sumptuous picnic complete with champagne, Chris remains unmoved and curtly asks, "You don't expect me to get drunk here, do you? ─── 他们达到平地,吉蒂打开背包,准备丰富的野餐,甚至备了香槟,克里斯依旧冷淡地问道:“你该不是希望我在这里喝醉吧?”

19、He remained unmoved even when I began to cry. ─── 当我开始哭泣时,他还是无动于衷。

20、The power of faith is quiet. It is the leaf unmoved by the hurricane. ─── 信仰的力量沉静而坚定,彷如飓风中不移之叶。

21、and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests. ─── 在我们努力协调意见的分歧时,应当抛弃偏执与意气用事;)

22、In front of the officers and men is paid by the blood and flesh, the life and soul, if you can have a strong shock, you can remain unmoved? ─── 前方将士付出的是血与肉,生命与灵魂,对你如果还能产生强烈震撼,你还能够无动于衷吗?

23、He read without a variation in expression, without his skin changing color, without an alteration in his breathing, his cockatoo's tuft of hair unmoved by the rhythm of his thoughts. ─── 他读的时候气定神闲,面不改色,头上那簇“鹦鹉发冠”也不见随着思绪的节奏起伏。

24、He put a flower in my hair. I said, "It is useless!"; but he stood unmoved. ─── 他把一朵花插在我发上。我说:“这也没有用处!”但是他站着不动。

25、Despite the enemy's heavy gunfire, our troops stood steadyfast and unmoved ─── 尽管敌人炮火猛烈,我们的部队岿然不动。

26、For he has not been unmoved by the pain of him who is troubled;or kept his face covered from him;but he has given an answer to his cry. ─── 因为他没有藐视憎恶受苦的人.也没有向他掩面.那受苦之人呼吁的时候、他就垂听。

27、In spite of all my persuasions, she remained unmoved. ─── 我死说活说也没说动她的心。

28、In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of passion, and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests. ─── 在我们努力协调意见的分歧时,应当抛弃偏执与意气用事;我们的判断不应当被花言巧语蒙骗,也不应被个人私利扰乱。

29、Liu Hulan unmoved in the face of coercion, was taken to seefei jun Even before hay cutter guillotine a few people who ask angrily: "Izha ge to die? ─── 刘胡兰在威逼利诱面前不为所动,被带到铡刀前眼见匪军连铡了几个人,怒问一声:“我咋个死法?”

30、He remained unmoved after I had talked with him for hours. ─── 虽然我同他说了数小时,他仍无动于衷。

31、He is unmoved in his decision. ─── 他对他的决定很坚定。

32、Focusing on Economic Construction is Still the Unmoved Basic Policy ─── 以经济建设为中心仍是不可动摇的基本国策

33、He was unmoved by their pleas; ─── 他丝毫不为他们的恳求所动;

34、He put a flower in my hair. I said,“It is useless!”; but he stood unmoved. ─── 他把一朵花戴到我头上。我说:“没有用的!”可他却站着没动。

35、He maintains that the Conservatives would slash spending, lay waste to services and look unmoved on lengthening dole queues. ─── 他指出保守党减少开支,取消公共服务,并且对于需要领取政府救济的人们无动于衷。

36、If danger threatens, it is all the more important to keep an unmoved mind. ─── 如果危险来临,思想更应坚定。

37、2.always appeared completely unmoved and imperturbable. ─── 总是表现出十分坚定和沉着。

38、Her daughter's accident had left her curiously unmoved. ─── 她对女儿的事故竟然无动于衷,真令人奇怪。

39、At this banquet, the King Zhao tried to find some excuses to make Yuan Zhou leave the room so as to lay his murderous hands on Yang ]ian, Yuan Zhou, however, remained unmoved. ─── 在宴会中,赵王千方百计想找借口支走元宵.便于下手,可是元宵寸步不离。

40、The man whose heart is unmoved you will keep in peace, because his hope is in you. ─── 坚心倚赖你的、你必保守他十分平安、因为他倚靠你。

41、Women: know, of course, but he was unmoved. ─── 妇女:当然知道,可是他对此无动于衷。

42、It's impossible to remain unmoved by the reports of the famine ─── 了解到报道的荒情况不可能无动於衷

43、A scorner of love, he was unmoved by the many heartbroken girls who loved him. ─── 他不屑谈情说爱,看见很多为他心碎的女郎都无动于中。

44、The film was so sad that none were unmoved. ─── 影片情节十分悲惨,观众无不为之感动。

45、I confronted the teaching assistant, who referred me to Professor Jayne, who listened to my impassioned arguments but remained unmoved. ─── 我去质问助教,于是他引荐我去找杰恩教授,杰恩教授听取了我充满激情的辩辞,但却无动于衷。

46、He remained unmoved by her entreaties for pity. ─── 他未因她恳求怜悯而动心。

47、It's impossible to remain unmoved by the reports of the famine. ─── 了解到报道的饥荒情况不可能无动於衷。

48、e.g. (c) No one who returned from front failed to expree admiration for Doctor Bethune whereever his name mentioned and none remained unmoved by his spirit. ─── 凡是从前线回来的人,提起白求恩的名字,没有一个不佩服,没有一个不为他的精神所感动。

49、But Cengmou remained unmoved, so easy to use pine reinforced, continued external recruitment elderly. ─── 但曾某却不为所动,自行用杉木做简易加固后,继续对外招收老人。

50、He Zailei day one, was unmoved at different homework, eat at home first, while online, the information must be visited twice. ─── 所以他每天再忙再累,晚上两样功课是雷打不动的,一是边吃饭边在家中上网,浏览过的新闻也要再看一遍。

51、Chelsea were soon claiming a penalty after Lampard on the left of the area went down under a challenge with the ball running out, but the referee was unmoved. ─── 切尔西也很快由兰帕德制造了一次机会,当时兰在对方禁区内的带球突破对方后卫铲到,但主裁判拒绝判罚点球。

52、Dead things unmoved by immaterial fire, ─── 我有希望,苦闷,大愿,精神犹如火焚

53、However Nabagopal Babu might smile, the word dwirepha, like a bee drunk with honey, stuck to its place, unmoved. ─── 无论拿巴戈帕尔先生怎样微笑,dwirepha这个词,就像一只吃多了蜜而醉的蜜蜂,粘在原地,一动不动。

54、The ordinary people were mostly unmoved by His message, and the leaders hated Him like poison.Within a few weeks they would have Him hanging on a cross. ─── 大部分普通人对耶稣的传道无动于衷,统治阶级视耶稣为毒药,在几个星期以前,他们曾经将耶稣钉死在十字架上。

55、Only the outer crust need move, just as the loosely peeled skin of an orange could be slid around the unmoved inner slices. ─── 只有外壳需要移动,正如松弛的桔皮不动摇内部就能在周围滑动。

56、She pleaded with him but he remained unmoved. ─── 她苦苦哀求,可是他仍无动于衷。

57、You said to me once that pathos left you unmoved, but that beauty, mere beauty, could fill your eyes with tears. ─── 你有一次对我说过:你对悲哀无动于衷,可美、光是美,会使你热泪盈眶。

58、So God has His spiritual splints that He wants to put upon His children and keep them quiet and unmoved until they pass the first stage of faith. ─── 上帝也要给他的子女按上了属灵的夹板,使他们安定不动,直到他们通过信心的第一阶段。

59、No one who returned from the front failed to express admiration for Bethune whenever his name was mentioned, and none remained unmoved by his spirit. ─── 从前线回来的人说到白求恩,没有一个不佩服,没有一个不为他的精神所感动。

60、Zlata was unmoved by their pleas, and replied, “You who incite me to deny Christ are no longer my parents and sisters. ─── 回答说,“谁煽动我否定基督,谁就不再是我的父母和姐妹。

61、the Unmoved Mover ─── 不动的动者

62、In order to speak he had to take the dagger from his mouth, but, in all else, he remained unmoved. ─── 不过,他在开口之前,先取下了衔在嘴上的短剑,但身体其余部分一动也没有动。

63、Those who were Chinese-educated could well feel the century-long humiliation suffered by their ancestral country. Who could remain unmoved when hearing the proclamation by Mao that "the Chinese people have finally stood up"? ─── 念方块字的人,感受的到这古老大地百年来所忍受的耻辱,对于“中国人民站起来了”的宣告,谁能无动于衷?

64、Be on the watch, unmoved in the faith, and be strong like men. ─── 你们务要警醒,在真道上站立得稳,要作大丈夫,要刚强。

65、"Who could remain unmoved when hearing the proclamation by Mao that "the Chinese people have finally stood up"?" ─── 对于"中国人民站起来了"的宣告,谁能无动于衷?

66、Others remarked that I was among the rare few who had everything, but still, I was unmoved. ─── 别人都说我拥有许多人都没有的,但我还是觉得一无所有。

67、But now some people are still "price to drop" with firm confidence, unmoved "cash pending. ─── 但现在有些人仍对“房价还要降”抱着坚定的信心,雷打不动地“持币以待”。

68、The fact of looking at the apparent contradiction as to God's Word and being unmoved from your position of faith make you stronger on every other line. ─── 即使你看到了对上帝的应许似乎发生了矛盾,你仍要丝毫不移动你的信心与立场,那是可以增加你的坚强。

69、Be unmoved just on today ─── 忘情正好在今天

70、From its 100 yards in front of where is a lot of dark things lying on a large piece of ice almost unmoved. ─── 在它前面100码的地方有一堆深色的东西躺在一大块冰上几乎一动不动。

71、At others I would find him on the campstool, sitting in his gray sleeping suit and with his cropped dark hair like a patient, unmoved convict ─── 不然我便见他坐在折凳上,穿着灰色的睡衣,一头黑发剪得短短的,活象一个耐性挺好、毫不动情的囚犯。

72、The moutain remains unmoved its seeming defeat by the mist. ─── 山看来就会被烟雾击败,却始终稳定不移。

73、In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of passion, and our judgments should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests.--Grover Cleveland, American president ─── 在我们努力协调意见的分歧时,应当抛弃偏执与意气用事;我们的判断不应当被花言巧语蒙骗,也不应被个人私利扰乱。美国总统克利夫兰

74、Prince Andrey could not look unmoved upon the flags of the passing battalions. ─── 安德烈公爵不能漠不关心地望着从他身旁走过的各营官兵的旗帜。

75、He put a flower in my hair. I said, "It is useless!"; but he stood unmoved. ─── 他把一朵花插在我发上。我说:"这也没有用处!"但是他站着不动。

76、The Maytag management had been unmoved. ─── 但美泰的管理层并不为之所动。

77、He swims in the Sea of Bliss, unmoved by joy or pain. ─── 他在福佑的海洋里畅游,对欢乐与悲哀无动于衷。

78、unmoved mover ─── 不动的推动者, 原动力

79、"Yossarian was unmoved by the fustian charade of the burial ceremony" (Joseph Heller) ─── “约萨仁丝毫不为葬礼上浮夸的象征性仪式所激动”(约瑟夫·赫勒)

80、In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of position,and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests. ─── 在我们努力协调意见的分歧时,应当抛弃偏执与意气用事;我们的判断不应当被花言巧语蒙骗,也不应该被个人私利扰乱。

81、Tihon was used to the prince's habit of expressing his thoughts aloud, and so it was with an unmoved countenance that he met the wrathful and inquiring face that emerged from the nightshirt. ─── 吉洪知道公爵有时候会有出声地表达思维的习惯,所以在公爵把脸从睡衣里露出来时,他仍然面不变色,与他那疑问而恼怒的目光相遇。

82、My nephew particularly wanted to take my son's toy for his own. He nagged for quite a while, but my son still remained unmoved. ─── 小侄子特别想把儿子的那个据为己有,磨了半天,但儿子就是不为所动。

83、Be completely uninterested or unmoved by sth ─── 对某事完全不感兴趣或无动於衷

84、The moving story left him unmoved. ─── 他对这个令人激动的故事竟然无动于衷。

85、Mr. Bird remained unmoved by the corruption allegations. ─── 伯德先生对贪污指控仍无动于衷。

86、As before he remained unmoved. ─── 他和以往一样无动於衷。

87、In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of passion, and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests. (Grover Cleveland, american president) ─── 在我们努力协调意见的分歧时,应当抛弃偏执与意气用事;我们的判断不应当被花言巧语蒙骗,也不应被个人私利扰乱。(美国总统克利夫兰)

88、THE demise of GM had been expected for so long that when it finally died there was barely a whimper. Wall Street was unmoved. ─── 人们预料通用会破产已经很久了,所以当它最终倒下时,几乎没有一个人对此表示惊讶。

89、He always appeared completely unmoved. ─── 他总是显得十分冷静。


As white as sky. 像云一样白.


After he left I just tried to carry on as normal.




Food prices are no longer inflating at the same rate as last year.


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