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09-16 投稿



hankered 发音

英:[ˈhæŋkəd]  美:[ˈhæŋkərd]

英:  美:

hankered 中文意思翻译



hankered 词性/词形变化,hankered变形

动词过去分词: hankered |动词第三人称单数: hankers |动词过去式: hankered |名词: hankerer |动词现在分词: hankering |

hankered 相似词语短语

1、hankerers ─── 手镯

2、bannered ─── v.悬挂旗帜;在标题下用大号字体印刷(新闻报道)(banner的过去式和过去分词)

3、cankered ─── adj.腐烂的;溃疡的;不怀好意的

4、bunkered ─── n.沙坑;煤仓;燃料库;vt.使陷入困境;把球击入沙坑;n.(Bunker)人名;(英、西)邦克

5、hunkered ─── vi.蹲下,盘坐;n.守旧者

6、angered ─── 生气

7、bantered ─── n.无恶意的玩笑

8、hankerer ─── 汉克勒

9、cancered ─── adj.患癌症的

hankered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By the end of the 90s, Pitt was awash in the trappings of celebrity but says he hankered after greater focus and fulfilment. ─── 20世纪90年代末,皮特深陷名人陷阱之中,但是他渴望更大的关注和成就。

2、This wet summer makes me hanker after a holiday in the sun. ─── 潮湿多雨的夏天使我渴望度过一个阳光明媚的假期。

3、Sharply determined concepts definable by the traditional means after which we characteristically hanker. ─── 传统的方式是对概念加以泾渭分明的限定,而这也是我们一贯心仪的方式。

4、Each year as the month of Kartika approaches, I hanker for the spiritual atmosphere of the holy dhama. ─── 每年接近卡尔提卡月的时候,我都渴望圣地的灵性气氛。

5、Furthermore, if they still hanker after adventures, they will send some of their troops to invade and harass China's frontiers ─── 再则,假如他们还想冒险的话,派出一部分兵力侵扰中国的边境,也不是不可能的。

6、If you hanker for the great outdoor,it would hard to beat switzerland. ─── 如果你对户外的极致景色心驰神往,那么瑞士就是最佳之选。

7、IF YOU hanker after the idealistic spirit of international co-operation, talk to the boss of an emerging-market multinational. ─── 如果你渴望跨国合作的理想主义精神,那么你和跨国新兴市场的老板就有的聊了。

8、Hanker’s Noodle Soup, Taiwan Style ─── 担仔面

9、Yet, when we get what we hanker after, we quickly become dissatisfied and soon we"re lusting after something else. ─── 可是,一旦得到了梦寐以求的东西,我们的不满之心很快就又会被其他的物质欲望撩拨得蠢蠢欲动,随后便开始新一轮的物质追逐。

10、to hanker for knowledge ─── 渴望获得知识

11、The reasons of investors hanker after the convertible company's bond ─── 投资者热衷于可转换公司债券的动因

12、The Spa for which Sir Thomas hankered was in a little town in Belgium, a sort of hideaway really because almost no one had heard of it. ─── 托马斯爵士向往的斯帕是比利时的一个小镇,实际上有点像隐居地,因为几乎没人曾经听说过。

13、I hankered after a floor-length brown suede coat. ─── 我渴望一件垂地长度的棕色麂皮大衣。

14、For I am a little diffidence I want to enjoy the hankered feeling. ─── 但是现在一些开朗的活泼的女孩无视这种观点,她们勇敢地去追求自己喜欢的男生。

15、his surplus was taken away, the thirsty hankered after his wealth. ─── 他们的财富,为口渴者喝尽。

16、Some years ago, before the mobile became so popular, it was the pager that the young people hankered after. ─── 几年前手机还不那么普及的时候,年轻人追求的就是寻呼机。

17、hanker for an official rank ─── 功名追求

18、97. Some years ago,before the mobile became so popular,it was the pager that the young people hankered after. ─── 几年前手机还不那么普及的时候,年轻人追求的就是寻呼机。

19、He had hankered after fame all his life. ─── 他一生追求名望。

20、The more they receive, the more they want. They will never be satisfied.; hanker for more; Having got Gansu, he aspires after Sichuan.; Much will have more. ─── 他们得陇望蜀, 永远无法使他们心满意足。

21、You have two essential choices.Either you can set yourself to developing your reason, cleaving to truth, or you can hanker after externals. ─── 你有两个根本的选择,你可以选择发展内在的理性,迈向真理,也可以选择追逐外在的事物。

22、Keep quality first, hanker for perfection. ─── 保持品质第一,追求完美。

23、We all hanker for peace. ─── 我们都渴望和平。

24、He hankered after big city life. ─── 他向往大城市的生活。

25、KND enter the Chinese market in 2007,it will supply the highest products for the most families which would like to hanker the exalted life, and try to advance their living taste. ─── 2007年KND登陆中国市场,开始为广大追求高尚生活的家庭提供最顶级的产品,努力提升他们的生活品味。

26、moss hanker ─── 一种鲱鱼

27、When in battle, should not hanker small advantages, its plans should achieve result successfully and should be executed in subtle fashion. ─── 作战时不要贪图小利,计划要能即日成功,行动要求隐密莫测,这才是治军之道。

28、I miss you hanker, I miss you so much. ─── 我想你汉克尔,我非常想你。

29、We have all hankered after items were seen at the mall or in an advertisement. ─── 当看到商店中称列的和广告中展示的商品时,我们都会忍不住想买下来。

30、1. I hankered for a good cup of coffee. ─── 我真想喝一大杯咖啡。

31、The rapid growth in the number of PhDs nurtured in China, if anything, serves to illustrate how eagerly Chinese people hanker after titles.And this is not limited to the mainland. ─── 博士人数短期内跃居世界之冠,或许只是为华人社会(不仅是内地)崇尚头衔之风气再次提供一个例证而已。

32、In order to attain the goal of "Rice self-support",Korea rice policy has experienced the changeover from "hanker for high yield unilaterally "to "opening-safeguard". ─── 围绕实现“大米自给"的目标,韩国稻米政策经历了片面追求增产到“开放式保护”的转变。

33、But for me ,I still like that a boy hanker me even if I love him very much. ─── 但是对于我,即使我非常喜欢一个男生,我还是喜欢他追求我。

34、He hankered after personal fame and gain. ─── 他热衷于个人名利。

35、Living in such a world without any hylic scarcity,you are definitely short of the profuse soul and your psychic hanker for knowledge and experience. ─── 很多时候,我们感觉生活如此不幸,这个世界中,我们缺少的太多,金钱、名誉、地位。认为只有拥有一切,才能有幸福!

36、We no longer hanker after what we are never going to have. ─── 我们不再追逐那些我们永远不会拥有的东西。

37、He had hankered after fame all his life. ─── 他一生追求名望。

38、hanker after sth ─── 渴望, 追求

39、I don't hanker after squirrel meat ─── 我不喜欢吃松鼠肉。

40、He hankered to do something of quarrel. ─── 他真想大吵一顿。

41、Now I've been an adult three months past a year, and I've already known the essential thing that I really hanker for. ─── 如今我已经成年一年零三个月了,并知道了那不可或缺的,我真正贪恋的东西。

42、Personality:what you like ?what is your hobby?hanker for it. ─── 个性:你喜欢什么?爱好什么?追求就是了!

43、They are able to hanker, someone was abandon, someone was hanker at last. ─── 会不断地有人追求,有人会中途放弃,有人会一直追到最后。

44、To be an excellent savant,owing a studio belonged to myself.Since I am young, I hanker. ─── 做一个优秀的学者,拥有一间自己的工作室.因为年轻,所以憧憬.

45、She hankered to go back to Australia. ─── 她渴望回到澳大利亚。

46、Her mercenary soul hankered greedily after the costly and beautiful things of which she had been mistress. ─── 她那唯利是图的灵魂,贪婪地追求着她曾经拥有过的豪华、美丽的东西。

47、Our company is the professional digital signs materials suppliers, with Di licensing (DPI), Haken (HANKER), and other brands, occupy a high market share, sales and marketing network worldwide. ─── 我公司是数码标牌材料的专业供应商,拥有迪牌(DPI)、哈肯(HANKER)等品牌,占有很高的市场份额,营销网络遍及全球各地。

48、they hankered for the bright lights of the capital. ─── 他们向往声色犬马的都市生活。

49、This is not the first time that Americans have hankered for a change in alcohol policy during a period of economic distress. ─── 经济低迷,美国人不免想改改饮酒政策,其实这并不是第一次。

50、In their hearts, most Kurds still hanker after full independence, even if many know in their heads that it is not practicable. ─── 他们十分清楚,完全独立的希望渺茫,但仍有大部分库尔德人渴望独立。

51、hanker after fortune ─── 企求发财

52、Some still hanker after the accession to Pakistan they feel was their due at partition in 1947; probably a greater number want outright independence. ─── 一些人认为1947年的分离是他们应得的并渴望得到巴基斯坦的承认,可能很多人都想要完全的独立。

53、hanker for ─── 渴求

54、So try to understand why you hanker for compromise. ─── 所以,要试著去了解,为什麽你会渴望妥协。

55、hanker after [for] affection ─── 渴望获得爱情

56、To hanker; yearn. ─── 渴望; 想念

57、At last Jack began to hanker after a little excitement. ─── 后来,杰克又渴望找点儿刺激了。

58、hanker after wealth ─── 渴求财富

59、As long as their greed, interest, love, thirst, wailing, and craving for the mud huts is not dispelled, they hanker round, take pride, wish for and are fond of mud huts. ─── 于彼尘土之舍宅,不离贪,不离欲,不离爱乐,不离渴,不离热烦,不离渴爱时,执著、珍重、眈著,爱著彼尘土之舍宅。

60、Of the people who hankered after those ways , some have fallen, some have awakened and some are changing their ideas. ─── 曾经留恋过别的东西的人们,有些人倒下去了,有些人觉悟过来了,有些人正在换脑筋。

61、I often hanker after a little peace and respite from confusion, but it is really hard to come by. ─── 我常想在纷扰中寻出一点闲静来,然而委实不容易。

62、If someone still have hanker,he is not old.Till regret take the place of dream,he is old. ─── 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

63、What ever i do , i will try my best to hanker my goal. ─── 无论我做什么,我都将全力以赴,追求成功!

64、Therefore, war is not to be loved and the glory of victory not to be hankered after. ─── 战争不是人们所喜爱的,胜利不是人们所贪求的。

65、We have all hankered after items we've seen at the mall or in an advertisement. ─── 当看到商店中称列的和广告中展示的商品时,我们都会忍不住想买下来。

66、I hanker after a corner because it serves to bring calmness to my mind. ─── 我追求角落,因为它给我的心灵带来平静。

67、Whatever Boys hanker girls VS girls hanker boys,love is upmost. If only the two love each other,it is enough. ─── 无论是男追女还是女追男,爱情是最重要的,只要两人相爱,就足够了。

68、I am such a girl who like smile and love life.It's not so easy for a baby to bore in this world, so I think everyone should has ambition and try his best to hanker for what he needs . ─── 我是一个喜欢笑的女孩.也是一个热爱生活的女孩.一个人好不容易来到这个世界上,不可以没有理想,不可以没有追求.所以我很努力的在奋斗!

69、Don't fawn on others and hanker after power, as some students do. Power is alluring, and because it is alluring it is also extremely dangerous. ─── 不要溜须拍马,阿谀奉承,热衷权力,就像某些学生一样。权力是个诱人的东西,正因为它诱人,所以才非常危险。

70、Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together ─── 只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。

71、Try to get even in one's dream;hanker after ─── 梦寐以求

72、I still hankered for the farm life. ─── 我依然向往田园生活。

73、Not being a venerable monk, I cannot seek nirvana at will. Besides, I hanker after life. So I ran away. ─── 我不是高僧,没有涅槃般的自由,却还有生之留恋,我于是就逃走。

74、We are going to never give up hanker. ─── 我想如果说,我们永远不放弃理想追求,是不是。

75、He hankered to do something of quarrel. ─── 他真想大吵一顿。

76、Young people should be enterprising, and firm in making progress. They shouldn't hanker after an easy, and luxuriant life. ─── 年轻人应以锐意进取为要, 不能贪图享受。

77、Hanker for my name being called. ─── 是否应该写成。

78、Hanker International Group is a cooperation specializing in producing and distributing as well as doing export and import of commodities. ─── 瀚海国际集团是一家集生产、销售、进出口贸易为一体的多元化企业。

79、This wet summer makes him hanker after a holiday in the sun. ─── 潮湿多雨的夏天使他渴望度一个阳光明媚的假期。

80、hanker to become famous ─── 渴望成名

81、Your demand is our hanker! ─── 您的需求就是我们的追求!

82、7、 Place the hankered items in the closet, and the basket items on the end Sofa, unless guest History or preferences state otherwise. ─── 7、 把悬挂的衣物放入橱中,把篮子里的衣物放在沙发边上除非客人的资料库或喜好表明有另外不同的摆放。

83、hanker: v. ─── 渴望,追求。

84、It took guts, and perhaps rather more lateral thinking, for Bruce, a life-long Newcastle fan who always hankered after occupying the manager's office at St James' Park. ─── 对于布鲁斯来说,这可能需要勇气,而非横向思维。这个毕生的纽卡斯尔球迷,一直渴望得到圣詹姆斯公园的主帅宝座。

85、But I thought that a person can reach a higher bourn with his(her) hanker. ─── 是的,时间过的很快,我又将面临人生的选择了。

86、Chinese wedding ceremony hanker for the festive merry feelings. ─── 中国人的婚礼就是追求喜庆。

87、For I am a little diffidence ,I want to enjoy the hankered feeling. ─── 因为我有一点害羞,喜欢被爱的感觉。

88、28. He has not learned to despise the dust, and to hanker after gold. ─── 他没有学会厌恶尘土而渴求黄金。

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