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09-16 投稿



ineligible 发音

英:[ɪnˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l]  美:[ɪnˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

ineligible 中文意思翻译




ineligible 反义词


ineligible 短语词组

1、monetary ineligible ─── 货币不合格

2、academically ineligible ─── 学业不合格

3、ineligible bills ─── 不合格票据

4、ineligible bill ─── [经] 不够资格票据, 不可取的票据

5、Ineligible Reserve Section ─── 不合格储备科

6、academically ineligible ncaa ─── 学业不合格ncaa

ineligible 词性/词形变化,ineligible变形

副词: ineligibly |名词: ineligibility |

ineligible 同义词

barred | unable | inappropriate | unseemly | banned | improper | disqualified | unmarriageable |unqualified | unavailable | unsuitable | undesirable | unacceptable

ineligible 相似词语短语

1、intelligible ─── adj.可理解的;明了的;仅能用智力了解的

2、eligible ─── adj.合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的;n.合格者;适任者;有资格者

3、ineludible ─── adj.逃脱不了的;无法避免的

4、ineligibles ─── adj.不合格的;不适任的;无被选资格的;n.无被选资格的人

5、ineligibleness ─── 不合格

6、intelligibly ─── adv.易理解地

7、negligible ─── adj.微不足道的,可以忽略的

8、ineligibly ─── 不合格

9、re-eligible ─── adj.可重选的;再次有资格的

ineligible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、retire or become ineligible because of old age or infirmity. ─── 由于年龄或缺点而引退或不合格。

2、ineligible bill ─── [经] 不够资格票据, 不可取的票据

3、Her part-time job leaves her ineligible for her employer's insurance plan and with too little income to buy her own. ─── 由于是兼职工作,她老板也不可能帮她购置保险,而她也没有钱自己买。

4、In 32 states, for instance, part-time workers are ineligible for benefits. ─── 例如,在32个州当中,兼职人员不够格获得救助金。

5、"He was ineligible to vote, because he didn't belong to the club." ─── "他无资格投票,因为他不是那个俱乐部的成员。"

6、A USDA study last year estimated that one in five children participating might be ineligible because the family's income is too high. USDA estimates that $1 billion of the funding bought lunches for ineligible children. ─── 农业部的一份报告估计,去年有五分之一享受午餐福利的孩子实际上家庭收入过高而不够资格,他们大概吃掉了10亿美金。

7、an ineligible pass receiver. ─── 一个不合格的传球接球员。

8、When sharing a quest, the order logic has changed to check whether or not the player has completed or is ineligible for the quest before checking whether their quest log is full. ─── - 共享任务时,逻辑改为检查队友是否完成了任务或有无资格接受任务,而不是检查任务日志是否已经满了。

9、Applications from charitable organisations which are associated with commercial organisations would be considered ineligible for this flag day allocation exercise. ─── 任何与商业机构有联系的慈善团体,其申请将被评定为不合资格。

10、As a yet-to-be-betrothed daughter, I lived with my parents, because an unmarried person was ineligible for an apartment. ─── 作为一个还没出嫁女儿,我和父母住在一起,因为没结婚的人没法分到房子。

11、Those who are pregnant or nursing are definitely ineligible. ─── 怀孕或哺乳者肯定不合格。

12、The German, who has undergone surgery on an injured ankle, is now ineligible to play in the competition until the knock-out stage. ─── 这位踝关节一直有伤的德国人,最早也要熬到明年的淘汰赛阶段才能出现在欧冠赛场。

13、be ineligible for the position ─── 无资格任职

14、They were ineligible to remain in the U.S. ─── 他们没有资格继续留在美国了。

15、Individuals who did not indicate a Chinese school affiliation or age, or did not provide age validation at check-in are ineligible to receive any prizes. ─── 但是资格不符者,如未注明校名、年龄者,或报到时无法出具生日证明者,均无法获奖。

16、Something that renders one legally ineligible;a disqualification. ─── 丧失资格某事物使...在法律上无资格;无资格

17、Some currency designs are ineligible for copyright and are in the public domain. ─── 某些货币的图样是没有版权的,属于公有领域。

18、He discovered he was ineligible for the song contest to be held tomorrow. ─── 他发现自己没有资格参加明天的歌曲比赛。

19、An investigation was launched after the Beijing Games over claims that several members of their women's squad were ineligible because they were not 16 in the year of competition. ─── 在北京奥运结束后,一个研究指出因为有几位女团成员的年龄不足16岁,所以他们不附合参赛资格

20、If the deposit is available and the owner declines to withdraw it, any subsequent interest payment is ineligible for reimbursement. ─── 如果储蓄是可利用的,并且所有者拒绝撤出它,所有随后利息支付是无资格获得退款。

21、In principle,Taiwan is also ineligible for membership in other categories of inter-governmental organizations. ─── 其他政府间国际组织,原则上台湾也无权参加。

22、A foreign - borne citizen is ineligible for the presidency. ─── 外籍公民没有资格任总统。

23、But the 12-year-old phenom turned out to be two years older, making him ineligible for Little League play. ─── 但后来证实,这位12岁的选手实际上要大两岁,也就没有参加少年联赛的资格。

24、Offering discounts to ineligible customers. ─── 向无权享有折扣的客户提供折扣优惠。

25、He's ineligible to vote. ─── 他没有资格投票。

26、Incapacitate,To make legally ineligible;disqualify. ─── 使无能力, 使不能胜任。

27、3.Employees/relatives of employees of OffGamers Limited &Game Flier (M) Sdn.Bhd. or anyone connected with this promotion are ineligible to participate in this contest . ─── 3. 本活动主办或联办单位的职员、其直系亲属或近亲均不能 参加此活动。

28、However, by 1858, one of many petitions signed by large numbers of miners stated that the Chinese were "a very ineligible class of immigrant". ─── 然而,到了1858年,相当多的淘金者签名请愿,声称:华人是“一个极为不合格的移民类” 。

29、Should any participants be found to be ineligible for entry to the games or have provided false information, he/she may be disqualified from participating in the games. ─── 参赛者如被发现不符合报名资格或虚报资料,大会有权取消其比赛资格。

30、She resented the fact that people could justly consider her parents ineligible, and for that reason her also. ─── 她憎恨人家会把她的父母当作低一等的人,因此也把她看低。

31、If a player not listed on a team's Active List participates in game play, the officials, upon noticing or being made aware of the ineligible player, will disqualify the player at the first dead ball. ─── 如果一名没有进入球队出赛名单的球员参加了比赛,裁判员在接获告知或者得悉此情况之后,裁判员在场上出现第一次死球之后就应该把这名球员驱逐出场。

32、Villa, 25 this Saturday, would be ineligible for Chelsea's Champions League campaign. ─── 本周六即将迎来自己25岁生日的比利亚将不能代表蓝军征战冠军杯.

33、Under the old Collective Bargaining Agreement, any free agent who was not offered arbitration would have been ineligible to re-sign with his former team until May 1. ─── 在旧有的共同议价协定下,没有被提出薪资仲裁的自由球员在5月1日前将不能与他先前球队重新签约。

34、Should any participant be found to be ineligible for entry to the games or have provided false information, he/she may be disqualified from playing in the games. ─── 参赛者如被发现不合符报名资格或虚报资料,大会有权取消其比赛资格。

35、Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete. ─── 除非这个问题得以解决,否则这些运动员没有资格参加比赛。

36、Kuyt is ineligible for Liverpool's Champions League qualifier against Maccabi Haifa in Kiev next week. ─── 库依特还没有资格代表利物浦参加下周在基辅与海法马卡比的欧冠资格赛。

37、Any secondment that requires you to be outside the UK for an unbroken period of over three months will make your previous stay in the UK ineligible as a continuous period in the UK. ─── 为了在英国定居,你必须是已经在英国度过4年的一个连续的时期,期间除了短的假期或商业旅行。

38、Sorry.Based on the information you have submitted to us, you are ineligible to register for YouTube.com. ─── 搜了一把,似乎有人说禁止国内注册了,但是没看到比较权威的说法。

39、ineligible to vote; ineligible for retirement benefits. ─── 没有资格投票;没有资格领退休金。

40、Exclude sb.sth(as irrelevant,ineligible,etc) ─── 排除某人[某事物](因其无关、不合格等)

41、ineligible acceptance ─── 不合格的银行承兑汇票

42、References the specified object, making it ineligible for garbage collection from the start of the current routine to the point where this method is called. ─── 引用指定对象,使其从当前例程开始到调用此方法的那一刻为止均不符合进行垃圾回收的条件。

43、ineligible bills ─── 不合格票据

44、"We're sorry. Based on the information you have submitted to us, you are ineligible to register on MySpace.com." ─── 就是因为我发了个邮件给他们的客服,然后就不给注册了.

45、Owen's ill-health rendered him in ineligible for membership of such societies ─── 欧文由于身体太坏没有资格成为这种团体的成员。

46、With Sami Hyypia ineligible for the group stages of the competition, the Danish international is expected to return to Rafael Benitez's starting line-up in Holland tonight. ─── 由于萨米-海皮亚无法出战冠军杯,丹麦国脚希望能重返拉法-贝尼特斯今晚的首发阵容。

47、To declare unqualified or ineligible. ─── 宣布不合格,认定不合适

48、Under US Immigration law, “dependents” do not include parents, and are therefore ineligible to apply as in a dependent visa category in the J, H, L non-immigrant visa types. ─── 根据美国移民法,“亲属”不包含父母亲,因此你不符合申请J / H / L签证类型中的亲属类非移民申请。

49、Any person under the age of 18 is ineligible for benefit. ─── 未满18岁者无资格领取补助金。

50、disbursements also declined because many borrowers failed to repay their loans and thus became ineligible for further credit under the program ─── 支付额下降还有一个原因,就是许多借款者不能偿还货款,这样就失去了获得该规划下的信贷的资格。

51、Ineligible persons are members of the judiciary and others involved in the justice system, e.g. barristers and solicitors, the clergy ,the mentally ill. ─── 不具有合法资格的人是指法院系统的人和其他包含在司法系统中的成员,例如出庭律师和事物律师,神职人员和心智不全的人。

52、ineligible to vote;ineligible for retirement benefits. ─── 没有资格投票;没有资格领退休金。

53、Having been relegated to the bench for the previous three league games, Sami returned to the starting line-up in place of the ineligible Mauricio Pellegrino for the visit of Italian giants Juventus. ─── 在连续三场联赛身为替补之后,海皮亚代替了佩莱格里诺回到了首发阵容,迎战欧冠对手尤文图斯队。

54、His conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post. ─── 人们在交往过程中难免发生冲突。

55、The committee ruled that she was ineligible to run, because she was not a full-fledged member of the Loyal Order of Hibernians. Since the Hibernians did not allow female members, this was a splendid Catch-22. ─── 理事会决定她没有资格竞选,因为他不是海贝尼亚精忠会正式会员。由于海贝尼亚会员不接受女性会员,这简直是自相矛盾。

56、Should any participants be found to be ineligible for entry to the games or have provided false information, the Organiser reserves the right to disqualify the participants from the competition. ─── 参赛者如被发现不合符报名资格或虚报资料,大会有权取消比赛资格。

57、Lacking legal qualifications or requirements;ineligible. ─── 无资格的法律上无资格或不合要求的;不合法的

58、She resented the fact that people could justly consider her parents ineligible, and for that reason her also ─── 她憎恨人家会把她的父母当作低一等的人,因此也把她看低。

59、But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. ─── 但依宪法无资格担任总统的人,也无资格担任合众国副总统。

60、Glen Johnson, on loan at Fratton Park for the season, is ineligible to play. He has played 21 Premiership and two FA Cup games this season. ─── 格伦-约翰森由于租借协议无法出场,本赛季他参加了21场英超联赛和2场足总杯比赛。

61、The officials said the former workers were ineligible for unemployment support because they had worked at Canon less than a year. ─── 并且说他们不符合失业救济的条件,因为他们在佳能工作没有超过一年。

62、Ineligible Reserve Section ─── 不合格后备役科

63、ineligible for a job ─── 不合格担任某职务

64、Taiwan is ineligible for membership in the United Nations and other international organizations whose membership is confined to sovereign states. ─── 台湾无权参加联合国及其他只有主权国家参加的国际组织。

65、the quality or state of being ineligible. ─── 不具备某种资格,不合格。

66、Together with other activists, he seeks to prove that Barack Obama is not a true American and is therefore ineligible to be president. ─── 他同其他活动分子一起,试图证明奥巴马不是真正的美国人,因此没有资格当总统。

67、Predominantly tan, red, or buff dogs are ineligible for showing. ─── 他显示出的力量和毅力,要比单纯的速度更重要。

68、If there is economy without human rights, or there are human rights without economy, the democratic politics is of course ineligible or nonstandard. ─── 如果只有经济而没人权,或只有人权而没经济,当然不是合格或规范的民主政治。

69、Roman Pavlyuchenko and Vedran Corluka are ineligible for the UEFA Cup and have stayed in London. ─── 帕夫柳琴科和乔尔卢卡因为规则问题,所以不能参赛(欧洲联盟杯的比赛),因此他们留在伦敦。

70、If for any reason a Subscriber is found to be ineligible, his/her name will be deleted. ─── 倘若基于任何原因,某位提名人被发现不符合资格,他/她的姓名将被删除。

71、She resented the fact that people could justly consider her parents ineligible , and for that reason her also . ─── 她憎恨人家会把她的父母当作低一等的人,因此也把她看低。

72、ineligible for financial assistance ─── 无资格得到财政援助

73、ineligible to vote ─── 无表决资格

74、Shares not so registered on September 30, l988 will be ineligible for the 1988 program. ─── 必须在1988年9月30日之前完成登记,才有权利参与1988年的计画。

75、Gabri came in for the injured Van Bronckhorst, Motta replaced the ineligible Davids in midfield, and Saviola took over from the suspended Luis Enrique. ─── 加布里替代受伤的GVB,莫塔在中场替代戴维斯,而兔子替代了被禁赛的恩里克。

76、ineligible commercial paper ─── 不合格商业票证

77、ineligible for the job, for promotion ─── 无资格做该项工作﹑ 晋升

78、A disappointed applicant may contend that it was wrongly declared ineligible for funding; ─── 失望的申请人可能争辩说,声明他没有资格接受资助是错误决定;

79、Only about 3% of children are both uninsured and ineligible for help under either SCHIP or Medicaid. ─── 大约只有3%的儿童既没有参加保险,也无法从SCHIP计划或医疗援助计划中得到帮助。

80、ineligible to run for office;ineligible for retirement benefits. ─── 无竞选官职的资格;不具享受退休福利的资格

81、Since 2008 the Fed has lent to firms previously ineligible for its credit and bought up government bonds with newly printed money. ─── 2008年以来,美联储提前给一些信用没达标的公司贷款,并拿刚印出来的钞票购买政府债券。

82、The following countries will be ineligible for any bonuses: Denmark, China, Philippines, Thailand, Israel, Netherland Antilles, Estonia, USA and Germany. ─── 中国,菲律宾,丹麦,泰国,以色列,美国,德国玩家没有红利。

83、retire or become ineligible because of old age or infirmity ─── 由于年龄或缺点而引退或不合格

84、He is ineligible for marriage. ─── 他不适宜结婚。

85、ineligible to run for office; ineligible for retirement benefits ─── 无竞选官职的资格;不具享受退休福利的资格

86、Most are ineligible for unemployment assistance. ─── 大多人都不够资格申请失业援助。

87、Lacking legal qualifications or requirements; ineligible. ─── 无资格的法律上无资格或不合要求的; 不合法的

88、That said, the newspaper says that if it were for Arnsesen, Chelsea would sign him immediately, but Villa would be ineligible for the Champions League. ─── 甚至说假如是阿内森同意,切尔西马上会签下他,但是比利亚是没有资格代表切尔西打冠军联赛的。

89、The new rules have made thousands more people ineligible for legal aid. ─── 新规定使另外数千人不符合接受法律援助的资格。





I wonder if / whether I can get some advice from you.

Ask him whether / if he can come.


1. whether引导的从句常可以与连词or或or not直接连用,而if一般不能。如:

正: Let me know whether you can come or not.

误: Let me know if you can come or not.

2. 当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用whether引导,而不能用if。如:

正: Whether it is true or not, I can’t tell.

误: If it is true or not, I can’t tell.

3. whether可以引导带to的不定式,if则不能。如:

正: I don’t know whether to accept or refuse.

误: I don’t know if to accept or refuse.

4. whether及其引导的成分可放于介词之后,作介词的宾语,但if不能。如:

正: I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.

误: I worry about if I hurt her feelings.

5. whether可以引导从句,作主语、表语或同位语,而if不能。如:

正: It was uncertain whether he would come.

误: It was uncertain if he would come.

正: His first question was whether Tom had arrived yet.

误: His first question was if Tom had arrived yet.






例句:1、If you ask him,he will help you. 如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。 

2、If you fail in the exam,you will let him down. 如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。 

3、I will come to see you if I have time. 我有时间,我就来看你。



1、If you do not specify anything for this clause, audit records from all databases in the instance are eligible for extraction. 如果该子句未指定任何内容,那么可以提取来自实例中任何数据库的审计记录。

2、Use this clause if the table must be up and available at any time. 如果该表在任何时刻都必须是可用的,那么应该使用该子句。


例句:1、If she had worked harder, she would have succeeded. 如果她更努力些,她就会成功了。

2、The rice would not have been burnt if you had been more careful.如果你细心一点,米饭就不会烧焦了。

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