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09-16 投稿



opprobrium 发音

英:[ə'prəʊbrɪəm]  美:[ə'probrɪəm]

英:  美:

opprobrium 中文意思翻译



opprobrium 词性/词形变化,opprobrium变形

副词: opprobriously |

opprobrium 相似词语短语

1、opprobriousness ─── 责难

2、orarium ─── 神龛

3、opprobrious ─── adj.无礼的;嘴不干净的;该骂的;可耻的

4、leprosarium ─── n.麻风病院

5、emporium ─── n.商场,大百货商店;商业中心

6、opprobriously ─── 责难地

7、proprium ─── 自我统一体

8、pomoerium ─── 酒馆

9、aerobium ─── n.需氧生物;嗜氧菌,好氧菌

opprobrium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The name[was] a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city" (Washington Irving). ─── “这个名字成了全城表示轻蔑和耻辱的代名词”(华盛顿·欧文)。

2、The name [ was ] a by - word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city(Washington Irving. ─── 这个名字成了全城表示轻蔑和耻辱的代名词(华盛顿·欧文)。

3、Although I may gain the opprobrium of my Black American readers, the fact is, in many cases, 'failings are not in our stars but in ourselves'. ─── 尽管我的一些观点可能引起一些非洲裔美国公民的反感,可我还是要说“事实上很多时候失败不是一开始就已经注定的,而是由于我们不能很好的把握自己”。

4、But in the United States "failure" of a small business venture does not carry with it the social stigma or opprobrium for the failed entrepreneur that it does in some countries. ─── 但美国一家小企业的失败并不会像某些国家的企业那样蒙受诋毁或耻辱。

5、Lin Xiangru,putting the benefit of the country first,avoided Lian Po in order not to cause contlict,thus bringing opprobrium on himself. ─── 蔺相如为了国家的利益,处处避让,不与他相斗。

6、However, Beijing has made clear western opprobrium counts for little against its determination to ensure "stability" during the games. ─── 不过,北京已明确表示,在它确保奥运期间“稳定”的决心面前,西方的恶言起不了什么作用。

7、”But after centuries of opprobrium, the politics of luxury began to change. ─── ” 但是在世纪不名誉以后,豪华政治开始改变。

8、The Rhodes scholarships are perhaps the world's most celebrated, winning a renown for their founder after his death far greater than the opprobrium he earned during his life. ─── 这可能是全球最受赞誉的奖学金。它如此有名,并不是因为创立者一生背负了各种骂名,而是因为死后的这个善举。

9、His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left. ─── 他的政治观点遭到左派的抨击。

10、To speak in Washington of a multipolar world is to invite opprobrium. ─── 在华盛顿谈及“多极世界”就是在招惹非难。

11、a term of opprobrium. ─── 可耻的行为

12、Despite the opprobrium heaped on them, the Chinese do not want to see the Fed's hands tied by a dollar crisis; ─── 尽管机会对于他们来说很多,中国人不希望看到美联储的手脚被美元危机束缚住。

13、In English, these are all terms of mild opprobrium when directed at the flatterer . ─── 在英语中,当人们形容那些善于拍马屁的人时,这些都是温和的贬义词。

14、3.That drunkard was the opprobrium of our community. ─── 那个酒鬼是我们社区里可耻的人物。

15、be the opprobrium of the community ─── 为世人所唾骂

16、Some countries still think that the benefits of censorship are worth the opprobrium. ─── 还有一些国家仍旧认为,与遭受的羞辱相比,审查网络得到的好处还是合算的。

17、The soft power of UNESCO can also work in authoritarian states (including post-Soviet ones, like Azerbaijan) where internal discussion is muted but international opprobrium is unwelcome. ─── 联合国教科文组织的软实力在专制主义国家同样能起作用(包括前苏联的成员国,比如阿塞拜疆),尽管这些国家内部万马齐喑,在国际上却爱面子得紧。

18、It no longer seems prepared to back its most objectionable allies in the face of international opprobrium. ─── 在面对国际谴责,它似乎不再愿意回到其最令人反感的盟国。

19、That atrocity incurred worldwide opprobrium. ─── 这一暴行引起全世界的谴责。

20、Individuals unwilling to apologize when an apology is in order are subject to censure and opprobrium. ─── 个体不愿意道歉当道歉井然有序的时候受制于责难和污名。

21、7 He who corrects an arrogant man earns insult; and he who reproves a wicked man incurs opprobrium. ─── 谁矫正轻狂的人,只有自招羞辱;谁责斥邪恶的人,只有自找凌辱。

22、7. After all, did they not deserve the opprobrium of editors, publishers, producers and the public for violating a basic journalistic tenet: truth-telling without fear or favour? ─── 毕竟,他们违背了新闻业“揭示真理、无私无畏”的基本原则,难道不该受到编辑、发行人、制作人和公众的斥责吗?收藏指正

23、Yet some of the opprobrium heaped on his government's immigration policy is misguided. ─── 但是对他的部分不满是因为他所领导的政府的移民政策朝着错误的方向发展。

24、It no longer seems prepared to back its most objectionable allies in the face of international opprobrium. ─── 在面对国际谴责,它似乎不再愿意回到其最令人反感的盟国。

25、After all, did they not deserve the opprobrium of editors, publishers, producers and the public for violating a basic journalistic tenet: truth-telling without fear or favour? ─── 毕竟,他们违背了新闻业“揭示真理、无私无畏”的基本原则,难道不该受到编辑、发行人、制作人和公众的斥责吗?

26、4.The opprobrium and enmity he incurred were caused by his outspoken brashness. ─── 他招致的轻蔑和敌意是由于他出言过于粗率而造成的。

27、Consequently, more opprobrium followed after a couple of good openings went west in Israel. ─── 在以色列的比赛中错过了几个好机会后,更多的责难砸向了他。

28、These are all terms of mild opprobrium when directed at the flatterer. ─── 当人们形容那些善于拍马屁的人时,这些都是温和的贬义词。

29、They just hope to because accept,avoid any under at the outset the opprobrium that the price place that Microsoft should arrange will bring. ─── 他们只是希望避免因接受任何低于当初微软要约的价格所将带来的污名。”

30、If an American president tried to override them in peace out of choice, he would face dissent at home and opprobrium abroad. ─── 倘若某位美国总统处于自由选择和平推翻这些,他将会遭受国内异议和和国际谴责。

31、Yet one has been showered with opprobrium and the other accorded a sovereign respect. ─── 然而,一个遭到责骂,一个得到主权尊重。

32、It has raised tensions dramatically in Asia by conducting its second nuclear test, earning the opprobrium of the international community. ─── 朝鲜进行第二次核试验,使得亚洲紧张局势明显升级,招致国际社会的谴责。

33、Others think the prime minister is pushing him forward to take the opprobrium. ─── 为处理此事甚至从莫斯科派出了防暴警察,由此可见克里姆林宫的神经有多么过敏。

34、1.to humiliate; to insult; to disgrace; to put sb. to shame; to subject sb. to indignities 2.humiliation; shame; dishonour; opprobrium ─── 羞辱

35、Despite the opprobrium heaped on them, the Chinese do not want to see the Fed's hands tied by a dollar crisis;nor do they want to see the euro zone, one of their best markets, slow sharply; ─── 尽管耻辱全加在他们头上,中国不希望看到美联储被美元危机双手反绑,他们希望看到他们的一个最好的市场,欧元区域急剧放缓。

36、Its fans perversely enjoy the opprobrium it still attracts, as well as its deeply cryptic side. ─── 它的“粉丝”们一反常态地陶醉于它所招惹的责骂中,恰如对其神秘的一面的深深迷恋。

37、And how much further does Arsene Wenger need to go to merit the opprobrium extended to Mourinho and Chelsea? ─── 看看温格有多么需要从责骂中获利,他们超越了切尔西好多了。

38、2.That drunkard was the opprobrium of our community. ─── 它是有害的,应该受到咒骂和谴责。

39、Load Jones, former trade minister, sayd that while some bankers deserve the opprobrium, "at some point we really have to call time on this." Mr. ─── 前贸易部长琼斯勋爵表示,虽然有些银行家应该受到责备,但“在某个时候,我们的确必须叫停这种行为”。

40、In London China pressed that advantage most visibly with France, which during the past year has been singled out for opprobrium by Chinese nationalists. ─── 在伦敦,中国使用这种优势最明显的例子是对法国。过去几年间,法国是被中国的民族主义者羞辱最多的对象。

41、Politicians need a stronger peer-review system that goes beyond the churlish opprobrium of the campaign trail, and I would love to see a political debate in which the candidates were required to make the opposite case. ─── 而政治人物除了选战里的恶毒攻讦外,同样需要极具权威的同侪检视系统,我会很乐于见到候选人必须在政治辩论会以相反立场进行答辩。

42、clear oneself of opprobrium ─── 洗刷耻辱

43、the day when a drug addict might be offered vaccination rather than opprobrium will have come a little closer. ─── 那么离瘾君子们获得疫苗而不是羞辱的那一天又近了一步。

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