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respirable 发音

英:[rɪsˈpaɪərəbl]  美:[ˌriˈspaɪrəbl]

英:  美:

respirable 中文意思翻译



respirable 短语词组

1、respirable particle ─── 可吸入颗粒物

2、respirable particulate ─── 可吸入颗粒物

3、respirable dust ─── 呼吸道尘埃

4、respirable dust fraction ─── 呼吸性粉尘分数

5、respirable fraction ─── 可呼吸分数

6、respirable quartz ─── 可吸入石英

7、respirable suspended particles ─── 可吸入悬浮颗粒物

8、respirable crystalline silica ─── 可吸入结晶二氧化硅

9、respirable dust content ─── 可吸入粉尘含量

10、respirable d air ─── 可呼吸d空气

respirable 词性/词形变化,respirable变形

名词: respirability |

respirable 相似词语短语

1、repairable ─── adj.可修理的;可挽回的;可补偿的

2、expirable ─── 可过期的

3、reparable ─── adj.可修缮的;可补偿的;可挽回的

4、despicable ─── adj.卑劣的;可鄙的

5、inspirable ─── adj.可激发的;可吸入的

6、desirable ─── adj.可取的,值得拥有的,令人向往的;引起性欲的,性感的;n.称心如意的东西,合意的人,好的品质

7、perspirable ─── 出汗的

8、despisable ─── 可鄙的

9、irrespirable ─── adj.不适于呼吸的

respirable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords respirable coal dust;pneumoconiosis;dose-response relationship;life table; ─── 呼吸性煤尘;尘肺;剂量-反应关系;寿命表法;

2、Moderate to fresh north to northeasterly winds. API Central/Western District 64 (respirable suspended particulates), Tung Chung 68 (respirable suspended particulates). ─── 吹和缓北至东北风,空气污染指数中西区64(可吸入悬浮粒子),东涌68(可吸入悬浮粒子).

3、The detection and monitoring of life signals such as heartbeat, respir ation, bloodpressure and temperature are often used to determine the patient's death. ─── 在医疗实践中通常通过检/监测心跳、呼吸、血压、体温等基本的生命体征参数来确定生命信息的有无。

4、Once the air humidity below 20%, indoor respirable particulate matter increased, people are likely to suffer from colds. ─── 一旦空气湿度低于20%,室内可吸入颗粒物增多,就容易使人患上感冒。

5、Yu WP, Rong ZS.Clinical analysis of 90 cases with endobronchial tuberculosis[J].Chin J Tuberc Respir Dis, 1999, 22 (7): 396-8. ─── [7]余文聘,容中生.支气管内膜结核90例临床分析[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志,1999,22(7):396-8.

6、Baldwin DR Wise R,Andrews J M,et al.Azithromycin concentrations at the sites of pulmonary infection.Eur Respir J 1990,3(8):886 ─── 尹姚,蒋跃飞.阿奇霉素与红霉素治疗小儿支原体肺炎的对比研究,中国抗生素杂志,2002,27(4):240

7、Haponic EF. Computed tomography in obstructive sleep apnea correlation of Airway Size with physiology during sleep and weakfulness[J]. Am Rev Respir Dis, 1983,127:221. ─── 刘月华,曾祥龙,傅民魁.阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征与上气道及颜面结构的相关研究[J].中华医学杂志1998,78:849.

8、respirable size ─── 可吸入粒度

9、A one-time-use device for escape purposes only, it provides respiratory protection against carbon monoxide in otherwise respirable air. ─── 只为逃生的用完即弃设备,它提供保护防止吸入一氧化碳过滤呼吸的空气。

10、Air quality monitoring results for 1997 indicated that five of the nine air quality monitoring stations did not meet the annual average Air Quality Objective for respirable suspended particulates. ─── 1997年空气质素监测结果显示,在九个空气质素监测站中,有五个不能符合可吸入悬浮粒子的全年平均空气质素指标。

11、6 Bruglere O, Raffyo, Sleiman C, et al. progress obstructive lung disease associated with microscopic polyangiitis.Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997;155:739-742. ─── 7李玲等,曾小峰,唐福林.白细胞碎裂性血管炎23例临床分析及文献复习.中华风湿病学杂志2004;8(6):345.

12、decompensated chronic respir atory failure ─── 失代偿性慢性呼吸衰竭

13、Moderate north to northeasterly winds. API Central/Western District 50 (respirable suspended particulates), Tung Chung 52 (respirable suspended particulates). ─── 吹和缓北至东北风,空气污染指数中西区50(可吸入悬浮粒子),东涌52(可吸入悬浮粒子).

14、It is essential that all employees who may have exposure to dusts which contain respirable quartz (silica) have regular respiratory surveillance. ─── 因此所有接触含有吸入石英(二氧化硅)灰尘的员工,进行定期呼吸系统监测。

15、Standard Practice for Evaluating the Performance of Respirable Aerosol Samplers ─── 可吸入的悬浮液取样器性能评定的标准惯例

16、Keywords Respirable dust Air curtain Dust preventing curtain; ─── 呼吸性粉尘;风帘;隔尘效率;

17、[9]The Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases.The diagnostic standard of Legionella pneumonia[J].Chin J Tuberc Respir Dis,1992,15(3):281. ─── 中华结核和呼吸杂志编辑委员会.军团菌肺炎诊断标准[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志,1992,15(3):281.

18、Light to moderate south to southwesterly winds.API Central/Western District 16 (respirable s... ─── 吹轻微至和缓南至西南风, 空气污染指数中西区16 (可吸入悬浮粒子), 东涌(二氧化氮).

19、Keywords General aesthesia;Epidural anesthesia;Aged;Respir atory function test; ─── 全身麻醉;硬膜外阻滞;老年人;呼吸功能;

20、Yang DK,Chen HZ,Wu ZF,et al.Operative treatment of the endobronchial tuberculosis with cicatricial bronchiarctia[J].Zhonghua Jiehe He Huxi Zazhi(Chin J Tuberc Respir Dis),1996,19(3):158-160. ─── [1]杨德康,陈汉章,吴哲凡,等.结核性支气管狭窄的外科治疗[J]. 中华结核和呼吸杂志, 1996,19(3):158-160.

21、Center For Disease Control.CDC definitions for hospital infections[J].Am Rev Respir Dis,1989,139(4):1058. ─── 卫生部医政司医院内感染监控协调小组.医院感染的诊断标准[J].中华医院管理杂志,1990,6(5):306.

22、Research about harm distribution of respirable dust in metallurgy industry ─── 冶金工厂呼吸性粉尘危害分布的研究

23、Objective to study the method to classify respirable dust harmfulness degree in geological exploration profession so as to provide scientific basis for its management. ─── 目的探讨地质勘探行业呼吸性粉尘危害程度分级技术标准的制订方法,为粉尘危害分级管理提供科学依据。

24、respirable aerosols ─── 呼吸道悬浮微粒

25、Test Method for Respirable Dust in Workplace Atmospheres ─── 工作场所大气中可吸入灰尘的试验方法

26、Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Humans Working With Respirable Silicon Carbide Whiskers ─── 使用可呼吸碳化硅金属须的人用的人身保护设备选择与使用标准规范

27、respirable air pump ─── 可呼吸空气泵

28、respirable coal dust ─── 呼吸性煤尘

29、In 1997,the highest annual averages recorded were 131 micrograms per cubic metre of total suspended particulates and 73 micrograms per cubic metre of respirable suspended particulates. ─── 在一九九七年全年,录得总悬浮粒子的最高平均水平为每立方米131微克,可吸入悬浮粒子则为每立方米73微克。

30、Zhang Jianpeng, Liu Youning, Wang Faqiang, et al.Effects of partial liquid ventilation on acute lung injury rabbits.Chin J Tuberc Respir Dis. 2001; ─── 张健鹏, 刘又宁,王发强, 等. 部分液体通气治疗急性肺损伤家兔. 中华结核和呼吸杂志. 2001;

31、Keywords respirable particulate matter;oxidative damage;inflammation damage;mechanism of injury; ─── 大气可吸入颗粒物;氧化损伤;炎性损伤;损伤机制;

32、And when the room Jiashi too easy to produce indoor season, and if the room is too dry and will cause massive increase indoor respirable particles from the air; ─── 又如当室内加湿过分,很容易使室内产生霉菌,如果室内太干燥,又会引起扬尘,增加室内空气中的可吸入颗粒物;

33、Health standard for respirable silica dust in the air of workplace. ─── 车间空气中呼吸性矽尘卫生标准。

34、Knight H,Millman Rp,Gur ,et al.(Clinical significance of sleep apnea in the elderly Am Rev Respir Dis 1987;136:845-850 ─── “打鼾后会有无呼吸,类似堵气之类的声音是不会感觉到,早上头疼或者就像没有睡觉一样的,要么是醒时感觉昏迷,这是由睡眠性无呼吸当中产生的现象。

35、respirable dust content ─── 可吸入的粉尘量

36、respirable fine particles ─── 吸入用细粉

37、Fine and very dry, fresh easterly winds.API Central/Western District and Tung Chung both 77 (respir... ─── 天晴,非常乾燥. 吹清劲东风. 空气污染指数中西区和东涌77 (可吸入悬浮粒子).

38、Examples where lower limit values have recently been proposed include wood dust, respirable silica, and beryllium. ─── 例如木材灰、可呼吸性二氧化矽和铍为最近被提出具较低阈值的例子。

39、Environmental monitoring consisted of total and respirable airborne particulate metal levels, average and maximum noise levels. ─── 定点作业环境测定包含总粉尘与可呼吸性粉尘采样两部份,以及平均噪音与最高噪音测定。

40、Research on the Effect Assessment of Respirable Dust Control in Geological Exploration Industry ─── 地勘行业呼吸性粉尘控制效果评价的研究

41、[6]Asthma group of Chinese Society of Respiratory Diseases.The guideline of asthma treatment and prevention.Clin J Tuberc Respir Dis,1997,20:261-267. ─── 中华医学会呼吸病学会哮喘学组.支气管哮喘防治指南.中华结核和呼吸杂,1997,20:261-267.

42、two-double respirable glass curtain wall ─── 双层可呼吸玻璃幕墙

43、Moderate to fresh northerly winds.API Central/Western District and Tung Chung both 55 (respirable su... ─── 吹和缓至清劲北风, 空气污染指数中西区和东涌都是55 (可吸入悬浮粒子).

44、respirable suspended particulates ─── 可吸入的悬浮颗粒

45、Keywords : Respirable dust Logarithm value of concentrationNormal curve of distribution; ─── 呼吸性粉尘;浓度对数值;正态分布;

46、6 Trouillet JL, Chastre J, Vuagnat A, et al.Ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by potentially drug-resistant bacteria.Am J Respir Care Med,1998, 157 (2): 531. ─── 4中华医学会呼吸学会,医院获得性肺炎诊断和治疗指南(草案).中华结核和呼吸杂志,1999,22(4):2011.

47、Examples where lower limit values have recently been proposed include wood dust, respirable silica, and beryllium. ─── 例如木材灰、可呼吸性二氧化矽和铍为最近被提出具较低阈值的例子。

48、Health standard for respirable coal dust in the air of workplace ─── 作业场所空气中呼吸性煤尘卫生标准

49、respirable aerosol mass monitor ─── 呼吸式粉尘监测仪

50、whole class works individual workers respirable dust ─── 全工班个体呼吸性粉尘

51、Richards J,Hemstreet M.Measures of life quality,role performance and functional status in asthma research.Am J Respir Care Med 1994;149:31-9 ─── 兰月,黄东锋,丘卫红,等.影响脑卒中患者生活质量的相关因素分析[J].中国临床康复,2003,7(31):4248-9

52、ambient respirable particulate ─── 大气可吸入颗粒物

53、respirable wall ─── 可呼吸墙体

54、Respirable particles from the most serious of which has become larger primary pollutants. ─── 其中可吸入颗粒物最严重,已成为居室首要污染物。

55、Standard Guide for Workplace Health and Safety Training for Respirable Silicon Carbide Whiskers ─── 可呼吸碳化硅金属须的工作场所卫生与安全标准导则

56、Study of coupled transfer of heat, moisture and air in respirable walls ─── 可呼吸墙体热质耦合传递研究及数值模拟

57、Not fit for breathing; not respirable. ─── 不宜于呼吸的,不可呼吸的

58、Keywords Respirable dust Radon daughter Simultaneous monitoring Thermoluminescent detector; ─── 呼吸尘;氡子体;同时监测;热释光元件;

59、Environmental monitoring consisted of total and respirable airborne particulate metal levels, average and maximum noise levels. ─── 定点作业环境测定包含总粉尘与可呼吸性粉尘采样两部份,以及平均噪音与最高噪音测定。

60、Increased concentration of respirable suspended particulate in air Passive smoking ─── 令空气中的可吸入悬浮粒子浓度增加

61、Keywords Sonic coagulation Sound generator Acoustic atomiser Respirable dust Efficiency of dust removal.; ─── 声波凝聚;声波发生器;声学喷嘴;呼吸尘;降尘效率;

62、respirable particles ─── 可吸入颗粒物

63、Pwittert JF, et al. Biological markers of acute lung injury: prognostic and pathogenic significance. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1997, 155:1187. ─── 中华医学会呼吸系统病学会.支气管肺泡灌洗及灌洗液的细胞计数分类技术规范.中华结核和呼吸杂志,1994,14:10.

64、The laboratory tests and underground application show that this dust suppression technique has re-markable effect on the total dust,especially on the respirable dust. ─── 实验室试验和井下使用结果表明,这种喷雾降尘技术对总粉尘,特别是对呼吸尘具有显著的降尘效果。

65、Respirable dust has the distinctive features of tiny in particulate diameter, long-suspending and invisible to naked eyes.It is easy to be deposited in pulmonary alveoli causing CWP. ─── 呼吸性粉尘粒径小、悬浮时间长、肉眼不可见,极易被吸入人体的肺部并沉积于肺泡区内,随著沉积量的增加,可引发尘肺病。

66、Respirable particles from the carrier not only to become organisms, contain toxic substances on their own or other disease, cancer. ─── 可吸入颗粒物不仅能成为微生物的载体,其本身就含有有毒物质或其他致病、致癌物。

67、Spray pressure and spray nozzle model have obvious effect on the respirable dust removal efficiency. ─── 喷雾压力和雾化喷嘴型号对呼吸性粉尘的除尘效率的影响都很显著;

68、Hazy.Moderate easterly winds.API Central/Western District and Tung Chung 62 (respirable suspended p... ─── 吹和缓东风, 有烟霞. 空气污染指数中西区和东涌62 (可吸入悬浮粒子).

69、Spiro SG, Porter JC.Lung cancer-where are we today?Current advances in staging and nonsurgical treatment[J].Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2002, 166(9): 1166. ─── 孙燕,周际昌.临床肿瘤内科手册[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,1996.33.李云龙,胡晶晶,张力.健择治疗非小细胞肺癌研究现状[J].中国肺癌杂志,2000,3(2):151.

70、Respirable particles from the carrier not only to become organisms, contain toxic substances on their own or other disease, cancer. ─── 可吸入颗粒物不仅能成为微生物的载体,其本身就含有有毒物质或其他致病、致癌物。

71、Leung Rs, Bradley T D. Sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease Am J Respir Corit[J]. Cane Med, 2001, 164: 2147. ─── 中华医学会呼吸病学会睡眠呼吸疾病学组.阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征诊治指南(草案)[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志,2002,25(4):195-201.

72、Environmental tobacco smoke - Estimation of its contribution to respirable suspended particles - Method based on solanesol. ─── 环境中的烟草烟雾.可吸入的悬浮粒子的估算.基于茄呢醇的方法

73、Study on Round Robin Test for Determination of Quartz in Respirable Dust ─── 实验室间呼吸性粉尘中石英含量测定方法的研究

74、Esposito,Blasi F,Arioso C,et al.Importance of acute Mycoplasma-Pneumoniae and Chlamydia Pneumonia infections in children with wheezing.Eur Respir J,2000,16(6):1142. ─── 中华医学会儿科学分会呼吸学组.第四届全国儿科呼吸学术会议纪要[J].中国儿科学杂志,1999,33(3):168.

75、respirable aerosol ─── 可吸入的气溶胶, 可吸入的烟雾体

76、In 1997, the highest annual averages recorded were 131 micrograms per cubic metre of total suspended particulates and 73 micrograms per cubic metre of respirable suspended particulates. ─── 在一九九七年全年,录得总悬浮粒子的最高平均水平为每立方米131微克,可吸入悬浮粒子则为每立方米73微克;

77、In fact, Edwards' first exposure to the spray drying process occurred when he was working with a spray dryer to produce highly respirable drug aerosols in a food science lab. ─── 实际上,爱德华斯首次接触喷雾干燥技术可以追溯到他在一个食品科学实验室利用喷雾干燥机制造易吸入性药物喷雾剂的时候。

78、Officials say it will help reduce air pollution by 600 tonnes of respirable particles and 160, 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. ─── 政府表示,新铁路有助改善空气质素,每年可以减少空气中的微粒六百吨和二氧化碳十六万吨。

79、Study on Administrative Standard Recommendable Values for Respirable Dust Concentration in the Air of Cement Workplaces 刘国珍,郭万华, ─── 北京市某羽绒服厂羽绒粉尘职业危害的调查赵冰樵,苏忆兰,蒋致诚,张杰,张淑英

80、respirable suspended particulate ─── 可吸入悬浮粒子

81、Evaluation on Characteristic Flow Load Test of Respirable Dust Personal Sampler ─── 呼吸性粉尘个体采样器流量负载特性的测试评价

82、Moderate easterly winds, API Central/Western District 33 (respirable suspended particulates), Tung Chung 35 (... ─── 吹和缓东风, 空气污染指数中西区33(可吸入悬浮粒子), 东涌35 (臭氧).

83、Mayer P, Pepin J L, Deschaux C, et al.Effect of age and body mass index on upper airway measure ments in snorers and sleep apnea patients[ J ].Eur Respir J, 1996,9:1801. ─── 孙圣华,刘纯,刘宗道,等.经鼻正压通气持续气道内治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征观察[J].中国现代医学杂志,2000,10(7):87-88.

84、Respiratory Branch of Chinese Medical Association.Diagnosis and therapy guideline of community acquired pneumonia [J].Chin J Tuberc Respir Dis,1999,22(4):199-202. ─── [1]中华医学会呼吸病学分会.社区获得性肺炎诊断和治疗指南(草案)[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志,1999,22(4):199-202.

85、Keywords respirable suspended particulate;fine particle;air pollution;urban environment; ─── 可吸入颗粒物;细粒子;空气污染;城区环境;

86、Keywords Geological exploration;Respirable dust;Harmfulness degree;Classification; ─── 地质勘探;呼吸性粉尘;危害程度;分级;

87、respirable dust ─── 呼吸道尘埃能吸入的尘末

88、Strohl KP,Redline S.Recognitive of obstructive sleep apnea.Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996; 154(2Pt1):279-89 ─── 中华医学会呼吸病学分会呼吸疾病学组.阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征诊治指南(草案)[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志,2002,25(4):195-8

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