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intracranial 发音

英:[ˌɪntrəˈkreɪniəl]  美:[ˌɪntrəˈkreɪnɪəl]

英:  美:

intracranial 中文意思翻译



intracranial 短语词组

1、intracranial hypotension ─── [医] 颅内压力减低

2、idiopathic intracranial hypertension ─── 特发性颅内压增高,原发性颅内高压

3、intracranial artery ─── 颅内动脉

4、intracranial aneurysm ─── [医] 颅内动脉瘤

5、intracranial hematoma ─── 颅内血肿

6、intracranial part ─── 颅内部

7、intracranial electrography ─── [医] 颅内脑电图描记术

8、intracranial hypertension ─── 颅内压增高

9、intracranial circuIation ─── [医] 颅内循环

10、intracranial cavity ─── [网络] 颅内腔

11、intracranial aneurysms ─── [肿瘤]颅内动脉瘤

12、intracranial hemorrhage ─── [医] 颅内出血

13、intracranial thrombosis ─── 颅内血栓形成

14、intracranial tumor ─── 颅内肿瘤,脑肿瘤

15、intracranial volume ─── 颅内容积

16、intracranial pneumatocele ─── [医] 颅腔积气

17、intracranial pressure ─── [医] 颅内压

18、intracranial sarcoma ─── 颅内肉瘤

intracranial 常用词组

intracranial pressure ─── n. 颅内压

intracranial hematoma ─── 颅内血肿

intracranial 词性/词形变化,intracranial变形

副词: intracranially |

intracranial 相似词语短语

1、extracranial ─── adj.(位于或发生于)颅外的

2、endocranial ─── 颅内的

3、intracranially ─── 颅内

4、intracerebral ─── adj.大脑内的

5、intranasal ─── adj.鼻内的

6、intrapreneurial ─── adj.公司内部企业家的;企业开拓者的

7、intracardial ─── 心脏内的

8、intracardiac ─── adj.心脏内的

9、intraarterial ─── 动脉内的

intracranial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The signal characteristics of intracranial cystic lesions on DWI were analysed retrospectively. ─── 分析颅内囊性病变的DWI信号特征,比较脑脓肿和肿瘤DWI信号的差别。

2、The effect of small dosage manicol in prevention and cure of delayed traumatic Intracranial hematoma. ─── 小剂量甘露醇防治迟发性外伤性颅内血肿的作用。

3、Intracranial arachnoid cysts are believed to be congenital; they can become symptomatic in pediatric patients. ─── 摘要颅内蜘蛛膜囊肿被视为是先天的问题,偶尔会在小孩身上发现但并不伴随任何的症状。

4、Byrne Jv,Adams CBT,Kerr RSC,etal,Endosacculartreatment of inoperable,intracranial,aneurysms with platinum Coils,BtJ Neurosury,1995 (9):585. ─── 刘建民,黄清海,许奕,等.电解可脱卸弹簧圈栓塞治疗颅内破裂动脉的近期疗效及其影响因素[J].第二军医大学学报,2001,22(8):43.

5、Both MDS and GDC are good materical in embolization of intracranial aneurysm. ─── MDS和 GDC都是颅内动脉瘤栓塞治疗的有效材料。

6、Methods:148 intracranial hemorrhages were examinated by echo plannar imaging echo field echo T_2*WI (EPI-FE) sequence of high field MR. ─── 方法:收集有明确发病时间的脑内血肿病人共148例,使用EPI-FE-T2WI序列进行头部扫描。

7、The effect of piracetam on intracranial pressure (ICP) in rabbits was observed with the lateral ventricle cannulaticn. ─── 应用侧脑室插管方法,观察静脉注射脑复康对正常和已经增高的家兔颅内压的影响。


9、Analysis of cranial CT features and clinical manifestations in premature infants with intracranial hemorrhage. ─── 早产儿颅内出血的头颅CT特点与临床表现分析

10、As an endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysm, EDPC is effective, minimally-invasive and simple with fast recovery after the procedure. ─── EDPC栓塞治疗动脉瘤是目前比较理想的治疗方法 ,其创伤小 ,操作简便 ,术后恢复快 ,可达到近似外科手术的效果

11、Figure 1 Streamline of the intracranial bifurcating aneurysms. ─── 图1分叉部动脉瘤的流线图。

12、She was treated for elevated intracranial pressure, but deteriorated and developed an enlarged right pupil and a decreased level of arousal. ─── 并因颅内压升高而接受治疗,但病情恶化并发展为右侧瞳孔扩大和意识水平减低。

13、Objective: To investigate the causes of reoperative intracranial meningioma and the methods of reoperation. ─── 摘要目的:探讨脑膜瘤再次手术的原因及手术方法。

14、In fact, the researchers note, vaginal birth was the only significant risk factor associated with intracranial hemorrhage. ─── 研究者指出实际上阴道分娩是婴儿颅内出血相关的唯一显著危险因子。

15、DSA is the gold stand of diagnosing intracranial aneurysm and arteriovenous of posterior circulation. ─── DSA仍是诊断颅内后循环动脉瘤和动静脉畸形的金标准。

16、To investigate the relationship between urinary albumin excretion rate (UAER)and intracranial artery atherosclerosis. ─── 探讨尿蛋白排泄率(UAER)与颅内动脉粥样硬化的关系。

17、Cerebral infarct, intracranial hematoma and edema are deadly diseases, which can cause high deformity and death rate. ─── 但是,目前还缺乏一种无创的辅助诊断技术与设备,用于对颅内血肿水肿进行早期、实时的监测。

18、Patients With Small, Asymptomatic, Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms and No History of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Should Be Treated Conservatively? ─── 无蛛网膜下腔出血史的无症状未破裂颅内小动脉瘤应当保守治疗吗?

19、Objective: To summarisethe nursing experience of microinvasive removal of intracranial hematoma. ─── 本文目的是总结微创颅内血肿清除术的护理体会;

20、In this paper, we report on a method of localization of intracranial targets, using DSA images. ─── 作者报告了一种利用血管造影进行颅内病灶立体定位的算法。

21、Methods: We had treated 226 patients of intracranial lesions using X-knife radiosurgery. ─── 方法:用立体定向等中心直线加速器放射外科治疗226例颅内各种疾病。

22、Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation is rare anomalies of intracranial circulation that constitute 1% of all intracranial vascular malformations. ─── Galen静脉动脉瘤样畸形是一种少见的血管性疾病,约占颅内血管畸形的 1%。

23、Objective To explore the way and effect of minimally invasive surgery of intracranial aneurysms. ─── 摘要目的探讨颅内动脉瘤微侵袭手术治疗的方法及疗效。

24、In summary, when evaluating intracranial vascularity, various different parameters hae been used. ─── 总之,在评价颅内血管时,用了各种不同的参数。

25、Otitis media was one of the major causes of intracranial infection before the advent of antibiotics. ─── 摘要在抗生素发明前,中耳炎是颅内感染之主要来源;

26、In addition to ischemic insults to the brain, various types of complicated intracranial hemorrhaging often occur. ─── 本病除了因血管阻塞会造成脑部缺血,还会造成各种颅内出血。

27、Lain H,Seelig JM.Postoperative hemorrhage:asurvey of 4992 intracranial procedures[J].Neurosurgery,1988,3:343 347. ─── 易声禹.对冲性额颞部脑挫裂伤合并血肿手术治疗方法改进[J].中华神经外科杂志,1991,7:5556.

28、The gold criterion for diagnosis of intracranial aneurysms:DSA, CTA, or MRA? ─── 下载地址:颅内动脉瘤诊断的金标准:DSA、CTA还是MRA?

29、Positive rate of standard DSA and 3D DSA in showing aneurysm clearly was 81.6% and 96.3% respectively in the diagnosis of intracranial aneurysms. ─── 76例可疑为颅内动脉瘤的患者行普通脑血管造影和DSA检查 49例 ,显示脑动脉瘤的阳性率为 81 6% ; 行 3D DSA检查 2 7例 ,清楚显示动脉瘤的阳性率为 96 3% ,共检出66例动脉瘤。

30、Embolization of intracranial aneurysms with GDC is safe,effective and reliable, it is particularly indicated for those with high risk. ─── GDC是栓塞颅内动脉瘤较理想材料,具有安全可靠,效果确切,适合颅内动脉瘤的治疗,尤其适合栓塞危险性较大的动脉瘤。

31、Here we report eight consecutive patients with intracranial neoplasm at different ages clinically presenting with acute esotropia. ─── 摘要在本篇我们提出了8个颅内肿瘤的病侧,虽然不同年纪,但在临床上均以急性内斜视来表现。

32、Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a distinct form of headache that is often misdiagnosed in general practice. ─── 摘要自发性颅内低压是一种具有独特表现的头痛病徵,但是在急诊仍常常被误诊。

33、A decreasing level of consciousness is a classic sign of increased intracranial pressure, not an expected outcome of therapy. ─── 意识水平降低是颅内压增高的一个临床征象,而不是治疗的预期结果。

34、Patients all had stenoses of the large intracerebral essels, including the ertebral, basilar, and intracranial carotids with M1 and M2 occlusions. ─── 患者全部有颅内大血管的狭窄,包括椎动脉,基底动脉,M1和M2段闭塞的颅内颈动脉。

35、No death, rebleeding and intracranial infection occurred postoperatively. ─── 无死亡、再出血及颅内感染。

36、Bleeding: intracranial hemorrhage caused by fibrosis, birth trauma and poor absorption of intracranial hemorrhage. ─── 出血:颅内出血后引起的纤维增生,产伤颅内出血吸收不良等。

37、Neuropathological examination of three cases of intracranial primary meningeal melanomatosis has been reported, This disease is rare. ─── 本文详细报导了三例颅内原发性脑膜黑色素瘤病的脑部病理检查材料,此病少见。

38、Otitis media was one of the major causes of intracranial infection before the advent of antibiotics. ─── 在抗生素发明前,中耳炎是颅内感染之主要来源;

39、Methods Collected seven patients with extracranial tumer transfered from intracranial tumer proved by neuopathology,Therapy and Prognosis. ─── 方法收集7例经手术病理知识证实为颅内原发性恶性肿瘤颅外转移患的临床特点、治疗及转归。

40、Six cases of intracranial tumours assured by EEC in early diagnosis before the onset of papilledema wered reported. ─── 本文报告6例颅内肿瘤患者在视乳头水肿出现以前由脑电图作出定位诊断。

41、Dr. Wu is on interventional treatment of intracranial aneurysm and carotid cavernous fistula. ─── 在加拿大进行颅内动脉瘤及海绵窦瘘的介入治疗。

42、Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a distinct form of headache that is often misdiagnosed in general practice. ─── 自发性颅内低压是一种具有独特表现的头痛病徵,但是在急诊仍常常被误诊。

43、Just after a having a craniotomy, his intracranial pressure is not stable. ─── 刚做完开颅手术的他,颅内压不太稳定。

44、BACKGROUND To evaluate the time and skill of microsurgery for intracranial aneurysm. ─── 摘要[背景]探讨颅内动脉瘤手术治疗的时机及术中注意事项。

45、Conclusions The results show that hypercoagulability states were related to intracranial venous embolism. ─── 未治疗的6例中,3例痊愈,1例死亡,2例有后遗症。

46、ABSTRACT Purpose To explore the relationship among histological types, grading, recurrence and prognosis in patients of intracranial astrocytic tumor. ─── 摘要 目的:探讨颅内星形细胞肿瘤的组织类型、分级与复发、预后的关系。

47、In the acute setting, an intracranial haematoma can appear isodense on CT scanning, especially if a coagulopathy is present. ─── 在急性调整期,颅内的血肿在CT扫描上可能呈现等密度线,尤其是合并凝血病时。

48、Methods:3DTOF MRA were performed on 50 cases with 49 intracranial aneurysms. The MRA were analyzed in comparison with the DSA. ─── 方法 :对 50例 49个颅内动脉瘤行 3DTOF MRA检查 ,对照 DSA检查结果 ,分析 MRA表现。

49、When there were two or more items of coagulopathy, the delayed intracranial hemorrhage rate was significantly higher. ─── 多因素分析显示凝血异常是颅脑外伤迟发颅内出血的独立危险因素。

50、Methods 42 cases of intracranial arachnoid cyst treated with microsurgery were studied retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析42例颅内蛛网膜囊肿患者采用显微手术治疗的疗效。

51、Objective To discuss the effect of microsurgery of intracranial arachnoid cyst. ─── 摘要目的探讨显微手术治疗颅内蛛网膜囊肿的效果。

52、Intracranial embryonal carcinoma is a rare germ cell tumor found predominantly in the pineal region and, to a lesser extent, in the suprasellar region. ─── 摘要颅内胚胎瘤是一种少见的生殖细胞瘤,而且大多好发于颅内松果腺区域或上蝶鞍部。

53、Intracranial hemorrhage and leptomeningeal enhancement ranked first and second among a variety of CT manifestations. ─── 在脑中枢神经症状方面,意识障碍为最主要的表现。

54、Compared with 2D DSA and rotational DA,3D DSA can provide more detail information in treatment of intracranial aneurysm. ─── 在颅内动脉瘤的治疗上,3D DSA比旋转DA和2D DSA能提供更加详细的信息。

55、It is noteworthy that these normal CT findings should not be misdiagnosed as neonatal intracranial disease. ─── 在新生儿颅脑疾病的CT诊断中,要避免将这些特殊的正常影像误诊为异常。

56、We present a 60 year-old woman who had a primary benign intracranial meningioma located at the parasagittal area. ─── 我们报告的是一位六十岁的女性,在其上矢状窦旁有一原发性的颅内脑膜瘤。

57、Multiple ICA is related to familial intracranial cavernous angiomas(FICA). ─── 多发性ICA与家族性海绵状血管瘤(FICA)关系密切。

58、The clinical manifestations of intracranial hypertension. ─── 颅内压增高的临床表现。

59、Methods Twenty-f our patients suspected with intracranial aneurysms underwent routine four-ve ssel angiography,3D-CTA,MRA or conventional DSA. ─── 方法24例可疑动脉瘤患者行脑血管造影、3D-CTA、MRA和DSA检查。

60、Methods 18 cases with experience in monitoring and nursing of embolization with GDC for intracranial aneurysm were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析和总结18例GDC栓塞治疗颅内动脉瘤的监测护理及治疗经过。

61、The result indicates that MRA shows good ability of detecting intracranial vascular disorders in AHS study. ─── MRA是AHS重要的诊断技术 ;

62、The clinical manifestations of the above5 cases included epilepsy, intracranial hypertension, motor weakness, facial paralysis and dysopia. ─── 临床表现为癫痫,颅压高,肌肉无力,面肌瘫痪,视力减退。

63、Head and neck MRI showed a nasopharyngeal mass with invasion to the skull base, and intracranial extention. ─── 头颈部核磁共振扫描显示鼻咽部有一种瘤,广泛侵犯至附近组织,以及颅底部。

64、Methods Ninety-six patients suspected to suffer from intracranial aneurysms were examined by 3D-CTA, MRA and DSA. Their image data were analysed. ─── 方法 对96例可疑动脉瘤患者行3D-CTA,MRA和DSA检查。

65、Prostate cancer can be complicated by spontaneous intracranial haematoma. ─── 恶性前列腺肿瘤可能并发自发颅内血肿。

66、Claus EB,Bondy ML,Schildkraut JM.et al.Epidemiology of intracranial meningioma[J].J Neurosurg,2005,57(6):1088. ─── 岑波,朱贤立,赵甲山,等.经翼点入路显微手术切除内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤[J].中华神经外科杂志,2004,9:167.

67、The vomiting cause due to narcotic factors, brain edema, pain, intracranial hematoma, waterelectrolyte disorders, drug factors, surgical parts. ─── 引起呕吐的原因为麻醉因素、术后脑水肿、疼痛、颅内血肿、水、电解质紊乱、药物因素、手术部位。

68、The anterior cerebral artery complex has the most frequent incid ence of intracranial aneurysms. ─── 大脑前动脉复合体是颅内动脉瘤好发部位之一。

69、Methods:20 intracranial epidermoid cysts pathologically confirmed were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性复习20例经手术与病理证实的颅内先天性胆脂瘤。

70、Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) and arteriovenous malformation (AVM) are the common intracranial vascular malformations. ─── 动静脉瘘(AVF)和动静脉畸形(AVM)是较常见的颅内血管畸形。

71、A mastoid operation is necessary to eliminate the possibility of intracranial complications. ─── 为了消除引起颅内并发症的可能性,必须要作乳突手术。

72、When dizziness, disturbed mind, intracranial vascular dilatation and congestion. ─── 当头晕目眩、心神不安时,颅内血管扩张充血。

73、Objective To discuss the palindromic treatment of excision of intracranial tumor. ─── 摘要目的探讨颅内肿瘤术后复发的原因及其治疗方法。

74、This is a report of two cases of intracranial tension pneumocephalus. ─── 我们报告两位头部外伤合并张力性气脑的病人。

75、Safety end points included symptomatic intracranial bleeding, major extracranial bleeding, and all-cause mortality. ─── 安全性的评价包括有无颅内出血症状,颅内大出血和任何原因导致的死亡。

76、"I have previously seen two patients with PNH on warfarin who had intracranial bleeds;one of them died of the bleed. ─── 我以前曾见过两名阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿患者颅内出血,其中一人死于出血 。

77、Objective To study the value of CT-guided microtraumatic treatment of intracranial hematoma. ─── 摘要目的探讨CT引导下微创治疗颅内血肿的价值。

78、From 11 weeks, the brightly echogenic choroid plexuses filling the large lateral entricles are the most prominent intracranial structures. ─── 从11周开始,表现为强回声的脉络丛充满大的侧脑室是这个时期最明显的颅内结构。

79、Endovascular treatment of complicated intracranial aneurysms (79 cases report). ─── 复杂颅内动脉瘤的血管内治疗(79例报告)

80、Neurocysticercosis is an intracranial parasitic infection caused by the pork tapeworm, taenia solium. ─── 神经系统囊虫病是一种由猪肉绦虫引起的颅内寄生虫感染。

81、Intracranial hematoma appears as a hyperdense (white) area on brain CT and is usually not difficult to identify. ─── 颅内血肿在断层扫描影像中呈现高密度(白色)区域,并不难辨认;

82、The authors report 5 cases of intracranial extraventrivular ependymal cyst (or neuroepithelia cyst). ─── 本文报告5例脑室外室管膜囊肿(或称神经上皮囊肿)。

83、Methods The hospitalizing data of 95 cases with delayed intracranial hematoma was analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析了95例迟发性颅内血肿患者的住院资料。

84、Objective: To summarize the experience of treating patient suffered from acute traumatic intracranial hematoma. ─── 摘要目的:总结急性创伤性颅内血肿病员的诊治经验。

85、All were treated with mannitol and furosemide to reduce intracranial pressure, p-aminomethyl benzoic acid for hemostasis. ─── 两组均用甘露醇、速尿降颅压,止血芳酸止血,针刺组加用头针治疗。

86、Methods 17 intractable epilepsy patients underwent intracranial chronic EEG monitoring by using depth and/or subdural grid and strip electrodes. ─── 方法 应用立体定向技术 ,向颅内可疑部位植入深部电极和 /或硬膜下条状电极。 采用DaVinci系统 ,进行长程视频脑电监测 ,记录发作间期及发作期EEG变化 ,确定癫痫起源部位。

87、Therapeutic dose of Propofol can significantly inhibit the content of ET in patients with intracranial tumor. ─── 临床常用剂量异丙酚能显著抑制颅内肿瘤患者血浆ET水平。

88、The total incidence of intracranial leukemic nfiltration in 50 leukemic autoptic cases was 90%. ─── 50例白血病尸检患者的白血病细胞颅内浸润总发生率为90%。

89、Knowing: the etiology and influential factors of intracranial hypertension. ─── 了解颅内压增高的病因及影响因素。

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