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09-16 投稿



holocaust 发音

英:[ˈhoʊləkɔːstˌˈhɑːləkɔːst]  美:[ˈhɒləkɔːst]

英:  美:

holocaust 中文意思翻译



holocaust 词性/词形变化,holocaust变形


holocaust 短语词组

1、cannibal holocaust ─── 人食 ─── 人实录

2、the holocaust ─── 大屠杀(书名)

3、nuclear holocaust ─── 核大屠杀

4、denial of the holocaust ─── 否认大屠杀

5、holocaust day ─── 大屠杀日

holocaust 相似词语短语

1、the Holocaust ─── 大屠杀(书名)

2、holocausts ─── n.大屠杀;毁灭

3、holocaustal ─── 大屠杀

4、hypocausts ─── n.热坑;古罗马的火坑供暖系统

5、hypocaust ─── n.热坑;古罗马的火坑供暖系统

6、postholocaust ─── 大屠杀

7、holocaustic ─── 大屠杀

8、holdfast ─── n.紧紧握住;夹子,可夹紧之物;(海藻等的)附着器

9、locust ─── n.[植保]蝗虫,[昆]蚱蜢

holocaust 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In September, in a stirring epitaph to the country's Nazi past, new rabbis were ordained on German soil for the first time since the Holocaust. ─── 今年9月,德国国内自(粹对犹太人的)屠杀以来第一次任命了新的拉比,这在该国纳粹历史的墓志铭上写下了激动人心的一笔。

2、During the Holocaust, many of the Mallahs who stayed in Salonika or moved to France were deported to concentration and extermination camps. ─── 在大屠杀期间,很多有关的mallahs留在萨洛尼卡或转移到法国人被驱逐到浓度和灭绝营。

3、It's Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. In Jerusalem, two Auschwitz survivors have come together to talk about their experiences 65 years after they first met as teenagers in the death camp. ─── 今天是以色列大屠杀纪念日。在耶路撒冷,二名奥斯维辛幸存者来到一起谈论他们经历。这是他们65年后第一次相聚。

4、Foundations attached to the film director Stephen Spielberg and the Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel are among those who lost money. ─── 依附于电影导演史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格和大屠杀幸存者爱丽威瑟尔的基金也列名遭受损失者之中。

5、When I first picked up the book (Iris Chang's The Rape Of Nanking ) it had the words The Forgotten Holocaust Of World War II on the cover. ─── 第一次看到张小姐的书《强暴南京》,封面上写着‘二战里被遗忘的大屠杀’,我马上对它感兴趣,就开始搞这个电影。

6、The Fast of Tevet, Tevet 10, is the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem.It has also been proclaimed a memorial day for the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust. ─── 19万军之永恒主如此说:四月、五月禁食的日子,七月、十月禁食的日子,必变为犹大家欢喜快乐的日子和欢乐的节期,所以你们要喜爱诚实与和平。

7、To judge by the experience of Holocaust survivors, early trauma leads to later unhappiness. ─── 以纳粹屠杀幸存者的经验来判断,早年受过的创伤,会降低晚年的幸福感。

8、Holocaust: Future essayist Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday. ─── 1942年的今天,安妮·法兰克(后来的散文家)在她十三岁生日上收到一本日记本。

9、The two-minute siren at 10 a.m. is an annual tradition in observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day. ─── 上午10点开始的两分钟鸣笛每年大屠杀纪念日的传统。

10、The entrails and feet being washed with water: and the priest shall burn them upon the altar for a holocaust, and a sweet savour to the Lord. ─── 司祭将这一切放在祭坛上焚烧,作为全燔祭,作为中悦上主的馨香火祭。

11、And how would it end in the global holocaust of science fiction or in a limited exchange of weapons that leaves population centers largely intact? ─── 又怎么结束呢?将发生科幻小说描述的全球浩劫,还是仅限于核武器交锋而使人口密集的中心大体上不受损失?

12、Yet again humans warred upon one another culminating in a nuclear holocaust of earth. ─── 再一次,人类彼此战争而以地球的一次核毁灭达到顶峰。

13、A nuclear holocaust can lay waste to the world. ─── 一次核武器的大屠杀可以格世界夷为一片废墟。

14、They did their best to play up the so - called holocaust of nuclear war to intimidate the people. ─── 他们拼命喧染所谓的核战争灾祸来吓唬人民。

15、"We hope that the process can be expedited to ensure that this Holocaust perpetrator will finally be appropriately punished," Zuroff said in a telephone interview from Jerusalem. ─── “我们希望能够加快司法程序来确保这名大屠杀罪犯最终受到应有的惩罚,”苏罗夫在耶路撒冷接受电话采访的时候说道。

16、And afterwards the continual holocaust, both on the new moons, and on all the solemnities of the Lord, that were consecrated, and on all in which a freewill offering was made to the Lord. ─── 以后,献了恒常祭,并在月朔、安息日和一切祝圣于上主的庆日,献了全燔祭,和各人自愿向上主献的自愿祭。

17、And he shall receive from the whole multitude of the children of Israel two buck goats for sin, and one ram for a holocaust. ─── 此外,还应由以色列子民会众,取两只公山羊作赎罪祭,一只公绵羊作全燔祭。

18、"The tragedy I know best, because I was personally involved in it, the Holocaust, made no distinction between the murderers and the bystanders," he told me. ─── “我很了解这样的悲剧,因为我亲身经历过,纳粹屠杀,使那些刽子手和旁观者没有区别,”他告诉我。

19、He was one of the men most responsible for the murder of millions of people during the Holocaust. ─── 他是最应该为“大屠杀”期间百万人谋杀负责的人之一。

20、As with the Holocaust, papal admissions have spoken only of the "sins of the sons and daughters of the Church," but not of the Church itself. ─── 与大屠杀一样,教宗只承认“教会的儿女有罪”,而不是教会本身有罪。

21、"No one in his right mind would choose to have that sort of holocaust, " he says. ─── “头脑正常的人不会进行那样的大屠杀,”他说。

22、The whole assembly worshiped, cantors singing, trumpets sounding, until the holocaust was over. ─── 同时全会众跪拜,唱歌的唱歌,吹号的吹号,这样直到全燔祭献完为止。

23、The group's members, mostly Roman Catholics, risked their own lives to save Jews from the Holocaust in Nazi-occupied Poland. ─── 地下委员会的成员大多数是天主教徒,冒着生命危险将犹太人从纳粹控制的波兰拯救出来。

24、Among the thousands he saved was the late Tom Lantos, who was the first Holocaust survivor to be elected to the U. S. Congress. ─── 已故的汤姆•兰托斯是瓦伦堡拯救的数千人当中的一个。兰托斯是第一位当选美国国会议员的纳粹大屠杀幸存者。

25、Washington, DC police officer stands outside the U.S. Holocaust Museum, a day after a white supremacist killed a security guard there. ─── 华盛顿特区警察在美国大屠杀博物馆外,一天前,有一名白人至上的警卫死亡。

26、What were some of the failed Holocaust (HC) memorials? ─── 哪些是失败的大屠杀纪念文物?

27、When Adrien Brody won Best Actor for his role as a young Jewish musician during the Holocaust in The Pianist,he too tied it to Iraq. ─── 在影片《钢琴家》中饰演一名生活在大屠杀时期年轻的犹太音乐家的演员阿德里安·布罗迪获得了最佳男主角奖。当他登台领奖时,也提到了伊拉克。

28、Ceremonies marking the day were held around the country, in Israel's parliament and at the Yad Vashem national Holocaust museum, where the names of victims were read aloud. ─── 以色列全国都举行了纪念日仪式,在以色列国会和。

29、They not only plant trees in Israel, but they sponsor aliya flights, help build hospitals, feed needy families, support Holocaust education and so much more. ─── 他们不但在以色列种植树木,而且也赞助犹太人回归以色列,协助兴建医院,为有需要的家庭提供膳食,支援大屠杀教育,诸如此类。

30、"Now, there will be no holocaust unless you believe that you are so evil that you, as a race must punish yourselves. ─── “注意,并不存在什么大劫难除非你们相信你们是如此罪恶以致作为一个种族你们必须惩罚你们自己。

31、S. troops, to speak with leaders of women's groups in Kuwait, and to visit Israel's Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, in Jerusalem. ─── 他将首先访问以色列,然后访问约旦河西岸、科威特、巴林、阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯和埃及。

32、The Holocaust and Australia Jewish History, including related links. ─── 大屠杀和澳洲犹太人历史,包括串连有关的网站。

33、And in Iran,a leading newspaper ()Monday began (to listening)soliciting cartoons, in english (infarce)and Farsi, about the (holly cost)Holocaust. ─── 在伊朗,一家主要的报纸开始索要关于大屠杀的英语和波斯语版的卡通画。

34、He recalled his visit to Israel's Holocaust memorial as one of the most solemn moments of his trip, and repeated his call for the Holocaust never to be denied. ─── 他回忆自己对以色列大屠杀纪念馆的访问是这次旅途中最为沉重的时刻之一,他还再三呼吁决不容否认种族灭绝大屠杀的史实。

35、The Holocaust is increasingly becoming a faint and ineffectual memory and the Arab states are increasingly powerful and assertive. ─── 大屠杀日益成为一段遥远模糊的记忆,而阿拉伯国家变得日益强大和自信。

36、In more recent times the Gypsies were caught up in Nazi ethnic hysteria, and perhaps half a million perished in the Holocaust. ─── 在近代,吉普赛人卷入了歇斯底里的纳粹民族主义,大约有50万吉普赛人死于大屠杀。

37、He was a descendent of Holocaust survivors. ─── 他是大屠杀幸存者的后代。

38、What's different about the politics of memory in the Holocaust memorials and those in the World Trade Center? ─── 大屠杀与世贸中心纪念文物的记忆政治有什么不同?

39、LONDON, England -- Friedel and Robert Borisewitz have led extraordinary lives. Jewish citizens born in Antwerp, Belgium, they survived the Holocaust by fleeing to Brazil with fake documents. ─── 伦敦,英格兰--弗瑞德尔和罗伯特鲍瑞色维茨引领令人惊奇的生活,犹太公民生于比利时,安特卫普,他们使用伪造的证件逃到巴西幸免于大屠杀。

40、Yet, after carefully sifting the evidence, he acquits the Master of blame for the Holocaust. ─── 但是经过他的考证,其实这位音乐大师并不应为大屠杀而受过多的则难。

41、In East Africa five years of drought have brought about a holocaust in which millions have died. ─── 东非地区五年的干旱引起上百万人的死亡。

42、In the second chapter, through the perspective to the holocaust, Bauman has displayed the hidden possibility of modernity. ─── 在第二章里,通过展示鲍曼对大屠杀事件的透视,呈现出现代性潜隐的可能性。

43、Whitwell Middle School in rural Tennessee is the setting for this documentary about an extraordinary experiment in Holocaust education. ─── 在乡村风味的田纳西惠特韦尔中学,为这部记录片展开了一次关于大屠杀教育方面的特别实验。

44、Most take a dim view of Mr Ahmadinejad, who denies that the Holocaust happened but makes veiled threats to unleash another one on Israel. ─── 内贾德本人因其否认大屠杀是事实和秘而不宣的打算要血洗以色列而成为了众矢之的。

45、Cavuto: Well you can’t blame them, right, I mean you have the president of Iran who says the Holocaust never existed and if he had his druthers he’d destroy Israel and all the Jews. ─── 卡洛托:好的,没错,你不能责备他们,我想说的是,比如,伊朗总统说根本没有发生大屠杀,如果他来做这件事的话,他会毁灭以色列,并且消灭所有犹太人。

46、In David Stannard's study American Holocaust, he writes: "had these same words been enunciated by a German leader in 1939, and directed at European Jews, they would be engraved in modern memory. ─── 在David Stannard的美国屠杀历史研究中,他写道 :“假如这些同样的词汇被德国领袖在1939年清晰地阐述并用于欧洲犹太人身上,那么它就会永远镌刻与人类的现代记忆中。

47、Life is Beautiful is a tragi-comic movie in which Benigni is a Jewish father shielding his son from the horrors of the Holocaust in a way that evokes both laughter and sadness. ─── 《美丽人生》是一部悲喜剧电影。贝尼尼在片中饰演一位犹太父亲,用一种既惹人发笑又令人心酸的方式保护自己的儿子不受大屠杀惨状的伤害。

48、He predicted that there would be a world holocaust. ─── 他预言将有一场世界性的浩劫。

49、Using the database of Holocaust victims at Yad Vashem,IsraelsHolocaust memorial, two of Shlicks grandchildren, Bennyand David,began unearthing a mystery spanning six decades andthreecontinents. ─── 借助以色列大屠杀殉难者纪念馆的殉难者数据库,史利克的两个孙子本尼和大卫开始挖掘这段跨越了60年三个大洲的秘密。

50、Israeli officials, Holocaust survivors and foreign dignitaries began the observance with a ceremony at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. ─── 以色列官员、大屠杀幸存者以及外国政要在耶路撒冷的亚德韦谢姆大屠杀纪念馆参加仪式,开始了纪念活动。

51、An 88-year-old man with an anti-Semitic past opened fire at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, killing a security guard. ─── 一名88岁的男性在华盛顿特区大屠杀纪念馆开枪打死了一名保安,这名男性曾有过反犹主义前科。

52、Hanita Ilan took up art after working for a spell at Yad Vashem, Israel's holocaust memorial and museum, and is the grand-daughter of holocaust survivors. ─── 哈妮塔宜兰在亚德凡圣工作后,开始艺术创作,亚德凡圣是以色列的大屠杀纪念博物馆,而哈妮塔宜兰也是大屠杀幸存者的孙女。

53、And one in six youngsters said they thought Auschwitz was a Second World War theme park while one in 20 said the Holocaust was a celebration at the end of the war. ─── 六分之一的儿童认为奥斯威辛集中营是”二战“时期的一座主题公园,二十人中有一人称,(犹太人)大屠杀是战争结束时的一次庆祝活动。

54、In the Holocaust studies, there is a school of thought that says to explain is to forgive. ─── 在对大屠杀的研究中,有一种流派的观点认为,做解释就是宽恕。

55、Struggling to grasp the concept of six million Holocaust victims, the students decide to collect six million paper clips to better understand the extent of this crime against humanity. ─── 为努力去领会600万犹太大屠杀受害者的概念,学生们决定收集600万个回形针以便更好的理解这反人类罪行的程度。

56、But 50 million Iranian TV viewers saw Ahmadinejad accused of humiliating the nation with his truculence and his Holocaust denials. ─── 但5000万伊朗电视观众看到内贾德因其残酷以及对纳粹大屠杀的否认而被指给国家蒙羞。

57、nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s. ─── 在50年代,核灾难似乎是件很有可能发生的事。

58、Israeli President Visits Opening of Europe'First Holocaust Memorial Center! ─── 以色列总统参加欧洲第一个浩劫纪念品中心开幕!

59、Frank personalized the horrors of the Holocaust in her own words. ─── 弗兰克用她自己的话使大屠杀的恐怖个人化。

60、In fact, without the traditional pillars of Torah, faith and language to bind them, the majority of Jews in America turned increasingly to the Holocaust as their vicariously shared memory. ─── 事实上,没有像法律,信仰,语言类传统的支柱来汇合他们,大多数在美国的尤太人愈加把感同身受的大屠杀共同铭记在心。

61、A man endeavors to collect memories of his grandparents who died in a concentration camp during the Holocaust. ─── 一个男人,她的祖父母死于大屠杀时期的集中营,他要努力收集祖父母的回忆。

62、Israelis point to him as the perpetrator of the first Holocaust. ─── 以色列人说他是第一位施行大屠杀的恶徒。

63、His mother, a Holocaust survivor born in what is now Ukraine, refused to let him test her blood. ─── 然而他作为乌克兰大屠杀幸存者的母亲不允许他抽自己的血。

64、Elie Weisel, a Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor, added his moral weight to the debate. ─── 一位诺贝尔奖桂冠诗人和一个大屠杀生还者,对这次争议给予了他的道德的审视。

65、The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare. ─── 大屠杀幸存者经历了一场噩梦。

66、The Holocaust took place across the entire European continent, and for all of Europe's Jews, as well as other victims of Nazism, geography played a major role in determining their fate. ─── 博物馆的倡议使用绘图工具,如谷歌地球和动画地图,使公民能够了解大屠杀的历史,见证目前威胁世界各地的种族灭绝。

67、Nearly all the laws and decrees promulgated against the Jews bear his signature;his name is indelibly connected to the Holocaust. ─── 几乎所有的反犹文件上都有他的签名,他的名字与对犹太人的种族灭绝紧密相连。

68、He was largely responsible for the logistics of the extermination of millions of people during the Holocaust, in particular Jews. ─── 在大屠杀时期,他帮助杀死了上百万的人,尤其是犹太人。

69、Ax contributed to a BBC documentary commemorating the Holocaust that aired on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and which was awarded a 2005 International Emmy. ─── 2005年,艾克斯参与录制BBC一部纪念二战时期奥斯维辛大屠杀60周年的文献片,并获得2005年的国际艾美奖。

70、Even if we avoid a nuclear holocaust, the threat from the Kremlin requires us to devote a sizable fraction of our resources to our military defense. ─── 即使我们避免一场核破坏,来自克里姆林宫的威胁还是要求我们花费了我们相当大的资源用于我们的军事防卫。

71、The Oxfam appeal follows a joint-venture by the United States Holocaust Museum in Washing DC and the online mapping service, Google Earth, to halt what they see as genocide. ─── 乐施会呼吁大众跟随一家由美国华盛顿大屠杀博物管和在线地图服务公司的合资公司来停止这场屠杀。

72、There's the elderly Holocaust survivor who reluctantly agrees to have surgery for removal of a cancerous colon polyp, only to die three days later from a ***plication of the operation. ─── 勉强同意通过外科手术切除结肠息肉癌而面临重大死亡的中老年存活者,不经意间会因手术并发症而于死于术后3天。

73、He had little enough to hide: a clutch of Utopian left-wing views, and one dismaying brush with Holocaust denial which seemed the mere misjudgment of old age. ─── 他也没有什么需要隐瞒的:他有一些乌托邦的左翼思想,还和那些否认犹太人大屠杀的人发生过一次冲突(这多少让人有些沮丧,不过这多半只是由于年老导致的判断错误)。

74、Then there is the growth of synagogues that welcome gay and transsexual Jews; of Jewish cultural centres; and of museums that celebrate Jewish history instead of mourning the Holocaust. ─── 于是,欢迎同性恋和变性犹太人的犹太会堂有所增加,犹太文化中心有所增加;赞美犹太历史而不是凭吊大屠杀的博物馆也有所增加。

75、Iran's president escalates his anti-Israeli rhetoric , calling the Holocaust a myth used by Europeans to create a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world. ─── 伊朗总统进一步增强其反以言论,宣称大屠杀事件是欧洲人为了在伊斯兰国家中建立一个犹太国家而捏造出来的。

76、The history of Holocaust is being headed into oblivion. ─── 大屠杀的历史正渐渐被人们忘却。

77、A neo-Nazi can easily identify a synagogue or the Holocaust museum in Washington. ─── 一个新纳粹在华盛顿很容易找到一个犹太教会堂或是大屠杀纪念馆。

78、Wetzler was a Slovak Jew, and one of a very small number of Jews known to have escaped from the Auschwitz death camp during the Holocaust. ─── 伟兹勒是一名斯洛伐克犹太人,同时也是已知的极少数在大屠杀时期成功逃出奥斯威辛死亡集中营的犹太人之一。

79、Klestil distinguished himself by speaking out numerous times against Austria's Nazi complicity during World War II, expressing sympathy for Holocaust victims during a first-term visit to Israel. ─── 克莱斯蒂尔多次谴责二战时奥地利是纳粹的同谋,在其第一届任期去以色列访问时,他曾对大屠杀的受害者表示了同情。

80、And they shall burn them upon the altar, for a holocaust, putting fire under the wood: for an oblation of most sweet savour to the Lord. ─── 亚郎的儿子们应将这一切放在祭坛上的柴火上,同全燔祭牺牲一起焚烧,作为中悦上主的馨香火祭。

81、Jewish experiences in the 20th century have included the Nazi extermination or "holocaust" of most of European Jewry. ─── 20世纪犹太人的经历包含了纳粹把大部分欧洲犹太人加以消灭或对他们进行“大屠杀”。

82、There is a most inspiring man;you must have heard of him.Viktor Frankl, a man who survived the Holocaust and found meaning through his ordeals. ─── 你肯定听说过一位激励人心的人,他叫维克多弗兰克,是大屠杀中的幸存者,他在这个痛苦的经历中找到了生命的意义。

83、After their talks, they were to travel by helicopter to the Buchenwald concentration camp where tens of thousands of people - most of them Jews - died during the Nazi Holocaust. ─── 会谈后,两位领导人将乘直升机前往布痕瓦尔德集中营。数以万计的囚犯,主要是犹太人在纳粹的大屠杀中丧生。

84、In David Stannard‘s study American Holocaust, he writes: had these same words been enunciated by a German leader in 1939, and directed at European Jews, they would be engraved in modern memory. ─── 但是既然他们是由一个美国国父发出的,那么,这些词汇在大部分历史学家坚持不懈地庆祝杰弗逊的智慧和人道中就很方便地失去了。”

85、The genocide of the Holocaust made many doubt tenets of European modernity. ─── 大屠杀的种族灭绝,使很多人怀疑欧洲现代性的原则。

86、And in Iran, a leading newspaper Monday began soliciting cartoons, in English and Farsi, about the Holocaust. ─── 同时,伊朗的一家权威报纸于周一开始征集英语和波斯语种的有关大屠杀的漫画稿。

87、The air force, which had also been furnished to Chiang by the United States and which might conceivably have turned the crossing into a holocaust, seldom appeared to give battle to the Communists. ─── 也是美国训练和装备起来的国民党空军,本来可予共军渡江部队以重创,却很少向共军出击。

88、May not experience the Holocaust, but the surface of the card, they are not the future of this season. ─── 也许不会经历大屠杀,但牌面上看,这个赛季他们没什么前途。

89、At the remains of the Buchenwald concentration camp, President Obama paid homage to the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. ─── 在布痕瓦尔德集中营遗址,奥巴马总统向纳粹大屠杀的受害者们致敬。

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