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09-16 投稿



instilled 发音

英:[ɪnˈstɪld]  美:[ɪnˈstɪld]

英:  美:

instilled 中文意思翻译



instilled 词性/词形变化,instilled变形

名词: instillation |

instilled 相似词语短语

1、bestilled ─── 命令

2、unstilled ─── 未灌浆

3、inshelled ─── 缩进

4、installer ─── n.安装程序;安装者,安装工

5、instill ─── vt.徐徐滴入;逐渐灌输

6、instiller ─── 灌输者

7、distilled ─── adj.由蒸馏得来的;净化的;v.蒸馏(distill的过去式)

8、installed ─── adj.安装的;已装入的;vt.安装(install的过去式和过去分词)

9、infilled ─── n.填充物,填实物;插建的建筑;v.填实,填入;插建新建筑

instilled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、instil(l) something into ─── 使…逐渐确立某种观念,向…逐渐灌输某种观念、知识等

2、Effect of mitomycin C instilled immediately after TUR added with low dose BCG maintenance therapy to prevent recurrence of superficial bladder cancer ─── 丝裂霉素C加卡介苗灌注预防浅表性膀胱癌术后复发疗效观察

3、It isn't hard to see how Turner's childhood might have instilled this sense of permanent crisis,of desperate insecurity,behind the frenzied activity that is his trademark. ─── 从特纳的早年经历可以看出,在他那些标志性的狂热行为背后,隐藏着的是一种永久的危机感和极度的不安全感。

4、"The stories in prose and verse are well adapted to awaken a lively, interest in the minds of the pupil, and at the same time to instil principles of truthfulness and honesty, and sentiments of kindness and honour. ─── “这些以散文体和韵文体写就的故事已被精心改写,使之能在学生心中唤起强烈的兴趣,同时向学生灌输真实和正直的为人之道以及仁爱和荣誉的情操。”

5、NISSAN GT-R's unique characteristics are instilled not just in the vehicle's design, but also through a specialized production process. ─── NISSAN GT-R独一无二的特征不仅反映在设计上,还体现在其独特的生产过程。

6、It aims to glorify and to instil pride in their ancestors and to exhort the future generations to emulate their illustrious forebears. ─── 其目的更是要褒扬祖宗,使后代引以为荣,代代效法。

7、Born on July 30, 1947 in Graz, Austria, Schwarzenegger was raised with strict rules and morals instilled by his parents. ─── 1947年7月30日施瓦辛格出生于奥地利的格拉茨,从小受到父母严厉的管教和道德思想的熏陶。

8、His death taught me many lessons, but the one so harshly instilled in me is that no one, even someone as great as him, is invincible. ─── 他的故事教给我了许多教训,但灌输给我如此残酷的一个是,任何人,甚至像他那样伟大的人,都不是不可战胜的。

9、The Ambassadorial Scholarship and his studies at Oxford instilled in him a long and fond association with Great Britain. ─── 大使奖学金和他在牛津的研究徐徐灌输他一段长期和喜欢与英国交往的时光。"

10、The inspiring teachers not only impart knowledge, they also instil moral values in their students. ─── 二、模范教师不但教华文,还负起培养学生正确的人生观。

11、"It is about the environment they are in at that age and how they feel, but if somebody is not motivated you cannot instil it in them later. ─── “这涉及到球员在那个年龄所处的环境和他们的感受,如果当时球员不具备被激发性,那么你也不可能在以后重新向他们灌输。”

12、These are the qualities your education has instilled in you. ─── 你们从过往所接受的教育中,已培养了这些特质。

13、The moral lesson instilled in the girl is not whether the man has aroused her love, but rather is it, "How much? " ─── 浸透到女孩中的道德课程不是这个男子引起她的爱,而是多少钱。

14、As a matter of fact, far from suspecting the truth, he was wondering how he could approach his sister-Tu Chuchai's wife-and get her to instil a little courage into her husband. ─── 但他并不想到那上头,他是在那里筹划如何在他的二姊方面进言,“出奇兵”煽起杜竹斋的胆量来。

15、Her mother instilled another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education. ─── 她母亲灌输给她一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。

16、Your own conscious belief, and the preponderance of opinion of those about you, have instilled the conviction in your subconscious mind that wood alcohol is dire poison. ─── 你自己的意识信念以及那些关于你的占主导位置的想法都会慢慢的灌输给你的潜意识一种认知,那就是甲醇具有可怕的毒性。

17、I am indebted to my dear parents for having had habits of order and regularity instilled. ─── 多亏我亲爱的爹妈,在我幼年时代,就教导我养成了做事有条有理,循规蹈矩的习惯。

18、Her mother instilled in her another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education. ─── 她母亲又灌输给她另一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的这样一种美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。

19、He augured that the sanctuary will daily attract the parishioners and the pilgrim Christians to prayer and to instil the will to live the grace of marriage and of family in holiness. ─── 他预言重建的圣堂每天会吸引著教区的人和基督徒朝圣来祈祷、愿意活出婚姻、圣善家庭的恩宠。

20、In 1999, a series of codes of practices and other publications were published to promote the compliance standards required by safety legislation and to instil in the public an awareness of safety. ─── 一九九九年,该部编印了一系列工作守则和其他刊物,以推广职业安全法例所订定须遵守的标准,以及向公众人士灌输职业安全的意识;

21、To equip the students with subsidiary talent, we have included Printing Art classes into our syllabus. Students are instilled with entrepreneur values for better job prospect. ─── 为了学生具有更多辅助才艺,能在社会上立足,本校特将特殊转印才艺正课里。本课程除了让学生掌握一技之长,也将灌输学生创业价值观,是一门具有远景的事业。

22、but the young know they are wretched, for they are full of the truthless ideals which have been instilled into them, and each time they come in contact with the real they are bruisedand wounded. ─── 年轻人知道,自己是不幸的,他们脑子里充斥了被灌输的不切实际的想法,每次与现实接触时,都会碰得头破血流。

23、She had managed to instil a little courage into the girl, and now her protegee was wavering again ─── 她看见自己所鼓动起来的人有点动摇了。

24、The values you instilled in me as a child helped me find my way in the tough world. ─── 你在我小时候灌输给我的价值观,帮助了我在这个艰困的世界找到我自己的路.

25、Xiao Song’s Guitar Song elicited screams, FAHAD MAHMOOD’s Pakistan style dance rocked all audience, ANUM YAMEEN and FAHAD’s dual song instilled us with poetic, exquisite feelings. ─── FAHAD MAHMOOD表演了精彩的巴基斯坦舞蹈,热烈动感的节奏调动了现场,场下的外国友人跟着一起跳了起来;ANUM YAMEEN 和FAHAD 合唱了一首优美抒情的巴基斯坦歌曲;

26、By contrast, GM's 37-page submission seemed designed to instil fear rather than hope. ─── 与福特相比而言,通用递交的37页计划书似乎意在让国会感觉到危机而非希望。

27、English: Ji Kang Zi ask:"How can we instil respect, loyalty and motivation in the people? ─── 季康子问:“如何可使民众敬其上,忠其上,并肯加倍努力呀?”

28、Instilled with a strong work ethic promoted by her parents, Stewart mastered traits that many would consider common household chores. ─── 受其父母有关良好职业道德的灌输,斯图尔特掌握了一些多数人认为是普通家庭杂务类的特质。

29、The idea was gradually instilled in the mind of the young prince (or The mind of the young prince was gradually instill with the idea) that he was of almost godlike importance and far above other men. ─── 幼小的王子心目中逐渐形成了这种观念,即他非凡夫俗子,近乎如神,远比他人高贵得多。

30、" She also instilled in him her predilection for new and rarely performed works. ─── 她还把自己对新作品和很少被表演的作品的偏好慢慢灌输给他。

31、instil(l) a balm ─── 徐徐滴入镇痛剂

32、Zai Wo replied:"The Xia used pine tree, the Yin Shang used cypress while the Zhou used chestnut tree, meaning to instil fear into people. ─── 宰我答道:“夏后氏以松树,殷人以柏树,周人以栗树,说明是要使人民战栗。”

33、Pray for the ALPHA launch on April 21.Pray that God will use this to equip us for evangelism as well as instil in us a heart for reaching out.We praise God for the >100 who have registered. ─── 启发课程:感谢父神,3月28日第一次启发训练,共有卅位弟兄姊妹参与;请为其馀两次训练祷告,亦请继续为邀约未信主家人,亲友参加而祷告。

34、You can certainly tell that Rockets coach Tom Thibodeau has instilled the same defensive style that Van Gundy expects. ─── 可以肯定的是火箭助理教练汤姆-泰伯杜已经向球员灌输了范甘迪的那一套防守风格。

35、In 2003, the government privatised J-Power in the hope that the rigours of the market would instil greater efficiency. ─── 2003年,政府将J-Power私有化,希望市场活力能逐渐带来更高效率。

36、I instilled the need for kindness into my children ─── 我不断向孩子们灌输仁慈的必要。

37、He instilled a true fighting spirit in his team, helping make it one of the best in Asia. ─── 他在球队中致力于培养球员们的勇战精神,建立起了一支亚洲一流水平的球队。

38、The nursery teacher instilled the need for kindness into my children. ─── 幼儿园教师不断地向孩子们灌输仁慈的必要。

39、To facilitate the development of electronic commerce, it is important to instil trust in the security and integrity of transactions performed electronically. ─── 为发展电子商业,我们必须建立公众对可以稳妥及完整进行电子交易的信心,尤以跨境交易为然。

40、She instil her unique idea into her children. ─── 她把其独特的思想灌输给她的孩子。

41、For me, playing sports has 17)instilled the values of 18)camaraderie, leadership, respect and 19)cooperation that exist within a group. ─── 对于我来说,参加体育运动让我学习到存在于一个团队中的队友情谊、领导能力、尊重和合作的价值。

42、His horrid passions had made him forget the principles which Dr. Portman had instilled into him in early life. ─── 疯狂的情欲使他忘记了早年波特曼博士灌输给他的那些原则。

43、They instilled the work ethic into their children. ─── 他们在孩子们的心中注入了职业道德的理念。

44、The inspiring teachers not only impart knowledge,they also instil moral values in their students. ─── 启蒙教师不但教授知识,还负起培养学生正确的人生观。

45、These wonderful childhood experiences instilled in me a strong passion for America's landscapes, cultures, and people. ─── 童年时的这些美好经历在我身上倾注了一种对美国的山河、文化和人民的强烈感情。

46、the way to make them unwilling to be corrupt is to instil in public servants a sense of honor in uprightness and shame in corruption; ─── 不愿贪,指的是培养公务人员以廉洁为荣、以贪渎为耻的观念;

47、Any leader who could instil private-sector attitudes towards productivity growth and cost control into the management of the public sector would be hailed as the saviour of the British economy. ─── 任何一个领导人,若他能把私营企业对生产力增长和成本控制的观念渗透到公共部门的管理之中,那他就成了英国经济的救星。

48、"Certainly, I might have lived happily amongst those good people, who adored me, but my perverse disposition prevailed over the virtues which my adopted mother endeavored to instil into my heart. ─── “当然罗,”贝尼代托继续说,“抚养我的那些人都很爱我,我本来可以和那些人过很快乐的生活,但我那邪恶的本性超过了我继母灌输在我心里的美德。

49、A severe man, Munch's father instilled in his son a strong fear of going to hell. ─── 孟克的父亲很严厉,把对下地狱的强烈恐惧灌输给自己的儿子。

50、had instilled in him such zealous misogyny. ─── |以至于现在这样强烈地憎恶女人。

51、She had found that when feelings of disgust are instilled in them beforehand, people make decisions which are more ethical than would otherwise be expected. ─── 她发现当人们预先已逐步灌输了厌恶感的概念,他们会做出更加道德的决定。

52、He could barely read but lived a life of rigid self-discipline, and tried to instil the same values in his grandsons. ─── 外祖父开辆货车四处送油,虽然不识几个大字,生活却严苛自律,并且设法把同样价值灌输给自己的外孙。

53、but the young know they are wretched for they are full of the truthless ideal which have been instilled into them, and each time they come in contact with the real, they are bruised and wounded. ─── 但是年轻人知道,他们满怀不切实际的理想,理想将他们渗透,而这种虚幻令他们沮丧。每当面对现实,他们都会遍体鳞伤。

54、Thanks to my mom and all of my speech therapists and teachers, the belief was instilled in me that I could overcome this challenge. ─── 感谢我的母亲,感谢我的矫正医生和老师,是他们逐渐灌输给我能够战胜困难的信念。

55、By contrast, Feng was as proud and fierce as ever.He tried to instil a little pride into Sir Zheng.'It was my idea to kill Chen Jinnan,' he declared, addressing Trinket. ─── 他抢到郑克塽身旁,一伸手便拉起了他,转头向韦小宝道:“当年杀陈近南,全是我的主意,跟郑公爷无关。

56、Her mother instilled in her another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education. ─── 她母亲又灌输给她另一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的这样一种美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。

57、to strengthen failing courage, to instil faith in hours of despair. ─── 在他们勇气消退时给以力量,在绝望的时刻使他们恢复信念。

58、Her mother instilled in her another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education ─── 她母亲又灌输给她另一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的这样一种美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。

59、Still, that's not all. Lotito insists that enthusiasm needs to be instilled in the side if they are to return to the glory days. ─── 尽管如此,洛蒂托坚持认为如果他们希望回到以前的时代,就必须热心的支持这支球队,并给这支球队一些时间。

60、And by constantly advising him of his satisfactory progress toward speedy recovery she seeks to instil hope, confidence and mental effort. ─── 她们还要向病患灌输希望、信心和精神努力来使他们迅速康复,并且不断地建议病患对这种康复状态表示满意。”)

61、"We were outclassed in the first half.AC controlled it and we went in at the break with our heads down.But the manager made changes and instilled belief back into the players. ─── “上半场我们落后不少,AC米兰控制了局势所以中场的时候大家都垂头丧气的,但教练作出了调整并帮助大家重新找回了信念。”

62、Carol: This is merely an affirmation of a social order, which has been instilled on our popular culture since kindergarten. ─── 卡罗尔:这只不过是我们作幼儿园接受的大众文化的一种表现形式而已。

63、This will serve to provide a favourable overall business environment and help instil confidence for foreign investors coming to Hong Kong. ─── 凡此种种,皆缔造有利营商的整体环境,增强外商来港投资的信心。

64、Indeed, these are the same qualities that we try to instil in our students. ─── 事实上,我们不但自己如此,也要求学生如此。

65、but the young know they are wretched , for they are full of the ruthless ideals which have been instilled into them, and each time they come in contact with the real, they are bruised and wounded. ─── 年轻人知道自己是不幸的,因为他们被灌输而来的、不切实际的理想充斥着,他们每次只要接触到现实,就会碰得头破血流。

66、"Morality . . . may be instilled into their minds" (Thomas Jefferson) ─── “道德可以灌输到他们的头脑中”(托马斯·杰弗逊)

67、your creator instilled within you from the first moment of your being. ─── 宽恕,是去伤解痛的唯一良方。能否痊愈,决定全在你。

68、Confidence in listening is instilled through laboratory exercises which emphasize different social contexts. ─── 在语音室中做不同的社交场合下的练习,逐渐建立听力的自信心。

69、Then different drugs were instilled into bladders. Group A: pure PBS instillation; Group B:PBS and radiolabeled BCG (3H-BCG); ─── A组膀胱内单纯灌注PBS液 ,B组灌注PBS液 +同位素标记后的BCG(3H -BCG) ,C组灌注氨基已酸 (EACA) +3H -BCG ,D组灌注氨甲苯酸 (PAMBA) +3H -BCG ,E组灌注肝素 +3H -BCG。

70、Centuries of captivity bred hate, nurtured resolve, and finally instilled psionic powers. ─── 几百年的囚禁生活滋养了仇恨,培育了决心,并最终导入了心灵异能。

71、Hard to imagine those are the values that Beaverton officials would like to see instilled in its fourth graders. ─── 很难想象比佛顿的这种观念,竟然要把这种观念逐渐的灌输给四年级的学生。

72、The sentiment they instil is of more value than any thought they may contain. ─── 在这种诗句中,不论其主题是什么,心灵总能听到某种告诫。

73、Fast food is generally not a good way to instil good eating habits in your child. ─── 对于帮助你的孩子养成好的饮食习惯,快餐绝对不是个好方法。

74、Shaking loose from the dee ply-held ideologicial beliefs and sense of ethnic and historical identity th at their culture and political system have instilled in them ─── 化及政治系统灌输给他们的民族和历史认同中摆脱出来

75、D.Hold tubing until fluid is instilled. ─── D. 握住肛管直至液体全部注入。

76、Through television, magazines, the Internet and other channels to consumers strongly instil a thought, "But expensive luxury worth having. ─── 他们通过电视、杂志、因特网等渠道极力向消费者灌输一种思想,即"奢侈品昂贵但是值得拥有的"。

77、This is what I want to see instilled in these children. ─── 这就是我希望看到输灌给孩子的观念。

78、To make sure to get enough urine, water about 2% of their weights is instilled into their stomaches. ─── 为保证尿量,所有大鼠按体重的2%进行胃内灌水。

79、Parents need to instil a sense of discipline in children from a young age if such tragedies are to be prevented, he said. ─── 家长需要灌输一种有纪律的儿童从小如果这种悲剧是被阻止,他说。

80、To instil the expectation subtly, the participants in the other groups are informally briefed by a student who has apparently just completed the task. ─── 实验中充满了巧妙的骗术,所以对它最好的理解方法就是想象自己正身临其境。

81、Unfortunately those new expectations and hopes which the end of the cold war era instilled in us all have been short lived ─── 不幸的是,冷战时代的结束给我们大家注入的这种新期望和希望,如昙花一现。

82、As hard as we put it through its paces, the Shelby managed to keep things on a fairly even keel in a manner that instilled confidence and almost begged us for more input. ─── 困难,我们把它通过了测试,向谢尔比设法保持相当平稳的方式,灌输信心和几乎恳求我们更多的投入。

83、The Company has a management level instilled with innovating concept and learning impulse, which hence capable of being apt to the Company's rapid development. ─── 公司有一个能够适应公司快速发展的创新理念和学习型、不断进取的管理型组织。

84、Her childhood experiences opened her heart to those less fortunate and instilled in her a sense of social justice. ─── 她童年的经历让她对那些不够幸运的人们敞开心扉,且融入了她的社会正义感之中。

85、Leonardo was widely known as a man with a sense of humor, and could very well have instilled his own image onto the shroud (whether authentic or otherwise). ─── 列奥纳多被认为是一个富有幽默感的人,也可以非常恰当地慢慢灌输自己的肖像裹尸布里面(不管可信还是不可信)。

86、The screams of the wounded and dying were something to instil fear into the stoutest heart. ─── 受伤者垂死者的尖叫,令最勇敢的人都胆战心惊。

87、The AAUP has issued its defence of indoctrination fully cognisant of the fact that these new academic disciplines view their mission as using the classroom to instil an ideology in their students. ─── 全美大学教授联合会为其灌输教育辩护到,他们充分认识到,这些新的学科使命,是在课堂上向学生们灌输一种意识形态这一事实。

88、In men, this trait is instilled environmentally. ─── 在男性中,这一个性是受环境的缓慢转变影响。

89、Clinical observation and nursing of cyst in vary with tradition medicine instilled into intestine ─── 卵巢囊肿中药灌肠的临床观察及护理

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