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09-16 投稿



insularity 发音

英:[ˌɪnsəˈlærəti]  美:[ˌɪnsjuˈlærəti]

英:  美:

insularity 中文意思翻译



insularity 网络释义

n. (思想、观点等)偏狭,性僵化;岛国性质(或状态);岛屿生活状况,与外界隔绝的生活状况

insularity 反义词


insularity 同义词

limited | inward-looking |contracted | parochial | narrow-minded | cloistered | alienated | provincial | narrow | blinkered

insularity 词性/词形变化,insularity变形

副词: insularly |名词: insularism |

insularity 相似词语短语

1、angularity ─── n.有角;成角状;生硬

2、insulsity ─── 孤立性

3、peninsularity ─── n.半岛状态;地方观念;狭隘心理

4、annularity ─── n.环形状态,环状

5、insularise ─── 岛叶

6、insularism ─── n.岛国特性;胸襟狭窄

7、insularize ─── 孤立化

8、insularly ─── 孤立地;与世隔绝地

9、singularity ─── n.奇异;奇点;突出;稀有

insularity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Below the request of the financial group that believe friend, the Shou Fu inside level ground was bought come insular dockyard. ─── 在信友财团的请求下,坪内寿夫买下了来岛造船厂。

2、The analysis of pushing prop over in insular coal face with thin roof and soft floor ─── 孤岛式薄顶软底工作面推垮型冒顶分析

3、The 6 old series that select in equipment among 45 models, 18 cars are judged to be a cosset by gens of car of insular city love, cent lists every series to choose before 3 of the model fully. ─── 在备选的六大系列四十五款车型当中,有十八款车被岛城爱车一族评为宠儿,分列每个系列备选车型的前三名。

4、Rural populations can still be very insular and unwelcoming though. ─── 不过,生活在农村的人们可能还是比较狭隘,对文化的包容性也不强。”

5、However, it is a loss or insularity of aesthetics, if the reproduction is for the painter to become famous instead of admitting the value of their creativity. ─── 在中国,情况却不是这样,各个画种往往隔离得很开,壁垒森严,老死不相往来。

6、Qin Dynasty heart way anyway ugg short since comes to this insularity and prefer and in elaborate detect out also good for a meantime. ─── 秦朝心道,反正既然来了这岛国,不如详细地打听一下也好。

7、"Insularity and self-containment, it is argued, go hand in hand. " ─── 他们认为孤立和沉默密不可分。

8、Of 41 flaps,36 were insular neurovascular flaps,mainly based on proper artery. ─── 在41例皮瓣中,36例是主要以相应动脉为基础的手内神经血管岛状皮瓣。

9、"I wish you weren't so insular, darling," said Mrs. Sutcliffe ─── “亲爱的,我希望你不要抱这种与世隔绝的思想,”苏克利夫夫人说。

10、DESPITE their world-beating multinational companies and their export-led post-war economic miracle, the word "insular" might have been invented with the Japanese in mind. ─── 尽管有举世瞩目的跨国公司和出口引领的战后经济奇迹,在日本人心中“狭隘孤岛”这个词也许一直与其相伴而行。

11、Numerical analysis of the air-conditioning method in the multi-function theater with insular stage ─── 多功能厅岛型舞台采用喷口送风空调方式的数值分析

12、8 insularity of Pacific Area. ─── 太平洋地区的八个岛国。

13、"I wish you weren't so insular, darling," said Mrs. Sutcliffe. ─── “亲爱的,我希望你不要抱这种与世隔绝的思想,”苏克利夫夫人说。

14、MS.PATTERSON: Yes, I think the Insular Cases did discuss what various rights would attend the United States exercise of actual power of their objective degree or control. ─── 帕特森:是的,我认为在列岛案例已讨论到可能的多项权利,如果加美国依其目标的程度行使实际权力或控制。

15、Carvin and Swersky struck gold because they're part of the small cohanim group, which is itself a subset of an insular group, Jews. ─── 卡文和斯沃斯基算是撞上了金子,因为他们是极小的科恩群体的一部分,它本身就是隔离的犹太人的一支。

16、They are insular--and proud of it. ─── 他们保守,并对此感到自豪。

17、Having lived in one place all his life, his views are insular. ─── 他一辈子住在一个地方,所以思想狭隘。

18、Britain is one of the easiest countries to enter,, despite its insistence (often quoted as evidence of insularity) on maintaining border controls within the EU. ─── 尽管英国坚持在欧盟内保持国与国之间的边境控制(这一点常被引用,以证明英国人的狭隘封闭性),但英国仍是世界上最容易入境的国家之一。

19、an exceedingly insular man; so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist- Leonard Michaels. ─── 一个非常孤立的人;如此隐秘似乎不可能被小说家详细调查。

20、They also ealuated whether the functional connectiity of the piriform and insular cortex differed between patients and controls; ─── 他们还评估了病人和对照之间,梨状叶和岛叶皮质在功能上的联系有无差别。

21、But not as hard as getting the profession to eschew its natural insularity. ─── 但是,再难也没有让这个职业科避开其自然的偏狭那样难。

22、A continental climate is different from an insular one. ─── 大陆性气候不同于岛屿气候。

23、Boao Village Golf Club is an important part of Boao's comprehensive international resort development programme, the only insular Lynx style golf course in Asia. ─── 博鳌高尔夫乡村俱乐部是博鳌大型综合性国际旅游度假开发区的重点项目。亚洲唯一的全岛型林克斯风格的高尔夫球场.

24、ISSR analysis of genetic diversity of Ilex integra, an insular endemic plant ─── 岛屿特有种全缘冬青遗传多样性的ISSR分析

25、Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs ─── 内政和岛屿事务委员会

26、But at least they have started to break out of their old insularity. ─── 但他们至少已经开始打破以前的保守状态了。

27、But China's insular financial system has also kept it underdeveloped. ─── 但是,中国金融系统的封闭性也导致它不够发达。

28、But Ahamed -- a hedge fund adviser, a World Bank veteran and a supple writer -- personalizes the story, exploring how insular relationships led to bad choices. ─── 但是Ahamed------一个对冲基金顾问,资深世行雇员和敏锐的作者-----用生动的故事揭示了孤岛效应导致的错误选择。

29、992. Insularity and self-containment, it is argued, go hand in hand. ─── 他们争论说,心胸狭窄和自我封闭是并存的。

30、Later research showed that mirror neurons are located in other parts of the human brain, such as the cingulate and insular cortices, and that they may play a role in empathetic emotional responses. ─── 后来的研究指出,人脑其他区域,像是扣带皮质与脑岛也有镜像神经元,而且这些神经元可能在同理心的情绪反应上扮演一角。

31、Conservatives will not be able to understand the elusive nature of Obamaism and counter its formidable appeal until they remove the impediment of their own insular, rigid ideology. ─── 在消除自身孤立、死板的意识形态之前,保守主义者们无法理解奥巴马主义的逃避本质,也无法反击他那令人畏惧的诉求。

32、Due to their ethnic consciousness and insularity, about half of the Japanese people do not want to live together with refugees. ─── 日本国内大约半数国民不愿意接收移民与难民,这反映了日本作为岛国的民族特征。

33、They are insular rather than embracing. ─── 他们实际上更狭隘一些,而不是更团结。

34、Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs; ─── 岛屿和国际事务小组委员会;

35、With the clew of ichthyofauna composition, it was considered that there was no aboriginal species as well as endemic species evolved in this insular system. ─── 以湿地鱼类区系组成为线索,认为在湿地内无土著种,更未形成狭域分布的特有种。

36、At times when we would like to retreat by giving up preconceptions , insularity , and existing assets , we end up to advance a lot further . ─── 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘,和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多。

37、"How insular and pathetically solitary," Emmerson confided to his journal, "are all the people we know." ─── 埃默森在日记里写道:“我们认识的那些人,多么偏狭、多么孤芳自赏呵!”

38、When you set out from this lychee campus, please check that you have left behind arrogance, insularity and slothfulness. ─── 当你离开这个荔枝校园,请检查您留下傲慢,偏狭和slothfulness。

39、Some of the small islets were supplied by the efferent vessels of the adjacent large islets, and the vessels connecting the large and small islets were called insulo insular portal vessels. ─── 少数小胰岛无小叶内动脉分支直接供应,而由附近较大胰岛的输出血管供给,这种连接大、小胰岛之间的血管称为胰岛-胰岛门脉血管。

40、Glocalization is anevolution based on different kinds of global marketing strategies and it shows thatglobal marketing had walked out of insularity into rationalization. ─── 全球本土化营销是对全球营销理论的一种进化,它标志着国际营销从此走出偏狭而步入理性时代。

41、The insular cortex, or insula, is a region deep within the brain that filters information about the body's physiological states and needs. ─── 一项动物实验结果证实,对药物的上瘾可以通过关闭大脑的一个关键区域得到控制,这将有助于治疗成瘾疾病。

42、The Influence of Insular Geographical Isolation on Population Genetic Structure of Machilus thunbergii ─── 岛屿地理隔离对红楠种群遗传结构的影响

43、Internal candidates are insular and inexperienced,external ones are overburdened with expectations and don't know theropes. What's the best way to replace a CIO? Two words: Think ahead. ─── 内部候选人经验不足,外部期望甚高和不知内情。最佳方法是什么:相信未来。

44、Fame doesn't have to be so insular, some say. ─── 也有人说名声不一定意味过与外界隔绝的生活。

45、India, similar in population but poorer and economically more insular, is chiefly notable to investors and trading partners for its software and business services. ─── 印度人口与中国相当,但比中国贫穷,经济上也更为保守。对投资者和贸易伙伴来说,印度令人瞩目的主要是软件业和商业服务业。

46、Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs ─── 岛屿和国际事务小组委员会

47、Keywords religion;insularity;positive role;negative role; ─── 宗教;狭隘性;积极作用;消极作用;

48、Keywords insular lobe;body surface location;magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 关键词岛叶;体表定位;磁共振成像;

49、One is good at enjoying his woman, turn oneself home into white world, spotless is insular. ─── 一个善于欣赏自己的女子,把自己的家变成雪白的世界,一尘不染与世隔绝。

50、29. The persecuted young woman had but to beckon a finger and Soapy would be practically en route for his insular haven. ─── 受人轻薄的年轻女人只需将手一招,就等于已经上路去岛上的安乐窝了。

51、Kellerman starts with seven categories into which most bad leaders can be slotted: incompetent, rigid, intemperate, callous, corrupt, insular and evil. ─── 凯勒曼在开篇写了多数不佳领导人会被归入的七种类别:不胜任、板、纵、情、败、想狭隘和邪恶。

52、As for the insular, parochial Japanese, is there really not something that we Chinese can learn from them apart from their despicable quality and perception? ─── 也许这就是泱泱大陆中国人的性格,宽容、从容、坦然、懒散等等,但是狭小岛国的日本人的性格和意识我们除了骂,没有值得学习的吗?

53、Insular type work station is set in the intermediate position of the kitchen, be united in wedlock the stage serves as temporarily repast area. ─── 在厨房的中间位置设岛式操作台一个,并结合吧台作为临时就餐区。

54、The right anterior insular cortex ─── 岛叶皮质

55、Their approaches to last Saturday night's 100 m races were similar only in this insularity ─── 他们上周六晚100米赛跑的备战策略大体相同。

56、He became insular, emotionally dead, passionless and morose. ─── 他变得孤僻,心灰意冷,郁郁寡欢。

57、Not, as you might expect, his economy with the truth but, says Kellerman, the insularity that prevented him from taking action to stop the Rwandan genocide. ─── 你以为是他不尽不实?不是,凯勒曼说,而是妨碍他采取行动制止卢旺达种族灭绝的狭隘思想。

58、Though ethnic minorities make up less than 10% of the resident population, Britain is one of the easiest countries to enter, despite its insistence (often quoted as evidence of insularity) on maintaining border controls within the EU. ─── 尽管少数民族占总居住人口不到10%,不论作为欧盟的一员,它如何严守边防(这常常被引申为岛国排外的证据),英国都是最方便入境的国家之一。

59、Keywords insular lobe;heart rate variability;sympathetic nerve; ─── 岛叶;心率变异性;交感神经;

60、"He is an exceedingly insular man, so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist" (Leonard Michaels) ─── “他是一个很孤僻的人,他如此孤僻,连小说家都似乎不能仔细地观察他”(伦纳德·迈克尔斯)

61、China, like the U.S., is a continent-sized country that is relatively insular. ─── 与美国一样,中国也是一个幅员辽阔的国家,相对不容易受到外界影响。

62、Huston has presided over a remarkable about-face at P&G, a company whose corporate culture was once so insular it became known as “the Kremlin on the Ohio. ─── 哈斯顿正在负责对宝洁进行一场引人注目的大转变,这家公司的企业文化曾如此孤立,以“俄亥俄的克里姆林宫”而闻名。

63、Gone is the intellectual insularity of the discipline, and gone is the splendid isolation of social anthropology as well, as a small subject professing access to arcane forms of secret knowledge. ─── 去学科的智力偏狭性,并且去社会人类学的精采隔离,作为一个小主题公开宣称对秘密知识的神秘形式的通入。

64、As two great countries with ancient civilization, neither China nor Egypt is insular and inaccessible. ─── 作为世界两大文明古国,中国和埃及都不是孤立和闭塞的。

65、This same risk aversion translates into protectionism and insularity. ─── 同样对风险的规避演变成了贸易保护主义和岛国劣根性。

66、To avoid making the experience too insular, Kellogg brings in students from partner schools in Hong Kong, Israel, Germany, Toronto, and the Latin America program in Miami. ─── 为避免学习经验太单一(这里是直译,你的意译也可),凯洛格管理学院邀请来自香港、以色列、德国、多伦多合作院校的学生,也引进了迈阿密的拉丁美课程。

67、Insularity meant that Spanish colonial rule survived far longer there; ─── 与世隔绝意味着漫长的西班牙殖民统治;

68、The insular cortex, also known as the insula, lies deep inside the brain. ─── 岛叶皮层亦称为脑岛,它位于大脑内部深处。

69、"How insular and pathetically solitary," Emmerson confided to his journal,"are all the people we know." ─── 埃默森在日记里写道:“我们认识的那些人,多么偏狭、多么孤芳自赏呵

70、an exceedingly insular man; so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist- Leonard Michaels ─── 一个非常孤立的人;如此隐秘似乎不可能被小说家详细调查

71、One value even of the smallest well is, that when you look into it you see that earth is not continent but insular. ─── 便是最小的井也有这一点值得推荐,当你窥望井底的时候,你发现大地并不是连绵的大陆;而是隔绝的孤岛。

72、The force is a justice.Wait Japan strong will start out the force strong line to capture to go fishing insular of. ─── 强权即是公理.等日本强大了会出动武力强行占领钓鱼岛的.

73、These regional rankings might also break down the insularity that has long been a mark of Latin American academia. ─── 类似的区域排名,也可能打破一直成为拉美学术界桎梏的典型观念。

74、Keywords Insular musculocutaneous flap;Defect;Restoration; ─── 岛状肌皮瓣;缺损;修复;

75、In light of the constitutional demand for equal protection, state shall grant them, "discrete and insular minorities", more protection. ─── 基于平等保障之宪法要求,国家应该对构成分散且隔离少数之结构性弱势的她们给予特别关照。

76、But then, the English themselves are somewhat insular in their literary appraisals. ─── 但反过来说,英国人自己在其文学鉴赏中也显得有些狭隘愚陋。

77、He was dismissive of recent remarks from the Swedish Academy that American writing is insular and ignorant. ─── 对于最近瑞典皇家学院贬抑美国作品偏狭无知的评论,格拉斯表示不屑。

78、In southern Fujian, the Hakka settled in the mountains and created insular homesteads like the covered-wagon circles of America’s pioneers, with rooms facing an open-air common space. ─── 客家人逐渐在福建南部的山区里定居,同时建造了一个个保守孤立的家园,就像美国拓荒者居住的、围成一圈的有盖面包马车一样,房间的方向都是朝着中间的开阔空地的。

79、Recruiters are looking for evidence in job applications that graduates can overcome such institutional insularity . ─── 招聘公司在求职申请中寻找证据,证明毕业生能够克服这些制度方面的狭隘。

80、Research on Stability of Gob-Side Entry with Small Coal Pillar on Insular Face ─── 孤岛面小煤柱沿空巷道稳定性研究

81、The brewery's daily operation will continue during the exhibition run, and its space will be utilized as a real place rather than an insular exhibition zone. ─── 展览期间,啤酒厂日常运作依然会正常进行,作品掺杂其中,形成有趣的、活生生的有机整合,使展场成为真实的空间,而不只是被孤立出来的展区。

82、One value even of the smallest well is, that when you look into it you see that earth is not continent but insular. ─── 即便是最小的井也有一样价值,当你冲井里望你会明白地球不是大陆而是一个岛屿。

83、All this has thrown an uncomfortable spotlight on the insular and opaque JSA. ─── 如此种种,让人们都把目光聚焦到了素来固执偏狭且缺乏透明的日本相扑协会身上。

84、He is an exceedingly insular man,so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist(Leonard Michaels) ─── 他是一个很孤僻的人,他如此孤僻,连小说家都似乎不能仔细地观察他(伦纳德·迈克尔斯)

85、But firms are growing increasingly disenchanted because the process is slow and insular. ─── 但是公司越来越不满意,因为这一过程又慢又封闭。

86、He tries to reach you and is everlastingly failing because he maintains his insularity. ─── 他努力够到你,但永远都会失败,因为他保持着他的孤立。

87、In the twenties and thirties a number of poets extracted themselves from what had been a dominant insular form of romanticism. ─── 在二十年代和三十年代,一些诗人从曾经处于支配地位的浪漫主义的孤岛形式下摆脱出来。

88、2016 May, world war III be over two anniversary, world privately owned more than 20 insularity disappear. ─── 2016年5月,第三次世界大战结束两周年,全球己有二十多个岛国消失.

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