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09-13 投稿



ichor 发音

英:['aɪkɔː]  美:['aɪkɔr]

英:  美:

ichor 中文意思翻译



ichor 短语词组

1、granitic ichor ─── 花岗质冰碛

ichor 词性/词形变化,ichor变形

形容词: ichorous |

ichor 相似词语短语

1、anchor ─── n.锚;抛锚停泊;靠山;新闻节目主播;vt.抛锚;使固定;主持节目;vi.抛锚;adj.末棒的;最后一棒的

2、dichord ─── 二分法

3、bichord ─── 比丘德

4、ichorous ─── 尖刻的

5、isochor ─── [物]等容线

6、trichord ─── n.三弦琴;三弦乐器;adj.三弦的

7、ichors ─── n.脓水;(希腊)灵液

8、dichords ─── 二分法

9、ichno- ─── 坎特伯雷大学

ichor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The engorged insect burst with a sickening pop, spraying its killer with ichor and liquid kobold. ─── 膨胀的虫子突然发出一声令人作呕的爆裂,向它的凶手喷出一滩浓水以及小狗头人的汁液。

2、The foot has frozen " sodden " , ichor sticks the flesh on the foot and sock in together, wash a foot to take off a sock to should have been taken off a long time every time. ─── 脚已经冻“烂”了,脓水把脚上的肉与袜子粘在了一起,每次洗脚脱袜子都要脱好半天。有一次,脱了很长时间也没脱下来,一气之下干脆连袜子一块塞脚盆里了。

3、Killing them at close range will of course result in acid splashback, and they will burn the environment with their ichor as well. ─── 在近距离内消灭它们会被强酸血液伤到,这些血液也会破坏周围的环境。

4、The engorged insect burst with a sickening pop, spraying its killer with ichor and liquid kobold. ─── 膨胀的虫子突然发出一声令人作呕的爆裂,向它的凶手喷出一滩浓水以及小狗头人的汁液。

5、Defeat Ichoron in the Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any Ichor Globules to merge. ─── 在没有任何水泡形成的情况下,击败紫罗兰监狱的艾库隆(英雄难度)。

6、Why the cut after art is long do not cicatrization, and the ichor that return dip? What treats way? ─── 为什么术后伤口久不愈合,而且还浸脓水?有什么治疗办法?。

7、Red-skinned demons are belching ichor. ─── 红皮恶魔喷著脓水。

8、of or resembling or characterized by ichor or sanies ─── 属于浓水、浓液,类似浓水、浓液或有浓水、浓液特征

9、My left ear aches a lot; and also ichor flows out of there. ─── 我左耳很疼,而且还有脓水往外流。

10、Why the cut after art is long do not cicatrization, and the ichor that return dip? What treats way? ─── 为什么术后伤口久不愈合,而且还浸脓水?有什么治疗办法?

11、of or resembling or characterized by ichor or sanies. ─── 属于浓水、浓液,类似浓水、浓液或有浓水、浓液特征。

12、There are people in this world for whom the word "esoteric" seems to act as a divine ichor. ─── 对于这个世界上的某些人,“深奥”这个词似乎具有一种灵丹妙药的功效,正像《魔山》中裴波尔克伦先生对“安居”的反应。

13、(Defeat Ichoron in the Violet Hold onHeroic Difficulty without allowing any Ichor Globules to merge. ─── -在没有任何水泡形成的情况下,击败紫罗兰监狱的艾库隆(英雄难度)。

14、Killing them at close range will of course result in acid splashback, and they will burn the environment with their ichor as well. ─── 在近距离内消灭它们会被强酸血液伤到,这些血液也会破坏周围的环境。

15、My left ear aches a lot; and also ichor flows out of there. ─── 顾客:我左耳很疼,而且还有脓水往外流。

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