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09-16 投稿



incongruously 发音

英:[ɪnˈkɑːŋɡruəsli]  美:[ɪnˈkɒŋɡruəsli]

英:  美:

incongruously 中文意思翻译



incongruously 反义词


incongruously 同义词

inconsistent | contradictory | aberrant | out of place | odd | inappropriate | discrepant | bizarre |incompatible | antagonistic | incoherent | inharmonious | absurd | unsuitable | strange

incongruously 词性/词形变化,incongruously变形

副词: incongruously |名词: incongruousness |

incongruously 相似词语短语

1、incongruity ─── n.不协调;不一致;不适宜

2、congruously ─── adv.适合地;一致地

3、incongruently ─── 不一致

4、inconspicuously ─── adv.难以觉察地;不显著地

5、incontiguously ─── 不连贯地

6、congruous ─── adj.一致的;适合的;协调的

7、incongruousness ─── 不协调

8、incestuously ─── 乱伦地;犯乱伦罪地

9、incongruous ─── adj.不协调的;不一致的;不和谐的

incongruously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、names had crept incongruously among the scriptural and classical references. ─── 有些印第安名称很不协调地掺杂在经文和典故中。

2、In the shorter term, the bank needs to worry about a possible backlash against its incongruously generous pay policies. ─── 在更短的时间内,高盛必须担心不合理的慷慨付款政策可能带来的反冲。

3、A couple of hours outside Pekanbaru, two gleaming new palaces stand incongruously in the middle of nowhere. ─── 离北干巴鲁几个小时远,有个前不着村后不着店的地方,两幢闪闪放光的新宫不和谐地矗立在那里。

4、And she did step a very short step closer, with her pencil poised incongruously over her pad, and repeated the formula:"...don't serve Negroes here. ─── 她也确实迈进非常小的一步,她的铅笔怪模怪样地举在小本子上面,嘴里重复着那个公式:“......这儿不招待黑人。”

5、There was still a set of those fascinating volumes on the living-room bookshelves, incongruously kept upright by a bookend of Beethoven at his piano. ─── 客厅的书架上现在还放着这么一套有意思的书,不协调的是,让这套书立得直直的是一个贝多芬弹琴模型的书档。

6、Along the way we passed that famous balcony (now, rather incongruously, above a Marks & Spencer store). ─── 一路上我们走过那个著名的阳台,楼下现在是玛莎百货的铺面,显得不那么协调。

7、The place is still known, now incongruously, as Fish Farm Village. ─── 这个地方仍叫做渔民村(现在已名不副实)。

8、incongruously dressed ─── 穿着不协调

9、Incongruously, the trees had already been planted by late February, a necessity if they're going to grow leaves in the springtime. ─── 今年二月底种下的园区树木显得与此有些不够协调,提早种树是为了春季时它们能长出叶子。

10、his shirttails stuck out from his tuxedo pants somewhat incongruously. ─── 他的衬衫的下摆从他的无尾晚礼服的裤腰里翘出来了,看起来有点不协调。

11、Charley watched him, the incongruously undamaged glasses and undamaged face. ─── 查利看着他,完好无损的眼镜带在面目全非的脸上,极其地不协调。

12、Needless to say, the sight of this incongruously attired trio walking at such a time and in such a place attracted a certain amount of attention ─── 在这地点,这时间,又加以是服装不相调和的三个青年,不用说,就有点惹人注目。

13、In the shorter term, the bank needs to worry about a possible backlash against its incongruously generous pay policies. ─── 在更短的时间内,高盛必须担心不合理的慷慨付款政策可能带来的反冲。

14、A bit incongruously, Mr Feikema's wrinkled visage is the face of the future. ─── 一点不太协调的是,Feikema先生的一脸皱纹写满的却是美国的未来。

15、Incongruously, I felt as if I had betrayed him, though I did take some small consolation in the fact that I knew where he was; ─── 矛盾的是,尽管我因为知道他在哪而稍稍心安,但是我觉得自己背叛了他;

16、A good first stop is Dragonfly, arguably Jakarta's most beautiful club lounge, incongruously located in a drab, obscure building. ─── 推荐的第一站是“蜻蜓酒吧”(Dragonfly),据说是雅加达最美丽的休闲俱乐部,却很不协调地坐落在一栋不起眼的黄褐色建筑物内。

17、Along an incongruously wide, modern superhighway linking Ohda with the nearest train station, the only signs of economic activity are abandoned construction sites. ─── 连接大田市与最近火车站的是一条与小镇很不协调的现代化高速路,在这条路上,唯一经济活动的标记是废弃的建筑工地。

18、quiets as the landscape shifts, from dramatic rock piles that converge incongruously to the Naukluft Mountains, a sort of highway toward the dunes. ─── 风景不断地变化,从惹人注目的参差不齐地聚在一起的石堆到挪克鲁夫特山脉,这条通往沙漠的公路静了下来。

19、He was an adapt in the irony of incongruously grouping ─── 他精通于冷嘲各种不协调的人物。

20、this last line so incongruously good on the heels of its outrageous precursor the teacher sensed a familiar ring. ─── 最后一行与前面数行拙劣的诗句相比,显得鹤立鸡群,老师有一种似曾相识感。

21、The hotel and its large swimming pool, flanked by towering water-chutes, stand out incongruously against the natural backdrop. ─── 宾馆和它大大的游泳池,游泳池边还有高高的滑水槽,与自然背景极不协调。

22、" His knuckles are white, incongruously so against his tanned skin. ─── “他的关节发白,指节处绷得紧紧的。

23、Jack watched him, the incongruously undamaged glasses and undamaged face. ─── 杰克看着他,完好无损的眼镜带在面目全非的脸上,极其地不协调。

24、Now, incongruously, ridiculously, she found herself longing for a cheese sandwich ─── 令人奇怪的是,此时此刻她却不合时宜地渴望吃上一块奶酪三明治。

25、A bit incongruously, Mr Feikema's wrinkled visage is the face of the future. ─── 虽然看起来有点不协调,但Feikema那充满皱纹的脸代表了未来。

26、So you're going to find fewer books presenting themselves as no-nonsense, mass market narrative and more assuming literary pretensions and being packages, however incongruously, as works of art. ─── 所以你会发现,针对大众市场的叙事读物呈现在读者面前的书会越来越少,而自我标榜有文学价值,哪怕再不协调也要把自己包装成艺术作品的书会越来越多。

27、Some Chinese men keep all of their fingernails long, but the incongruously long pinky nail is rather more common. ─── 有些中国男人各个指头上都留着长指甲,但在小指头上留着别扭的长指甲则更是普遍。

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